/** @file PlatformInitLib header file. Copyright (c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #ifndef PLATFORM_INIT_LIB_H_ #define PLATFORM_INIT_LIB_H_ #include #pragma pack(1) typedef struct { EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE GuidHeader; UINT16 HostBridgeDevId; UINT64 PcdConfidentialComputingGuestAttr; BOOLEAN SevEsIsEnabled; UINT32 BootMode; BOOLEAN S3Supported; BOOLEAN SmmSmramRequire; BOOLEAN Q35SmramAtDefaultSmbase; UINT16 Q35TsegMbytes; UINT32 LowMemory; UINT64 FirstNonAddress; UINT8 PhysMemAddressWidth; UINT32 Uc32Base; UINT32 Uc32Size; BOOLEAN PcdSetNxForStack; UINT64 PcdTdxSharedBitMask; UINT64 PcdPciMmio64Base; UINT64 PcdPciMmio64Size; UINT32 PcdPciMmio32Base; UINT32 PcdPciMmio32Size; UINT64 PcdPciIoBase; UINT64 PcdPciIoSize; UINT64 PcdEmuVariableNvStoreReserved; UINT32 PcdCpuBootLogicalProcessorNumber; UINT32 PcdCpuMaxLogicalProcessorNumber; UINT32 DefaultMaxCpuNumber; UINT32 S3AcpiReservedMemoryBase; UINT32 S3AcpiReservedMemorySize; UINT64 FeatureControlValue; BOOLEAN QemuFwCfgChecked; BOOLEAN QemuFwCfgSupported; BOOLEAN QemuFwCfgDmaSupported; } EFI_HOB_PLATFORM_INFO; #pragma pack() /** Reads 8-bits of CMOS data. Reads the 8-bits of CMOS data at the location specified by Index. The 8-bit read value is returned. @param Index The CMOS location to read. @return The value read. **/ UINT8 EFIAPI PlatformCmosRead8 ( IN UINTN Index ); /** Writes 8-bits of CMOS data. Writes 8-bits of CMOS data to the location specified by Index with the value specified by Value and returns Value. @param Index The CMOS location to write. @param Value The value to write to CMOS. @return The value written to CMOS. **/ UINT8 EFIAPI PlatformCmosWrite8 ( IN UINTN Index, IN UINT8 Value ); /** Dump the CMOS content */ VOID EFIAPI PlatformDebugDumpCmos ( VOID ); VOID EFIAPI PlatformAddIoMemoryBaseSizeHob ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MemoryBase, IN UINT64 MemorySize ); VOID EFIAPI PlatformAddIoMemoryRangeHob ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MemoryBase, IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MemoryLimit ); VOID EFIAPI PlatformAddMemoryBaseSizeHob ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MemoryBase, IN UINT64 MemorySize ); VOID EFIAPI PlatformAddMemoryRangeHob ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MemoryBase, IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MemoryLimit ); VOID EFIAPI PlatformAddReservedMemoryBaseSizeHob ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MemoryBase, IN UINT64 MemorySize, IN BOOLEAN Cacheable ); VOID EFIAPI PlatformQemuUc32BaseInitialization ( IN OUT EFI_HOB_PLATFORM_INFO *PlatformInfoHob ); VOID EFIAPI PlatformGetSystemMemorySizeBelow4gb ( IN EFI_HOB_PLATFORM_INFO *PlatformInfoHob ); /** Initialize the PhysMemAddressWidth field in PlatformInfoHob based on guest RAM size. **/ VOID EFIAPI PlatformAddressWidthInitialization ( IN OUT EFI_HOB_PLATFORM_INFO *PlatformInfoHob ); /** Peform Memory Detection for QEMU / KVM **/ VOID EFIAPI PlatformQemuInitializeRam ( IN EFI_HOB_PLATFORM_INFO *PlatformInfoHob ); VOID EFIAPI PlatformQemuInitializeRamForS3 ( IN EFI_HOB_PLATFORM_INFO *PlatformInfoHob ); VOID EFIAPI PlatformMemMapInitialization ( IN OUT EFI_HOB_PLATFORM_INFO *PlatformInfoHob ); /** * Fetch "opt/ovmf/PcdSetNxForStack" from QEMU * * @param Setting The pointer to the setting of "/opt/ovmf/PcdSetNxForStack". * @return EFI_SUCCESS Successfully fetch the settings. */ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI PlatformNoexecDxeInitialization ( IN OUT EFI_HOB_PLATFORM_INFO *PlatformInfoHob ); VOID EFIAPI PlatformMiscInitialization ( IN EFI_HOB_PLATFORM_INFO *PlatformInfoHob ); /** Fetch the boot CPU count and the possible CPU count from QEMU, and expose them to UefiCpuPkg modules. **/ VOID EFIAPI PlatformMaxCpuCountInitialization ( IN OUT EFI_HOB_PLATFORM_INFO *PlatformInfoHob ); /** In Tdx guest, the system memory is passed in TdHob by host VMM. So the major task of PlatformTdxPublishRamRegions is to walk thru the TdHob list and transfer the ResourceDescriptorHob and MemoryAllocationHob to the hobs in DXE phase. MemoryAllocationHob should also be created for Mailbox and Ovmf work area. **/ VOID EFIAPI PlatformTdxPublishRamRegions ( VOID ); /** Check the integrity of NvVarStore. @param[in] NvVarStoreBase - A pointer to NvVarStore header @param[in] NvVarStoreSize - NvVarStore size @retval TRUE - The NvVarStore is valid. @retval FALSE - The NvVarStore is invalid. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI PlatformValidateNvVarStore ( IN UINT8 *NvVarStoreBase, IN UINT32 NvVarStoreSize ); /** Allocate storage for NV variables early on so it will be at a consistent address. Since VM memory is preserved across reboots, this allows the NV variable storage to survive a VM reboot. * * @retval VOID* The pointer to the storage for NV Variables */ VOID * EFIAPI PlatformReserveEmuVariableNvStore ( VOID ); /** When OVMF is lauched with -bios parameter, UEFI variables will be partially emulated, and non-volatile variables may lose their contents after a reboot. This makes the secure boot feature not working. This function is used to initialize the EmuVariableNvStore with the conent in PcdOvmfFlashNvStorageVariableBase. @param[in] EmuVariableNvStore - A pointer to EmuVariableNvStore @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Successfully init the EmuVariableNvStore @retval Others - As the error code indicates */ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI PlatformInitEmuVariableNvStore ( IN VOID *EmuVariableNvStore ); #endif // PLATFORM_INIT_LIB_H_