/test cases/common/
1 trivial
10 man install
100 test workdir
101 suites
102 threads
103 manygen
104 stringdef
105 find program path
106 subproject subdir
107 postconf
108 postconf with args
109 testframework options
11 subdir
110 extract same name
111 has header symbol
112 has arg
113 generatorcustom
114 multiple dir configure file
115 spaces backslash
116 ternary
117 custom target capture
118 allgenerate
119 pathjoin
12 data
120 subdir subproject
121 interpreter copy mutable var on assignment
122 skip
123 subproject project arguments
124 test skip
125 shared module
126 llvm ir and assembly
127 cpp and asm
128 extract all shared library
129 object only target
13 pch
130 no buildincdir
131 custom target directory install
132 dependency file generation
133 configure file in generator
134 generated llvm ir
135 generated assembly
136 build by default targets in tests
137 build by default
138 include order
139 override options
14 cpp pch
140 get define
141 c cpp and asm
142 compute int
143 custom target object output
144 empty build file
145 whole archive
146 C and CPP link
147 mesonintrospect from scripts
148 custom target multiple outputs
149 special characters
15 mixed pch
150 nested links
151 list of file sources
152 link depends custom target
153 recursive linking
154 library at root
155 simd
156 shared module resolving symbol in executable
157 configure file in test
158 dotinclude
159 reserved targets
16 configure file
160 duplicate source names
161 index customtarget
162 wrap file should not failed
17 if
18 else
19 comparison
2 cpp
20 array
21 includedir
22 header in file list
23 global arg
24 target arg
25 object extraction
26 endian
27 library versions
28 config subdir
29 pipeline
3 static
30 pipeline
31 find program
32 multiline string
33 try compile
34 compiler id
35 sizeof
36 define10
37 has header
38 run program
39 tryrun
4 shared
40 logic ops
41 elif
42 string operations
43 has function
44 has member
45 alignment
46 library chain
47 options
48 test args
49 subproject
5 linkstatic
50 subproject options
51 pkgconfig-gen
52 custom install dirs
53 subproject subproject
54 same file name
55 file grabber
56 custom target
57 custom target chain
58 run target
59 object generator
6 linkshared
60 install script
61 custom target source output
62 exe static shared
63 array methods
64 custom header generator
65 multiple generators
66 install subdir
67 foreach
68 number arithmetic
69 string arithmetic
7 mixed
70 array arithmetic
71 arithmetic bidmas
72 build always
73 vcstag
74 modules
75 should fail
76 configure file in custom target
77 external test program
78 ctarget dependency
79 shared subproject
8 install
80 shared subproject 2
81 file object
82 custom subproject dir
83 has type
84 extract from nested subdir
85 internal dependency
86 same basename
87 declare dep
88 extract all
89 add language
9 header install
90 identical target name in subproject
91 plusassign
92 skip subdir
93 private include
94 default options
95 dep fallback
96 default library
97 selfbuilt custom
98 gen extra
99 benchmark