/** @file Copyright (c) 2005 - 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: Ip4Common.c Abstract: **/ #include "Ip4Impl.h" /** Return the cast type (Unicast/Boradcast) specific to an interface. All the addresses are host byte ordered. @param IpAddr The IP address to classify in host byte order @param IpIf The interface that IpAddr received from @return The cast type of this IP address specific to the interface. @retval IP4_LOCAL_HOST The IpAddr equals to the interface's address @retval IP4_SUBNET_BROADCAST The IpAddr is a directed subnet boradcast to the interface @retval IP4_NET_BROADCAST The IpAddr is a network broadcast to the interface @retval 0 Otherwise. **/ INTN Ip4GetNetCast ( IN IP4_ADDR IpAddr, IN IP4_INTERFACE *IpIf ) { if (IpAddr == IpIf->Ip) { return IP4_LOCAL_HOST; } else if (IpAddr == IpIf->SubnetBrdcast) { return IP4_SUBNET_BROADCAST; } else if (IpAddr == IpIf->NetBrdcast) { return IP4_NET_BROADCAST; } return 0; } /** Find the cast type of the packet related to the local host. This isn't the same as link layer cast type. For example, DHCP server may send local broadcast to the local unicast MAC. @param IpSb The IP4 service binding instance that received the packet @param Dst The destination address in the packet (host byte order) @param Src The source address in the packet (host byte order) @return The cast type for the Dst, it will return on the first non-promiscuous cast type to a configured interface. If the packet doesn't match any of the interface, multicast address and local broadcast address are checked. **/ INTN Ip4GetHostCast ( IN IP4_SERVICE *IpSb, IN IP4_ADDR Dst, IN IP4_ADDR Src ) { LIST_ENTRY *Entry; IP4_INTERFACE *IpIf; INTN Type; INTN Class; Type = 0; if (IpSb->MnpConfigData.EnablePromiscuousReceive) { Type = IP4_PROMISCUOUS; } // // Go through the interface list of the IP service, most likely. // NET_LIST_FOR_EACH (Entry, &IpSb->Interfaces) { IpIf = NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT (Entry, IP4_INTERFACE, Link); // // Skip the unconfigured interface and invalid source address: // source address can't be broadcast. // if (!IpIf->Configured || IP4_IS_BROADCAST (Ip4GetNetCast (Src, IpIf))) { continue; } if ((Class = Ip4GetNetCast (Dst, IpIf)) > Type) { return Class; } } // // If it is local broadcast address. The source address must // be a unicast address on one of the direct connected network. // If it is a multicast address, accept it only if we are in // the group. // if (Dst == IP4_ALLONE_ADDRESS) { IpIf = Ip4FindNet (IpSb, Src); if (IpIf != NULL && !IP4_IS_BROADCAST (Ip4GetNetCast (Src, IpIf))) { return IP4_LOCAL_BROADCAST; } } else if (IP4_IS_MULTICAST (Dst) && Ip4FindGroup (&IpSb->IgmpCtrl, Dst) != NULL) { return IP4_MULTICAST; } return Type; } /** Find an interface whose configured IP address is Ip. @param IpSb The IP4 service binding instance @param Ip The Ip address (host byte order) to find @return The IP4_INTERFACE point if found, otherwise NULL **/ IP4_INTERFACE * Ip4FindInterface ( IN IP4_SERVICE *IpSb, IN IP4_ADDR Ip ) { LIST_ENTRY *Entry; IP4_INTERFACE *IpIf; NET_LIST_FOR_EACH (Entry, &IpSb->Interfaces) { IpIf = NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT (Entry, IP4_INTERFACE, Link); if (IpIf->Configured && (IpIf->Ip == Ip)) { return IpIf; } } return NULL; } /** Find an interface that Ip is on that connected network. @param IpSb The IP4 service binding instance @param Ip The Ip address (host byte order) to find @return The IP4_INTERFACE point if found, otherwise NULL **/ IP4_INTERFACE * Ip4FindNet ( IN IP4_SERVICE *IpSb, IN IP4_ADDR Ip ) { LIST_ENTRY *Entry; IP4_INTERFACE *IpIf; NET_LIST_FOR_EACH (Entry, &IpSb->Interfaces) { IpIf = NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT (Entry, IP4_INTERFACE, Link); if (IpIf->Configured && IP4_NET_EQUAL (Ip, IpIf->Ip, IpIf->SubnetMask)) { return IpIf; } } return NULL; } /** Find an interface of the service with the same Ip/Netmask pair. @param IpSb Ip4 service binding instance @param Ip The Ip adress to find (host byte order) @param Netmask The network to find (host byte order) @return The IP4_INTERFACE point if found, otherwise NULL **/ IP4_INTERFACE * Ip4FindStationAddress ( IN IP4_SERVICE *IpSb, IN IP4_ADDR Ip, IN IP4_ADDR Netmask ) { LIST_ENTRY *Entry; IP4_INTERFACE *IpIf; NET_LIST_FOR_EACH (Entry, &IpSb->Interfaces) { IpIf = NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT (Entry, IP4_INTERFACE, Link); if (IpIf->Configured && (IpIf->Ip == Ip) && (IpIf->SubnetMask == Netmask)) { return IpIf; } } return NULL; } /** Get the MAC address for a multicast IP address. Call Mnp's McastIpToMac to find the MAC address in stead of hard code the NIC to be Ethernet. @param Mnp The Mnp instance to get the MAC address. @param Multicast The multicast IP address to translate. @param Mac The buffer to hold the translated address. @retval EFI_SUCCESS if the multicast IP is successfully translated to a multicast MAC address. @retval other Otherwise some error. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4GetMulticastMac ( IN EFI_MANAGED_NETWORK_PROTOCOL *Mnp, IN IP4_ADDR Multicast, OUT EFI_MAC_ADDRESS *Mac ) { EFI_IP_ADDRESS EfiIp; EFI_IP4 (EfiIp.v4) = HTONL (Multicast); return Mnp->McastIpToMac (Mnp, FALSE, &EfiIp, Mac); } /** Convert the multibyte field in IP header's byter order. In spite of its name, it can also be used to convert from host to network byte order. @param Head The IP head to convert @return Point to the converted IP head **/ IP4_HEAD * Ip4NtohHead ( IN IP4_HEAD *Head ) { Head->TotalLen = NTOHS (Head->TotalLen); Head->Id = NTOHS (Head->Id); Head->Fragment = NTOHS (Head->Fragment); Head->Src = NTOHL (Head->Src); Head->Dst = NTOHL (Head->Dst); return Head; } /** Set the Ip4 variable data. Save the list of all of the IPv4 addresses and subnet masks that are currently being used to volatile variable storage. @param IpSb Ip4 service binding instance @retval EFI_SUCCESS Successfully set variable. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources to set the variable. @retval other Set variable failed. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4SetVariableData ( IN IP4_SERVICE *IpSb ) { UINT32 NumConfiguredInstance; LIST_ENTRY *Entry; UINTN VariableDataSize; EFI_IP4_VARIABLE_DATA *Ip4VariableData; EFI_IP4_ADDRESS_PAIR *Ip4AddressPair; IP4_PROTOCOL *IpInstance; CHAR16 *NewMacString; EFI_STATUS Status; NumConfiguredInstance = 0; // // Go through the children list to count the configured children. // NET_LIST_FOR_EACH (Entry, &IpSb->Children) { IpInstance = NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT_S (Entry, IP4_PROTOCOL, Link, IP4_PROTOCOL_SIGNATURE); if (IpInstance->State == IP4_STATE_CONFIGED) { NumConfiguredInstance++; } } // // Calculate the size of the Ip4VariableData. As there may be no IP child, // we should add extra buffer for the address paris only if the number of configured // children is more than 1. // VariableDataSize = sizeof (EFI_IP4_VARIABLE_DATA); if (NumConfiguredInstance > 1) { VariableDataSize += sizeof (EFI_IP4_ADDRESS_PAIR) * (NumConfiguredInstance - 1); } Ip4VariableData = AllocatePool (VariableDataSize); if (Ip4VariableData == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Ip4VariableData->DriverHandle = IpSb->Image; Ip4VariableData->AddressCount = NumConfiguredInstance; Ip4AddressPair = &Ip4VariableData->AddressPairs[0]; // // Go through the children list to fill the configured children's address pairs. // NET_LIST_FOR_EACH (Entry, &IpSb->Children) { IpInstance = NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT_S (Entry, IP4_PROTOCOL, Link, IP4_PROTOCOL_SIGNATURE); if (IpInstance->State == IP4_STATE_CONFIGED) { Ip4AddressPair->InstanceHandle = IpInstance->Handle; EFI_IP4 (Ip4AddressPair->Ip4Address) = NTOHL (IpInstance->Interface->Ip); EFI_IP4 (Ip4AddressPair->SubnetMask) = NTOHL (IpInstance->Interface->SubnetMask); Ip4AddressPair++; } } // // Get the mac string. // Status = NetLibGetMacString (IpSb->Controller, IpSb->Image, &NewMacString); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_ERROR; } if (IpSb->MacString != NULL) { // // The variable is set already, we're going to update it. // if (StrCmp (IpSb->MacString, NewMacString) != 0) { // // The mac address is changed, delete the previous variable first. // gRT->SetVariable ( IpSb->MacString, &gEfiIp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS, 0, NULL ); } gBS->FreePool (IpSb->MacString); } IpSb->MacString = NewMacString; Status = gRT->SetVariable ( IpSb->MacString, &gEfiIp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS, VariableDataSize, (VOID *) Ip4VariableData ); ON_ERROR: gBS->FreePool (Ip4VariableData); return Status; } /** Clear the variable and free the resource. @param IpSb Ip4 service binding instance @return None. **/ VOID Ip4ClearVariableData ( IN IP4_SERVICE *IpSb ) { ASSERT (IpSb->MacString != NULL); gRT->SetVariable ( IpSb->MacString, &gEfiIp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS, 0, NULL ); gBS->FreePool (IpSb->MacString); IpSb->MacString = NULL; }