# Copyright 2016-2021 The Meson development team # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import subprocess import tempfile import os import shutil import unittest from contextlib import contextmanager from mesonbuild.mesonlib import ( MachineChoice, is_windows, is_osx, windows_proof_rmtree, windows_proof_rm ) from mesonbuild.compilers import ( detect_objc_compiler, detect_objcpp_compiler ) from mesonbuild.mesonlib import EnvironmentException, MesonException from mesonbuild.programs import ExternalProgram from run_tests import ( get_fake_env ) from .baseplatformtests import BasePlatformTests from .helpers import * @contextmanager def no_pkgconfig(): ''' A context manager that overrides shutil.which and ExternalProgram to force them to return None for pkg-config to simulate it not existing. ''' old_which = shutil.which old_search = ExternalProgram._search def new_search(self, name, search_dir): if name == 'pkg-config': return [None] return old_search(self, name, search_dir) def new_which(cmd, *kwargs): if cmd == 'pkg-config': return None return old_which(cmd, *kwargs) shutil.which = new_which ExternalProgram._search = new_search try: yield finally: shutil.which = old_which ExternalProgram._search = old_search class FailureTests(BasePlatformTests): ''' Tests that test failure conditions. Build files here should be dynamically generated and static tests should go into `test cases/failing*`. This is useful because there can be many ways in which a particular function can fail, and creating failing tests for all of them is tedious and slows down testing. ''' dnf = "[Dd]ependency.*not found(:.*)?" nopkg = '[Pp]kg-config.*not found' def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.srcdir = os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp()) self.mbuild = os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'meson.build') self.moptions = os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'meson_options.txt') def tearDown(self): super().tearDown() windows_proof_rmtree(self.srcdir) def assertMesonRaises(self, contents, match, *, extra_args=None, langs=None, meson_version=None, options=None, override_envvars=None): ''' Assert that running meson configure on the specified @contents raises a error message matching regex @match. ''' if langs is None: langs = [] with open(self.mbuild, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("project('failure test', 'c', 'cpp'") if meson_version: f.write(f", meson_version: '{meson_version}'") f.write(")\n") for lang in langs: f.write(f"add_languages('{lang}', required : false)\n") f.write(contents) if options is not None: with open(self.moptions, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(options) o = {'MESON_FORCE_BACKTRACE': '1'} if override_envvars is None: override_envvars = o else: override_envvars.update(o) # Force tracebacks so we can detect them properly with self.assertRaisesRegex(MesonException, match, msg=contents): # Must run in-process or we'll get a generic CalledProcessError self.init(self.srcdir, extra_args=extra_args, inprocess=True, override_envvars = override_envvars) def obtainMesonOutput(self, contents, match, extra_args, langs, meson_version=None): if langs is None: langs = [] with open(self.mbuild, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("project('output test', 'c', 'cpp'") if meson_version: f.write(f", meson_version: '{meson_version}'") f.write(")\n") for lang in langs: f.write(f"add_languages('{lang}', required : false)\n") f.write(contents) # Run in-process for speed and consistency with assertMesonRaises return self.init(self.srcdir, extra_args=extra_args, inprocess=True) def assertMesonOutputs(self, contents, match, extra_args=None, langs=None, meson_version=None): ''' Assert that running meson configure on the specified @contents outputs something that matches regex @match. ''' out = self.obtainMesonOutput(contents, match, extra_args, langs, meson_version) self.assertRegex(out, match) def assertMesonDoesNotOutput(self, contents, match, extra_args=None, langs=None, meson_version=None): ''' Assert that running meson configure on the specified @contents does not output something that matches regex @match. ''' out = self.obtainMesonOutput(contents, match, extra_args, langs, meson_version) self.assertNotRegex(out, match) @skipIfNoPkgconfig def test_dependency(self): if subprocess.call(['pkg-config', '--exists', 'zlib']) != 0: raise unittest.SkipTest('zlib not found with pkg-config') a = (("dependency('zlib', method : 'fail')", "'fail' is invalid"), ("dependency('zlib', static : '1')", "[Ss]tatic.*boolean"), ("dependency('zlib', version : 1)", "Item must be a list or one of "), ("dependency('zlib', required : 1)", "[Rr]equired.*boolean"), ("dependency('zlib', method : 1)", "[Mm]ethod.*string"), ("dependency('zlibfail')", self.dnf),) for contents, match in a: self.assertMesonRaises(contents, match) def test_apple_frameworks_dependency(self): if not is_osx(): raise unittest.SkipTest('only run on macOS') self.assertMesonRaises("dependency('appleframeworks')", "requires at least one module") def test_extraframework_dependency_method(self): code = "dependency('metal', method : 'extraframework')" if not is_osx(): self.assertMesonRaises(code, self.dnf) else: # metal framework is always available on macOS self.assertMesonOutputs(code, '[Dd]ependency.*metal.*found.*YES') def test_sdl2_notfound_dependency(self): # Want to test failure, so skip if available if shutil.which('sdl2-config'): raise unittest.SkipTest('sdl2-config found') self.assertMesonRaises("dependency('sdl2', method : 'sdlconfig')", self.dnf) if shutil.which('pkg-config'): self.assertMesonRaises("dependency('sdl2', method : 'pkg-config')", self.dnf) with no_pkgconfig(): # Look for pkg-config, cache it, then # Use cached pkg-config without erroring out, then # Use cached pkg-config to error out code = "dependency('foobarrr', method : 'pkg-config', required : false)\n" \ "dependency('foobarrr2', method : 'pkg-config', required : false)\n" \ "dependency('sdl2', method : 'pkg-config')" self.assertMesonRaises(code, self.nopkg) def test_gnustep_notfound_dependency(self): # Want to test failure, so skip if available if shutil.which('gnustep-config'): raise unittest.SkipTest('gnustep-config found') self.assertMesonRaises("dependency('gnustep')", f"(requires a Objc compiler|{self.dnf})", langs = ['objc']) def test_wx_notfound_dependency(self): # Want to test failure, so skip if available if shutil.which('wx-config-3.0') or shutil.which('wx-config') or shutil.which('wx-config-gtk3'): raise unittest.SkipTest('wx-config, wx-config-3.0 or wx-config-gtk3 found') self.assertMesonRaises("dependency('wxwidgets')", self.dnf) self.assertMesonOutputs("dependency('wxwidgets', required : false)", "Run-time dependency .*WxWidgets.* found: .*NO.*") def test_wx_dependency(self): if not shutil.which('wx-config-3.0') and not shutil.which('wx-config') and not shutil.which('wx-config-gtk3'): raise unittest.SkipTest('Neither wx-config, wx-config-3.0 nor wx-config-gtk3 found') self.assertMesonRaises("dependency('wxwidgets', modules : 1)", "module argument is not a string") def test_llvm_dependency(self): self.assertMesonRaises("dependency('llvm', modules : 'fail')", f"(required.*fail|{self.dnf})") def test_boost_notfound_dependency(self): # Can be run even if Boost is found or not self.assertMesonRaises("dependency('boost', modules : 1)", "module.*not a string") self.assertMesonRaises("dependency('boost', modules : 'fail')", f"(fail.*not found|{self.dnf})") def test_boost_BOOST_ROOT_dependency(self): # Test BOOST_ROOT; can be run even if Boost is found or not self.assertMesonRaises("dependency('boost')", f"(boost_root.*absolute|{self.dnf})", override_envvars = {'BOOST_ROOT': 'relative/path'}) def test_dependency_invalid_method(self): code = '''zlib_dep = dependency('zlib', required : false) zlib_dep.get_configtool_variable('foo') ''' self.assertMesonRaises(code, ".* is not a config-tool dependency") code = '''zlib_dep = dependency('zlib', required : false) dep = declare_dependency(dependencies : zlib_dep) dep.get_pkgconfig_variable('foo') ''' self.assertMesonRaises(code, "Method.*pkgconfig.*is invalid.*internal") code = '''zlib_dep = dependency('zlib', required : false) dep = declare_dependency(dependencies : zlib_dep) dep.get_configtool_variable('foo') ''' self.assertMesonRaises(code, "Method.*configtool.*is invalid.*internal") def test_objc_cpp_detection(self): ''' Test that when we can't detect objc or objcpp, we fail gracefully. ''' env = get_fake_env() try: detect_objc_compiler(env, MachineChoice.HOST) detect_objcpp_compiler(env, MachineChoice.HOST) except EnvironmentException: code = "add_languages('objc')\nadd_languages('objcpp')" self.assertMesonRaises(code, "Unknown compiler") return raise unittest.SkipTest("objc and objcpp found, can't test detection failure") def test_subproject_variables(self): ''' Test that: 1. The correct message is outputted when a not-required dep is not found and the fallback subproject is also not found. 2. A not-required fallback dependency is not found because the subproject failed to parse. 3. A not-found not-required dep with a fallback subproject outputs the correct message when the fallback subproject is found but the variable inside it is not. 4. A fallback dependency is found from the subproject parsed in (3) 5. A wrap file from a subproject is used but fails because it does not contain required keys. ''' tdir = os.path.join(self.unit_test_dir, '20 subproj dep variables') stray_file = os.path.join(tdir, 'subprojects/subsubproject.wrap') if os.path.exists(stray_file): windows_proof_rm(stray_file) out = self.init(tdir, inprocess=True) self.assertRegex(out, r"Neither a subproject directory nor a .*nosubproj.wrap.* file was found") self.assertRegex(out, r'Function does not take positional arguments.') self.assertRegex(out, r'Dependency .*somenotfounddep.* from subproject .*subprojects/somesubproj.* found: .*NO.*') self.assertRegex(out, r'Dependency .*zlibproxy.* from subproject .*subprojects.*somesubproj.* found: .*YES.*') self.assertRegex(out, r'Missing key .*source_filename.* in subsubproject.wrap') windows_proof_rm(stray_file) def test_exception_exit_status(self): ''' Test exit status on python exception ''' tdir = os.path.join(self.unit_test_dir, '21 exit status') with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as cm: self.init(tdir, inprocess=False, override_envvars = {'MESON_UNIT_TEST': '1', 'MESON_FORCE_BACKTRACE': ''}) self.assertEqual(cm.exception.returncode, 2) self.wipe() def test_dict_requires_key_value_pairs(self): self.assertMesonRaises("dict = {3, 'foo': 'bar'}", 'Only key:value pairs are valid in dict construction.') self.assertMesonRaises("{'foo': 'bar', 3}", 'Only key:value pairs are valid in dict construction.') def test_dict_forbids_duplicate_keys(self): self.assertMesonRaises("dict = {'a': 41, 'a': 42}", 'Duplicate dictionary key: a.*') def test_dict_forbids_integer_key(self): self.assertMesonRaises("dict = {3: 'foo'}", 'Key must be a string.*') def test_using_too_recent_feature(self): # Here we use a dict, which was introduced in 0.47.0 self.assertMesonOutputs("dict = {}", ".*WARNING.*Project targeting.*but.*", meson_version='>= 0.46.0') def test_using_recent_feature(self): # Same as above, except the meson version is now appropriate self.assertMesonDoesNotOutput("dict = {}", ".*WARNING.*Project targeting.*but.*", meson_version='>= 0.47') def test_using_too_recent_feature_dependency(self): self.assertMesonOutputs("dependency('pcap', required: false)", ".*WARNING.*Project targeting.*but.*", meson_version='>= 0.41.0') def test_vcs_tag_featurenew_build_always_stale(self): 'https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/3904' vcs_tag = '''version_data = configuration_data() version_data.set('PROJVER', '@VCS_TAG@') vf = configure_file(output : 'version.h.in', configuration: version_data) f = vcs_tag(input : vf, output : 'version.h') ''' msg = '.*WARNING:.*feature.*build_always_stale.*custom_target.*' self.assertMesonDoesNotOutput(vcs_tag, msg, meson_version='>=0.43') def test_missing_subproject_not_required_and_required(self): self.assertMesonRaises("sub1 = subproject('not-found-subproject', required: false)\n" + "sub2 = subproject('not-found-subproject', required: true)", """.*Subproject "subprojects/not-found-subproject" required but not found.*""") def test_get_variable_on_not_found_project(self): self.assertMesonRaises("sub1 = subproject('not-found-subproject', required: false)\n" + "sub1.get_variable('naaa')", """Subproject "subprojects/not-found-subproject" disabled can't get_variable on it.""") def test_version_checked_before_parsing_options(self): ''' https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/5281 ''' options = "option('some-option', type: 'foo', value: '')" match = 'Meson version is.*but project requires >=2000' self.assertMesonRaises("", match, meson_version='>=2000', options=options) def test_assert_default_message(self): self.assertMesonRaises("k1 = 'a'\n" + "assert({\n" + " k1: 1,\n" + "}['a'] == 2)\n", r"Assert failed: {k1 : 1}\['a'\] == 2") def test_wrap_nofallback(self): self.assertMesonRaises("dependency('notfound', fallback : ['foo', 'foo_dep'])", r"Dependency 'notfound' is required but not found.", extra_args=['--wrap-mode=nofallback']) def test_message(self): self.assertMesonOutputs("message('Array:', ['a', 'b'])", r"Message:.* Array: \['a', 'b'\]") def test_warning(self): self.assertMesonOutputs("warning('Array:', ['a', 'b'])", r"WARNING:.* Array: \['a', 'b'\]") def test_override_dependency_twice(self): self.assertMesonRaises("meson.override_dependency('foo', declare_dependency())\n" + "meson.override_dependency('foo', declare_dependency())", """Tried to override dependency 'foo' which has already been resolved or overridden""") @unittest.skipIf(is_windows(), 'zlib is not available on Windows') def test_override_resolved_dependency(self): self.assertMesonRaises("dependency('zlib')\n" + "meson.override_dependency('zlib', declare_dependency())", """Tried to override dependency 'zlib' which has already been resolved or overridden""") def test_error_func(self): self.assertMesonRaises("error('a', 'b', ['c', ['d', {'e': 'f'}]], 'g')", r"Problem encountered: a b \['c', \['d', {'e' : 'f'}\]\] g")