# CI Templates This folder contains azure pipeline yml templates for "Core" and "Platform" Continuous Integration and PR validation. ## Common CI templates ### basetools-build-steps.yml This template compiles the Edk2 basetools from source. The steps in this template are conditional and will only run if variable `pkg_count` is greater than 0. It also has two conditional steps only used when the toolchain contains GCC. These two steps use `apt` to update the system packages and add those necessary for Edk2 builds. ## Core CI templates ### pr-gate-build-job.yml This templates contains the jobs and most importantly the matrix of which packages and targets to run for Core CI. ### pr-gate-steps.yml This template is the main Core CI template. It controls all the steps run and is responsible for most functionality of the Core CI process. This template sets the `pkg_count` variable using the `stuart_pr_eval` tool when the build type is "pull request" ### spell-check-prereq-steps.yml This template installs the node based tools used by the spell checker plugin. The steps in this template are conditional and will only run if variable `pkg_count` is greater than 0. ## Platform CI templates ### platform-build-run-steps.yml This template makes heavy use of pytools to build and run a platform in the Edk2 repo Also uses basetools-build-steps.yml to compile basetools #### Special Notes * For a build type of pull request it will conditionally build if the patches change files that impact the platform. * uses `stuart_pr_eval` to determine impact * For manual builds or CI builds it will always build the platform * It compiles basetools from source * Will use `stuart_build --FlashOnly` to attempt to run the built image if the `Run` parameter is set. * See the parameters block for expected configuration options * Parameter `extra_install_step` allows the caller to insert extra steps. This is useful if additional dependencies, tools, or other things need to be installed. Here is an example of installing qemu on Windows. ``` yaml steps: - template: ../../.azurepipelines/templates/build-run-steps.yml parameters: extra_install_step: - powershell: choco install qemu; Write-Host "##vso[task.prependpath]c:\Program Files\qemu" displayName: Install QEMU and Set QEMU on path # friendly name displayed in the UI condition: and(gt(variables.pkg_count, 0), succeeded()) ```