# Copyright 2015 The Meson development team # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from .. import mlog import contextlib import urllib.request, os, hashlib, shutil import subprocess import sys try: import ssl has_ssl = True API_ROOT = 'https://wrapdb.mesonbuild.com/v1/' except ImportError: has_ssl = False API_ROOT = 'http://wrapdb.mesonbuild.com/v1/' ssl_warning_printed = False def build_ssl_context(): ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3 ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED ctx.load_default_certs() return ctx def open_wrapdburl(urlstring): global ssl_warning_printed if has_ssl: try: return urllib.request.urlopen(urlstring)#, context=build_ssl_context()) except urllib.error.URLError: if not ssl_warning_printed: print('SSL connection failed. Falling back to unencrypted connections.') ssl_warning_printed = True if not ssl_warning_printed: print('Warning: SSL not available, traffic not authenticated.', file=sys.stderr) ssl_warning_printed = True # Trying to open SSL connection to wrapdb fails because the # certificate is not known. if urlstring.startswith('https'): urlstring = 'http' + urlstring[5:] return urllib.request.urlopen(urlstring) class PackageDefinition: def __init__(self, fname): self.values = {} with open(fname) as ifile: first = ifile.readline().strip() if first == '[wrap-file]': self.type = 'file' elif first == '[wrap-git]': self.type = 'git' elif first == '[wrap-hg]': self.type = 'hg' else: raise RuntimeError('Invalid format of package file') for line in ifile: line = line.strip() if line == '': continue (k, v) = line.split('=', 1) k = k.strip() v = v.strip() self.values[k] = v def get(self, key): return self.values[key] def has_patch(self): return 'patch_url' in self.values class Resolver: def __init__(self, subdir_root): self.subdir_root = subdir_root self.cachedir = os.path.join(self.subdir_root, 'packagecache') def resolve(self, packagename): fname = os.path.join(self.subdir_root, packagename + '.wrap') dirname = os.path.join(self.subdir_root, packagename) try: if os.listdir(dirname): # The directory is there and not empty? Great, use it. return packagename else: mlog.warning('Subproject directory %s is empty, possibly because of an unfinished' 'checkout, removing to reclone' % dirname) os.rmdir(dirname) except NotADirectoryError: raise RuntimeError('%s is not a directory, can not use as subproject.' % dirname) except FileNotFoundError: pass if not os.path.isfile(fname): # No wrap file with this name? Give up. return None p = PackageDefinition(fname) if p.type == 'file': if not os.path.isdir(self.cachedir): os.mkdir(self.cachedir) self.download(p, packagename) self.extract_package(p) elif p.type == 'git': self.get_git(p) elif p.type == "hg": self.get_hg(p) else: raise RuntimeError('Unreachable code.') return p.get('directory') def get_git(self, p): checkoutdir = os.path.join(self.subdir_root, p.get('directory')) revno = p.get('revision') is_there = os.path.isdir(checkoutdir) if is_there: try: subprocess.check_call(['git', 'rev-parse']) is_there = True except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise RuntimeError('%s is not empty but is not a valid ' 'git repository, we can not work with it' ' as a subproject directory.' % ( checkoutdir)) if revno.lower() == 'head': # Failure to do pull is not a fatal error, # because otherwise you can't develop without # a working net connection. subprocess.call(['git', 'pull'], cwd=checkoutdir) else: if subprocess.call(['git', 'checkout', revno], cwd=checkoutdir) != 0: subprocess.check_call(['git', 'fetch'], cwd=checkoutdir) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'checkout', revno], cwd=checkoutdir) else: subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clone', p.get('url'), p.get('directory')], cwd=self.subdir_root) if revno.lower() != 'head': subprocess.check_call(['git', 'checkout', revno], cwd=checkoutdir) push_url = p.values.get('push-url') if push_url: subprocess.check_call(['git', 'remote', 'set-url', '--push', 'origin', push_url], cwd=checkoutdir) def get_hg(self, p): checkoutdir = os.path.join(self.subdir_root, p.get('directory')) revno = p.get('revision') is_there = os.path.isdir(checkoutdir) if is_there: if revno.lower() == 'tip': # Failure to do pull is not a fatal error, # because otherwise you can't develop without # a working net connection. subprocess.call(['hg', 'pull'], cwd=checkoutdir) else: if subprocess.call(['hg', 'checkout', revno], cwd=checkoutdir) != 0: subprocess.check_call(['hg', 'pull'], cwd=checkoutdir) subprocess.check_call(['hg', 'checkout', revno], cwd=checkoutdir) else: subprocess.check_call(['hg', 'clone', p.get('url'), p.get('directory')], cwd=self.subdir_root) if revno.lower() != 'tip': subprocess.check_call(['hg', 'checkout', revno], cwd=checkoutdir) def get_data(self, url): blocksize = 10 * 1024 if url.startswith('https://wrapdb.mesonbuild.com'): resp = open_wrapdburl(url) else: resp = urllib.request.urlopen(url) with contextlib.closing(resp) as resp: try: dlsize = int(resp.info()['Content-Length']) except TypeError: dlsize = None if dlsize is None: print('Downloading file of unknown size.') return resp.read() print('Download size:', dlsize) print('Downloading: ', end='') sys.stdout.flush() printed_dots = 0 blocks = [] downloaded = 0 while True: block = resp.read(blocksize) if block == b'': break downloaded += len(block) blocks.append(block) ratio = int(downloaded / dlsize * 10) while printed_dots < ratio: print('.', end='') sys.stdout.flush() printed_dots += 1 print('') return b''.join(blocks) def get_hash(self, data): h = hashlib.sha256() h.update(data) hashvalue = h.hexdigest() return hashvalue def download(self, p, packagename): ofname = os.path.join(self.cachedir, p.get('source_filename')) if os.path.exists(ofname): mlog.log('Using', mlog.bold(packagename), 'from cache.') return srcurl = p.get('source_url') mlog.log('Dowloading', mlog.bold(packagename), 'from', mlog.bold(srcurl)) srcdata = self.get_data(srcurl) dhash = self.get_hash(srcdata) expected = p.get('source_hash') if dhash != expected: raise RuntimeError('Incorrect hash for source %s:\n %s expected\n %s actual.' % (packagename, expected, dhash)) with open(ofname, 'wb') as f: f.write(srcdata) if p.has_patch(): purl = p.get('patch_url') mlog.log('Downloading patch from', mlog.bold(purl)) pdata = self.get_data(purl) phash = self.get_hash(pdata) expected = p.get('patch_hash') if phash != expected: raise RuntimeError('Incorrect hash for patch %s:\n %s expected\n %s actual' % (packagename, expected, phash)) filename = os.path.join(self.cachedir, p.get('patch_filename')) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(pdata) else: mlog.log('Package does not require patch.') def extract_package(self, package): if sys.version_info < (3, 5): try: import lzma del lzma try: shutil.register_unpack_format('xztar', ['.tar.xz', '.txz'], shutil._unpack_tarfile, [], "xz'ed tar-file") except shutil.RegistryError: pass except ImportError: pass target_dir = os.path.join(self.subdir_root, package.get('directory')) if os.path.isdir(target_dir): return extract_dir = self.subdir_root # Some upstreams ship packages that do not have a leading directory. # Create one for them. try: package.get('lead_directory_missing') os.mkdir(target_dir) extract_dir = target_dir except KeyError: pass shutil.unpack_archive(os.path.join(self.cachedir, package.get('source_filename')), extract_dir) if package.has_patch(): shutil.unpack_archive(os.path.join(self.cachedir, package.get('patch_filename')), self.subdir_root)