/** @file Entry and initialization module for the browser. Copyright (c) 2007 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "Setup.h" SETUP_DRIVER_PRIVATE_DATA mPrivateData = { SETUP_DRIVER_SIGNATURE, NULL, { SendForm, BrowserCallback }, { SetScope, RegisterHotKey, RegiserExitHandler, SaveReminder }, { BROWSER_EXTENSION2_VERSION_1, SetScope, RegisterHotKey, RegiserExitHandler, IsBrowserDataModified, ExecuteAction, } }; EFI_HII_DATABASE_PROTOCOL *mHiiDatabase; EFI_HII_CONFIG_ROUTING_PROTOCOL *mHiiConfigRouting; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_FROM_TEXT_PROTOCOL *mPathFromText; EDKII_FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_PROTOCOL *mFormDisplay; UINTN gBrowserContextCount = 0; LIST_ENTRY gBrowserContextList = INITIALIZE_LIST_HEAD_VARIABLE (gBrowserContextList); LIST_ENTRY gBrowserFormSetList = INITIALIZE_LIST_HEAD_VARIABLE (gBrowserFormSetList); LIST_ENTRY gBrowserHotKeyList = INITIALIZE_LIST_HEAD_VARIABLE (gBrowserHotKeyList); LIST_ENTRY gBrowserStorageList = INITIALIZE_LIST_HEAD_VARIABLE (gBrowserStorageList); BOOLEAN gFinishRetrieveCall; BOOLEAN gResetRequired; BOOLEAN gExitRequired; BROWSER_SETTING_SCOPE gBrowserSettingScope = FormSetLevel; BOOLEAN mBrowserScopeFirstSet = TRUE; EXIT_HANDLER ExitHandlerFunction = NULL; FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *mSystemLevelFormSet; // // Browser Global Strings // CHAR16 *gEmptyString; CHAR16 *mUnknownString = L"!"; EFI_GUID gZeroGuid = {0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; extern UINT32 gBrowserStatus; extern CHAR16 *gErrorInfo; extern EFI_GUID mCurrentFormSetGuid; extern EFI_HII_HANDLE mCurrentHiiHandle; extern UINT16 mCurrentFormId; extern FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_FORM gDisplayFormData; /** Create a menu with specified formset GUID and form ID, and add it as a child of the given parent menu. @param HiiHandle Hii handle related to this formset. @param FormSetGuid The Formset Guid of menu to be added. @param FormId The Form ID of menu to be added. @param QuestionId The question id of this menu to be added. @return A pointer to the newly added menu or NULL if memory is insufficient. **/ FORM_ENTRY_INFO * UiAddMenuList ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle, IN EFI_GUID *FormSetGuid, IN UINT16 FormId, IN UINT16 QuestionId ) { FORM_ENTRY_INFO *MenuList; MenuList = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (FORM_ENTRY_INFO)); if (MenuList == NULL) { return NULL; } MenuList->Signature = FORM_ENTRY_INFO_SIGNATURE; MenuList->HiiHandle = HiiHandle; CopyMem (&MenuList->FormSetGuid, FormSetGuid, sizeof (EFI_GUID)); MenuList->FormId = FormId; MenuList->QuestionId = QuestionId; // // If parent is not specified, it is the root Form of a Formset // InsertTailList (&mPrivateData.FormBrowserEx2.FormViewHistoryHead, &MenuList->Link); return MenuList; } /** Return the form id for the input hiihandle and formset. @param HiiHandle HiiHandle for FormSet. @param FormSetGuid The Formset GUID of the menu to search. @return First form's id for this form set. **/ EFI_FORM_ID GetFirstFormId ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle, IN EFI_GUID *FormSetGuid ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form; Link = GetFirstNode (&gCurrentSelection->FormSet->FormListHead); Form = FORM_BROWSER_FORM_FROM_LINK (Link); return Form->FormId; } /** Search Menu with given FormSetGuid and FormId in all cached menu list. @param HiiHandle HiiHandle for FormSet. @param FormSetGuid The Formset GUID of the menu to search. @param FormId The Form ID of menu to search. @return A pointer to menu found or NULL if not found. **/ FORM_ENTRY_INFO * UiFindMenuList ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle, IN EFI_GUID *FormSetGuid, IN UINT16 FormId ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORM_ENTRY_INFO *MenuList; FORM_ENTRY_INFO *RetMenu; EFI_FORM_ID FirstFormId; RetMenu = NULL; Link = GetFirstNode (&mPrivateData.FormBrowserEx2.FormViewHistoryHead); while (!IsNull (&mPrivateData.FormBrowserEx2.FormViewHistoryHead, Link)) { MenuList = FORM_ENTRY_INFO_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&mPrivateData.FormBrowserEx2.FormViewHistoryHead, Link); // // If already find the menu, free the menus behind it. // if (RetMenu != NULL) { RemoveEntryList (&MenuList->Link); FreePool (MenuList); continue; } // // Find the same FromSet. // if (MenuList->HiiHandle == HiiHandle) { if (CompareGuid (&MenuList->FormSetGuid, &gZeroGuid)) { // // FormSetGuid is not specified. // RetMenu = MenuList; } else if (CompareGuid (&MenuList->FormSetGuid, FormSetGuid)) { if (MenuList->FormId == FormId) { RetMenu = MenuList; } else if (FormId == 0 || MenuList->FormId == 0 ) { FirstFormId = GetFirstFormId (HiiHandle, FormSetGuid); if ((FormId == 0 && FirstFormId == MenuList->FormId) || (MenuList->FormId ==0 && FirstFormId == FormId)) { RetMenu = MenuList; } } } } } return RetMenu; } /** Find parent menu for current menu. @param CurrentMenu Current Menu @retval The parent menu for current menu. **/ FORM_ENTRY_INFO * UiFindParentMenu ( IN FORM_ENTRY_INFO *CurrentMenu ) { FORM_ENTRY_INFO *ParentMenu; ParentMenu = NULL; if (CurrentMenu->Link.BackLink != &mPrivateData.FormBrowserEx2.FormViewHistoryHead) { ParentMenu = FORM_ENTRY_INFO_FROM_LINK (CurrentMenu->Link.BackLink); } return ParentMenu; } /** Free Menu list linked list. @param MenuListHead One Menu list point in the menu list. **/ VOID UiFreeMenuList ( LIST_ENTRY *MenuListHead ) { FORM_ENTRY_INFO *MenuList; while (!IsListEmpty (MenuListHead)) { MenuList = FORM_ENTRY_INFO_FROM_LINK (MenuListHead->ForwardLink); RemoveEntryList (&MenuList->Link); FreePool (MenuList); } } /** Load all hii formset to the browser. **/ VOID LoadAllHiiFormset ( VOID ) { FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *LocalFormSet; EFI_HII_HANDLE *HiiHandles; UINTN Index; EFI_GUID ZeroGuid; EFI_STATUS Status; FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *OldFormset; BOOLEAN OldRetrieveValue; OldFormset = mSystemLevelFormSet; OldRetrieveValue = gFinishRetrieveCall; gFinishRetrieveCall = FALSE; // // Get all the Hii handles // HiiHandles = HiiGetHiiHandles (NULL); ASSERT (HiiHandles != NULL); // // Search for formset of each class type // for (Index = 0; HiiHandles[Index] != NULL; Index++) { // // Check HiiHandles[Index] does exist in global maintain list. // if (GetFormSetFromHiiHandle (HiiHandles[Index]) != NULL) { continue; } // // Initilize FormSet Setting // LocalFormSet = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET)); ASSERT (LocalFormSet != NULL); mSystemLevelFormSet = LocalFormSet; ZeroMem (&ZeroGuid, sizeof (ZeroGuid)); Status = InitializeFormSet (HiiHandles[Index], &ZeroGuid, LocalFormSet); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || IsListEmpty (&LocalFormSet->FormListHead)) { DestroyFormSet (LocalFormSet); continue; } InitializeCurrentSetting (LocalFormSet); // // Initilize Questions' Value // Status = LoadFormSetConfig (NULL, LocalFormSet); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DestroyFormSet (LocalFormSet); continue; } } // // Free resources, and restore gOldFormSet and gClassOfVfr // FreePool (HiiHandles); gFinishRetrieveCall = OldRetrieveValue; mSystemLevelFormSet = OldFormset; } /** This is the routine which an external caller uses to direct the browser where to obtain it's information. @param This The Form Browser protocol instanse. @param Handles A pointer to an array of Handles. If HandleCount > 1 we display a list of the formsets for the handles specified. @param HandleCount The number of Handles specified in Handle. @param FormSetGuid This field points to the EFI_GUID which must match the Guid field in the EFI_IFR_FORM_SET op-code for the specified forms-based package. If FormSetGuid is NULL, then this function will display the first found forms package. @param FormId This field specifies which EFI_IFR_FORM to render as the first displayable page. If this field has a value of 0x0000, then the forms browser will render the specified forms in their encoded order. @param ScreenDimensions Points to recommended form dimensions, including any non-content area, in characters. @param ActionRequest Points to the action recommended by the form. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters has an invalid value. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No valid forms could be found to display. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI SendForm ( IN CONST EFI_FORM_BROWSER2_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_HII_HANDLE *Handles, IN UINTN HandleCount, IN EFI_GUID *FormSetGuid, OPTIONAL IN UINT16 FormId, OPTIONAL IN CONST EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR *ScreenDimensions, OPTIONAL OUT EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST *ActionRequest OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UI_MENU_SELECTION *Selection; UINTN Index; FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet; FORM_ENTRY_INFO *MenuList; // // If EDKII_FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_PROTOCOL not found, return EFI_UNSUPPORTED. // if (mFormDisplay == NULL) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Save globals used by SendForm() // SaveBrowserContext (); gFinishRetrieveCall = FALSE; gResetRequired = FALSE; gExitRequired = FALSE; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; gEmptyString = L""; gDisplayFormData.ScreenDimensions = (EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR *) ScreenDimensions; for (Index = 0; Index < HandleCount; Index++) { Selection = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (UI_MENU_SELECTION)); ASSERT (Selection != NULL); Selection->Handle = Handles[Index]; if (FormSetGuid != NULL) { CopyMem (&Selection->FormSetGuid, FormSetGuid, sizeof (EFI_GUID)); Selection->FormId = FormId; } else { CopyMem (&Selection->FormSetGuid, &gEfiHiiPlatformSetupFormsetGuid, sizeof (EFI_GUID)); } do { FormSet = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET)); ASSERT (FormSet != NULL); // // Initialize internal data structures of FormSet // Status = InitializeFormSet (Selection->Handle, &Selection->FormSetGuid, FormSet); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || IsListEmpty (&FormSet->FormListHead)) { DestroyFormSet (FormSet); break; } Selection->FormSet = FormSet; mSystemLevelFormSet = FormSet; // // Display this formset // gCurrentSelection = Selection; Status = SetupBrowser (Selection); gCurrentSelection = NULL; mSystemLevelFormSet = NULL; // // If no data is changed, don't need to save current FormSet into the maintain list. // if (!IsNvUpdateRequiredForFormSet (FormSet) && !IsStorageDataChangedForFormSet(FormSet)) { CleanBrowserStorage(FormSet); RemoveEntryList (&FormSet->Link); DestroyFormSet (FormSet); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { break; } } while (Selection->Action == UI_ACTION_REFRESH_FORMSET); FreePool (Selection); } // // Still has error info, pop up a message. // if (gBrowserStatus != BROWSER_SUCCESS) { gDisplayFormData.BrowserStatus = gBrowserStatus; gDisplayFormData.ErrorString = gErrorInfo; gBrowserStatus = BROWSER_SUCCESS; gErrorInfo = NULL; mFormDisplay->FormDisplay (&gDisplayFormData, NULL); } if (ActionRequest != NULL) { *ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_NONE; if (gResetRequired) { *ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_RESET; } } mFormDisplay->ExitDisplay(); // // Clear the menu history data. // while (!IsListEmpty (&mPrivateData.FormBrowserEx2.FormViewHistoryHead)) { MenuList = FORM_ENTRY_INFO_FROM_LINK (mPrivateData.FormBrowserEx2.FormViewHistoryHead.ForwardLink); RemoveEntryList (&MenuList->Link); FreePool (MenuList); } // // Restore globals used by SendForm() // RestoreBrowserContext (); return Status; } /** Get or set data to the storage. @param ResultsDataSize The size of the buffer associatedwith ResultsData. @param ResultsData A string returned from an IFR browser or equivalent. The results string will have no routing information in them. @param RetrieveData A BOOLEAN field which allows an agent to retrieve (if RetrieveData = TRUE) data from the uncommitted browser state information or set (if RetrieveData = FALSE) data in the uncommitted browser state information. @param Storage The pointer to the storage. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The results have been distributed or are awaiting distribution. **/ EFI_STATUS ProcessStorage ( IN OUT UINTN *ResultsDataSize, IN OUT EFI_STRING *ResultsData, IN BOOLEAN RetrieveData, IN BROWSER_STORAGE *Storage ) { CHAR16 *ConfigResp; EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *StrPtr; UINTN BufferSize; UINTN TmpSize; if (RetrieveData) { // // Generate // Status = StorageToConfigResp (Storage, &ConfigResp, Storage->ConfigRequest, TRUE); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Skip and '&' to point to when first copy the configbody. // Also need to consider add "\0" at first time. // StrPtr = ConfigResp + StrLen (Storage->ConfigHdr) + 1; BufferSize = StrSize (StrPtr); // // Copy the data if the input buffer is bigger enough. // if (*ResultsDataSize >= BufferSize) { StrCpy (*ResultsData, StrPtr); } *ResultsDataSize = BufferSize; FreePool (ConfigResp); } else { // // Prepare // TmpSize = StrLen (*ResultsData); BufferSize = (TmpSize + StrLen (Storage->ConfigHdr) + 2) * sizeof (CHAR16); ConfigResp = AllocateZeroPool (BufferSize); ASSERT (ConfigResp != NULL); StrCpy (ConfigResp, Storage->ConfigHdr); StrCat (ConfigResp, L"&"); StrCat (ConfigResp, *ResultsData); // // Update Browser uncommited data // Status = ConfigRespToStorage (Storage, ConfigResp); FreePool (ConfigResp); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** This routine called this service in the browser to retrieve or set certain uncommitted state information that resides in the open formsets. @param This A pointer to the EFI_FORM_BROWSER2_PROTOCOL instance. @param ResultsDataSize A pointer to the size of the buffer associated with ResultsData. @param ResultsData A string returned from an IFR browser or equivalent. The results string will have no routing information in them. @param RetrieveData A BOOLEAN field which allows an agent to retrieve (if RetrieveData = TRUE) data from the uncommitted browser state information or set (if RetrieveData = FALSE) data in the uncommitted browser state information. @param VariableGuid An optional field to indicate the target variable GUID name to use. @param VariableName An optional field to indicate the target human-readable variable name. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The results have been distributed or are awaiting distribution. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The ResultsDataSize specified was too small to contain the results data. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI BrowserCallback ( IN CONST EFI_FORM_BROWSER2_PROTOCOL *This, IN OUT UINTN *ResultsDataSize, IN OUT EFI_STRING ResultsData, IN BOOLEAN RetrieveData, IN CONST EFI_GUID *VariableGuid, OPTIONAL IN CONST CHAR16 *VariableName OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY *Link; BROWSER_STORAGE *Storage; FORMSET_STORAGE *FormsetStorage; UINTN TotalSize; BOOLEAN Found; if (ResultsDataSize == NULL || ResultsData == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } TotalSize = *ResultsDataSize; Storage = NULL; Found = FALSE; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; // // If set browser data, pre load all hii formset to avoid set the varstore which is not // saved in browser. // if (!RetrieveData && (gBrowserSettingScope == SystemLevel)) { LoadAllHiiFormset(); } if (VariableGuid != NULL) { // // Try to find target storage in the current formset. // Link = GetFirstNode (&gBrowserStorageList); while (!IsNull (&gBrowserStorageList, Link)) { Storage = BROWSER_STORAGE_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&gBrowserStorageList, Link); // // Check the current storage. // if (!CompareGuid (&Storage->Guid, (EFI_GUID *) VariableGuid)) { continue; } if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER || Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE_BUFFER) { // // Buffer storage require both GUID and Name // if (VariableName == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } if (StrCmp (Storage->Name, (CHAR16 *) VariableName) != 0) { continue; } } if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_NAME_VALUE || Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER) { if (mSystemLevelFormSet == NULL || mSystemLevelFormSet->HiiHandle == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } if (Storage->HiiHandle != mSystemLevelFormSet->HiiHandle) { continue; } } Status = ProcessStorage (&TotalSize, &ResultsData, RetrieveData, Storage); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Different formsets may have same varstore, so here just set the flag // not exit the circle. // Found = TRUE; break; } if (!Found) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } } else { // // GUID/Name is not specified, take the first storage in FormSet // if (mSystemLevelFormSet == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_READY; } // // Generate // Link = GetFirstNode (&mSystemLevelFormSet->StorageListHead); if (IsNull (&mSystemLevelFormSet->StorageListHead, Link)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } FormsetStorage = FORMSET_STORAGE_FROM_LINK (Link); Status = ProcessStorage (&TotalSize, &ResultsData, RetrieveData, FormsetStorage->BrowserStorage); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } if (RetrieveData) { Status = TotalSize <= *ResultsDataSize ? EFI_SUCCESS : EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; *ResultsDataSize = TotalSize; } return Status; } /** Callback function for SimpleTextInEx protocol install events @param Event the event that is signaled. @param Context not used here. **/ VOID EFIAPI FormDisplayCallback ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { EFI_STATUS Status; if (mFormDisplay != NULL) { return; } Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEdkiiFormDisplayEngineProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &mFormDisplay ); } /** Initialize Setup Browser driver. @param ImageHandle The image handle. @param SystemTable The system table. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Setup Browser module is initialized correctly.. @return Other value if failed to initialize the Setup Browser module. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI InitializeSetup ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; VOID *Registration; // // Locate required Hii relative protocols // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiHiiDatabaseProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &mHiiDatabase ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiHiiConfigRoutingProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &mHiiConfigRouting ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiDevicePathFromTextProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &mPathFromText ); // // Install FormBrowser2 protocol // mPrivateData.Handle = NULL; Status = gBS->InstallProtocolInterface ( &mPrivateData.Handle, &gEfiFormBrowser2ProtocolGuid, EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE, &mPrivateData.FormBrowser2 ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Install FormBrowserEx2 protocol // InitializeListHead (&mPrivateData.FormBrowserEx2.FormViewHistoryHead); InitializeListHead (&mPrivateData.FormBrowserEx2.OverrideQestListHead); mPrivateData.Handle = NULL; Status = gBS->InstallProtocolInterface ( &mPrivateData.Handle, &gEdkiiFormBrowserEx2ProtocolGuid, EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE, &mPrivateData.FormBrowserEx2 ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); Status = gBS->InstallProtocolInterface ( &mPrivateData.Handle, &gEfiFormBrowserExProtocolGuid, EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE, &mPrivateData.FormBrowserEx ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); InitializeDisplayFormData (); Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEdkiiFormDisplayEngineProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &mFormDisplay ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EfiCreateProtocolNotifyEvent ( &gEdkiiFormDisplayEngineProtocolGuid, TPL_CALLBACK, FormDisplayCallback, NULL, &Registration ); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Create a new string in HII Package List. @param String The String to be added @param HiiHandle The package list in the HII database to insert the specified string. @return The output string. **/ EFI_STRING_ID NewString ( IN CHAR16 *String, IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle ) { EFI_STRING_ID StringId; StringId = HiiSetString (HiiHandle, 0, String, NULL); ASSERT (StringId != 0); return StringId; } /** Delete a string from HII Package List. @param StringId Id of the string in HII database. @param HiiHandle The HII package list handle. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The string was deleted successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS DeleteString ( IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId, IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle ) { CHAR16 NullChar; NullChar = CHAR_NULL; HiiSetString (HiiHandle, StringId, &NullChar, NULL); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Get the string based on the StringId and HII Package List Handle. @param Token The String's ID. @param HiiHandle The package list in the HII database to search for the specified string. @return The output string. **/ CHAR16 * GetToken ( IN EFI_STRING_ID Token, IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle ) { EFI_STRING String; if (HiiHandle == NULL) { return NULL; } String = HiiGetString (HiiHandle, Token, NULL); if (String == NULL) { String = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (mUnknownString), mUnknownString); ASSERT (String != NULL); } return (CHAR16 *) String; } /** Allocate new memory and then copy the Unicode string Source to Destination. @param Dest Location to copy string @param Src String to copy **/ VOID NewStringCpy ( IN OUT CHAR16 **Dest, IN CHAR16 *Src ) { if (*Dest != NULL) { FreePool (*Dest); } *Dest = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (Src), Src); ASSERT (*Dest != NULL); } /** Allocate new memory and concatinate Source on the end of Destination. @param Dest String to added to the end of. @param Src String to concatinate. **/ VOID NewStringCat ( IN OUT CHAR16 **Dest, IN CHAR16 *Src ) { CHAR16 *NewString; UINTN TmpSize; if (*Dest == NULL) { NewStringCpy (Dest, Src); return; } TmpSize = StrSize (*Dest); NewString = AllocateZeroPool (TmpSize + StrSize (Src) - 1); ASSERT (NewString != NULL); StrCpy (NewString, *Dest); StrCat (NewString, Src); FreePool (*Dest); *Dest = NewString; } /** Get Value for given Name from a NameValue Storage. @param Storage The NameValue Storage. @param Name The Name. @param Value The retured Value. @param GetValueFrom Where to get source value, from EditValue or Value. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value found for given Name. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No such Name found in NameValue storage. **/ EFI_STATUS GetValueByName ( IN BROWSER_STORAGE *Storage, IN CHAR16 *Name, IN OUT CHAR16 **Value, IN GET_SET_QUESTION_VALUE_WITH GetValueFrom ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; NAME_VALUE_NODE *Node; if (GetValueFrom != GetSetValueWithEditBuffer && GetValueFrom != GetSetValueWithBuffer) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *Value = NULL; Link = GetFirstNode (&Storage->NameValueListHead); while (!IsNull (&Storage->NameValueListHead, Link)) { Node = NAME_VALUE_NODE_FROM_LINK (Link); if (StrCmp (Name, Node->Name) == 0) { if (GetValueFrom == GetSetValueWithEditBuffer) { NewStringCpy (Value, Node->EditValue); } else { NewStringCpy (Value, Node->Value); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } Link = GetNextNode (&Storage->NameValueListHead, Link); } return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } /** Set Value of given Name in a NameValue Storage. @param Storage The NameValue Storage. @param Name The Name. @param Value The Value to set. @param SetValueTo Whether update editValue or Value. @param ReturnNode The node use the input name. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value found for given Name. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No such Name found in NameValue storage. **/ EFI_STATUS SetValueByName ( IN BROWSER_STORAGE *Storage, IN CHAR16 *Name, IN CHAR16 *Value, IN GET_SET_QUESTION_VALUE_WITH SetValueTo, OUT NAME_VALUE_NODE **ReturnNode ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; NAME_VALUE_NODE *Node; CHAR16 *Buffer; if (SetValueTo != GetSetValueWithEditBuffer && SetValueTo != GetSetValueWithBuffer) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Link = GetFirstNode (&Storage->NameValueListHead); while (!IsNull (&Storage->NameValueListHead, Link)) { Node = NAME_VALUE_NODE_FROM_LINK (Link); if (StrCmp (Name, Node->Name) == 0) { if (SetValueTo == GetSetValueWithEditBuffer) { Buffer = Node->EditValue; } else { Buffer = Node->Value; } if (Buffer != NULL) { FreePool (Buffer); } Buffer = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (Value), Value); ASSERT (Buffer != NULL); if (SetValueTo == GetSetValueWithEditBuffer) { Node->EditValue = Buffer; } else { Node->Value = Buffer; } if (ReturnNode != NULL) { *ReturnNode = Node; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } Link = GetNextNode (&Storage->NameValueListHead, Link); } return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } /** Convert setting of Buffer Storage or NameValue Storage to . @param Storage The Storage to be conveted. @param ConfigResp The returned . @param ConfigRequest The ConfigRequest string. @param GetEditBuf Get the data from editbuffer or buffer. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Convert success. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Incorrect storage type. **/ EFI_STATUS StorageToConfigResp ( IN BROWSER_STORAGE *Storage, IN CHAR16 **ConfigResp, IN CHAR16 *ConfigRequest, IN BOOLEAN GetEditBuf ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_STRING Progress; LIST_ENTRY *Link; NAME_VALUE_NODE *Node; UINT8 *SourceBuf; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; switch (Storage->Type) { case EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER: case EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE_BUFFER: SourceBuf = GetEditBuf ? Storage->EditBuffer : Storage->Buffer; Status = mHiiConfigRouting->BlockToConfig ( mHiiConfigRouting, ConfigRequest, SourceBuf, Storage->Size, ConfigResp, &Progress ); break; case EFI_HII_VARSTORE_NAME_VALUE: *ConfigResp = NULL; NewStringCat (ConfigResp, Storage->ConfigHdr); Link = GetFirstNode (&Storage->NameValueListHead); while (!IsNull (&Storage->NameValueListHead, Link)) { Node = NAME_VALUE_NODE_FROM_LINK (Link); if (StrStr (ConfigRequest, Node->Name) != NULL) { NewStringCat (ConfigResp, L"&"); NewStringCat (ConfigResp, Node->Name); NewStringCat (ConfigResp, L"="); if (GetEditBuf) { NewStringCat (ConfigResp, Node->EditValue); } else { NewStringCat (ConfigResp, Node->Value); } } Link = GetNextNode (&Storage->NameValueListHead, Link); } break; case EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE: default: Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } return Status; } /** Convert to settings in Buffer Storage or NameValue Storage. @param Storage The Storage to receive the settings. @param ConfigResp The to be converted. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Convert success. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Incorrect storage type. **/ EFI_STATUS ConfigRespToStorage ( IN BROWSER_STORAGE *Storage, IN CHAR16 *ConfigResp ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_STRING Progress; UINTN BufferSize; CHAR16 *StrPtr; CHAR16 *Name; CHAR16 *Value; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; switch (Storage->Type) { case EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER: case EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE_BUFFER: BufferSize = Storage->Size; Status = mHiiConfigRouting->ConfigToBlock ( mHiiConfigRouting, ConfigResp, Storage->EditBuffer, &BufferSize, &Progress ); break; case EFI_HII_VARSTORE_NAME_VALUE: StrPtr = StrStr (ConfigResp, L"PATH"); if (StrPtr == NULL) { break; } StrPtr = StrStr (ConfigResp, L"&"); while (StrPtr != NULL) { // // Skip '&' // StrPtr = StrPtr + 1; Name = StrPtr; StrPtr = StrStr (StrPtr, L"="); if (StrPtr == NULL) { break; } *StrPtr = 0; // // Skip '=' // StrPtr = StrPtr + 1; Value = StrPtr; StrPtr = StrStr (StrPtr, L"&"); if (StrPtr != NULL) { *StrPtr = 0; } SetValueByName (Storage, Name, Value, GetSetValueWithEditBuffer, NULL); } break; case EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE: default: Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } return Status; } /** Get Question's current Value. @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @param Form Form data structure. @param Question Question to be initialized. @param GetValueFrom Where to get value, may from editbuffer, buffer or hii driver. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS GetQuestionValue ( IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form, IN OUT FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Question, IN GET_SET_QUESTION_VALUE_WITH GetValueFrom ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BOOLEAN Enabled; BOOLEAN Pending; UINT8 *Dst; UINTN StorageWidth; EFI_TIME EfiTime; BROWSER_STORAGE *Storage; EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE *QuestionValue; CHAR16 *ConfigRequest; CHAR16 *Progress; CHAR16 *Result; CHAR16 *Value; CHAR16 *StringPtr; UINTN Length; UINTN Index; UINTN LengthStr; BOOLEAN IsBufferStorage; BOOLEAN IsString; CHAR16 TemStr[5]; UINT8 DigitUint8; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Value = NULL; Result = NULL; if (GetValueFrom >= GetSetValueWithMax) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Question value is provided by an Expression, evaluate it // if (Question->ValueExpression != NULL) { Status = EvaluateExpression (FormSet, Form, Question->ValueExpression); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if (Question->ValueExpression->Result.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_BUFFER) { ASSERT (Question->HiiValue.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_BUFFER && Question->HiiValue.Buffer != NULL); if (Question->StorageWidth > Question->ValueExpression->Result.BufferLen) { CopyMem (Question->HiiValue.Buffer, Question->ValueExpression->Result.Buffer, Question->ValueExpression->Result.BufferLen); Question->HiiValue.BufferLen = Question->ValueExpression->Result.BufferLen; } else { CopyMem (Question->HiiValue.Buffer, Question->ValueExpression->Result.Buffer, Question->StorageWidth); Question->HiiValue.BufferLen = Question->StorageWidth; } FreePool (Question->ValueExpression->Result.Buffer); } Question->HiiValue.Type = Question->ValueExpression->Result.Type; CopyMem (&Question->HiiValue.Value, &Question->ValueExpression->Result.Value, sizeof (EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE)); } return Status; } // // Get question value by read expression. // if (Question->ReadExpression != NULL && Form->FormType == STANDARD_MAP_FORM_TYPE) { Status = EvaluateExpression (FormSet, Form, Question->ReadExpression); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && ((Question->ReadExpression->Result.Type < EFI_IFR_TYPE_OTHER) || (Question->ReadExpression->Result.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_BUFFER))) { // // Only update question value to the valid result. // if (Question->ReadExpression->Result.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_BUFFER) { ASSERT (Question->HiiValue.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_BUFFER && Question->HiiValue.Buffer != NULL); if (Question->StorageWidth > Question->ReadExpression->Result.BufferLen) { CopyMem (Question->HiiValue.Buffer, Question->ReadExpression->Result.Buffer, Question->ReadExpression->Result.BufferLen); Question->HiiValue.BufferLen = Question->ReadExpression->Result.BufferLen; } else { CopyMem (Question->HiiValue.Buffer, Question->ReadExpression->Result.Buffer, Question->StorageWidth); Question->HiiValue.BufferLen = Question->StorageWidth; } FreePool (Question->ReadExpression->Result.Buffer); } Question->HiiValue.Type = Question->ReadExpression->Result.Type; CopyMem (&Question->HiiValue.Value, &Question->ReadExpression->Result.Value, sizeof (EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE)); return EFI_SUCCESS; } } // // Question value is provided by RTC // Storage = Question->Storage; QuestionValue = &Question->HiiValue.Value; if (Storage == NULL) { // // It's a Question without storage, or RTC date/time // if (Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP || Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_TIME_OP) { // // Date and time define the same Flags bit // switch (Question->Flags & EFI_QF_DATE_STORAGE) { case QF_DATE_STORAGE_TIME: Status = gRT->GetTime (&EfiTime, NULL); break; case QF_DATE_STORAGE_WAKEUP: Status = gRT->GetWakeupTime (&Enabled, &Pending, &EfiTime); break; case QF_DATE_STORAGE_NORMAL: default: // // For date/time without storage // return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP) { QuestionValue->date.Year = EfiTime.Year; QuestionValue->date.Month = EfiTime.Month; QuestionValue->date.Day = EfiTime.Day; } else { QuestionValue->time.Hour = EfiTime.Hour; QuestionValue->time.Minute = EfiTime.Minute; QuestionValue->time.Second = EfiTime.Second; } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // Question value is provided by EFI variable // StorageWidth = Question->StorageWidth; if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE) { if (Question->BufferValue != NULL) { Dst = Question->BufferValue; } else { Dst = (UINT8 *) QuestionValue; } Status = gRT->GetVariable ( Question->VariableName, &Storage->Guid, NULL, &StorageWidth, Dst ); // // Always return success, even this EFI variable doesn't exist // return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // Question Value is provided by Buffer Storage or NameValue Storage // if (Question->BufferValue != NULL) { // // This Question is password or orderedlist // Dst = Question->BufferValue; } else { // // Other type of Questions // Dst = (UINT8 *) &Question->HiiValue.Value; } if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER || Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE_BUFFER) { IsBufferStorage = TRUE; } else { IsBufferStorage = FALSE; } IsString = (BOOLEAN) ((Question->HiiValue.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_STRING) ? TRUE : FALSE); if (GetValueFrom == GetSetValueWithEditBuffer || GetValueFrom == GetSetValueWithBuffer ) { if (IsBufferStorage) { if (GetValueFrom == GetSetValueWithEditBuffer) { // // Copy from storage Edit buffer // CopyMem (Dst, Storage->EditBuffer + Question->VarStoreInfo.VarOffset, StorageWidth); } else { // // Copy from storage Edit buffer // CopyMem (Dst, Storage->Buffer + Question->VarStoreInfo.VarOffset, StorageWidth); } } else { Value = NULL; Status = GetValueByName (Storage, Question->VariableName, &Value, GetValueFrom); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } ASSERT (Value != NULL); LengthStr = StrLen (Value); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; if (IsString) { // // Convert Config String to Unicode String, e.g "0041004200430044" => "ABCD" // Add string tail char L'\0' into Length // Length = StorageWidth + sizeof (CHAR16); if (Length < ((LengthStr / 4 + 1) * 2)) { Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } else { StringPtr = (CHAR16 *) Dst; ZeroMem (TemStr, sizeof (TemStr)); for (Index = 0; Index < LengthStr; Index += 4) { StrnCpy (TemStr, Value + Index, 4); StringPtr[Index/4] = (CHAR16) StrHexToUint64 (TemStr); } // // Add tailing L'\0' character // StringPtr[Index/4] = L'\0'; } } else { if (StorageWidth < ((LengthStr + 1) / 2)) { Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } else { ZeroMem (TemStr, sizeof (TemStr)); for (Index = 0; Index < LengthStr; Index ++) { TemStr[0] = Value[LengthStr - Index - 1]; DigitUint8 = (UINT8) StrHexToUint64 (TemStr); if ((Index & 1) == 0) { Dst [Index/2] = DigitUint8; } else { Dst [Index/2] = (UINT8) ((DigitUint8 << 4) + Dst [Index/2]); } } } } FreePool (Value); } } else { // // ::= + || // + "&" + // if (IsBufferStorage) { Length = StrLen (Storage->ConfigHdr); Length += StrLen (Question->BlockName); } else { Length = StrLen (Storage->ConfigHdr); Length += StrLen (Question->VariableName) + 1; } ConfigRequest = AllocateZeroPool ((Length + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16)); ASSERT (ConfigRequest != NULL); StrCpy (ConfigRequest, Storage->ConfigHdr); if (IsBufferStorage) { StrCat (ConfigRequest, Question->BlockName); } else { StrCat (ConfigRequest, L"&"); StrCat (ConfigRequest, Question->VariableName); } // // Request current settings from Configuration Driver // Status = mHiiConfigRouting->ExtractConfig ( mHiiConfigRouting, ConfigRequest, &Progress, &Result ); FreePool (ConfigRequest); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Skip // if (IsBufferStorage) { Value = StrStr (Result, L"&VALUE"); if (Value == NULL) { FreePool (Result); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // // Skip "&VALUE" // Value = Value + 6; } else { Value = Result + Length; } if (*Value != '=') { FreePool (Result); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // // Skip '=', point to value // Value = Value + 1; // // Suppress if any // StringPtr = Value; while (*StringPtr != L'\0' && *StringPtr != L'&') { StringPtr++; } *StringPtr = L'\0'; LengthStr = StrLen (Value); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; if (!IsBufferStorage && IsString) { // // Convert Config String to Unicode String, e.g "0041004200430044" => "ABCD" // Add string tail char L'\0' into Length // Length = StorageWidth + sizeof (CHAR16); if (Length < ((LengthStr / 4 + 1) * 2)) { Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } else { StringPtr = (CHAR16 *) Dst; ZeroMem (TemStr, sizeof (TemStr)); for (Index = 0; Index < LengthStr; Index += 4) { StrnCpy (TemStr, Value + Index, 4); StringPtr[Index/4] = (CHAR16) StrHexToUint64 (TemStr); } // // Add tailing L'\0' character // StringPtr[Index/4] = L'\0'; } } else { if (StorageWidth < ((LengthStr + 1) / 2)) { Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } else { ZeroMem (TemStr, sizeof (TemStr)); for (Index = 0; Index < LengthStr; Index ++) { TemStr[0] = Value[LengthStr - Index - 1]; DigitUint8 = (UINT8) StrHexToUint64 (TemStr); if ((Index & 1) == 0) { Dst [Index/2] = DigitUint8; } else { Dst [Index/2] = (UINT8) ((DigitUint8 << 4) + Dst [Index/2]); } } } } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (Result); return Status; } // // Synchronize Edit Buffer // if (IsBufferStorage) { CopyMem (Storage->EditBuffer + Question->VarStoreInfo.VarOffset, Dst, StorageWidth); } else { SetValueByName (Storage, Question->VariableName, Value, GetSetValueWithEditBuffer, NULL); } if (Result != NULL) { FreePool (Result); } } return Status; } /** Save Question Value to edit copy(cached) or Storage(uncached). @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @param Form Form data structure. @param Question Pointer to the Question. @param SetValueTo Update the question value to editbuffer , buffer or hii driver. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS SetQuestionValue ( IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form, IN OUT FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Question, IN GET_SET_QUESTION_VALUE_WITH SetValueTo ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BOOLEAN Enabled; BOOLEAN Pending; UINT8 *Src; EFI_TIME EfiTime; UINTN BufferLen; UINTN StorageWidth; BROWSER_STORAGE *Storage; EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE *QuestionValue; CHAR16 *ConfigResp; CHAR16 *Progress; CHAR16 *Value; UINTN Length; BOOLEAN IsBufferStorage; BOOLEAN IsString; UINT8 *TemBuffer; CHAR16 *TemName; CHAR16 *TemString; UINTN Index; NAME_VALUE_NODE *Node; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Node = NULL; if (SetValueTo >= GetSetValueWithMax) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // If Question value is provided by an Expression, then it is read only // if (Question->ValueExpression != NULL) { return Status; } // // Before set question value, evaluate its write expression. // if (Question->WriteExpression != NULL && Form->FormType == STANDARD_MAP_FORM_TYPE) { Status = EvaluateExpression (FormSet, Form, Question->WriteExpression); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } // // Question value is provided by RTC // Storage = Question->Storage; QuestionValue = &Question->HiiValue.Value; if (Storage == NULL) { // // It's a Question without storage, or RTC date/time // if (Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP || Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_TIME_OP) { // // Date and time define the same Flags bit // switch (Question->Flags & EFI_QF_DATE_STORAGE) { case QF_DATE_STORAGE_TIME: Status = gRT->GetTime (&EfiTime, NULL); break; case QF_DATE_STORAGE_WAKEUP: Status = gRT->GetWakeupTime (&Enabled, &Pending, &EfiTime); break; case QF_DATE_STORAGE_NORMAL: default: // // For date/time without storage // return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP) { EfiTime.Year = QuestionValue->date.Year; EfiTime.Month = QuestionValue->date.Month; EfiTime.Day = QuestionValue->date.Day; } else { EfiTime.Hour = QuestionValue->time.Hour; EfiTime.Minute = QuestionValue->time.Minute; EfiTime.Second = QuestionValue->time.Second; } if ((Question->Flags & EFI_QF_DATE_STORAGE) == QF_DATE_STORAGE_TIME) { Status = gRT->SetTime (&EfiTime); } else { Status = gRT->SetWakeupTime (TRUE, &EfiTime); } } return Status; } // // Question value is provided by EFI variable // StorageWidth = Question->StorageWidth; if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE) { if (Question->BufferValue != NULL) { Src = Question->BufferValue; } else { Src = (UINT8 *) QuestionValue; } Status = gRT->SetVariable ( Question->VariableName, &Storage->Guid, Storage->Attributes, StorageWidth, Src ); return Status; } // // Question Value is provided by Buffer Storage or NameValue Storage // if (Question->BufferValue != NULL) { Src = Question->BufferValue; } else { Src = (UINT8 *) &Question->HiiValue.Value; } if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER || Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE_BUFFER) { IsBufferStorage = TRUE; } else { IsBufferStorage = FALSE; } IsString = (BOOLEAN) ((Question->HiiValue.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_STRING) ? TRUE : FALSE); if (SetValueTo == GetSetValueWithEditBuffer || SetValueTo == GetSetValueWithBuffer) { if (IsBufferStorage) { if (SetValueTo == GetSetValueWithEditBuffer) { // // Copy to storage edit buffer // CopyMem (Storage->EditBuffer + Question->VarStoreInfo.VarOffset, Src, StorageWidth); } else if (SetValueTo == GetSetValueWithBuffer) { // // Copy to storage edit buffer // CopyMem (Storage->Buffer + Question->VarStoreInfo.VarOffset, Src, StorageWidth); } // // Check whether question value has been changed. // if (CompareMem (Storage->Buffer + Question->VarStoreInfo.VarOffset, Storage->EditBuffer + Question->VarStoreInfo.VarOffset, StorageWidth) != 0) { Question->ValueChanged = TRUE; } else { Question->ValueChanged = FALSE; } } else { if (IsString) { // // Allocate enough string buffer. // Value = NULL; BufferLen = ((StrLen ((CHAR16 *) Src) * 4) + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16); Value = AllocateZeroPool (BufferLen); ASSERT (Value != NULL); // // Convert Unicode String to Config String, e.g. "ABCD" => "0041004200430044" // TemName = (CHAR16 *) Src; TemString = Value; for (; *TemName != L'\0'; TemName++) { TemString += UnicodeValueToString (TemString, PREFIX_ZERO | RADIX_HEX, *TemName, 4); } } else { BufferLen = StorageWidth * 2 + 1; Value = AllocateZeroPool (BufferLen * sizeof (CHAR16)); ASSERT (Value != NULL); // // Convert Buffer to Hex String // TemBuffer = Src + StorageWidth - 1; TemString = Value; for (Index = 0; Index < StorageWidth; Index ++, TemBuffer --) { TemString += UnicodeValueToString (TemString, PREFIX_ZERO | RADIX_HEX, *TemBuffer, 2); } } Status = SetValueByName (Storage, Question->VariableName, Value, SetValueTo, &Node); FreePool (Value); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Check whether question value has been changed. // if (StrCmp (Node->Value, Node->EditValue) != 0) { Question->ValueChanged = TRUE; } else { Question->ValueChanged = FALSE; } } } else if (SetValueTo == GetSetValueWithHiiDriver) { // // ::= + + "&VALUE=" + "StorageWidth * 2" || // + "&" + + "=" + "" // if (IsBufferStorage) { Length = StrLen (Question->BlockName) + 7; } else { Length = StrLen (Question->VariableName) + 2; } if (!IsBufferStorage && IsString) { Length += (StrLen ((CHAR16 *) Src) * 4); } else { Length += (StorageWidth * 2); } ConfigResp = AllocateZeroPool ((StrLen (Storage->ConfigHdr) + Length + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16)); ASSERT (ConfigResp != NULL); StrCpy (ConfigResp, Storage->ConfigHdr); if (IsBufferStorage) { StrCat (ConfigResp, Question->BlockName); StrCat (ConfigResp, L"&VALUE="); } else { StrCat (ConfigResp, L"&"); StrCat (ConfigResp, Question->VariableName); StrCat (ConfigResp, L"="); } Value = ConfigResp + StrLen (ConfigResp); if (!IsBufferStorage && IsString) { // // Convert Unicode String to Config String, e.g. "ABCD" => "0041004200430044" // TemName = (CHAR16 *) Src; TemString = Value; for (; *TemName != L'\0'; TemName++) { TemString += UnicodeValueToString (TemString, PREFIX_ZERO | RADIX_HEX, *TemName, 4); } } else { // // Convert Buffer to Hex String // TemBuffer = Src + StorageWidth - 1; TemString = Value; for (Index = 0; Index < StorageWidth; Index ++, TemBuffer --) { TemString += UnicodeValueToString (TemString, PREFIX_ZERO | RADIX_HEX, *TemBuffer, 2); } } // // Convert to lower char. // for (TemString = Value; *Value != L'\0'; Value++) { if (*Value >= L'A' && *Value <= L'Z') { *Value = (CHAR16) (*Value - L'A' + L'a'); } } // // Submit Question Value to Configuration Driver // Status = mHiiConfigRouting->RouteConfig ( mHiiConfigRouting, ConfigResp, &Progress ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (ConfigResp); return Status; } FreePool (ConfigResp); // // Sync storage, from editbuffer to buffer. // CopyMem (Storage->Buffer + Question->VarStoreInfo.VarOffset, Src, StorageWidth); } return Status; } /** Perform nosubmitif check for a Form. @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @param Form Form data structure. @param Question The Question to be validated. @param Type Validation type: NoSubmit @retval EFI_SUCCESS Form validation pass. @retval other Form validation failed. **/ EFI_STATUS ValidateQuestion ( IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form, IN FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Question, IN UINTN Type ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY *Link; LIST_ENTRY *ListHead; EFI_STRING PopUp; FORM_EXPRESSION *Expression; if (Type == EFI_HII_EXPRESSION_NO_SUBMIT_IF) { ListHead = &Question->NoSubmitListHead; } else { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } Link = GetFirstNode (ListHead); while (!IsNull (ListHead, Link)) { Expression = FORM_EXPRESSION_FROM_LINK (Link); // // Evaluate the expression // Status = EvaluateExpression (FormSet, Form, Expression); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if ((Expression->Result.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_BOOLEAN) && Expression->Result.Value.b) { // // Condition meet, show up error message // if (Expression->Error != 0) { PopUp = GetToken (Expression->Error, FormSet->HiiHandle); if (Type == EFI_HII_EXPRESSION_NO_SUBMIT_IF) { gBrowserStatus = BROWSER_NO_SUBMIT_IF; gErrorInfo = PopUp; } } return EFI_NOT_READY; } Link = GetNextNode (ListHead, Link); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Perform NoSubmit check for each Form in FormSet. @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @param CurrentForm Current input form data structure. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Form validation pass. @retval other Form validation failed. **/ EFI_STATUS NoSubmitCheck ( IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORM *CurrentForm ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Question; FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form; LIST_ENTRY *LinkForm; LinkForm = GetFirstNode (&FormSet->FormListHead); while (!IsNull (&FormSet->FormListHead, LinkForm)) { Form = FORM_BROWSER_FORM_FROM_LINK (LinkForm); LinkForm = GetNextNode (&FormSet->FormListHead, LinkForm); if (CurrentForm != NULL && CurrentForm != Form) { continue; } Link = GetFirstNode (&Form->StatementListHead); while (!IsNull (&Form->StatementListHead, Link)) { Question = FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (Link); Status = ValidateQuestion (FormSet, Form, Question, EFI_HII_EXPRESSION_NO_SUBMIT_IF); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Link = GetNextNode (&Form->StatementListHead, Link); } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Fill storage's edit copy with settings requested from Configuration Driver. @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @param Storage The storage which need to sync. @param ConfigRequest The config request string which used to sync storage. @param SyncOrRestore Sync the buffer to editbuffer or Restore the editbuffer to buffer if TRUE, copy the editbuffer to the buffer. if FALSE, copy the buffer to the editbuffer. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS SynchronizeStorage ( IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, OUT BROWSER_STORAGE *Storage, IN CHAR16 *ConfigRequest, IN BOOLEAN SyncOrRestore ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_STRING Progress; EFI_STRING Result; UINTN BufferSize; LIST_ENTRY *Link; NAME_VALUE_NODE *Node; UINT8 *Src; UINT8 *Dst; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Result = NULL; if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER || (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE_BUFFER)) { BufferSize = Storage->Size; if (SyncOrRestore) { Src = Storage->EditBuffer; Dst = Storage->Buffer; } else { Src = Storage->Buffer; Dst = Storage->EditBuffer; } if (ConfigRequest != NULL) { Status = mHiiConfigRouting->BlockToConfig( mHiiConfigRouting, ConfigRequest, Src, BufferSize, &Result, &Progress ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = mHiiConfigRouting->ConfigToBlock ( mHiiConfigRouting, Result, Dst, &BufferSize, &Progress ); if (Result != NULL) { FreePool (Result); } } else { CopyMem (Dst, Src, BufferSize); } } else if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_NAME_VALUE) { Link = GetFirstNode (&Storage->NameValueListHead); while (!IsNull (&Storage->NameValueListHead, Link)) { Node = NAME_VALUE_NODE_FROM_LINK (Link); if ((ConfigRequest != NULL && StrStr (ConfigRequest, Node->Name) != NULL) || (ConfigRequest == NULL)) { if (SyncOrRestore) { NewStringCpy (&Node->Value, Node->EditValue); } else { NewStringCpy (&Node->EditValue, Node->Value); } } Link = GetNextNode (&Storage->NameValueListHead, Link); } } return Status; } /** When discard the question value, call the callback function with Changed type to inform the hii driver. @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @param Form Form data structure. **/ VOID SendDiscardInfoToDriver ( IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Question; EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE *TypeValue; EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST ActionRequest; Link = GetFirstNode (&Form->StatementListHead); while (!IsNull (&Form->StatementListHead, Link)) { Question = FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&Form->StatementListHead, Link); if (Question->Storage == NULL || Question->Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE) { continue; } if (Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_PASSWORD_OP) { continue; } if (!Question->ValueChanged) { continue; } if (Question->HiiValue.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_BUFFER) { TypeValue = (EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE *) Question->BufferValue; } else { TypeValue = &Question->HiiValue.Value; } ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_NONE; FormSet->ConfigAccess->Callback ( FormSet->ConfigAccess, EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_CHANGED, Question->QuestionId, Question->HiiValue.Type, TypeValue, &ActionRequest ); } } /** Validate the FormSet. If the formset is not validate, remove it from the list. @param FormSet The input FormSet which need to validate. @retval TRUE The handle is validate. @retval FALSE The handle is invalidate. **/ BOOLEAN ValidateFormSet ( FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet ) { EFI_HII_HANDLE *HiiHandles; UINTN Index; BOOLEAN Find; ASSERT (FormSet != NULL); Find = FALSE; // // Get all the Hii handles // HiiHandles = HiiGetHiiHandles (NULL); ASSERT (HiiHandles != NULL); // // Search for formset of each class type // for (Index = 0; HiiHandles[Index] != NULL; Index++) { if (HiiHandles[Index] == FormSet->HiiHandle) { Find = TRUE; break; } } if (!Find) { CleanBrowserStorage(FormSet); RemoveEntryList (&FormSet->Link); DestroyFormSet (FormSet); } FreePool (HiiHandles); return Find; } /** Check whether need to enable the reset flag in form level. Also clean all ValueChanged flag in question. @param SetFlag Whether need to set the Reset Flag. @param Form Form data structure. **/ VOID UpdateFlagForForm ( IN BOOLEAN SetFlag, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Question; BOOLEAN FindOne; FindOne = FALSE; Link = GetFirstNode (&Form->StatementListHead); while (!IsNull (&Form->StatementListHead, Link)) { Question = FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (Link); if (SetFlag && Question->ValueChanged && ((Question->QuestionFlags & EFI_IFR_FLAG_RESET_REQUIRED) != 0)) { gResetRequired = TRUE; } if (Question->ValueChanged) { Question->ValueChanged = FALSE; } Link = GetNextNode (&Form->StatementListHead, Link); } } /** Check whether need to enable the reset flag. Also clean ValueChanged flag for all statements. Form level or formset level, only one. @param SetFlag Whether need to set the Reset Flag. @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @param Form Form data structure. **/ VOID ValueChangeResetFlagUpdate ( IN BOOLEAN SetFlag, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form ) { FORM_BROWSER_FORM *CurrentForm; LIST_ENTRY *Link; // // Form != NULL means only check form level. // if (Form != NULL) { UpdateFlagForForm(SetFlag, Form); return; } Link = GetFirstNode (&FormSet->FormListHead); while (!IsNull (&FormSet->FormListHead, Link)) { CurrentForm = FORM_BROWSER_FORM_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&FormSet->FormListHead, Link); UpdateFlagForForm(SetFlag, CurrentForm); } } /** Discard data based on the input setting scope (Form, FormSet or System). @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @param Form Form data structure. @param SettingScope Setting Scope for Discard action. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Unsupport SettingScope. **/ EFI_STATUS DiscardForm ( IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form, IN BROWSER_SETTING_SCOPE SettingScope ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORMSET_STORAGE *Storage; FORM_BROWSER_CONFIG_REQUEST *ConfigInfo; FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *LocalFormSet; FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *OldFormSet; // // Check the supported setting level. // if (SettingScope >= MaxLevel) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (SettingScope == FormLevel && IsNvUpdateRequiredForForm (Form)) { ConfigInfo = NULL; Link = GetFirstNode (&Form->ConfigRequestHead); while (!IsNull (&Form->ConfigRequestHead, Link)) { ConfigInfo = FORM_BROWSER_CONFIG_REQUEST_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&Form->ConfigRequestHead, Link); if (ConfigInfo->Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE) { continue; } // // Skip if there is no RequestElement // if (ConfigInfo->ElementCount == 0) { continue; } // // Prepare // SynchronizeStorage(FormSet, ConfigInfo->Storage, ConfigInfo->ConfigRequest, FALSE); // // Call callback with Changed type to inform the driver. // SendDiscardInfoToDriver (FormSet, Form); } ValueChangeResetFlagUpdate (FALSE, NULL, Form); } else if (SettingScope == FormSetLevel && IsNvUpdateRequiredForFormSet (FormSet)) { // // Discard Buffer storage or Name/Value storage // Link = GetFirstNode (&FormSet->StorageListHead); while (!IsNull (&FormSet->StorageListHead, Link)) { Storage = FORMSET_STORAGE_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&FormSet->StorageListHead, Link); if (Storage->BrowserStorage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE) { continue; } // // Skip if there is no RequestElement // if (Storage->ElementCount == 0) { continue; } SynchronizeStorage(FormSet, Storage->BrowserStorage, Storage->ConfigRequest, FALSE); } Link = GetFirstNode (&FormSet->FormListHead); while (!IsNull (&FormSet->FormListHead, Link)) { Form = FORM_BROWSER_FORM_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&FormSet->FormListHead, Link); // // Call callback with Changed type to inform the driver. // SendDiscardInfoToDriver (FormSet, Form); } ValueChangeResetFlagUpdate(FALSE, FormSet, NULL); } else if (SettingScope == SystemLevel) { // // System Level Discard. // OldFormSet = mSystemLevelFormSet; // // Discard changed value for each FormSet in the maintain list. // Link = GetFirstNode (&gBrowserFormSetList); while (!IsNull (&gBrowserFormSetList, Link)) { LocalFormSet = FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&gBrowserFormSetList, Link); if (!ValidateFormSet(LocalFormSet)) { continue; } mSystemLevelFormSet = LocalFormSet; DiscardForm (LocalFormSet, NULL, FormSetLevel); if (!IsHiiHandleInBrowserContext (LocalFormSet->HiiHandle)) { // // Remove maintain backup list after discard except for the current using FormSet. // CleanBrowserStorage(LocalFormSet); RemoveEntryList (&LocalFormSet->Link); DestroyFormSet (LocalFormSet); } } mSystemLevelFormSet = OldFormSet; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Submit data based on the input Setting level (Form, FormSet or System). @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @param Form Form data structure. @param SettingScope Setting Scope for Submit action. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Unsupport SettingScope. **/ EFI_STATUS SubmitForm ( IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form, IN BROWSER_SETTING_SCOPE SettingScope ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY *Link; EFI_STRING ConfigResp; EFI_STRING Progress; BROWSER_STORAGE *Storage; FORMSET_STORAGE *FormSetStorage; FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *LocalFormSet; FORM_BROWSER_CONFIG_REQUEST *ConfigInfo; // // Check the supported setting level. // if (SettingScope >= MaxLevel) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Validate the Form by NoSubmit check // Status = EFI_SUCCESS; if (SettingScope == FormLevel) { Status = NoSubmitCheck (FormSet, Form); } else if (SettingScope == FormSetLevel) { Status = NoSubmitCheck (FormSet, NULL); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (SettingScope == FormLevel && IsNvUpdateRequiredForForm (Form)) { ConfigInfo = NULL; Link = GetFirstNode (&Form->ConfigRequestHead); while (!IsNull (&Form->ConfigRequestHead, Link)) { ConfigInfo = FORM_BROWSER_CONFIG_REQUEST_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&Form->ConfigRequestHead, Link); Storage = ConfigInfo->Storage; if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE) { continue; } // // Skip if there is no RequestElement // if (ConfigInfo->ElementCount == 0) { continue; } // // 1. Prepare // Status = StorageToConfigResp (ConfigInfo->Storage, &ConfigResp, ConfigInfo->ConfigRequest, TRUE); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // 2. Set value to hii config routine protocol. // Status = mHiiConfigRouting->RouteConfig ( mHiiConfigRouting, ConfigResp, &Progress ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (ConfigResp); return Status; } FreePool (ConfigResp); // // 3. Config success, update storage shadow Buffer, only update the data belong to this form. // SynchronizeStorage (FormSet, ConfigInfo->Storage, ConfigInfo->ConfigRequest, TRUE); } // // 4. Update the NV flag. // ValueChangeResetFlagUpdate(TRUE, NULL, Form); } else if (SettingScope == FormSetLevel && IsNvUpdateRequiredForFormSet (FormSet)) { // // Submit Buffer storage or Name/Value storage // Link = GetFirstNode (&FormSet->StorageListHead); while (!IsNull (&FormSet->StorageListHead, Link)) { FormSetStorage = (FORMSET_STORAGE_FROM_LINK (Link)); Storage = FormSetStorage->BrowserStorage; Link = GetNextNode (&FormSet->StorageListHead, Link); if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE) { continue; } // // Skip if there is no RequestElement // if (FormSetStorage->ElementCount == 0) { continue; } // // 1. Prepare // Status = StorageToConfigResp (Storage, &ConfigResp, FormSetStorage->ConfigRequest, TRUE); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // 2. Send to Routine config Protocol. // Status = mHiiConfigRouting->RouteConfig ( mHiiConfigRouting, ConfigResp, &Progress ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (ConfigResp); return Status; } FreePool (ConfigResp); // // 3. Config success, update storage shadow Buffer // SynchronizeStorage (FormSet, Storage, FormSetStorage->ConfigRequest, TRUE); } // // 4. Update the NV flag. // ValueChangeResetFlagUpdate(TRUE, FormSet, NULL); } else if (SettingScope == SystemLevel) { // // System Level Save. // // // Save changed value for each FormSet in the maintain list. // Link = GetFirstNode (&gBrowserFormSetList); while (!IsNull (&gBrowserFormSetList, Link)) { LocalFormSet = FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&gBrowserFormSetList, Link); if (!ValidateFormSet(LocalFormSet)) { continue; } SubmitForm (LocalFormSet, NULL, FormSetLevel); if (!IsHiiHandleInBrowserContext (LocalFormSet->HiiHandle)) { // // Remove maintain backup list after save except for the current using FormSet. // CleanBrowserStorage(LocalFormSet); RemoveEntryList (&LocalFormSet->Link); DestroyFormSet (LocalFormSet); } } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Get Question default value from AltCfg string. @param FormSet The form set. @param Question The question. @param DefaultId The default Id. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Question is reset to default value. **/ EFI_STATUS GetDefaultValueFromAltCfg ( IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN OUT FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Question, IN UINT16 DefaultId ) { BOOLEAN IsBufferStorage; BOOLEAN IsString; UINTN Length; BROWSER_STORAGE *Storage; CHAR16 *ConfigRequest; CHAR16 *Progress; CHAR16 *Result; CHAR16 *ConfigResp; CHAR16 *Value; CHAR16 *StringPtr; UINTN LengthStr; UINT8 *Dst; CHAR16 TemStr[5]; UINTN Index; UINT8 DigitUint8; EFI_STATUS Status; Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; Length = 0; Dst = NULL; ConfigRequest = NULL; Result = NULL; ConfigResp = NULL; Value = NULL; Storage = Question->Storage; if ((Storage == NULL) || (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE)) { return Status; } // // Question Value is provided by Buffer Storage or NameValue Storage // if (Question->BufferValue != NULL) { // // This Question is password or orderedlist // Dst = Question->BufferValue; } else { // // Other type of Questions // Dst = (UINT8 *) &Question->HiiValue.Value; } if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER || Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE_BUFFER) { IsBufferStorage = TRUE; } else { IsBufferStorage = FALSE; } IsString = (BOOLEAN) ((Question->HiiValue.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_STRING) ? TRUE : FALSE); // // ::= + || // + "&" + // if (IsBufferStorage) { Length = StrLen (Storage->ConfigHdr); Length += StrLen (Question->BlockName); } else { Length = StrLen (Storage->ConfigHdr); Length += StrLen (Question->VariableName) + 1; } ConfigRequest = AllocateZeroPool ((Length + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16)); ASSERT (ConfigRequest != NULL); StrCpy (ConfigRequest, Storage->ConfigHdr); if (IsBufferStorage) { StrCat (ConfigRequest, Question->BlockName); } else { StrCat (ConfigRequest, L"&"); StrCat (ConfigRequest, Question->VariableName); } Status = mHiiConfigRouting->ExtractConfig ( mHiiConfigRouting, ConfigRequest, &Progress, &Result ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } // // Call ConfigRouting GetAltCfg(ConfigRoute, , Guid, Name, DevicePath, AltCfgId, AltCfgResp) // Get the default configuration string according to the default ID. // Status = mHiiConfigRouting->GetAltConfig ( mHiiConfigRouting, Result, &Storage->Guid, Storage->Name, NULL, &DefaultId, // it can be NULL to get the current setting. &ConfigResp ); // // The required setting can't be found. So, it is not required to be validated and set. // if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } if (ConfigResp == NULL) { Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; goto Done; } // // Skip // if (IsBufferStorage) { Value = StrStr (ConfigResp, L"&VALUE"); ASSERT (Value != NULL); // // Skip "&VALUE" // Value = Value + 6; } else { Value = StrStr (ConfigResp, Question->VariableName); ASSERT (Value != NULL); Value = Value + StrLen (Question->VariableName); } if (*Value != '=') { Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; goto Done; } // // Skip '=', point to value // Value = Value + 1; // // Suppress if any // StringPtr = Value; while (*StringPtr != L'\0' && *StringPtr != L'&') { StringPtr++; } *StringPtr = L'\0'; LengthStr = StrLen (Value); if (!IsBufferStorage && IsString) { StringPtr = (CHAR16 *) Dst; ZeroMem (TemStr, sizeof (TemStr)); for (Index = 0; Index < LengthStr; Index += 4) { StrnCpy (TemStr, Value + Index, 4); StringPtr[Index/4] = (CHAR16) StrHexToUint64 (TemStr); } // // Add tailing L'\0' character // StringPtr[Index/4] = L'\0'; } else { ZeroMem (TemStr, sizeof (TemStr)); for (Index = 0; Index < LengthStr; Index ++) { TemStr[0] = Value[LengthStr - Index - 1]; DigitUint8 = (UINT8) StrHexToUint64 (TemStr); if ((Index & 1) == 0) { Dst [Index/2] = DigitUint8; } else { Dst [Index/2] = (UINT8) ((DigitUint8 << 4) + Dst [Index/2]); } } } Done: if (ConfigRequest != NULL){ FreePool (ConfigRequest); } if (ConfigResp != NULL) { FreePool (ConfigResp); } if (Result != NULL) { FreePool (Result); } return Status; } /** Get default Id value used for browser. @param DefaultId The default id value used by hii. @retval Browser used default value. **/ INTN GetDefaultIdForCallBack ( UINTN DefaultId ) { if (DefaultId == EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_STANDARD) { return EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_DEFAULT_STANDARD; } else if (DefaultId == EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_MANUFACTURING) { return EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_DEFAULT_MANUFACTURING; } else if (DefaultId == EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_SAFE) { return EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_DEFAULT_SAFE; } else if (DefaultId >= EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_PLATFORM_BEGIN && DefaultId < EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_PLATFORM_BEGIN + 0x1000) { return EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_DEFAULT_PLATFORM + DefaultId - EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_PLATFORM_BEGIN; } else if (DefaultId >= EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_HARDWARE_BEGIN && DefaultId < EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_HARDWARE_BEGIN + 0x1000) { return EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_DEFAULT_HARDWARE + DefaultId - EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_HARDWARE_BEGIN; } else if (DefaultId >= EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_FIRMWARE_BEGIN && DefaultId < EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_FIRMWARE_BEGIN + 0x1000) { return EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_DEFAULT_FIRMWARE + DefaultId - EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_FIRMWARE_BEGIN; } else { return -1; } } /** Return data element in an Array by its Index. @param Array The data array. @param Type Type of the data in this array. @param Index Zero based index for data in this array. @retval Value The data to be returned **/ UINT64 GetArrayData ( IN VOID *Array, IN UINT8 Type, IN UINTN Index ) { UINT64 Data; ASSERT (Array != NULL); Data = 0; switch (Type) { case EFI_IFR_TYPE_NUM_SIZE_8: Data = (UINT64) *(((UINT8 *) Array) + Index); break; case EFI_IFR_TYPE_NUM_SIZE_16: Data = (UINT64) *(((UINT16 *) Array) + Index); break; case EFI_IFR_TYPE_NUM_SIZE_32: Data = (UINT64) *(((UINT32 *) Array) + Index); break; case EFI_IFR_TYPE_NUM_SIZE_64: Data = (UINT64) *(((UINT64 *) Array) + Index); break; default: break; } return Data; } /** Set value of a data element in an Array by its Index. @param Array The data array. @param Type Type of the data in this array. @param Index Zero based index for data in this array. @param Value The value to be set. **/ VOID SetArrayData ( IN VOID *Array, IN UINT8 Type, IN UINTN Index, IN UINT64 Value ) { ASSERT (Array != NULL); switch (Type) { case EFI_IFR_TYPE_NUM_SIZE_8: *(((UINT8 *) Array) + Index) = (UINT8) Value; break; case EFI_IFR_TYPE_NUM_SIZE_16: *(((UINT16 *) Array) + Index) = (UINT16) Value; break; case EFI_IFR_TYPE_NUM_SIZE_32: *(((UINT32 *) Array) + Index) = (UINT32) Value; break; case EFI_IFR_TYPE_NUM_SIZE_64: *(((UINT64 *) Array) + Index) = (UINT64) Value; break; default: break; } } /** Search an Option of a Question by its value. @param Question The Question @param OptionValue Value for Option to be searched. @retval Pointer Pointer to the found Option. @retval NULL Option not found. **/ QUESTION_OPTION * ValueToOption ( IN FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Question, IN EFI_HII_VALUE *OptionValue ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; QUESTION_OPTION *Option; INTN Result; Link = GetFirstNode (&Question->OptionListHead); while (!IsNull (&Question->OptionListHead, Link)) { Option = QUESTION_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Link); if ((CompareHiiValue (&Option->Value, OptionValue, &Result, NULL) == EFI_SUCCESS) && (Result == 0)) { // // Check the suppressif condition, only a valid option can be return. // if ((Option->SuppressExpression == NULL) || ((EvaluateExpressionList(Option->SuppressExpression, FALSE, NULL, NULL) == ExpressFalse))) { return Option; } } Link = GetNextNode (&Question->OptionListHead, Link); } return NULL; } /** Reset Question to its default value. @param FormSet The form set. @param Form The form. @param Question The question. @param DefaultId The Class of the default. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Question is reset to default value. **/ EFI_STATUS GetQuestionDefault ( IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form, IN FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Question, IN UINT16 DefaultId ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY *Link; QUESTION_DEFAULT *Default; QUESTION_OPTION *Option; EFI_HII_VALUE *HiiValue; UINT8 Index; EFI_STRING StrValue; EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL *ConfigAccess; EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST ActionRequest; INTN Action; Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; StrValue = NULL; // // Statement don't have storage, skip them // if (Question->QuestionId == 0) { return Status; } // // There are Five ways to specify default value for a Question: // 1, use call back function (highest priority) // 2, use ExtractConfig function // 3, use nested EFI_IFR_DEFAULT // 4, set flags of EFI_ONE_OF_OPTION (provide Standard and Manufacturing default) // 5, set flags of EFI_IFR_CHECKBOX (provide Standard and Manufacturing default) (lowest priority) // HiiValue = &Question->HiiValue; // // Get Question defaut value from call back function. // ConfigAccess = FormSet->ConfigAccess; Action = GetDefaultIdForCallBack (DefaultId); if ((Action > 0) && ((Question->QuestionFlags & EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK) != 0) && (ConfigAccess != NULL)) { ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_NONE; Status = ConfigAccess->Callback ( ConfigAccess, Action, Question->QuestionId, HiiValue->Type, &HiiValue->Value, &ActionRequest ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } // // Get default value from altcfg string. // if (ConfigAccess != NULL) { Status = GetDefaultValueFromAltCfg(FormSet, Question, DefaultId); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } // // EFI_IFR_DEFAULT has highest priority // if (!IsListEmpty (&Question->DefaultListHead)) { Link = GetFirstNode (&Question->DefaultListHead); while (!IsNull (&Question->DefaultListHead, Link)) { Default = QUESTION_DEFAULT_FROM_LINK (Link); if (Default->DefaultId == DefaultId) { if (Default->ValueExpression != NULL) { // // Default is provided by an Expression, evaluate it // Status = EvaluateExpression (FormSet, Form, Default->ValueExpression); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (Default->ValueExpression->Result.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_BUFFER) { ASSERT (HiiValue->Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_BUFFER && Question->BufferValue != NULL); if (Question->StorageWidth > Default->ValueExpression->Result.BufferLen) { CopyMem (Question->HiiValue.Buffer, Default->ValueExpression->Result.Buffer, Default->ValueExpression->Result.BufferLen); Question->HiiValue.BufferLen = Default->ValueExpression->Result.BufferLen; } else { CopyMem (Question->HiiValue.Buffer, Default->ValueExpression->Result.Buffer, Question->StorageWidth); Question->HiiValue.BufferLen = Question->StorageWidth; } FreePool (Default->ValueExpression->Result.Buffer); } HiiValue->Type = Default->ValueExpression->Result.Type; CopyMem (&HiiValue->Value, &Default->ValueExpression->Result.Value, sizeof (EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE)); } else { // // Default value is embedded in EFI_IFR_DEFAULT // CopyMem (HiiValue, &Default->Value, sizeof (EFI_HII_VALUE)); } if (HiiValue->Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_STRING) { StrValue = HiiGetString (FormSet->HiiHandle, HiiValue->Value.string, NULL); if (StrValue == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } if (Question->StorageWidth > StrSize (StrValue)) { CopyMem (Question->BufferValue, StrValue, StrSize (StrValue)); } else { CopyMem (Question->BufferValue, StrValue, Question->StorageWidth); } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } Link = GetNextNode (&Question->DefaultListHead, Link); } } // // EFI_ONE_OF_OPTION // if ((Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OP) && !IsListEmpty (&Question->OptionListHead)) { if (DefaultId <= EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_MANUFACTURING) { // // OneOfOption could only provide Standard and Manufacturing default // Link = GetFirstNode (&Question->OptionListHead); while (!IsNull (&Question->OptionListHead, Link)) { Option = QUESTION_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&Question->OptionListHead, Link); if ((Option->SuppressExpression != NULL) && EvaluateExpressionList(Option->SuppressExpression, FALSE, NULL, NULL) != ExpressFalse) { continue; } if (((DefaultId == EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_STANDARD) && ((Option->Flags & EFI_IFR_OPTION_DEFAULT) != 0)) || ((DefaultId == EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_MANUFACTURING) && ((Option->Flags & EFI_IFR_OPTION_DEFAULT_MFG) != 0)) ) { CopyMem (HiiValue, &Option->Value, sizeof (EFI_HII_VALUE)); return EFI_SUCCESS; } } } } // // EFI_IFR_CHECKBOX - lowest priority // if (Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_CHECKBOX_OP) { if (DefaultId <= EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_MANUFACTURING) { // // Checkbox could only provide Standard and Manufacturing default // if (((DefaultId == EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_STANDARD) && ((Question->Flags & EFI_IFR_CHECKBOX_DEFAULT) != 0)) || ((DefaultId == EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_MANUFACTURING) && ((Question->Flags & EFI_IFR_CHECKBOX_DEFAULT_MFG) != 0)) ) { HiiValue->Value.b = TRUE; } else { HiiValue->Value.b = FALSE; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } } // // For Questions without default // Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; switch (Question->Operand) { case EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_OP: // // Take minimum value as numeric default value // if ((HiiValue->Value.u64 < Question->Minimum) || (HiiValue->Value.u64 > Question->Maximum)) { HiiValue->Value.u64 = Question->Minimum; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } break; case EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OP: // // Take first oneof option as oneof's default value // if (ValueToOption (Question, HiiValue) == NULL) { Link = GetFirstNode (&Question->OptionListHead); while (!IsNull (&Question->OptionListHead, Link)) { Option = QUESTION_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&Question->OptionListHead, Link); if ((Option->SuppressExpression != NULL) && EvaluateExpressionList(Option->SuppressExpression, FALSE, NULL, NULL) != ExpressFalse) { continue; } CopyMem (HiiValue, &Option->Value, sizeof (EFI_HII_VALUE)); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; break; } } break; case EFI_IFR_ORDERED_LIST_OP: // // Take option sequence in IFR as ordered list's default value // Index = 0; Link = GetFirstNode (&Question->OptionListHead); while (!IsNull (&Question->OptionListHead, Link)) { Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Option = QUESTION_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&Question->OptionListHead, Link); if ((Option->SuppressExpression != NULL) && EvaluateExpressionList(Option->SuppressExpression, FALSE, NULL, NULL) != ExpressFalse) { continue; } SetArrayData (Question->BufferValue, Question->ValueType, Index, Option->Value.Value.u64); Index++; if (Index >= Question->MaxContainers) { break; } } break; default: break; } return Status; } /** Reset Questions to their initial value or default value in a Form, Formset or System. GetDefaultValueScope parameter decides which questions will reset to its default value. @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @param Form Form data structure. @param DefaultId The Class of the default. @param SettingScope Setting Scope for Default action. @param GetDefaultValueScope Get default value scope. @param Storage Get default value only for this storage. @param RetrieveValueFirst Whether call the retrieve call back to get the initial value before get default value. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Unsupport SettingScope. **/ EFI_STATUS ExtractDefault ( IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form, IN UINT16 DefaultId, IN BROWSER_SETTING_SCOPE SettingScope, IN BROWSER_GET_DEFAULT_VALUE GetDefaultValueScope, IN BROWSER_STORAGE *Storage OPTIONAL, IN BOOLEAN RetrieveValueFirst ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY *FormLink; LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Question; FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *LocalFormSet; FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *OldFormSet; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; // // Check the supported setting level. // if (SettingScope >= MaxLevel || GetDefaultValueScope >= GetDefaultForMax) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (GetDefaultValueScope == GetDefaultForStorage && Storage == NULL) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (SettingScope == FormLevel) { // // Extract Form default // Link = GetFirstNode (&Form->StatementListHead); while (!IsNull (&Form->StatementListHead, Link)) { Question = FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&Form->StatementListHead, Link); // // If get default value only for this storage, check the storage first. // if ((GetDefaultValueScope == GetDefaultForStorage) && (Question->Storage != Storage)) { continue; } // // If get default value only for no storage question, just skip the question which has storage. // if ((GetDefaultValueScope == GetDefaultForNoStorage) && (Question->Storage != NULL)) { continue; } // // If Question is disabled, don't reset it to default // if (Question->Expression != NULL) { if (EvaluateExpressionList(Question->Expression, TRUE, FormSet, Form) == ExpressDisable) { continue; } } if (RetrieveValueFirst) { // // Call the Retrieve call back to get the initial question value. // Status = ProcessRetrieveForQuestion(FormSet->ConfigAccess, Question); } // // If not request to get the initial value or get initial value fail, then get default value. // if (!RetrieveValueFirst || EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = GetQuestionDefault (FormSet, Form, Question, DefaultId); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { continue; } } // // Synchronize Buffer storage's Edit buffer // if ((Question->Storage != NULL) && (Question->Storage->Type != EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE)) { SetQuestionValue (FormSet, Form, Question, GetSetValueWithEditBuffer); } } } else if (SettingScope == FormSetLevel) { FormLink = GetFirstNode (&FormSet->FormListHead); while (!IsNull (&FormSet->FormListHead, FormLink)) { Form = FORM_BROWSER_FORM_FROM_LINK (FormLink); ExtractDefault (FormSet, Form, DefaultId, FormLevel, GetDefaultValueScope, Storage, RetrieveValueFirst); FormLink = GetNextNode (&FormSet->FormListHead, FormLink); } } else if (SettingScope == SystemLevel) { // // Preload all Hii formset. // LoadAllHiiFormset(); OldFormSet = mSystemLevelFormSet; // // Set Default Value for each FormSet in the maintain list. // Link = GetFirstNode (&gBrowserFormSetList); while (!IsNull (&gBrowserFormSetList, Link)) { LocalFormSet = FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&gBrowserFormSetList, Link); if (!ValidateFormSet(LocalFormSet)) { continue; } mSystemLevelFormSet = LocalFormSet; ExtractDefault (LocalFormSet, NULL, DefaultId, FormSetLevel, GetDefaultValueScope, Storage, RetrieveValueFirst); } mSystemLevelFormSet = OldFormSet; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Validate whether this question's value has changed. @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @param Form Form data structure. @param Question Question to be initialized. @param GetValueFrom Where to get value, may from editbuffer, buffer or hii driver. @retval TRUE Question's value has changed. @retval FALSE Question's value has not changed **/ BOOLEAN IsQuestionValueChanged ( IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form, IN OUT FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Question, IN GET_SET_QUESTION_VALUE_WITH GetValueFrom ) { EFI_HII_VALUE BackUpValue; CHAR8 *BackUpBuffer; EFI_STATUS Status; BOOLEAN ValueChanged; UINTN BufferWidth; // // For quetion without storage, always mark it as data not changed. // if (Question->Storage == NULL && Question->Operand != EFI_IFR_TIME_OP && Question->Operand != EFI_IFR_DATE_OP) { return FALSE; } BackUpBuffer = NULL; ValueChanged = FALSE; switch (Question->Operand) { case EFI_IFR_ORDERED_LIST_OP: BufferWidth = Question->StorageWidth; BackUpBuffer = AllocateCopyPool (BufferWidth, Question->BufferValue); ASSERT (BackUpBuffer != NULL); break; case EFI_IFR_STRING_OP: case EFI_IFR_PASSWORD_OP: BufferWidth = (UINTN) Question->Maximum * sizeof (CHAR16); BackUpBuffer = AllocateCopyPool (BufferWidth, Question->BufferValue); ASSERT (BackUpBuffer != NULL); break; default: BufferWidth = 0; break; } CopyMem (&BackUpValue, &Question->HiiValue, sizeof (EFI_HII_VALUE)); Status = GetQuestionValue (FormSet, Form, Question, GetValueFrom); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); if (CompareMem (&BackUpValue, &Question->HiiValue, sizeof (EFI_HII_VALUE)) != 0 || CompareMem (BackUpBuffer, Question->BufferValue, BufferWidth) != 0) { ValueChanged = TRUE; } CopyMem (&Question->HiiValue, &BackUpValue, sizeof (EFI_HII_VALUE)); CopyMem (Question->BufferValue, BackUpBuffer, BufferWidth); if (BackUpBuffer != NULL) { FreePool (BackUpBuffer); } return ValueChanged; } /** Initialize Question's Edit copy from Storage. @param Selection Selection contains the information about the Selection, form and formset to be displayed. Selection action may be updated in retrieve callback. If Selection is NULL, only initialize Question value. @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @param Form Form data structure. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS LoadFormConfig ( IN OUT UI_MENU_SELECTION *Selection, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Question; UINT8 *BufferValue; UINTN StorageWidth; Link = GetFirstNode (&Form->StatementListHead); while (!IsNull (&Form->StatementListHead, Link)) { Question = FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (Link); // // Initialize local copy of Value for each Question // if (Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_PASSWORD_OP && (Question->QuestionFlags & EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK)== 0) { Status = GetQuestionValue (FormSet, Form, Question, GetSetValueWithHiiDriver); } else { Status = GetQuestionValue (FormSet, Form, Question, GetSetValueWithEditBuffer); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if ((Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_STRING_OP) || (Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_PASSWORD_OP)) { HiiSetString (FormSet->HiiHandle, Question->HiiValue.Value.string, (CHAR16*)Question->BufferValue, NULL); } // // Call the Retrieve call back function for all questions. // if ((FormSet->ConfigAccess != NULL) && (Selection != NULL) && ((Question->QuestionFlags & EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK) == EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK) && !gFinishRetrieveCall) { // // Check QuestionValue does exist. // StorageWidth = Question->StorageWidth; if (Question->BufferValue != NULL) { BufferValue = Question->BufferValue; } else { BufferValue = (UINT8 *) &Question->HiiValue.Value; } // // For efivarstore storage, initial question value first. // if ((Question->Storage != NULL) && (Question->Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE)) { Status = gRT->GetVariable ( Question->VariableName, &Question->Storage->Guid, NULL, &StorageWidth, BufferValue ); } Status = ProcessCallBackFunction(Selection, FormSet, Form, Question, EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_RETRIEVE, TRUE); } // // Update Question Value changed flag. // Question->ValueChanged = IsQuestionValueChanged(FormSet, Form, Question, GetSetValueWithBuffer); Link = GetNextNode (&Form->StatementListHead, Link); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Initialize Question's Edit copy from Storage for the whole Formset. @param Selection Selection contains the information about the Selection, form and formset to be displayed. Selection action may be updated in retrieve callback. If Selection is NULL, only initialize Question value. @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS LoadFormSetConfig ( IN OUT UI_MENU_SELECTION *Selection, IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORM_BROWSER_FORM *Form; Link = GetFirstNode (&FormSet->FormListHead); while (!IsNull (&FormSet->FormListHead, Link)) { Form = FORM_BROWSER_FORM_FROM_LINK (Link); // // Initialize local copy of Value for each Form // Status = LoadFormConfig (Selection, FormSet, Form); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Link = GetNextNode (&FormSet->FormListHead, Link); } // // Finished question initialization. // FormSet->QuestionInited = TRUE; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Remove the Request element from the Config Request. @param Storage Pointer to the browser storage. @param RequestElement The pointer to the Request element. **/ VOID RemoveElement ( IN OUT BROWSER_STORAGE *Storage, IN CHAR16 *RequestElement ) { CHAR16 *NewStr; CHAR16 *DestStr; ASSERT (Storage->ConfigRequest != NULL && RequestElement != NULL); NewStr = StrStr (Storage->ConfigRequest, RequestElement); if (NewStr == NULL) { return; } // // Remove this element from this ConfigRequest. // DestStr = NewStr; NewStr += StrLen (RequestElement); CopyMem (DestStr, NewStr, StrSize (NewStr)); Storage->SpareStrLen += StrLen (RequestElement); } /** Adjust config request in storage, remove the request elements existed in the input ConfigRequest. @param Storage Pointer to the browser storage. @param ConfigRequest The pointer to the Request element. **/ VOID RemoveConfigRequest ( BROWSER_STORAGE *Storage, CHAR16 *ConfigRequest ) { CHAR16 *RequestElement; CHAR16 *NextRequestElement; CHAR16 *SearchKey; // // No request element in it, just return. // if (ConfigRequest == NULL) { return; } if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_NAME_VALUE) { // // "&Name1&Name2" section for EFI_HII_VARSTORE_NAME_VALUE storage // SearchKey = L"&"; } else { // // "&OFFSET=####&WIDTH=####" section for EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER storage // SearchKey = L"&OFFSET"; } // // Find SearchKey storage // if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_NAME_VALUE) { RequestElement = StrStr (ConfigRequest, L"PATH"); ASSERT (RequestElement != NULL); RequestElement = StrStr (RequestElement, SearchKey); } else { RequestElement = StrStr (ConfigRequest, SearchKey); } while (RequestElement != NULL) { // // +1 to avoid find header itself. // NextRequestElement = StrStr (RequestElement + 1, SearchKey); // // The last Request element in configRequest string. // if (NextRequestElement != NULL) { // // Replace "&" with '\0'. // *NextRequestElement = L'\0'; } RemoveElement (Storage, RequestElement); if (NextRequestElement != NULL) { // // Restore '&' with '\0' for later used. // *NextRequestElement = L'&'; } RequestElement = NextRequestElement; } // // If no request element remain, just remove the ConfigRequest string. // if (StrCmp (Storage->ConfigRequest, Storage->ConfigHdr) == 0) { FreePool (Storage->ConfigRequest); Storage->ConfigRequest = NULL; Storage->SpareStrLen = 0; } } /** Base on the current formset info, clean the ConfigRequest string in browser storage. @param FormSet Pointer of the FormSet **/ VOID CleanBrowserStorage ( IN OUT FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORMSET_STORAGE *Storage; CHAR16 *ConfigRequest; Link = GetFirstNode (&FormSet->StorageListHead); while (!IsNull (&FormSet->StorageListHead, Link)) { Storage = FORMSET_STORAGE_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&FormSet->StorageListHead, Link); if (Storage->BrowserStorage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE_BUFFER) { if (Storage->ConfigRequest == NULL || Storage->BrowserStorage->ConfigRequest == NULL) { continue; } ConfigRequest = FormSet->QuestionInited ? Storage->ConfigRequest : Storage->ConfigElements; RemoveConfigRequest (Storage->BrowserStorage, ConfigRequest); } else if (Storage->BrowserStorage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER || Storage->BrowserStorage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_NAME_VALUE) { if (Storage->BrowserStorage->ConfigRequest != NULL) { FreePool (Storage->BrowserStorage->ConfigRequest); } Storage->BrowserStorage->Initialized = FALSE; } } } /** Check whether current element in the ConfigReqeust string. @param BrowserStorage Storage which includes ConfigReqeust. @param RequestElement New element need to check. @retval TRUE The Element is in the ConfigReqeust string. @retval FALSE The Element not in the configReqeust String. **/ BOOLEAN ElementValidation ( BROWSER_STORAGE *BrowserStorage, CHAR16 *RequestElement ) { return StrStr (BrowserStorage->ConfigRequest, RequestElement) != NULL ? TRUE : FALSE; } /** Append the Request element to the Config Request. @param ConfigRequest Current ConfigRequest info. @param SpareStrLen Current remain free buffer for config reqeust. @param RequestElement New Request element. **/ VOID AppendConfigRequest ( IN OUT CHAR16 **ConfigRequest, IN OUT UINTN *SpareStrLen, IN CHAR16 *RequestElement ) { CHAR16 *NewStr; UINTN StringSize; UINTN StrLength; StrLength = StrLen (RequestElement); // // Append to // if (StrLength > *SpareStrLen) { // // Old String buffer is not sufficient for RequestElement, allocate a new one // StringSize = (*ConfigRequest != NULL) ? StrSize (*ConfigRequest) : sizeof (CHAR16); NewStr = AllocateZeroPool (StringSize + CONFIG_REQUEST_STRING_INCREMENTAL * sizeof (CHAR16)); ASSERT (NewStr != NULL); if (*ConfigRequest != NULL) { CopyMem (NewStr, *ConfigRequest, StringSize); FreePool (*ConfigRequest); } *ConfigRequest = NewStr; *SpareStrLen = CONFIG_REQUEST_STRING_INCREMENTAL; } StrCat (*ConfigRequest, RequestElement); *SpareStrLen -= StrLength; } /** Adjust the config request info, remove the request elements which already in AllConfigRequest string. @param Storage Form set Storage. @retval TRUE Has element not covered by current used elements, need to continue to call ExtractConfig @retval FALSE All elements covered by current used elements. **/ BOOLEAN ConfigRequestAdjust ( IN FORMSET_STORAGE *Storage ) { CHAR16 *RequestElement; CHAR16 *NextRequestElement; CHAR16 *RetBuf; UINTN SpareBufLen; CHAR16 *SearchKey; BOOLEAN RetVal; SpareBufLen = 0; RetBuf = NULL; RetVal = FALSE; if (Storage->BrowserStorage->ConfigRequest == NULL) { Storage->BrowserStorage->ConfigRequest = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (Storage->ConfigRequest), Storage->ConfigRequest); if (Storage->ConfigElements != NULL) { FreePool (Storage->ConfigElements); } Storage->ConfigElements = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (Storage->ConfigRequest), Storage->ConfigRequest); return TRUE; } if (Storage->BrowserStorage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_NAME_VALUE) { // // "&Name1&Name2" section for EFI_HII_VARSTORE_NAME_VALUE storage // SearchKey = L"&"; } else { // // "&OFFSET=####&WIDTH=####" section for EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER storage // SearchKey = L"&OFFSET"; } // // Prepare the config header. // RetBuf = AllocateCopyPool(StrSize (Storage->BrowserStorage->ConfigHdr), Storage->BrowserStorage->ConfigHdr); ASSERT (RetBuf != NULL); // // Find SearchKey storage // if (Storage->BrowserStorage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_NAME_VALUE) { RequestElement = StrStr (Storage->ConfigRequest, L"PATH"); ASSERT (RequestElement != NULL); RequestElement = StrStr (RequestElement, SearchKey); } else { RequestElement = StrStr (Storage->ConfigRequest, SearchKey); } while (RequestElement != NULL) { // // +1 to avoid find header itself. // NextRequestElement = StrStr (RequestElement + 1, SearchKey); // // The last Request element in configRequest string. // if (NextRequestElement != NULL) { // // Replace "&" with '\0'. // *NextRequestElement = L'\0'; } if (!ElementValidation (Storage->BrowserStorage, RequestElement)) { // // Add this element to the Storage->BrowserStorage->AllRequestElement. // AppendConfigRequest(&Storage->BrowserStorage->ConfigRequest, &Storage->BrowserStorage->SpareStrLen, RequestElement); AppendConfigRequest (&RetBuf, &SpareBufLen, RequestElement); RetVal = TRUE; } if (NextRequestElement != NULL) { // // Restore '&' with '\0' for later used. // *NextRequestElement = L'&'; } RequestElement = NextRequestElement; } if (RetVal) { if (Storage->ConfigElements != NULL) { FreePool (Storage->ConfigElements); } Storage->ConfigElements = RetBuf; } else { FreePool (RetBuf); } return RetVal; } /** Base on ConfigRequest info to get default value for current formset. ConfigRequest info include the info about which questions in current formset need to get default value. This function only get these questions default value. @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @param Storage Storage need to update value. @param ConfigRequest The config request string. **/ VOID GetDefaultForFormset ( IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN BROWSER_STORAGE *Storage, IN CHAR16 *ConfigRequest ) { UINT8 *BackUpBuf; UINTN BufferSize; LIST_ENTRY BackUpList; NAME_VALUE_NODE *Node; LIST_ENTRY *Link; LIST_ENTRY *NodeLink; NAME_VALUE_NODE *TmpNode; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_STRING Progress; EFI_STRING Result; BackUpBuf = NULL; InitializeListHead(&BackUpList); // // Back update the edit buffer. // if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER || (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE_BUFFER)) { BackUpBuf = AllocateCopyPool (Storage->Size, Storage->EditBuffer); ASSERT (BackUpBuf != NULL); } else if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_NAME_VALUE) { Link = GetFirstNode (&Storage->NameValueListHead); while (!IsNull (&Storage->NameValueListHead, Link)) { Node = NAME_VALUE_NODE_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&Storage->NameValueListHead, Link); // // Only back Node belong to this formset. // if (StrStr (Storage->ConfigRequest, Node->Name) == NULL) { continue; } TmpNode = AllocateCopyPool (sizeof (NAME_VALUE_NODE), Node); TmpNode->Name = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize(Node->Name) * sizeof (CHAR16), Node->Name); TmpNode->EditValue = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize(Node->EditValue) * sizeof (CHAR16), Node->EditValue); InsertTailList(&BackUpList, &TmpNode->Link); } } // // Get default value. // ExtractDefault (FormSet, NULL, EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_STANDARD, FormSetLevel, GetDefaultForStorage, Storage, TRUE); // // Update the question value based on the input ConfigRequest. // if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER || (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE_BUFFER)) { ASSERT (BackUpBuf != NULL); BufferSize = Storage->Size; Status = mHiiConfigRouting->BlockToConfig( mHiiConfigRouting, ConfigRequest, Storage->EditBuffer, BufferSize, &Result, &Progress ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); Status = mHiiConfigRouting->ConfigToBlock ( mHiiConfigRouting, Result, BackUpBuf, &BufferSize, &Progress ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); if (Result != NULL) { FreePool (Result); } CopyMem (Storage->EditBuffer, BackUpBuf, Storage->Size); FreePool (BackUpBuf); } else if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_NAME_VALUE) { // // Update question value, only element in ConfigReqeust will be update. // Link = GetFirstNode (&BackUpList); while (!IsNull (&BackUpList, Link)) { Node = NAME_VALUE_NODE_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&BackUpList, Link); if (StrStr (ConfigRequest, Node->Name) != NULL) { continue; } NodeLink = GetFirstNode (&Storage->NameValueListHead); while (!IsNull (&Storage->NameValueListHead, NodeLink)) { TmpNode = NAME_VALUE_NODE_FROM_LINK (NodeLink); NodeLink = GetNextNode (&Storage->NameValueListHead, NodeLink); if (StrCmp (Node->Name, TmpNode->Name) != 0) { continue; } FreePool (TmpNode->EditValue); TmpNode->EditValue = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize(Node->EditValue) * sizeof (CHAR16), Node->EditValue); RemoveEntryList (&Node->Link); FreePool (Node->EditValue); FreePool (Node->Name); FreePool (Node); } } // // Restore the Name/Value node. // Link = GetFirstNode (&BackUpList); while (!IsNull (&BackUpList, Link)) { Node = NAME_VALUE_NODE_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&BackUpList, Link); // // Free this node. // RemoveEntryList (&Node->Link); FreePool (Node->EditValue); FreePool (Node->Name); FreePool (Node); } } } /** Fill storage's edit copy with settings requested from Configuration Driver. @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @param Storage Buffer Storage. **/ VOID LoadStorage ( IN FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet, IN FORMSET_STORAGE *Storage ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_STRING Progress; EFI_STRING Result; CHAR16 *StrPtr; EFI_STRING ConfigRequest; UINTN StrLen; ConfigRequest = NULL; switch (Storage->BrowserStorage->Type) { case EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE: return; case EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE_BUFFER: if (Storage->BrowserStorage->ConfigRequest != NULL) { ConfigRequestAdjust(Storage); return; } // // Create the config request string to get all fields for this storage. // Allocate and fill a buffer large enough to hold the template // followed by "&OFFSET=0&WIDTH=WWWW"followed by a Null-terminator // StrLen = StrSize (Storage->BrowserStorage->ConfigHdr) + 20 * sizeof (CHAR16); ConfigRequest = AllocateZeroPool (StrLen); ASSERT (ConfigRequest != NULL); UnicodeSPrint ( ConfigRequest, StrLen, L"%s&OFFSET=0&WIDTH=%04x", Storage->BrowserStorage->ConfigHdr, Storage->BrowserStorage->Size); break; case EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER: case EFI_HII_VARSTORE_NAME_VALUE: // // Skip if there is no RequestElement or data has initilized. // if (Storage->ElementCount == 0 || Storage->BrowserStorage->Initialized) { return; } Storage->BrowserStorage->Initialized = TRUE; ConfigRequest = Storage->ConfigRequest; break; default: return; } // // Request current settings from Configuration Driver // Status = mHiiConfigRouting->ExtractConfig ( mHiiConfigRouting, ConfigRequest, &Progress, &Result ); // // If get value fail, extract default from IFR binary // if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ExtractDefault (FormSet, NULL, EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_STANDARD, FormSetLevel, GetDefaultForStorage, Storage->BrowserStorage, TRUE); } else { // // Convert Result from to // StrPtr = StrStr (Result, L"&GUID="); if (StrPtr != NULL) { *StrPtr = L'\0'; } Status = ConfigRespToStorage (Storage->BrowserStorage, Result); FreePool (Result); } Storage->BrowserStorage->ConfigRequest = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (Storage->ConfigRequest), Storage->ConfigRequest); // // Input NULL for ConfigRequest field means sync all fields from editbuffer to buffer. // SynchronizeStorage(FormSet, Storage->BrowserStorage, NULL, TRUE); if (Storage->BrowserStorage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE_BUFFER) { if (ConfigRequest != NULL) { FreePool (ConfigRequest); } } } /** Get current setting of Questions. @param FormSet FormSet data structure. **/ VOID InitializeCurrentSetting ( IN OUT FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORMSET_STORAGE *Storage; FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *OldFormSet; // // Try to find pre FormSet in the maintain backup list. // If old formset != NULL, destroy this formset. Add new formset to gBrowserFormSetList. // OldFormSet = GetFormSetFromHiiHandle (FormSet->HiiHandle); if (OldFormSet != NULL) { RemoveEntryList (&OldFormSet->Link); DestroyFormSet (OldFormSet); } InsertTailList (&gBrowserFormSetList, &FormSet->Link); // // Extract default from IFR binary for no storage questions. // ExtractDefault (FormSet, NULL, EFI_HII_DEFAULT_CLASS_STANDARD, FormSetLevel, GetDefaultForNoStorage, NULL, TRUE); // // Request current settings from Configuration Driver // Link = GetFirstNode (&FormSet->StorageListHead); while (!IsNull (&FormSet->StorageListHead, Link)) { Storage = FORMSET_STORAGE_FROM_LINK (Link); LoadStorage (FormSet, Storage); Link = GetNextNode (&FormSet->StorageListHead, Link); } } /** Fetch the Ifr binary data of a FormSet. @param Handle PackageList Handle @param FormSetGuid On input, GUID or class GUID of a formset. If not specified (NULL or zero GUID), take the first FormSet with class GUID EFI_HII_PLATFORM_SETUP_FORMSET_GUID found in package list. On output, GUID of the formset found(if not NULL). @param BinaryLength The length of the FormSet IFR binary. @param BinaryData The buffer designed to receive the FormSet. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Buffer filled with the requested FormSet. BufferLength was updated. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The handle is unknown. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND A form or FormSet on the requested handle cannot be found with the requested FormId. **/ EFI_STATUS GetIfrBinaryData ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE Handle, IN OUT EFI_GUID *FormSetGuid, OUT UINTN *BinaryLength, OUT UINT8 **BinaryData ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_HII_PACKAGE_LIST_HEADER *HiiPackageList; UINTN BufferSize; UINT8 *Package; UINT8 *OpCodeData; UINT32 Offset; UINT32 Offset2; UINT32 PackageListLength; EFI_HII_PACKAGE_HEADER PackageHeader; UINT8 Index; UINT8 NumberOfClassGuid; BOOLEAN ClassGuidMatch; EFI_GUID *ClassGuid; EFI_GUID *ComparingGuid; OpCodeData = NULL; Package = NULL; ZeroMem (&PackageHeader, sizeof (EFI_HII_PACKAGE_HEADER)); // // if FormSetGuid is NULL or zero GUID, return first Setup FormSet in the package list // if (FormSetGuid == NULL) { ComparingGuid = &gZeroGuid; } else { ComparingGuid = FormSetGuid; } // // Get HII PackageList // BufferSize = 0; HiiPackageList = NULL; Status = mHiiDatabase->ExportPackageLists (mHiiDatabase, Handle, &BufferSize, HiiPackageList); if (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { HiiPackageList = AllocatePool (BufferSize); ASSERT (HiiPackageList != NULL); Status = mHiiDatabase->ExportPackageLists (mHiiDatabase, Handle, &BufferSize, HiiPackageList); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } ASSERT (HiiPackageList != NULL); // // Get Form package from this HII package List // Offset = sizeof (EFI_HII_PACKAGE_LIST_HEADER); Offset2 = 0; CopyMem (&PackageListLength, &HiiPackageList->PackageLength, sizeof (UINT32)); ClassGuidMatch = FALSE; while (Offset < PackageListLength) { Package = ((UINT8 *) HiiPackageList) + Offset; CopyMem (&PackageHeader, Package, sizeof (EFI_HII_PACKAGE_HEADER)); if (PackageHeader.Type == EFI_HII_PACKAGE_FORMS) { // // Search FormSet in this Form Package // Offset2 = sizeof (EFI_HII_PACKAGE_HEADER); while (Offset2 < PackageHeader.Length) { OpCodeData = Package + Offset2; if (((EFI_IFR_OP_HEADER *) OpCodeData)->OpCode == EFI_IFR_FORM_SET_OP) { // // Try to compare against formset GUID // if (CompareGuid (FormSetGuid, &gZeroGuid) || CompareGuid (ComparingGuid, (EFI_GUID *)(OpCodeData + sizeof (EFI_IFR_OP_HEADER)))) { break; } if (((EFI_IFR_OP_HEADER *) OpCodeData)->Length > OFFSET_OF (EFI_IFR_FORM_SET, Flags)) { // // Try to compare against formset class GUID // NumberOfClassGuid = (UINT8) (((EFI_IFR_FORM_SET *) OpCodeData)->Flags & 0x3); ClassGuid = (EFI_GUID *) (OpCodeData + sizeof (EFI_IFR_FORM_SET)); for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfClassGuid; Index++) { if (CompareGuid (ComparingGuid, ClassGuid + Index)) { ClassGuidMatch = TRUE; break; } } if (ClassGuidMatch) { break; } } else if (ComparingGuid == &gEfiHiiPlatformSetupFormsetGuid) { ClassGuidMatch = TRUE; break; } } Offset2 += ((EFI_IFR_OP_HEADER *) OpCodeData)->Length; } if (Offset2 < PackageHeader.Length) { // // Target formset found // break; } } Offset += PackageHeader.Length; } if (Offset >= PackageListLength) { // // Form package not found in this Package List // FreePool (HiiPackageList); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } if (FormSetGuid != NULL) { // // Return the FormSet GUID // CopyMem (FormSetGuid, &((EFI_IFR_FORM_SET *) OpCodeData)->Guid, sizeof (EFI_GUID)); } // // To determine the length of a whole FormSet IFR binary, one have to parse all the Opcodes // in this FormSet; So, here just simply copy the data from start of a FormSet to the end // of the Form Package. // *BinaryLength = PackageHeader.Length - Offset2; *BinaryData = AllocateCopyPool (*BinaryLength, OpCodeData); FreePool (HiiPackageList); if (*BinaryData == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Initialize the internal data structure of a FormSet. @param Handle PackageList Handle @param FormSetGuid On input, GUID or class GUID of a formset. If not specified (NULL or zero GUID), take the first FormSet with class GUID EFI_HII_PLATFORM_SETUP_FORMSET_GUID found in package list. On output, GUID of the formset found(if not NULL). @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The specified FormSet could not be found. **/ EFI_STATUS InitializeFormSet ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE Handle, IN OUT EFI_GUID *FormSetGuid, OUT FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_HANDLE DriverHandle; Status = GetIfrBinaryData (Handle, FormSetGuid, &FormSet->IfrBinaryLength, &FormSet->IfrBinaryData); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } FormSet->Signature = FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET_SIGNATURE; FormSet->HiiHandle = Handle; CopyMem (&FormSet->Guid, FormSetGuid, sizeof (EFI_GUID)); FormSet->QuestionInited = FALSE; // // Retrieve ConfigAccess Protocol associated with this HiiPackageList // Status = mHiiDatabase->GetPackageListHandle (mHiiDatabase, Handle, &DriverHandle); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } FormSet->DriverHandle = DriverHandle; Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( DriverHandle, &gEfiHiiConfigAccessProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &FormSet->ConfigAccess ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Configuration Driver don't attach ConfigAccess protocol to its HII package // list, then there will be no configuration action required // FormSet->ConfigAccess = NULL; } // // Parse the IFR binary OpCodes // Status = ParseOpCodes (FormSet); return Status; } /** Save globals used by previous call to SendForm(). SendForm() may be called from HiiConfigAccess.Callback(), this will cause SendForm() be reentried. So, save globals of previous call to SendForm() and restore them upon exit. **/ VOID SaveBrowserContext ( VOID ) { BROWSER_CONTEXT *Context; FORM_ENTRY_INFO *MenuList; gBrowserContextCount++; if (gBrowserContextCount == 1) { // // This is not reentry of SendForm(), no context to save // return; } Context = AllocatePool (sizeof (BROWSER_CONTEXT)); ASSERT (Context != NULL); Context->Signature = BROWSER_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE; // // Save FormBrowser context // Context->Selection = gCurrentSelection; Context->ResetRequired = gResetRequired; Context->ExitRequired = gExitRequired; Context->HiiHandle = mCurrentHiiHandle; Context->FormId = mCurrentFormId; CopyGuid (&Context->FormSetGuid, &mCurrentFormSetGuid); // // Save the menu history data. // InitializeListHead(&Context->FormHistoryList); while (!IsListEmpty (&mPrivateData.FormBrowserEx2.FormViewHistoryHead)) { MenuList = FORM_ENTRY_INFO_FROM_LINK (mPrivateData.FormBrowserEx2.FormViewHistoryHead.ForwardLink); RemoveEntryList (&MenuList->Link); InsertTailList(&Context->FormHistoryList, &MenuList->Link); } // // Insert to FormBrowser context list // InsertHeadList (&gBrowserContextList, &Context->Link); } /** Restore globals used by previous call to SendForm(). **/ VOID RestoreBrowserContext ( VOID ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; BROWSER_CONTEXT *Context; FORM_ENTRY_INFO *MenuList; ASSERT (gBrowserContextCount != 0); gBrowserContextCount--; if (gBrowserContextCount == 0) { // // This is not reentry of SendForm(), no context to restore // return; } ASSERT (!IsListEmpty (&gBrowserContextList)); Link = GetFirstNode (&gBrowserContextList); Context = BROWSER_CONTEXT_FROM_LINK (Link); // // Restore FormBrowser context // gCurrentSelection = Context->Selection; gResetRequired = Context->ResetRequired; gExitRequired = Context->ExitRequired; mCurrentHiiHandle = Context->HiiHandle; mCurrentFormId = Context->FormId; CopyGuid (&mCurrentFormSetGuid, &Context->FormSetGuid); // // Restore the menu history data. // while (!IsListEmpty (&Context->FormHistoryList)) { MenuList = FORM_ENTRY_INFO_FROM_LINK (Context->FormHistoryList.ForwardLink); RemoveEntryList (&MenuList->Link); InsertTailList(&mPrivateData.FormBrowserEx2.FormViewHistoryHead, &MenuList->Link); } // // Remove from FormBrowser context list // RemoveEntryList (&Context->Link); gBS->FreePool (Context); } /** Find the matched FormSet context in the backup maintain list based on HiiHandle. @param Handle The Hii Handle. @return the found FormSet context. If no found, NULL will return. **/ FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET * GetFormSetFromHiiHandle ( EFI_HII_HANDLE Handle ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet; Link = GetFirstNode (&gBrowserFormSetList); while (!IsNull (&gBrowserFormSetList, Link)) { FormSet = FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&gBrowserFormSetList, Link); if (!ValidateFormSet(FormSet)) { continue; } if (FormSet->HiiHandle == Handle) { return FormSet; } } return NULL; } /** Check whether the input HII handle is the FormSet that is being used. @param Handle The Hii Handle. @retval TRUE HII handle is being used. @retval FALSE HII handle is not being used. **/ BOOLEAN IsHiiHandleInBrowserContext ( EFI_HII_HANDLE Handle ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; BROWSER_CONTEXT *Context; // // HiiHandle is Current FormSet. // if (mCurrentHiiHandle == Handle) { return TRUE; } // // Check whether HiiHandle is in BrowserContext. // Link = GetFirstNode (&gBrowserContextList); while (!IsNull (&gBrowserContextList, Link)) { Context = BROWSER_CONTEXT_FROM_LINK (Link); if (Context->HiiHandle == Handle) { // // HiiHandle is in BrowserContext // return TRUE; } Link = GetNextNode (&gBrowserContextList, Link); } return FALSE; } /** Perform Password check. Passwork may be encrypted by driver that requires the specific check. @param Form Form where Password Statement is in. @param Statement Password statement @param PasswordString Password string to be checked. It may be NULL. NULL means to restore password. "" string can be used to checked whether old password does exist. @return Status Status of Password check. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI PasswordCheck ( IN FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_FORM *Form, IN FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_STATEMENT *Statement, IN EFI_STRING PasswordString OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_HII_CONFIG_ACCESS_PROTOCOL *ConfigAccess; EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST ActionRequest; EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE IfrTypeValue; FORM_BROWSER_STATEMENT *Question; ConfigAccess = gCurrentSelection->FormSet->ConfigAccess; Question = GetBrowserStatement(Statement); ASSERT (Question != NULL); if ((Question->QuestionFlags & EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK) == EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK) { if (ConfigAccess == NULL) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } else { if (PasswordString == NULL) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (StrnCmp (PasswordString, (CHAR16 *) Question->BufferValue, Question->StorageWidth/sizeof (CHAR16)) == 0) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } else { return EFI_NOT_READY; } } // // Prepare password string in HII database // if (PasswordString != NULL) { IfrTypeValue.string = NewString (PasswordString, gCurrentSelection->FormSet->HiiHandle); } else { IfrTypeValue.string = 0; } // // Send password to Configuration Driver for validation // Status = ConfigAccess->Callback ( ConfigAccess, EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_CHANGING, Question->QuestionId, Question->HiiValue.Type, &IfrTypeValue, &ActionRequest ); // // Remove password string from HII database // if (PasswordString != NULL) { DeleteString (IfrTypeValue.string, gCurrentSelection->FormSet->HiiHandle); } return Status; } /** Find the registered HotKey based on KeyData. @param[in] KeyData A pointer to a buffer that describes the keystroke information for the hot key. @return The registered HotKey context. If no found, NULL will return. **/ BROWSER_HOT_KEY * GetHotKeyFromRegisterList ( IN EFI_INPUT_KEY *KeyData ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; BROWSER_HOT_KEY *HotKey; Link = GetFirstNode (&gBrowserHotKeyList); while (!IsNull (&gBrowserHotKeyList, Link)) { HotKey = BROWSER_HOT_KEY_FROM_LINK (Link); if (HotKey->KeyData->ScanCode == KeyData->ScanCode) { return HotKey; } Link = GetNextNode (&gBrowserHotKeyList, Link); } return NULL; } /** Configure what scope the hot key will impact. All hot keys have the same scope. The mixed hot keys with the different level are not supported. If no scope is set, the default scope will be FormSet level. After all registered hot keys are removed, previous Scope can reset to another level. @param[in] Scope Scope level to be set. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Scope is set correctly. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Scope is not the valid value specified in BROWSER_SETTING_SCOPE. @retval EFI_UNSPPORTED Scope level is different from current one that the registered hot keys have. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI SetScope ( IN BROWSER_SETTING_SCOPE Scope ) { if (Scope >= MaxLevel) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // When no hot key registered in system or on the first setting, // Scope can be set. // if (mBrowserScopeFirstSet || IsListEmpty (&gBrowserHotKeyList)) { gBrowserSettingScope = Scope; mBrowserScopeFirstSet = FALSE; } else if (Scope != gBrowserSettingScope) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Register the hot key with its browser action, or unregistered the hot key. Only support hot key that is not printable character (control key, function key, etc.). If the action value is zero, the hot key will be unregistered if it has been registered. If the same hot key has been registered, the new action and help string will override the previous ones. @param[in] KeyData A pointer to a buffer that describes the keystroke information for the hot key. Its type is EFI_INPUT_KEY to be supported by all ConsoleIn devices. @param[in] Action Action value that describes what action will be trigged when the hot key is pressed. @param[in] DefaultId Specifies the type of defaults to retrieve, which is only for DEFAULT action. @param[in] HelpString Help string that describes the hot key information. Its value may be NULL for the unregistered hot key. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Hot key is registered or unregistered. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER KeyData is NULL or HelpString is NULL on register. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND KeyData is not found to be unregistered. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Key represents a printable character. It is conflicted with Browser. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI RegisterHotKey ( IN EFI_INPUT_KEY *KeyData, IN UINT32 Action, IN UINT16 DefaultId, IN EFI_STRING HelpString OPTIONAL ) { BROWSER_HOT_KEY *HotKey; // // Check input parameters. // if (KeyData == NULL || KeyData->UnicodeChar != CHAR_NULL || (Action != BROWSER_ACTION_UNREGISTER && HelpString == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Check whether the input KeyData is in BrowserHotKeyList. // HotKey = GetHotKeyFromRegisterList (KeyData); // // Unregister HotKey // if (Action == BROWSER_ACTION_UNREGISTER) { if (HotKey != NULL) { // // The registered HotKey is found. // Remove it from List, and free its resource. // RemoveEntryList (&HotKey->Link); FreePool (HotKey->KeyData); FreePool (HotKey->HelpString); return EFI_SUCCESS; } else { // // The registered HotKey is not found. // return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } } // // Register HotKey into List. // if (HotKey == NULL) { // // Create new Key, and add it into List. // HotKey = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (BROWSER_HOT_KEY)); ASSERT (HotKey != NULL); HotKey->Signature = BROWSER_HOT_KEY_SIGNATURE; HotKey->KeyData = AllocateCopyPool (sizeof (EFI_INPUT_KEY), KeyData); InsertTailList (&gBrowserHotKeyList, &HotKey->Link); } // // Fill HotKey information. // HotKey->Action = Action; HotKey->DefaultId = DefaultId; if (HotKey->HelpString != NULL) { FreePool (HotKey->HelpString); } HotKey->HelpString = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (HelpString), HelpString); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Register Exit handler function. When more than one handler function is registered, the latter one will override the previous one. When NULL handler is specified, the previous Exit handler will be unregistered. @param[in] Handler Pointer to handler function. **/ VOID EFIAPI RegiserExitHandler ( IN EXIT_HANDLER Handler ) { ExitHandlerFunction = Handler; return; } /** Check whether the browser data has been modified. @retval TRUE Browser data is modified. @retval FALSE No browser data is modified. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI IsBrowserDataModified ( VOID ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet; if (gCurrentSelection == NULL) { return FALSE; } switch (gBrowserSettingScope) { case FormLevel: return IsNvUpdateRequiredForForm (gCurrentSelection->Form); case FormSetLevel: return IsNvUpdateRequiredForFormSet (gCurrentSelection->FormSet); case SystemLevel: Link = GetFirstNode (&gBrowserFormSetList); while (!IsNull (&gBrowserFormSetList, Link)) { FormSet = FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET_FROM_LINK (Link); if (IsNvUpdateRequiredForFormSet (FormSet)) { return TRUE; } Link = GetNextNode (&gBrowserFormSetList, Link); } return FALSE; default: return FALSE; } } /** Execute the action requested by the Action parameter. @param[in] Action Execute the request action. @param[in] DefaultId The default Id info when need to load default value. Only used when Action is BROWSER_ACTION_DEFAULT. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Execute the request action succss. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The input action value is invalid. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ExecuteAction ( IN UINT32 Action, IN UINT16 DefaultId ) { EFI_STATUS Status; if (gCurrentSelection == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_READY; } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; // // Executet the discard action. // if ((Action & BROWSER_ACTION_DISCARD) != 0) { Status = DiscardForm (gCurrentSelection->FormSet, gCurrentSelection->Form, gBrowserSettingScope); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } // // Executet the difault action. // if ((Action & BROWSER_ACTION_DEFAULT) != 0) { Status = ExtractDefault (gCurrentSelection->FormSet, gCurrentSelection->Form, DefaultId, gBrowserSettingScope, GetDefaultForAll, NULL, FALSE); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } // // Executet the submit action. // if ((Action & BROWSER_ACTION_SUBMIT) != 0) { Status = SubmitForm (gCurrentSelection->FormSet, gCurrentSelection->Form, gBrowserSettingScope); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } // // Executet the reset action. // if ((Action & BROWSER_ACTION_RESET) != 0) { gResetRequired = TRUE; } // // Executet the exit action. // if ((Action & BROWSER_ACTION_EXIT) != 0) { DiscardForm (gCurrentSelection->FormSet, gCurrentSelection->Form, gBrowserSettingScope); if (gBrowserSettingScope == SystemLevel) { if (ExitHandlerFunction != NULL) { ExitHandlerFunction (); } } gExitRequired = TRUE; } return Status; } /** Create reminder to let user to choose save or discard the changed browser data. Caller can use it to actively check the changed browser data. @retval BROWSER_NO_CHANGES No browser data is changed. @retval BROWSER_SAVE_CHANGES The changed browser data is saved. @retval BROWSER_DISCARD_CHANGES The changed browser data is discard. **/ UINT32 EFIAPI SaveReminder ( VOID ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET *FormSet; BOOLEAN IsDataChanged; UINT32 DataSavedAction; DataSavedAction = BROWSER_NO_CHANGES; IsDataChanged = FALSE; Link = GetFirstNode (&gBrowserFormSetList); while (!IsNull (&gBrowserFormSetList, Link)) { FormSet = FORM_BROWSER_FORMSET_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&gBrowserFormSetList, Link); if (!ValidateFormSet(FormSet)) { continue; } if (IsNvUpdateRequiredForFormSet (FormSet)) { IsDataChanged = TRUE; break; } } // // No data is changed. No save is required. // if (!IsDataChanged) { return DataSavedAction; } // // If data is changed, prompt user to save or discard it. // do { DataSavedAction = (UINT32) mFormDisplay->ConfirmDataChange(); if (DataSavedAction == BROWSER_SAVE_CHANGES) { SubmitForm (NULL, NULL, SystemLevel); break; } else if (DataSavedAction == BROWSER_DISCARD_CHANGES) { DiscardForm (NULL, NULL, SystemLevel); break; } else if (DataSavedAction == BROWSER_NO_CHANGES) { break; } } while (1); return DataSavedAction; }