MesonĀ® is project to create the best possible next-generation build system. Dependencies Python (version 3.3 or newer) Ninja Installing from source You can run Meson directly from a revision control checkout or an extracted tarball. Installing it system-wide is simple. Configure step: None Compile step: None Unit test step: ./ Install step: [sudo] ./ --prefix /your/prefix --destdir /destdir/path The default value of prefix is /usr/local. The default value of destdir is empty. Running Meson requires that you have a source directory and a build directory and that these two are different. In your source root must exist a file called ''. To generate the build system run this command: meson You can omit either of the two directories, and Meson will substitute the current directory and autodetect what you mean. This mean that you can do things like this: cd source_root; mkdir build; cd build; .. cd source_root; mkdir build; build To compile, cd into your build directory and type 'ninja'. To run unit tests, type 'ninja test'. Install is the same but it can take an extra argument: DESTDIR=/destdir/path ninja install DESTDIR can be omitted. If you are installing to system directories, you may need to run this command with sudo. Contributing We love code contributions. See the contributing.txt file for details. Further info The home page of Meson can be found here: Meson is a registered trademark of Jussi Pakkanen