/** @file The realization of EFI_RAM_DISK_PROTOCOL. Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
(C) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "RamDiskImpl.h" RAM_DISK_PRIVATE_DATA mRamDiskPrivateDataTemplate = { RAM_DISK_PRIVATE_DATA_SIGNATURE, NULL }; MEDIA_RAM_DISK_DEVICE_PATH mRamDiskDeviceNodeTemplate = { { MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH, MEDIA_RAM_DISK_DP, { (UINT8) (sizeof (MEDIA_RAM_DISK_DEVICE_PATH)), (UINT8) ((sizeof (MEDIA_RAM_DISK_DEVICE_PATH)) >> 8) } } }; BOOLEAN mRamDiskSsdtTableKeyValid = FALSE; UINTN mRamDiskSsdtTableKey; /** Initialize the RAM disk device node. @param[in] PrivateData Points to RAM disk private data. @param[in, out] RamDiskDevNode Points to the RAM disk device node. **/ VOID RamDiskInitDeviceNode ( IN RAM_DISK_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData, IN OUT MEDIA_RAM_DISK_DEVICE_PATH *RamDiskDevNode ) { WriteUnaligned64 ( (UINT64 *) &(RamDiskDevNode->StartingAddr[0]), (UINT64) PrivateData->StartingAddr ); WriteUnaligned64 ( (UINT64 *) &(RamDiskDevNode->EndingAddr[0]), (UINT64) PrivateData->StartingAddr + PrivateData->Size - 1 ); CopyGuid (&RamDiskDevNode->TypeGuid, &PrivateData->TypeGuid); RamDiskDevNode->Instance = PrivateData->InstanceNumber; } /** Initialize and publish NVDIMM root device SSDT in ACPI table. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The NVDIMM root device SSDT is published. @retval Others The NVDIMM root device SSDT is not published. **/ EFI_STATUS RamDiskPublishSsdt ( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *Table; UINTN TableSize; Status = GetSectionFromFv ( &gEfiCallerIdGuid, EFI_SECTION_RAW, 1, (VOID **) &Table, &TableSize ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); ASSERT (Table->OemTableId == SIGNATURE_64 ('R', 'a', 'm', 'D', 'i', 's', 'k', ' ')); Status = mAcpiTableProtocol->InstallAcpiTable ( mAcpiTableProtocol, Table, TableSize, &mRamDiskSsdtTableKey ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { mRamDiskSsdtTableKeyValid = TRUE; } else { mRamDiskSsdtTableKeyValid = FALSE; } FreePool (Table); return Status; } /** Publish the RAM disk NVDIMM Firmware Interface Table (NFIT) to the ACPI table. @param[in] PrivateData Points to RAM disk private data. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The RAM disk NFIT has been published. @retval others The RAM disk NFIT has not been published. **/ EFI_STATUS RamDiskPublishNfit ( IN RAM_DISK_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *MemoryMap; EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *MemoryMapEntry; EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *MemoryMapEnd; UINTN TableIndex; VOID *TableHeader; EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION TableVersion; UINTN TableKey; EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *NfitHeader; EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_SYSTEM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_RANGE_STRUCTURE *SpaRange; VOID *Nfit; UINT32 NfitLen; UINTN MemoryMapSize; UINTN MapKey; UINTN DescriptorSize; UINT32 DescriptorVersion; UINT64 CurrentData; UINT8 Checksum; BOOLEAN MemoryFound; // // Get the EFI memory map. // MemoryMapSize = 0; MemoryMap = NULL; MemoryFound = FALSE; Status = gBS->GetMemoryMap ( &MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, &MapKey, &DescriptorSize, &DescriptorVersion ); ASSERT (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); do { MemoryMap = (EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *) AllocatePool (MemoryMapSize); ASSERT (MemoryMap != NULL); Status = gBS->GetMemoryMap ( &MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, &MapKey, &DescriptorSize, &DescriptorVersion ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (MemoryMap); } } while (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); MemoryMapEntry = MemoryMap; MemoryMapEnd = (EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *) ((UINT8 *) MemoryMap + MemoryMapSize); while ((UINTN) MemoryMapEntry < (UINTN) MemoryMapEnd) { if ((MemoryMapEntry->Type == EfiReservedMemoryType) && (MemoryMapEntry->PhysicalStart <= PrivateData->StartingAddr) && (MemoryMapEntry->PhysicalStart + MultU64x32 (MemoryMapEntry->NumberOfPages, EFI_PAGE_SIZE) >= PrivateData->StartingAddr + PrivateData->Size)) { MemoryFound = TRUE; DEBUG (( EFI_D_INFO, "RamDiskPublishNfit: RAM disk with reserved meomry type, will publish to NFIT.\n" )); break; } MemoryMapEntry = NEXT_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR (MemoryMapEntry, DescriptorSize); } FreePool (MemoryMap); if (!MemoryFound) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // // Determine whether there is a NFIT already in the ACPI table. // Status = EFI_SUCCESS; TableIndex = 0; TableKey = 0; TableHeader = NULL; while (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = mAcpiSdtProtocol->GetAcpiTable ( TableIndex, (EFI_ACPI_SDT_HEADER **)&TableHeader, &TableVersion, &TableKey ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { TableIndex++; if (((EFI_ACPI_SDT_HEADER *)TableHeader)->Signature == EFI_ACPI_6_1_NVDIMM_FIRMWARE_INTERFACE_TABLE_STRUCTURE_SIGNATURE) { break; } } } if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // A NFIT is already in the ACPI table. // DEBUG (( EFI_D_INFO, "RamDiskPublishNfit: A NFIT is already exist in the ACPI Table.\n" )); NfitHeader = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)TableHeader; NfitLen = NfitHeader->Length + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_SYSTEM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_RANGE_STRUCTURE); Nfit = AllocateZeroPool (NfitLen); if (Nfit == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } CopyMem (Nfit, TableHeader, NfitHeader->Length); // // Update the NFIT head pointer. // NfitHeader = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)Nfit; // // Uninstall the origin NFIT from the ACPI table. // Status = mAcpiTableProtocol->UninstallAcpiTable ( mAcpiTableProtocol, TableKey ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (Nfit); return Status; } // // Append the System Physical Address (SPA) Range Structure at the end // of the origin NFIT. // SpaRange = (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_SYSTEM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_RANGE_STRUCTURE *) ((UINT8 *)Nfit + NfitHeader->Length); // // Update the length field of the NFIT // NfitHeader->Length = NfitLen; // // The checksum will be updated after the new contents are appended. // NfitHeader->Checksum = 0; } else { // // Assumption is made that if no NFIT is in the ACPI table, there is no // NVDIMM root device in the \SB scope. // Therefore, a NVDIMM root device will be reported via Secondary System // Description Table (SSDT). // Status = RamDiskPublishSsdt (); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // No NFIT is in the ACPI table, we will create one here. // DEBUG (( EFI_D_INFO, "RamDiskPublishNfit: No NFIT is in the ACPI Table, will create one.\n" )); NfitLen = sizeof (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NVDIMM_FIRMWARE_INTERFACE_TABLE) + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_SYSTEM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_RANGE_STRUCTURE); Nfit = AllocateZeroPool (NfitLen); if (Nfit == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } SpaRange = (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_SYSTEM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_RANGE_STRUCTURE *) ((UINT8 *)Nfit + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NVDIMM_FIRMWARE_INTERFACE_TABLE)); NfitHeader = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)Nfit; NfitHeader->Signature = EFI_ACPI_6_1_NVDIMM_FIRMWARE_INTERFACE_TABLE_STRUCTURE_SIGNATURE; NfitHeader->Length = NfitLen; NfitHeader->Revision = EFI_ACPI_6_1_NVDIMM_FIRMWARE_INTERFACE_TABLE_REVISION; NfitHeader->Checksum = 0; NfitHeader->OemRevision = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultOemRevision); NfitHeader->CreatorId = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorId); NfitHeader->CreatorRevision = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorRevision); CurrentData = PcdGet64 (PcdAcpiDefaultOemTableId); CopyMem (NfitHeader->OemId, PcdGetPtr (PcdAcpiDefaultOemId), sizeof (NfitHeader->OemId)); CopyMem (&NfitHeader->OemTableId, &CurrentData, sizeof (UINT64)); } // // Fill in the content of the SPA Range Structure. // SpaRange->Type = EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_SYSTEM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_RANGE_STRUCTURE_TYPE; SpaRange->Length = sizeof (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_SYSTEM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_RANGE_STRUCTURE); SpaRange->SystemPhysicalAddressRangeBase = PrivateData->StartingAddr; SpaRange->SystemPhysicalAddressRangeLength = PrivateData->Size; CopyGuid (&SpaRange->AddressRangeTypeGUID, &PrivateData->TypeGuid); Checksum = CalculateCheckSum8((UINT8 *)Nfit, NfitHeader->Length); NfitHeader->Checksum = Checksum; // // Publish the NFIT to the ACPI table. // Note, since the NFIT might be modified by other driver, therefore, we // do not track the returning TableKey from the InstallAcpiTable(). // Status = mAcpiTableProtocol->InstallAcpiTable ( mAcpiTableProtocol, Nfit, NfitHeader->Length, &TableKey ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); FreePool (Nfit); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } PrivateData->InNfit = TRUE; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Unpublish the RAM disk NVDIMM Firmware Interface Table (NFIT) from the ACPI table. @param[in] PrivateData Points to RAM disk private data. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The RAM disk NFIT has been unpublished. @retval others The RAM disk NFIT has not been unpublished. **/ EFI_STATUS RamDiskUnpublishNfit ( IN RAM_DISK_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN TableIndex; VOID *TableHeader; EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION TableVersion; UINTN TableKey; EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *NewNfitHeader; EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_SYSTEM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_RANGE_STRUCTURE *SpaRange; VOID *NewNfit; VOID *NewNfitPtr; EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_STRUCTURE_HEADER *NfitStructHeader; UINT32 NewNfitLen; UINT32 RemainLen; UINT8 Checksum; // // Find the NFIT in the ACPI table. // Status = EFI_SUCCESS; TableIndex = 0; TableKey = 0; TableHeader = NULL; while (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = mAcpiSdtProtocol->GetAcpiTable ( TableIndex, (EFI_ACPI_SDT_HEADER **)&TableHeader, &TableVersion, &TableKey ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { TableIndex++; if (((EFI_ACPI_SDT_HEADER *)TableHeader)->Signature == EFI_ACPI_6_1_NVDIMM_FIRMWARE_INTERFACE_TABLE_STRUCTURE_SIGNATURE) { break; } } } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // No NFIT is found in the ACPI table. // return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } NewNfitLen = ((EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)TableHeader)->Length - sizeof (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_SYSTEM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_RANGE_STRUCTURE); // // After removing this RAM disk from the NFIT, if no other structure is in // the NFIT, we just remove the NFIT and the SSDT which is used to report // the NVDIMM root device. // if (NewNfitLen == sizeof (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NVDIMM_FIRMWARE_INTERFACE_TABLE)) { // // Remove the NFIT. // Status = mAcpiTableProtocol->UninstallAcpiTable ( mAcpiTableProtocol, TableKey ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Remove the SSDT which is used by RamDiskDxe driver to report the NVDIMM // root device. // We do not care the return status since this SSDT might already be // uninstalled by other drivers to update the information of the NVDIMM // root device. // if (mRamDiskSsdtTableKeyValid) { mRamDiskSsdtTableKeyValid = FALSE; mAcpiTableProtocol->UninstallAcpiTable ( mAcpiTableProtocol, mRamDiskSsdtTableKey ); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } NewNfit = AllocateZeroPool (NewNfitLen); if (NewNfit == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Get a copy of the old NFIT header content. // CopyMem (NewNfit, TableHeader, sizeof (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NVDIMM_FIRMWARE_INTERFACE_TABLE)); NewNfitHeader = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)NewNfit; NewNfitHeader->Length = NewNfitLen; NewNfitHeader->Checksum = 0; // // Copy the content of required NFIT structures. // NewNfitPtr = (UINT8 *)NewNfit + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NVDIMM_FIRMWARE_INTERFACE_TABLE); RemainLen = NewNfitLen - sizeof (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NVDIMM_FIRMWARE_INTERFACE_TABLE); NfitStructHeader = (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_STRUCTURE_HEADER *) ((UINT8 *)TableHeader + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NVDIMM_FIRMWARE_INTERFACE_TABLE)); while (RemainLen > 0) { if ((NfitStructHeader->Type == EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_SYSTEM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_RANGE_STRUCTURE_TYPE) && (NfitStructHeader->Length == sizeof (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_SYSTEM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_RANGE_STRUCTURE))) { SpaRange = (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_SYSTEM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_RANGE_STRUCTURE *)NfitStructHeader; if ((SpaRange->SystemPhysicalAddressRangeBase == PrivateData->StartingAddr) && (SpaRange->SystemPhysicalAddressRangeLength == PrivateData->Size) && (CompareGuid (&SpaRange->AddressRangeTypeGUID, &PrivateData->TypeGuid))) { // // Skip the SPA Range Structure for the RAM disk to be unpublished // from NFIT. // NfitStructHeader = (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_STRUCTURE_HEADER *) ((UINT8 *)NfitStructHeader + NfitStructHeader->Length); continue; } } // // Copy the content of origin NFIT. // CopyMem (NewNfitPtr, NfitStructHeader, NfitStructHeader->Length); NewNfitPtr = (UINT8 *)NewNfitPtr + NfitStructHeader->Length; // // Move to the header of next NFIT structure. // RemainLen -= NfitStructHeader->Length; NfitStructHeader = (EFI_ACPI_6_1_NFIT_STRUCTURE_HEADER *) ((UINT8 *)NfitStructHeader + NfitStructHeader->Length); } Checksum = CalculateCheckSum8((UINT8 *)NewNfit, NewNfitHeader->Length); NewNfitHeader->Checksum = Checksum; Status = mAcpiTableProtocol->UninstallAcpiTable ( mAcpiTableProtocol, TableKey ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (NewNfit); return Status; } // // Publish the NFIT to the ACPI table. // Note, since the NFIT might be modified by other driver, therefore, we // do not track the returning TableKey from the InstallAcpiTable(). // Status = mAcpiTableProtocol->InstallAcpiTable ( mAcpiTableProtocol, NewNfit, NewNfitLen, &TableKey ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); FreePool (NewNfit); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Register a RAM disk with specified address, size and type. @param[in] RamDiskBase The base address of registered RAM disk. @param[in] RamDiskSize The size of registered RAM disk. @param[in] RamDiskType The type of registered RAM disk. The GUID can be any of the values defined in section, or a vendor defined GUID. @param[in] ParentDevicePath Pointer to the parent device path. If there is no parent device path then ParentDevicePath is NULL. @param[out] DevicePath On return, points to a pointer to the device path of the RAM disk device. If ParentDevicePath is not NULL, the returned DevicePath is created by appending a RAM disk node to the parent device path. If ParentDevicePath is NULL, the returned DevicePath is a RAM disk device path without appending. This function is responsible for allocating the buffer DevicePath with the boot service AllocatePool(). @retval EFI_SUCCESS The RAM disk is registered successfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER DevicePath or RamDiskType is NULL. RamDiskSize is 0. @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED A Device Path Protocol instance to be created is already present in the handle database. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The RAM disk register operation fails due to resource limitation. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI RamDiskRegister ( IN UINT64 RamDiskBase, IN UINT64 RamDiskSize, IN EFI_GUID *RamDiskType, IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH *ParentDevicePath OPTIONAL, OUT EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL **DevicePath ) { EFI_STATUS Status; RAM_DISK_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData; RAM_DISK_PRIVATE_DATA *RegisteredPrivateData; MEDIA_RAM_DISK_DEVICE_PATH *RamDiskDevNode; UINTN DevicePathSize; LIST_ENTRY *Entry; if ((0 == RamDiskSize) || (NULL == RamDiskType) || (NULL == DevicePath)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Add check to prevent data read across the memory boundary // if (RamDiskBase + RamDiskSize > ((UINTN) -1) - RAM_DISK_BLOCK_SIZE + 1) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } RamDiskDevNode = NULL; // // Create a new RAM disk instance and initialize its private data // PrivateData = AllocateCopyPool ( sizeof (RAM_DISK_PRIVATE_DATA), &mRamDiskPrivateDataTemplate ); if (NULL == PrivateData) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } PrivateData->StartingAddr = RamDiskBase; PrivateData->Size = RamDiskSize; CopyGuid (&PrivateData->TypeGuid, RamDiskType); InitializeListHead (&PrivateData->ThisInstance); // // Generate device path information for the registered RAM disk // RamDiskDevNode = AllocateCopyPool ( sizeof (MEDIA_RAM_DISK_DEVICE_PATH), &mRamDiskDeviceNodeTemplate ); if (NULL == RamDiskDevNode) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ErrorExit; } RamDiskInitDeviceNode (PrivateData, RamDiskDevNode); *DevicePath = AppendDevicePathNode ( ParentDevicePath, (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *) RamDiskDevNode ); if (NULL == *DevicePath) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ErrorExit; } PrivateData->DevicePath = *DevicePath; // // Check whether the created device path is already present in the handle // database // if (!IsListEmpty(&RegisteredRamDisks)) { DevicePathSize = GetDevicePathSize (PrivateData->DevicePath); EFI_LIST_FOR_EACH (Entry, &RegisteredRamDisks) { RegisteredPrivateData = RAM_DISK_PRIVATE_FROM_THIS (Entry); if (DevicePathSize == GetDevicePathSize (RegisteredPrivateData->DevicePath)) { // // Compare device path // if ((CompareMem ( PrivateData->DevicePath, RegisteredPrivateData->DevicePath, DevicePathSize)) == 0) { *DevicePath = NULL; Status = EFI_ALREADY_STARTED; goto ErrorExit; } } } } // // Fill Block IO protocol informations for the RAM disk // RamDiskInitBlockIo (PrivateData); // // Install EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL & EFI_BLOCK_IO(2)_PROTOCOL on a new // handle // Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( &PrivateData->Handle, &gEfiBlockIoProtocolGuid, &PrivateData->BlockIo, &gEfiBlockIo2ProtocolGuid, &PrivateData->BlockIo2, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, PrivateData->DevicePath, NULL ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ErrorExit; } // // Insert the newly created one to the registered RAM disk list // InsertTailList (&RegisteredRamDisks, &PrivateData->ThisInstance); gBS->ConnectController (PrivateData->Handle, NULL, NULL, TRUE); FreePool (RamDiskDevNode); if ((mAcpiTableProtocol != NULL) && (mAcpiSdtProtocol != NULL)) { RamDiskPublishNfit (PrivateData); } return EFI_SUCCESS; ErrorExit: if (RamDiskDevNode != NULL) { FreePool (RamDiskDevNode); } if (PrivateData != NULL) { if (PrivateData->DevicePath) { FreePool (PrivateData->DevicePath); } FreePool (PrivateData); } return Status; } /** Unregister a RAM disk specified by DevicePath. @param[in] DevicePath A pointer to the device path that describes a RAM Disk device. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The RAM disk is unregistered successfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER DevicePath is NULL. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The device specified by DevicePath is not a valid ramdisk device path and not supported by the driver. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The RAM disk pointed by DevicePath doesn't exist. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI RamDiskUnregister ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath ) { LIST_ENTRY *Entry; LIST_ENTRY *NextEntry; BOOLEAN Found; UINT64 StartingAddr; UINT64 EndingAddr; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *Header; MEDIA_RAM_DISK_DEVICE_PATH *RamDiskDevNode; RAM_DISK_PRIVATE_DATA *PrivateData; if (NULL == DevicePath) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Locate the RAM disk device node. // RamDiskDevNode = NULL; Header = DevicePath; do { // // Test if the current device node is a RAM disk. // if ((MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH == Header->Type) && (MEDIA_RAM_DISK_DP == Header->SubType)) { RamDiskDevNode = (MEDIA_RAM_DISK_DEVICE_PATH *) Header; break; } Header = NextDevicePathNode (Header); } while ((Header->Type != END_DEVICE_PATH_TYPE)); if (NULL == RamDiskDevNode) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } Found = FALSE; StartingAddr = ReadUnaligned64 ((UINT64 *) &(RamDiskDevNode->StartingAddr[0])); EndingAddr = ReadUnaligned64 ((UINT64 *) &(RamDiskDevNode->EndingAddr[0])); if (!IsListEmpty(&RegisteredRamDisks)) { EFI_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (Entry, NextEntry, &RegisteredRamDisks) { PrivateData = RAM_DISK_PRIVATE_FROM_THIS (Entry); // // Unregister the RAM disk given by its starting address, ending address // and type guid. // if ((StartingAddr == PrivateData->StartingAddr) && (EndingAddr == PrivateData->StartingAddr + PrivateData->Size - 1) && (CompareGuid (&RamDiskDevNode->TypeGuid, &PrivateData->TypeGuid))) { // // Remove the content for this RAM disk in NFIT. // if (PrivateData->InNfit) { RamDiskUnpublishNfit (PrivateData); } // // Uninstall the EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL & EFI_BLOCK_IO(2)_PROTOCOL // gBS->UninstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( PrivateData->Handle, &gEfiBlockIoProtocolGuid, &PrivateData->BlockIo, &gEfiBlockIo2ProtocolGuid, &PrivateData->BlockIo2, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *) PrivateData->DevicePath, NULL ); RemoveEntryList (&PrivateData->ThisInstance); if (RamDiskCreateHii == PrivateData->CreateMethod) { // // If a RAM disk is created within HII, then the RamDiskDxe driver // driver is responsible for freeing the allocated memory for the // RAM disk. // FreePool ((VOID *)(UINTN) PrivateData->StartingAddr); } FreePool (PrivateData->DevicePath); FreePool (PrivateData); Found = TRUE; break; } } } if (TRUE == Found) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } else { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } }