# Copyright 2019 The Meson development team # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import annotations import typing as T from . import ExtensionModule, ModuleObject, MutableModuleObject from .. import build from .. import dependencies from .. import mesonlib from ..interpreterbase import ( noPosargs, noKwargs, InterpreterException, InvalidArguments, InvalidCode, FeatureNew, ) from ..interpreterbase.decorators import ContainerTypeInfo, KwargInfo, typed_kwargs, typed_pos_args from ..mesonlib import OrderedSet if T.TYPE_CHECKING: from typing_extensions import TypedDict from . import ModuleState from ..interpreter import Interpreter from ..interpreterbase import TYPE_var, TYPE_kwargs class AddKwargs(TypedDict): when: T.List[T.Union[str, dependencies.Dependency]] if_true: T.List[T.Union[mesonlib.FileOrString, build.GeneratedTypes, dependencies.Dependency]] if_false: T.List[T.Union[mesonlib.FileOrString, build.GeneratedTypes]] class AddAllKw(TypedDict): when: T.List[T.Union[str, dependencies.Dependency]] if_true: T.List[SourceSetImpl] class ApplyKw(TypedDict): strict: bool _WHEN_KW: KwargInfo[T.List[T.Union[str, dependencies.Dependency]]] = KwargInfo( 'when', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (str, dependencies.Dependency)), listify=True, default=[], ) class SourceSetRule(T.NamedTuple): keys: T.List[str] """Configuration keys that enable this rule if true""" deps: T.List[dependencies.Dependency] """Dependencies that enable this rule if true""" sources: T.List[T.Union[mesonlib.FileOrString, build.GeneratedTypes]] """Source files added when this rule's conditions are true""" extra_deps: T.List[dependencies.Dependency] """Dependencies added when this rule's conditions are true, but that do not make the condition false if they're absent.""" sourcesets: T.List[SourceSetImpl] """Other sourcesets added when this rule's conditions are true""" if_false: T.List[T.Union[mesonlib.FileOrString, build.GeneratedTypes]] """Source files added when this rule's conditons are false""" class SourceFiles(T.NamedTuple): sources: OrderedSet[T.Union[mesonlib.FileOrString, build.GeneratedTypes]] deps: OrderedSet[dependencies.Dependency] class SourceSet: """Base class to avoid circular references. Because of error messages, this class is called SourceSet, and the actual implementation is an Impl. """ class SourceSetImpl(SourceSet, MutableModuleObject): def __init__(self, interpreter: Interpreter): super().__init__() self.rules: T.List[SourceSetRule] = [] self.subproject = interpreter.subproject self.environment = interpreter.environment self.subdir = interpreter.subdir self.frozen = False self.methods.update({ 'add': self.add_method, 'add_all': self.add_all_method, 'all_sources': self.all_sources_method, 'all_dependencies': self.all_dependencies_method, 'apply': self.apply_method, }) def check_source_files(self, args: T.Sequence[T.Union[mesonlib.FileOrString, build.GeneratedTypes, dependencies.Dependency]], ) -> T.Tuple[T.List[T.Union[mesonlib.FileOrString, build.GeneratedTypes]], T.List[dependencies.Dependency]]: sources: T.List[T.Union[mesonlib.FileOrString, build.GeneratedTypes]] = [] deps: T.List[dependencies.Dependency] = [] for x in args: if isinstance(x, dependencies.Dependency): deps.append(x) else: sources.append(x) to_check: T.List[str] = [] # Get the actual output names to check for s in sources: if isinstance(s, str): to_check.append(s) elif isinstance(s, mesonlib.File): to_check.append(s.fname) else: to_check.extend(s.get_outputs()) mesonlib.check_direntry_issues(to_check) return sources, deps def check_conditions(self, args: T.Sequence[T.Union[str, dependencies.Dependency]] ) -> T.Tuple[T.List[str], T.List[dependencies.Dependency]]: keys: T.List[str] = [] deps: T.List[dependencies.Dependency] = [] for x in args: if isinstance(x, str): keys.append(x) else: deps.append(x) return keys, deps @typed_pos_args('sourceset.add', varargs=(str, mesonlib.File, build.GeneratedList, build.CustomTarget, build.CustomTargetIndex, dependencies.Dependency)) @typed_kwargs( 'sourceset.add', _WHEN_KW, KwargInfo( 'if_true', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (str, mesonlib.File, build.GeneratedList, build.CustomTarget, build.CustomTargetIndex, dependencies.Dependency)), listify=True, default=[], ), KwargInfo( 'if_false', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (str, mesonlib.File, build.GeneratedList, build.CustomTarget, build.CustomTargetIndex)), listify=True, default=[], ), ) def add_method(self, state: ModuleState, args: T.Tuple[T.List[T.Union[mesonlib.FileOrString, build.GeneratedTypes, dependencies.Dependency]]], kwargs: AddKwargs) -> None: if self.frozen: raise InvalidCode('Tried to use \'add\' after querying the source set') when = kwargs['when'] if_true = kwargs['if_true'] if_false = kwargs['if_false'] if not any([when, if_true, if_false]): if_true = args[0] elif args[0]: raise InterpreterException('add called with both positional and keyword arguments') keys, dependencies = self.check_conditions(when) sources, extra_deps = self.check_source_files(if_true) if_false, _ = self.check_source_files(if_false) self.rules.append(SourceSetRule(keys, dependencies, sources, extra_deps, [], if_false)) @typed_pos_args('sourceset.add_all', varargs=SourceSet) @typed_kwargs( 'sourceset.add_all', _WHEN_KW, KwargInfo( 'if_true', ContainerTypeInfo(list, SourceSet), listify=True, default=[], ) ) def add_all_method(self, state: ModuleState, args: T.Tuple[T.List[SourceSetImpl]], kwargs: AddAllKw) -> None: if self.frozen: raise InvalidCode('Tried to use \'add_all\' after querying the source set') when = kwargs['when'] if_true = kwargs['if_true'] if not when and not if_true: if_true = args[0] elif args[0]: raise InterpreterException('add_all called with both positional and keyword arguments') keys, dependencies = self.check_conditions(when) for s in if_true: if not isinstance(s, SourceSetImpl): raise InvalidCode('Arguments to \'add_all\' after the first must be source sets') s.frozen = True self.rules.append(SourceSetRule(keys, dependencies, [], [], if_true, [])) def collect(self, enabled_fn: T.Callable[[str], bool], all_sources: bool, into: T.Optional['SourceFiles'] = None) -> SourceFiles: if not into: into = SourceFiles(OrderedSet(), OrderedSet()) for entry in self.rules: if all(x.found() for x in entry.deps) and \ all(enabled_fn(key) for key in entry.keys): into.sources.update(entry.sources) into.deps.update(entry.deps) into.deps.update(entry.extra_deps) for ss in entry.sourcesets: ss.collect(enabled_fn, all_sources, into) if not all_sources: continue into.sources.update(entry.if_false) return into @noKwargs @noPosargs def all_sources_method(self, state: ModuleState, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs ) -> T.List[T.Union[mesonlib.FileOrString, build.GeneratedTypes]]: self.frozen = True files = self.collect(lambda x: True, True) return list(files.sources) @noKwargs @noPosargs @FeatureNew('source_set.all_dependencies() method', '0.52.0') def all_dependencies_method(self, state: ModuleState, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs ) -> T.List[dependencies.Dependency]: self.frozen = True files = self.collect(lambda x: True, True) return list(files.deps) @typed_pos_args('sourceset.apply', (build.ConfigurationData, dict)) @typed_kwargs('sourceset.apply', KwargInfo('strict', bool, default=True)) def apply_method(self, state: ModuleState, args: T.Tuple[T.Union[build.ConfigurationData, T.Dict[str, TYPE_var]]], kwargs: ApplyKw) -> SourceFilesObject: config_data = args[0] self.frozen = True strict = kwargs['strict'] if isinstance(config_data, dict): def _get_from_config_data(key: str) -> bool: assert isinstance(config_data, dict), 'for mypy' if strict and key not in config_data: raise InterpreterException(f'Entry {key} not in configuration dictionary.') return bool(config_data.get(key, False)) else: config_cache: T.Dict[str, bool] = {} def _get_from_config_data(key: str) -> bool: assert isinstance(config_data, build.ConfigurationData), 'for mypy' if key not in config_cache: if key in config_data: config_cache[key] = bool(config_data.get(key)[0]) elif strict: raise InvalidArguments(f'sourceset.apply: key "{key}" not in passed configuration, and strict set.') else: config_cache[key] = False return config_cache[key] files = self.collect(_get_from_config_data, False) res = SourceFilesObject(files) return res class SourceFilesObject(ModuleObject): def __init__(self, files: SourceFiles): super().__init__() self.files = files self.methods.update({ 'sources': self.sources_method, 'dependencies': self.dependencies_method, }) @noPosargs @noKwargs def sources_method(self, state: ModuleState, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs ) -> T.List[T.Union[mesonlib.FileOrString, build.GeneratedTypes]]: return list(self.files.sources) @noPosargs @noKwargs def dependencies_method(self, state: ModuleState, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs ) -> T.List[dependencies.Dependency]: return list(self.files.deps) class SourceSetModule(ExtensionModule): @FeatureNew('SourceSet module', '0.51.0') def __init__(self, interpreter: Interpreter): super().__init__(interpreter) self.methods.update({ 'source_set': self.source_set, }) @noKwargs @noPosargs def source_set(self, state: ModuleState, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> SourceSetImpl: return SourceSetImpl(self.interpreter) def initialize(interp: Interpreter) -> SourceSetModule: return SourceSetModule(interp)