project('run command', version : run_command('', check : true).stdout().strip(), meson_version: '>=0.1.0') if build_machine.system() == 'windows' c = run_command('cmd', '/c', 'echo', 'hello', check: false) else c = run_command('echo', 'hello', check: false) endif correct = 'hello' if c.returncode() != 0 error('Executing echo failed.') endif result = c.stdout().strip() if result != correct error('Getting stdout failed.') endif if c.stderr() != '' error('Extra text in stderr.') endif # Now the same with a script. if build_machine.system() == 'windows' cs = run_command('scripts/hello.bat', check: false) else cs = run_command('scripts/', check: false) endif if cs.returncode() != 0 error('Executing script failed.') endif if cs.stdout().strip() != correct error('Getting stdout failed (script).') endif if cs.stderr() != '' error('Extra text in stderr (script).') endif # We should be able to have files() in argument f = files('') if build_machine.system() == 'windows' c = run_command('cmd', '/c', 'echo', f, check: false) else c = run_command('echo', f, check: false) endif if c.returncode() != 0 error('Using files() in argument failed.') endif py3 = import('python3').find_python() ret = run_command(py3, '-c', 'print("some output")', check: false) assert(ret.returncode() == 0, 'failed to run python3: ' + ret.stderr()) assert(ret.stdout() == 'some output\n', 'failed to run python3') ret = run_command(py3, '-c', 'print("some output")', check: false, capture: false) assert(ret.returncode() == 0, 'failed to run python3: ' + ret.stderr()) assert(ret.stdout() == '', 'stdout is "@0@" instead of empty'.format(ret.stdout())) c_env = environment() c_env.append('CUSTOM_ENV_VAR', 'FOOBAR') ret = run_command(py3, '-c', 'import os; print(os.environ.get("CUSTOM_ENV_VAR"))', env: c_env, check: false) assert(ret.returncode() == 0, 'failed to run python3: ' + ret.stderr()) assert(ret.stdout() == 'FOOBAR\n', 'stdout is "@0@" instead of FOOBAR'.format(ret.stdout())) dd = find_program('dd', required : false) if dd.found() ret = run_command(dd, 'if=/dev/urandom', 'bs=10', 'count=1', check: false, capture: false) assert(ret.returncode() == 0, 'failed to run dd: ' + ret.stderr()) assert(ret.stdout() == '', 'stdout is "@0@" instead of empty'.format(ret.stdout())) endif env = environment() env.append('MY_PATH', '1') env.append('MY_PATH', '2') env.prepend('MY_PATH', '0') run_command('', env: env, check: true)