from dataclasses import dataclass, InitVar import os, subprocess import argparse import asyncio import threading import copy import shutil from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor from pathlib import Path import typing as T import tarfile import zipfile from . import mlog from .mesonlib import quiet_git, GitException, Popen_safe, MesonException, windows_proof_rmtree from .wrap.wrap import PackageDefinition, Resolver, WrapException, ALL_TYPES from .wrap import wraptool if T.TYPE_CHECKING: from typing_extensions import Protocol class Arguments(Protocol): sourcedir: str num_processes: int subprojects: T.List[str] types: str subprojects_func: T.Callable[[], bool] class UpdateArguments(Arguments): rebase: bool reset: bool class CheckoutArguments(Arguments): b: bool branch_name: str class ForeachArguments(Arguments): command: str args: T.List[str] class PurgeArguments(Arguments): confirm: bool include_cache: bool class PackagefilesArguments(Arguments): apply: bool save: bool ALL_TYPES_STRING = ', '.join(ALL_TYPES) def read_archive_files(path: Path, base_path: Path) -> T.Set[Path]: if path.suffix == '.zip': with zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'r') as zip_archive: archive_files = set(base_path / i.filename for i in zip_archive.infolist()) else: with as tar_archive: # [ignore encoding] archive_files = set(base_path / for i in tar_archive) return archive_files class Logger: def __init__(self, total_tasks: int) -> None: self.lock = threading.Lock() self.total_tasks = total_tasks self.completed_tasks = 0 self.running_tasks: T.Set[str] = set() self.should_erase_line = '' def flush(self) -> None: if self.should_erase_line: print(self.should_erase_line, end='\r') self.should_erase_line = '' def print_progress(self) -> None: line = f'Progress: {self.completed_tasks} / {self.total_tasks}' max_len = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns - len(line) running = ', '.join(self.running_tasks) if len(running) + 3 > max_len: running = running[:max_len - 6] + '...' line = line + f' ({running})' print(self.should_erase_line, line, sep='', end='\r') self.should_erase_line = '\x1b[K' def start(self, wrap_name: str) -> None: with self.lock: self.running_tasks.add(wrap_name) self.print_progress() def done(self, wrap_name: str, log_queue: T.List[T.Tuple[mlog.TV_LoggableList, T.Any]]) -> None: with self.lock: self.flush() for args, kwargs in log_queue: mlog.log(*args, **kwargs) self.running_tasks.remove(wrap_name) self.completed_tasks += 1 self.print_progress() @dataclass(eq=False) class Runner: logger: Logger r: InitVar[Resolver] wrap: PackageDefinition repo_dir: str options: 'Arguments' def __post_init__(self, r: Resolver) -> None: # FIXME: Do a copy because Resolver.resolve() is stateful method that # cannot be called from multiple threads. self.wrap_resolver = copy.copy(r) self.wrap_resolver.dirname = os.path.join(r.subdir_root, self.wrap_resolver.wrap = self.wrap self.run_method: T.Callable[[], bool] = self.options.subprojects_func.__get__(self) # type: ignore self.log_queue: T.List[T.Tuple[mlog.TV_LoggableList, T.Any]] = [] def log(self, *args: mlog.TV_Loggable, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None: self.log_queue.append((list(args), kwargs)) def run(self) -> bool: self.logger.start( try: result = self.run_method() except MesonException as e: self.log('Error:'), str(e)) result = False self.logger.done(, self.log_queue) return result def update_wrapdb_file(self) -> None: try: patch_url = self.wrap.get('patch_url') branch, revision = wraptool.parse_patch_url(patch_url) except WrapException: return new_branch, new_revision = wraptool.get_latest_version( if new_branch != branch or new_revision != revision: wraptool.update_wrap_file(self.wrap.filename,, new_branch, new_revision) self.log(' -> New wrap file downloaded.') def update_file(self) -> bool: options = T.cast('UpdateArguments', self.options) self.update_wrapdb_file() if not os.path.isdir(self.repo_dir): # The subproject is not needed, or it is a tarball extracted in # 'libfoo-1.0' directory and the version has been bumped and the new # directory is 'libfoo-2.0'. In that case forcing a meson # reconfigure will download and use the new tarball. self.log(' -> Not used.') return True elif options.reset: # Delete existing directory and redownload. It is possible that nothing # changed but we have no way to know. Hopefully tarballs are still # cached. windows_proof_rmtree(self.repo_dir) try: self.wrap_resolver.resolve(, 'meson') self.log(' -> New version extracted') return True except WrapException as e: self.log(' ->', return False else: # The subproject has not changed, or the new source and/or patch # tarballs should be extracted in the same directory than previous # version. self.log(' -> Subproject has not changed, or the new source/patch needs to be extracted on the same location.') self.log(' Pass --reset option to delete directory and redownload.') return False def git_output(self, cmd: T.List[str]) -> str: return quiet_git(cmd, self.repo_dir, check=True)[1] def git_verbose(self, cmd: T.List[str]) -> None: self.log(self.git_output(cmd)) def git_stash(self) -> None: # That git command return 1 (failure) when there is something to stash. # We don't want to stash when there is nothing to stash because that would # print spurious "No local changes to save". if not quiet_git(['diff', '--quiet', 'HEAD'], self.repo_dir)[0]: # Don't pipe stdout here because we want the user to see their changes have # been saved. self.git_verbose(['stash']) def git_show(self) -> None: commit_message = self.git_output(['show', '--quiet', '--pretty=format:%h%n%d%n%s%n[%an]']) parts = [s.strip() for s in commit_message.split('\n')] self.log(' ->', mlog.yellow(parts[0]),[1]), parts[2],[3])) def git_rebase(self, revision: str) -> bool: try: self.git_output(['-c', 'rebase.autoStash=true', 'rebase', 'FETCH_HEAD']) except GitException as e: self.log(' -> Could not rebase', mlog.bold(self.repo_dir), 'onto', mlog.bold(revision)) self.log( self.log( return False return True def git_reset(self, revision: str) -> bool: try: # Stash local changes, commits can always be found back in reflog, to # avoid any data lost by mistake. self.git_stash() self.git_output(['reset', '--hard', 'FETCH_HEAD']) self.wrap_resolver.apply_patch() except GitException as e: self.log(' -> Could not reset', mlog.bold(self.repo_dir), 'to', mlog.bold(revision)) self.log( self.log( return False return True def git_checkout(self, revision: str, create: bool = False) -> bool: cmd = ['checkout', '--ignore-other-worktrees', revision, '--'] if create: cmd.insert(1, '-b') try: # Stash local changes, commits can always be found back in reflog, to # avoid any data lost by mistake. self.git_stash() self.git_output(cmd) except GitException as e: self.log(' -> Could not checkout', mlog.bold(revision), 'in', mlog.bold(self.repo_dir)) self.log( self.log( return False return True def git_checkout_and_reset(self, revision: str) -> bool: # revision could be a branch that already exists but is outdated, so we still # have to reset after the checkout. success = self.git_checkout(revision) if success: success = self.git_reset(revision) return success def git_checkout_and_rebase(self, revision: str) -> bool: # revision could be a branch that already exists but is outdated, so we still # have to rebase after the checkout. success = self.git_checkout(revision) if success: success = self.git_rebase(revision) return success def update_git(self) -> bool: options = T.cast('UpdateArguments', self.options) if not os.path.isdir(self.repo_dir): self.log(' -> Not used.') return True if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.repo_dir, '.git')): if options.reset: # Delete existing directory and redownload windows_proof_rmtree(self.repo_dir) try: self.wrap_resolver.resolve(, 'meson') self.update_git_done() return True except WrapException as e: self.log(' ->', return False else: self.log(' -> Not a git repository.') self.log('Pass --reset option to delete directory and redownload.') return False revision = self.wrap.values.get('revision') url = self.wrap.values.get('url') push_url = self.wrap.values.get('push-url') if not revision or not url: # It could be a detached git submodule for example. self.log(' -> No revision or URL specified.') return True try: origin_url = self.git_output(['remote', 'get-url', 'origin']).strip() except GitException as e: self.log(' -> Failed to determine current origin URL in', mlog.bold(self.repo_dir)) self.log( self.log( return False if options.reset: try: self.git_output(['remote', 'set-url', 'origin', url]) if push_url: self.git_output(['remote', 'set-url', '--push', 'origin', push_url]) except GitException as e: self.log(' -> Failed to reset origin URL in', mlog.bold(self.repo_dir)) self.log( self.log( return False elif url != origin_url: self.log(f' -> URL changed from {origin_url!r} to {url!r}') return False try: # Same as `git branch --show-current` but compatible with older git version branch = self.git_output(['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']).strip() branch = branch if branch != 'HEAD' else '' except GitException as e: self.log(' -> Failed to determine current branch in', mlog.bold(self.repo_dir)) self.log( self.log( return False if self.wrap_resolver.is_git_full_commit_id(revision) and \ quiet_git(['rev-parse', '--verify', revision + '^{commit}'], self.repo_dir)[0]: # The revision we need is both a commit and available. So we do not # need to fetch it because it cannot be updated. Instead, trick # git into setting FETCH_HEAD just in case, from the local commit. self.git_output(['fetch', '.', revision]) else: try: # Fetch only the revision we need, this avoids fetching useless branches. # revision can be either a branch, tag or commit id. In all cases we want # FETCH_HEAD to be set to the desired commit and "git checkout " # to to either switch to existing/new branch, or detach to tag/commit. # It is more complicated than it first appear, see discussion there: # heads_refmap = '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*' tags_refmap = '+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*' self.git_output(['fetch', '--refmap', heads_refmap, '--refmap', tags_refmap, 'origin', revision]) except GitException as e: self.log(' -> Could not fetch revision', mlog.bold(revision), 'in', mlog.bold(self.repo_dir)) self.log( self.log( return False if branch == '': # We are currently in detached mode if options.reset: success = self.git_checkout_and_reset(revision) else: success = self.git_checkout_and_rebase(revision) elif branch == revision: # We are in the same branch. A reset could still be needed in the case # a force push happened on remote repository. if options.reset: success = self.git_reset(revision) else: success = self.git_rebase(revision) else: # We are in another branch, either the user created their own branch and # we should rebase it, or revision changed in the wrap file and we need # to checkout the new branch. if options.reset: success = self.git_checkout_and_reset(revision) else: success = self.git_rebase(revision) if success: self.update_git_done() return success def update_git_done(self) -> None: self.git_output(['submodule', 'update', '--checkout', '--recursive']) self.git_show() def update_hg(self) -> bool: if not os.path.isdir(self.repo_dir): self.log(' -> Not used.') return True revno = self.wrap.get('revision') if revno.lower() == 'tip': # Failure to do pull is not a fatal error, # because otherwise you can't develop without # a working net connection.['hg', 'pull'], cwd=self.repo_dir) else: if['hg', 'checkout', revno], cwd=self.repo_dir) != 0: subprocess.check_call(['hg', 'pull'], cwd=self.repo_dir) subprocess.check_call(['hg', 'checkout', revno], cwd=self.repo_dir) return True def update_svn(self) -> bool: if not os.path.isdir(self.repo_dir): self.log(' -> Not used.') return True revno = self.wrap.get('revision') _, out, _ = Popen_safe(['svn', 'info', '--show-item', 'revision', self.repo_dir]) current_revno = out if current_revno == revno: return True if revno.lower() == 'head': # Failure to do pull is not a fatal error, # because otherwise you can't develop without # a working net connection.['svn', 'update'], cwd=self.repo_dir) else: subprocess.check_call(['svn', 'update', '-r', revno], cwd=self.repo_dir) return True def update(self) -> bool: self.log(f'Updating {}...') if self.wrap.type == 'file': return self.update_file() elif self.wrap.type == 'git': return self.update_git() elif self.wrap.type == 'hg': return self.update_hg() elif self.wrap.type == 'svn': return self.update_svn() elif self.wrap.type is None: self.log(' -> Cannot update subproject with no wrap file') else: self.log(' -> Cannot update', self.wrap.type, 'subproject') return True def checkout(self) -> bool: options = T.cast('CheckoutArguments', self.options) if self.wrap.type != 'git' or not os.path.isdir(self.repo_dir): return True branch_name = options.branch_name if options.branch_name else self.wrap.get('revision') if not branch_name: # It could be a detached git submodule for example. return True self.log(f'Checkout {branch_name} in {}...') if self.git_checkout(branch_name, create=options.b): self.git_show() return True return False def download(self) -> bool: self.log(f'Download {}...') if os.path.isdir(self.repo_dir): self.log(' -> Already downloaded') return True try: self.wrap_resolver.resolve(, 'meson') self.log(' -> done') except WrapException as e: self.log(' ->', return False return True def foreach(self) -> bool: options = T.cast('ForeachArguments', self.options) self.log(f'Executing command in {self.repo_dir}') if not os.path.isdir(self.repo_dir): self.log(' -> Not downloaded yet') return True cmd = [options.command] + options.args p, out, _ = Popen_safe(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=self.repo_dir) if p.returncode != 0: err_message = "Command '{}' returned non-zero exit status {}.".format(" ".join(cmd), p.returncode) self.log(' -> ', self.log(out, end='') return False self.log(out, end='') return True def purge(self) -> bool: options = T.cast('PurgeArguments', self.options) # if subproject is not wrap-based, then don't remove it if not self.wrap.type: return True if self.wrap.redirected: redirect_file = Path(self.wrap.original_filename).resolve() if options.confirm: redirect_file.unlink() mlog.log(f'Deleting {redirect_file}') if self.wrap.type == 'redirect': redirect_file = Path(self.wrap.filename).resolve() if options.confirm: redirect_file.unlink() self.log(f'Deleting {redirect_file}') if options.include_cache: packagecache = Path(self.wrap_resolver.cachedir).resolve() try: subproject_cache_file = packagecache / self.wrap.get("source_filename") if subproject_cache_file.is_file(): if options.confirm: subproject_cache_file.unlink() self.log(f'Deleting {subproject_cache_file}') except WrapException: pass try: subproject_patch_file = packagecache / self.wrap.get("patch_filename") if subproject_patch_file.is_file(): if options.confirm: subproject_patch_file.unlink() self.log(f'Deleting {subproject_patch_file}') except WrapException: pass # Don't log that we will remove an empty directory. Since purge is # parallelized, another thread could have deleted it already. try: if not any(packagecache.iterdir()): windows_proof_rmtree(str(packagecache)) except FileNotFoundError: pass # NOTE: Do not use .resolve() here; the subproject directory may be a symlink subproject_source_dir = Path(self.repo_dir) # Resolve just the parent, just to print out the full path subproject_source_dir = subproject_source_dir.parent.resolve() / # Don't follow symlink. This is covered by the next if statement, but why # not be doubly sure. if subproject_source_dir.is_symlink(): if options.confirm: subproject_source_dir.unlink() self.log(f'Deleting {subproject_source_dir}') return True if not subproject_source_dir.is_dir(): return True try: if options.confirm: windows_proof_rmtree(str(subproject_source_dir)) self.log(f'Deleting {subproject_source_dir}') except OSError as e: mlog.error(f'Unable to remove: {subproject_source_dir}: {e}') return False return True @staticmethod def post_purge(options: 'PurgeArguments') -> None: if not options.confirm: mlog.log('') mlog.log('Nothing has been deleted, run again with --confirm to apply.') def packagefiles(self) -> bool: options = T.cast('PackagefilesArguments', self.options) if options.apply and # not quite so nice as argparse failure print('error: --apply and --save are mutually exclusive') return False if options.apply: self.log(f'Re-applying patchfiles overlay for {}...') if not os.path.isdir(self.repo_dir): self.log(' -> Not downloaded yet') return True self.wrap_resolver.apply_patch() return True if if 'patch_directory' not in self.wrap.values: mlog.error('can only save packagefiles to patch_directory') return False if 'source_filename' not in self.wrap.values: mlog.error('can only save packagefiles from a [wrap-file]') return False archive_path = Path(self.wrap_resolver.cachedir, self.wrap.values['source_filename']) lead_directory_missing = bool(self.wrap.values.get('lead_directory_missing', False)) directory = Path(self.repo_dir) packagefiles = Path(self.wrap.filesdir, self.wrap.values['patch_directory']) base_path = directory if lead_directory_missing else directory.parent archive_files = read_archive_files(archive_path, base_path) directory_files = set(directory.glob('**/*')) self.log(f'Saving {} to {packagefiles}...') shutil.rmtree(packagefiles) for src_path in directory_files - archive_files: if not src_path.is_file(): continue rel_path = src_path.relative_to(directory) dst_path = packagefiles / rel_path dst_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.copyfile(src_path, dst_path) return True def add_common_arguments(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: p.add_argument('--sourcedir', default='.', help='Path to source directory') p.add_argument('--types', default='', help=f'Comma-separated list of subproject types. Supported types are: {ALL_TYPES_STRING} (default: all)') p.add_argument('--num-processes', default=None, type=int, help='How many parallel processes to use (Since 0.59.0).') def add_subprojects_argument(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: p.add_argument('subprojects', nargs='*', help='List of subprojects (default: all)') def add_arguments(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Commands', dest='command') subparsers.required = True p = subparsers.add_parser('update', help='Update all subprojects from wrap files') p.add_argument('--rebase', default=True, action='store_true', help='Rebase your branch on top of wrap\'s revision. ' + \ 'Deprecated, it is now the default behaviour. (git only)') p.add_argument('--reset', default=False, action='store_true', help='Checkout wrap\'s revision and hard reset to that commit. (git only)') add_common_arguments(p) add_subprojects_argument(p) p.set_defaults(subprojects_func=Runner.update) p = subparsers.add_parser('checkout', help='Checkout a branch (git only)') p.add_argument('-b', default=False, action='store_true', help='Create a new branch') p.add_argument('branch_name', nargs='?', help='Name of the branch to checkout or create (default: revision set in wrap file)') add_common_arguments(p) add_subprojects_argument(p) p.set_defaults(subprojects_func=Runner.checkout) p = subparsers.add_parser('download', help='Ensure subprojects are fetched, even if not in use. ' + 'Already downloaded subprojects are not modified. ' + 'This can be used to pre-fetch all subprojects and avoid downloads during configure.') add_common_arguments(p) add_subprojects_argument(p) p.set_defaults( p = subparsers.add_parser('foreach', help='Execute a command in each subproject directory.') p.add_argument('command', metavar='command ...', help='Command to execute in each subproject directory') p.add_argument('args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) add_common_arguments(p) p.set_defaults(subprojects=[]) p.set_defaults(subprojects_func=Runner.foreach) p = subparsers.add_parser('purge', help='Remove all wrap-based subproject artifacts') add_common_arguments(p) add_subprojects_argument(p) p.add_argument('--include-cache', action='store_true', default=False, help='Remove the package cache as well') p.add_argument('--confirm', action='store_true', default=False, help='Confirm the removal of subproject artifacts') p.set_defaults(subprojects_func=Runner.purge) p.set_defaults(post_func=Runner.post_purge) p = subparsers.add_parser('packagefiles', help='Manage the packagefiles overlay') add_common_arguments(p) add_subprojects_argument(p) p.add_argument('--apply', action='store_true', default=False, help='Apply packagefiles to the subproject') p.add_argument('--save', action='store_true', default=False, help='Save packagefiles from the subproject') p.set_defaults(subprojects_func=Runner.packagefiles) def run(options: 'Arguments') -> int: src_dir = os.path.relpath(os.path.realpath(options.sourcedir)) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(src_dir, '')): mlog.error('Directory', mlog.bold(src_dir), 'does not seem to be a Meson source directory.') return 1 subprojects_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, 'subprojects') if not os.path.isdir(subprojects_dir): mlog.log('Directory', mlog.bold(src_dir), 'does not seem to have subprojects.') return 0 r = Resolver(src_dir, 'subprojects') if options.subprojects: wraps = [wrap for name, wrap in r.wraps.items() if name in options.subprojects] else: wraps = list(r.wraps.values()) types = [t.strip() for t in options.types.split(',')] if options.types else [] for t in types: if t not in ALL_TYPES: raise MesonException(f'Unknown subproject type {t!r}, supported types are: {ALL_TYPES_STRING}') tasks: T.List[T.Awaitable[bool]] = [] task_names: T.List[str] = [] loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(options.num_processes) if types: wraps = [wrap for wrap in wraps if wrap.type in types] logger = Logger(len(wraps)) for wrap in wraps: dirname = Path(subprojects_dir, runner = Runner(logger, r, wrap, dirname, options) task = loop.run_in_executor(executor, tasks.append(task) task_names.append( results = loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks)) logger.flush() post_func = getattr(options, 'post_func', None) if post_func: post_func(options) failures = [name for name, success in zip(task_names, results) if not success] if failures: m = 'Please check logs above as command failed in some subprojects which could have been left in conflict state: ' m += ', '.join(failures) mlog.warning(m) return len(failures)