## @file # This file is used to define the FMMT dependent external tool management class. # # Copyright (c) 2021-, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent ## import glob import logging import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import uuid from FirmwareStorageFormat.Common import * from utils.FmmtLogger import FmmtLogger as logger import subprocess def ExecuteCommand(cmd: list) -> None: subprocess.run(cmd,stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) class GUIDTool: def __init__(self, guid: str, short_name: str, command: str) -> None: self.guid: str = guid self.short_name: str = short_name self.command: str = command self.ifexist: bool = False def pack(self, buffer: bytes) -> bytes: """ compress file. """ tool = self.command if tool: tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=os.environ.get('tmp')) ToolInputFile = os.path.join(tmp, "pack_uncompress_sec_file") ToolOuputFile = os.path.join(tmp, "pack_sec_file") try: file = open(ToolInputFile, "wb") file.write(buffer) file.close() command = [tool, '-e', '-o', ToolOuputFile, ToolInputFile] ExecuteCommand(command) buf = open(ToolOuputFile, "rb") res_buffer = buf.read() except Exception as msg: logger.error(msg) return "" else: buf.close() if os.path.exists(tmp): shutil.rmtree(tmp) return res_buffer else: logger.error( "Error parsing section: EFI_SECTION_GUID_DEFINED cannot be parsed at this time.") logger.info("Its GUID is: %s" % self.guid) return "" def unpack(self, buffer: bytes) -> bytes: """ buffer: remove common header uncompress file """ tool = self.command if tool: tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=os.environ.get('tmp')) ToolInputFile = os.path.join(tmp, "unpack_sec_file") ToolOuputFile = os.path.join(tmp, "unpack_uncompress_sec_file") try: file = open(ToolInputFile, "wb") file.write(buffer) file.close() command = [tool, '-d', '-o', ToolOuputFile, ToolInputFile] ExecuteCommand(command) buf = open(ToolOuputFile, "rb") res_buffer = buf.read() except Exception as msg: logger.error(msg) return "" else: buf.close() if os.path.exists(tmp): shutil.rmtree(tmp) return res_buffer else: logger.error("Error parsing section: EFI_SECTION_GUID_DEFINED cannot be parsed at this time.") logger.info("Its GUID is: %s" % self.guid) return "" class GUIDTools: ''' GUIDTools is responsible for reading FMMTConfig.ini, verify the tools and provide interfaces to access those tools. ''' default_tools = { struct2stream(ModifyGuidFormat("a31280ad-481e-41b6-95e8-127f4c984779")): GUIDTool("a31280ad-481e-41b6-95e8-127f4c984779", "TIANO", "TianoCompress"), struct2stream(ModifyGuidFormat("ee4e5898-3914-4259-9d6e-dc7bd79403cf")): GUIDTool("ee4e5898-3914-4259-9d6e-dc7bd79403cf", "LZMA", "LzmaCompress"), struct2stream(ModifyGuidFormat("fc1bcdb0-7d31-49aa-936a-a4600d9dd083")): GUIDTool("fc1bcdb0-7d31-49aa-936a-a4600d9dd083", "CRC32", "GenCrc32"), struct2stream(ModifyGuidFormat("d42ae6bd-1352-4bfb-909a-ca72a6eae889")): GUIDTool("d42ae6bd-1352-4bfb-909a-ca72a6eae889", "LZMAF86", "LzmaF86Compress"), struct2stream(ModifyGuidFormat("3d532050-5cda-4fd0-879e-0f7f630d5afb")): GUIDTool("3d532050-5cda-4fd0-879e-0f7f630d5afb", "BROTLI", "BrotliCompress"), } def __init__(self, tooldef_file: str=None) -> None: self.dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..") self.tooldef_file = tooldef_file if tooldef_file else os.path.join(self.dir, "FmmtConf.ini") self.tooldef = dict() def SetConfigFile(self) -> None: if os.environ['FmmtConfPath']: self.tooldef_file = os.path.join(os.environ['FmmtConfPath'], 'FmmtConf.ini') else: PathList = os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep) for CurrentPath in PathList: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(CurrentPath, 'FmmtConf.ini')): self.tooldef_file = os.path.join(CurrentPath, 'FmmtConf.ini') break def VerifyTools(self, guidtool) -> None: """ Verify Tools and Update Tools path. """ path_env = os.environ.get("PATH") path_env_list = path_env.split(os.pathsep) path_env_list.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) path_env_list = list(set(path_env_list)) cmd = guidtool.command if os.path.isabs(cmd): if not os.path.exists(cmd): if guidtool not in self.default_tools: logger.error("Tool Not found %s, which causes compress/uncompress process error." % cmd) logger.error("Please goto edk2 repo in current console, run 'edksetup.bat rebuild' command, and try again.\n") else: logger.error("Tool Not found %s, which causes compress/uncompress process error." % cmd) else: guidtool.ifexist = True else: for syspath in path_env_list: if glob.glob(os.path.join(syspath, cmd+"*")): guidtool.ifexist = True break else: if guidtool not in self.default_tools: logger.error("Tool Not found %s, which causes compress/uncompress process error." % cmd) logger.error("Please goto edk2 repo in current console, run 'edksetup.bat rebuild' command, and try again.\n") else: logger.error("Tool Not found %s, which causes compress/uncompress process error." % cmd) def LoadingTools(self) -> None: self.SetConfigFile() if os.path.exists(self.tooldef_file): with open(self.tooldef_file, "r") as fd: config_data = fd.readlines() for line in config_data: try: if not line.startswith("#"): guid, short_name, command = line.split() new_format_guid = struct2stream(ModifyGuidFormat(guid.strip())) self.tooldef[new_format_guid] = GUIDTool( guid.strip(), short_name.strip(), command.strip()) except: logger.error("GuidTool load error!") continue else: self.tooldef.update(self.default_tools) def __getitem__(self, guid): if not self.tooldef: self.LoadingTools() guid_tool = self.tooldef.get(guid) if guid_tool: self.VerifyTools(guid_tool) return guid_tool else: logger.error("{} GuidTool is not defined!".format(guid)) raise Exception("Process Failed: is not defined!") guidtools = GUIDTools()