# Copyright 2015 The Meson development team # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from pathlib import PurePath import os import typing as T from . import ExtensionModule from . import ModuleReturnValue from .. import build from .. import dependencies from .. import mesonlib from .. import mlog from ..coredata import BUILTIN_DIR_OPTIONS from ..dependencies import ThreadDependency from ..interpreterbase import permittedKwargs, FeatureNew, FeatureDeprecated, FeatureNewKwargs if T.TYPE_CHECKING: from . import ModuleState already_warned_objs = set() class DependenciesHelper: def __init__(self, state, name): self.state = state self.name = name self.pub_libs = [] self.pub_reqs = [] self.priv_libs = [] self.priv_reqs = [] self.cflags = [] self.version_reqs = {} self.link_whole_targets = [] def add_pub_libs(self, libs): libs, reqs, cflags = self._process_libs(libs, True) self.pub_libs = libs + self.pub_libs # prepend to preserve dependencies self.pub_reqs += reqs self.cflags += cflags def add_priv_libs(self, libs): libs, reqs, _ = self._process_libs(libs, False) self.priv_libs = libs + self.priv_libs self.priv_reqs += reqs def add_pub_reqs(self, reqs): self.pub_reqs += self._process_reqs(reqs) def add_priv_reqs(self, reqs): self.priv_reqs += self._process_reqs(reqs) def _check_generated_pc_deprecation(self, obj): if not hasattr(obj, 'generated_pc_warn'): return name = obj.generated_pc_warn[0] if (name, obj.name) in already_warned_objs: return mlog.deprecation('Library', mlog.bold(obj.name), 'was passed to the ' '"libraries" keyword argument of a previous call ' 'to generate() method instead of first positional ' 'argument.', 'Adding', mlog.bold(obj.generated_pc), 'to "Requires" field, but this is a deprecated ' 'behaviour that will change in a future version ' 'of Meson. Please report the issue if this ' 'warning cannot be avoided in your case.', location=obj.generated_pc_warn[1]) already_warned_objs.add((name, obj.name)) def _process_reqs(self, reqs): '''Returns string names of requirements''' processed_reqs = [] for obj in mesonlib.listify(reqs): if not isinstance(obj, str): FeatureNew.single_use('pkgconfig.generate requirement from non-string object', '0.46.0', self.state.subproject) if hasattr(obj, 'generated_pc'): self._check_generated_pc_deprecation(obj) processed_reqs.append(obj.generated_pc) elif isinstance(obj, dependencies.PkgConfigDependency): if obj.found(): processed_reqs.append(obj.name) self.add_version_reqs(obj.name, obj.version_reqs) elif isinstance(obj, str): name, version_req = self.split_version_req(obj) processed_reqs.append(name) self.add_version_reqs(name, version_req) elif isinstance(obj, dependencies.Dependency) and not obj.found(): pass elif isinstance(obj, ThreadDependency): pass else: raise mesonlib.MesonException('requires argument not a string, ' 'library with pkgconfig-generated file ' 'or pkgconfig-dependency object, got {obj!r}') return processed_reqs def add_cflags(self, cflags): self.cflags += mesonlib.stringlistify(cflags) def _process_libs(self, libs, public: bool): libs = mesonlib.listify(libs) processed_libs = [] processed_reqs = [] processed_cflags = [] for obj in libs: if hasattr(obj, 'generated_pc'): self._check_generated_pc_deprecation(obj) processed_reqs.append(obj.generated_pc) elif isinstance(obj, dependencies.PkgConfigDependency): if obj.found(): processed_reqs.append(obj.name) self.add_version_reqs(obj.name, obj.version_reqs) elif isinstance(obj, dependencies.InternalDependency): if obj.found(): processed_libs += obj.get_link_args() processed_cflags += obj.get_compile_args() self._add_lib_dependencies(obj.libraries, obj.whole_libraries, obj.ext_deps, public, private_external_deps=True) elif isinstance(obj, dependencies.Dependency): if obj.found(): processed_libs += obj.get_link_args() processed_cflags += obj.get_compile_args() elif isinstance(obj, build.SharedLibrary) and obj.shared_library_only: # Do not pull dependencies for shared libraries because they are # only required for static linking. Adding private requires has # the side effect of exposing their cflags, which is the # intended behaviour of pkg-config but force Debian to add more # than needed build deps. # See https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=105572 processed_libs.append(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (build.SharedLibrary, build.StaticLibrary)): processed_libs.append(obj) # If there is a static library in `Libs:` all its deps must be # public too, otherwise the generated pc file will never be # usable without --static. self._add_lib_dependencies(obj.link_targets, obj.link_whole_targets, obj.external_deps, isinstance(obj, build.StaticLibrary) and public) elif isinstance(obj, (build.CustomTarget, build.CustomTargetIndex)): if not obj.is_linkable_target(): raise mesonlib.MesonException('library argument contains a not linkable custom_target.') FeatureNew.single_use('custom_target in pkgconfig.generate libraries', '0.58.0', self.state.subproject) processed_libs.append(obj) elif isinstance(obj, str): processed_libs.append(obj) else: raise mesonlib.MesonException(f'library argument of type {type(obj).__name__} not a string, library or dependency object.') return processed_libs, processed_reqs, processed_cflags def _add_lib_dependencies(self, link_targets, link_whole_targets, external_deps, public, private_external_deps=False): add_libs = self.add_pub_libs if public else self.add_priv_libs # Recursively add all linked libraries for t in link_targets: # Internal libraries (uninstalled static library) will be promoted # to link_whole, treat them as such here. if t.is_internal(): self._add_link_whole(t, public) else: add_libs([t]) for t in link_whole_targets: self._add_link_whole(t, public) # And finally its external dependencies if private_external_deps: self.add_priv_libs(external_deps) else: add_libs(external_deps) def _add_link_whole(self, t, public): # Don't include static libraries that we link_whole. But we still need to # include their dependencies: a static library we link_whole # could itself link to a shared library or an installed static library. # Keep track of link_whole_targets so we can remove them from our # lists in case a library is link_with and link_whole at the same time. # See remove_dups() below. self.link_whole_targets.append(t) if isinstance(t, build.BuildTarget): self._add_lib_dependencies(t.link_targets, t.link_whole_targets, t.external_deps, public) def add_version_reqs(self, name, version_reqs): if version_reqs: if name not in self.version_reqs: self.version_reqs[name] = set() # Note that pkg-config is picky about whitespace. # 'foo > 1.2' is ok but 'foo>1.2' is not. # foo, bar' is ok, but 'foo,bar' is not. new_vreqs = [s for s in mesonlib.stringlistify(version_reqs)] self.version_reqs[name].update(new_vreqs) def split_version_req(self, s): for op in ['>=', '<=', '!=', '==', '=', '>', '<']: pos = s.find(op) if pos > 0: return s[0:pos].strip(), s[pos:].strip() return s, None def format_vreq(self, vreq): # vreq are '>=1.0' and pkgconfig wants '>= 1.0' for op in ['>=', '<=', '!=', '==', '=', '>', '<']: if vreq.startswith(op): return op + ' ' + vreq[len(op):] return vreq def format_reqs(self, reqs): result = [] for name in reqs: vreqs = self.version_reqs.get(name, None) if vreqs: result += [name + ' ' + self.format_vreq(vreq) for vreq in vreqs] else: result += [name] return ', '.join(result) def remove_dups(self): # Set of ids that have already been handled and should not be added any more exclude = set() # We can't just check if 'x' is excluded because we could have copies of # the same SharedLibrary object for example. def _ids(x): if hasattr(x, 'generated_pc'): yield x.generated_pc if isinstance(x, build.Target): yield x.get_id() yield x # Exclude 'x' in all its forms and return if it was already excluded def _add_exclude(x): was_excluded = False for i in _ids(x): if i in exclude: was_excluded = True else: exclude.add(i) return was_excluded # link_whole targets are already part of other targets, exclude them all. for t in self.link_whole_targets: _add_exclude(t) def _fn(xs, libs=False): # Remove duplicates whilst preserving original order result = [] for x in xs: # Don't de-dup unknown strings to avoid messing up arguments like: # ['-framework', 'CoreAudio', '-framework', 'CoreMedia'] known_flags = ['-pthread'] cannot_dedup = libs and isinstance(x, str) and \ not x.startswith(('-l', '-L')) and \ x not in known_flags if not cannot_dedup and _add_exclude(x): continue result.append(x) return result # Handle lists in priority order: public items can be excluded from # private and Requires can excluded from Libs. self.pub_reqs = _fn(self.pub_reqs) self.pub_libs = _fn(self.pub_libs, True) self.priv_reqs = _fn(self.priv_reqs) self.priv_libs = _fn(self.priv_libs, True) # Reset exclude list just in case some values can be both cflags and libs. exclude = set() self.cflags = _fn(self.cflags) class PkgConfigModule(ExtensionModule): def __init__(self, interpreter): super().__init__(interpreter) self.methods.update({ 'generate': self.generate, }) def _get_lname(self, l, msg, pcfile, is_custom_target): if is_custom_target: basename = os.path.basename(l.get_filename()) name = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] if name.startswith('lib'): name = name[3:] return name # Nothing special if not l.name_prefix_set: return l.name # Sometimes people want the library to start with 'lib' everywhere, # which is achieved by setting name_prefix to '' and the target name to # 'libfoo'. In that case, try to get the pkg-config '-lfoo' arg correct. if l.prefix == '' and l.name.startswith('lib'): return l.name[3:] # If the library is imported via an import library which is always # named after the target name, '-lfoo' is correct. if isinstance(l, build.SharedLibrary) and l.import_filename: return l.name # In other cases, we can't guarantee that the compiler will be able to # find the library via '-lfoo', so tell the user that. mlog.warning(msg.format(l.name, 'name_prefix', l.name, pcfile)) return l.name def _escape(self, value): ''' We cannot use quote_arg because it quotes with ' and " which does not work with pkg-config and pkgconf at all. ''' # We should always write out paths with / because pkg-config requires # spaces to be quoted with \ and that messes up on Windows: # https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=103203 if isinstance(value, PurePath): value = value.as_posix() return value.replace(' ', r'\ ') def _make_relative(self, prefix, subdir): prefix = PurePath(prefix) subdir = PurePath(subdir) try: libdir = subdir.relative_to(prefix) except ValueError: libdir = subdir # pathlib joining makes sure absolute libdir is not appended to '${prefix}' return ('${prefix}' / libdir).as_posix() def _generate_pkgconfig_file(self, state, deps, subdirs, name, description, url, version, pcfile, conflicts, variables, unescaped_variables, uninstalled=False, dataonly=False, pkgroot=None): coredata = state.environment.get_coredata() referenced_vars = set() optnames = [x.name for x in BUILTIN_DIR_OPTIONS.keys()] if not dataonly: # includedir is always implied, although libdir may not be # needed for header-only libraries referenced_vars |= {'prefix', 'includedir'} if deps.pub_libs or deps.priv_libs: referenced_vars |= {'libdir'} # also automatically infer variables referenced in other variables implicit_vars_warning = False redundant_vars_warning = False varnames = set() varstrings = set() for k, v in variables + unescaped_variables: varnames |= {k} varstrings |= {v} for optname in optnames: optvar = f'${{{optname}}}' if any(x.startswith(optvar) for x in varstrings): if optname in varnames: redundant_vars_warning = True else: # these 3 vars were always "implicit" if dataonly or optname not in {'prefix', 'includedir', 'libdir'}: implicit_vars_warning = True referenced_vars |= {'prefix', optname} if redundant_vars_warning: FeatureDeprecated.single_use('pkgconfig.generate variable for builtin directories', '0.62.0', state.subproject, 'They will be automatically included when referenced', state.current_node) if implicit_vars_warning: FeatureNew.single_use('pkgconfig.generate implicit variable for builtin directories', '0.62.0', state.subproject, location=state.current_node) if uninstalled: outdir = os.path.join(state.environment.build_dir, 'meson-uninstalled') if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) prefix = PurePath(state.environment.get_build_dir()) srcdir = PurePath(state.environment.get_source_dir()) else: outdir = state.environment.scratch_dir prefix = PurePath(coredata.get_option(mesonlib.OptionKey('prefix'))) if pkgroot: pkgroot = PurePath(pkgroot) if not pkgroot.is_absolute(): pkgroot = prefix / pkgroot elif prefix not in pkgroot.parents: raise mesonlib.MesonException('Pkgconfig prefix cannot be outside of the prefix ' 'when pkgconfig.relocatable=true. ' f'Pkgconfig prefix is {pkgroot.as_posix()}.') prefix = PurePath('${pcfiledir}', os.path.relpath(prefix, pkgroot)) fname = os.path.join(outdir, pcfile) with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile: for optname in optnames: if optname in referenced_vars - varnames: if optname == 'prefix': ofile.write('prefix={}\n'.format(self._escape(prefix))) else: dirpath = PurePath(coredata.get_option(mesonlib.OptionKey(optname))) ofile.write('{}={}\n'.format(optname, self._escape('${prefix}' / dirpath))) if uninstalled and not dataonly: ofile.write('srcdir={}\n'.format(self._escape(srcdir))) if variables or unescaped_variables: ofile.write('\n') for k, v in variables: ofile.write('{}={}\n'.format(k, self._escape(v))) for k, v in unescaped_variables: ofile.write(f'{k}={v}\n') ofile.write('\n') ofile.write(f'Name: {name}\n') if len(description) > 0: ofile.write(f'Description: {description}\n') if len(url) > 0: ofile.write(f'URL: {url}\n') ofile.write(f'Version: {version}\n') reqs_str = deps.format_reqs(deps.pub_reqs) if len(reqs_str) > 0: ofile.write(f'Requires: {reqs_str}\n') reqs_str = deps.format_reqs(deps.priv_reqs) if len(reqs_str) > 0: ofile.write(f'Requires.private: {reqs_str}\n') if len(conflicts) > 0: ofile.write('Conflicts: {}\n'.format(' '.join(conflicts))) def generate_libs_flags(libs): msg = 'Library target {0!r} has {1!r} set. Compilers ' \ 'may not find it from its \'-l{2}\' linker flag in the ' \ '{3!r} pkg-config file.' Lflags = [] for l in libs: if isinstance(l, str): yield l else: if uninstalled: install_dir = os.path.dirname(state.backend.get_target_filename_abs(l)) else: _i = l.get_custom_install_dir() install_dir = _i[0] if _i else None if install_dir is False: continue is_custom_target = isinstance(l, (build.CustomTarget, build.CustomTargetIndex)) if not is_custom_target and 'cs' in l.compilers: if isinstance(install_dir, str): Lflag = '-r{}/{}'.format(self._escape(self._make_relative(prefix, install_dir)), l.filename) else: # install_dir is True Lflag = '-r${libdir}/%s' % l.filename else: if isinstance(install_dir, str): Lflag = '-L{}'.format(self._escape(self._make_relative(prefix, install_dir))) else: # install_dir is True Lflag = '-L${libdir}' if Lflag not in Lflags: Lflags.append(Lflag) yield Lflag lname = self._get_lname(l, msg, pcfile, is_custom_target) # If using a custom suffix, the compiler may not be able to # find the library if not is_custom_target and l.name_suffix_set: mlog.warning(msg.format(l.name, 'name_suffix', lname, pcfile)) if is_custom_target or 'cs' not in l.compilers: yield f'-l{lname}' def get_uninstalled_include_dirs(libs): result = [] for l in libs: if isinstance(l, (str, build.CustomTarget, build.CustomTargetIndex)): continue if l.get_subdir() not in result: result.append(l.get_subdir()) for i in l.get_include_dirs(): curdir = i.get_curdir() for d in i.get_incdirs(): path = os.path.join(curdir, d) if path not in result: result.append(path) return result def generate_uninstalled_cflags(libs): for d in get_uninstalled_include_dirs(libs): for basedir in ['${prefix}', '${srcdir}']: path = PurePath(basedir, d) yield '-I%s' % self._escape(path.as_posix()) if len(deps.pub_libs) > 0: ofile.write('Libs: {}\n'.format(' '.join(generate_libs_flags(deps.pub_libs)))) if len(deps.priv_libs) > 0: ofile.write('Libs.private: {}\n'.format(' '.join(generate_libs_flags(deps.priv_libs)))) cflags = [] if uninstalled: cflags += generate_uninstalled_cflags(deps.pub_libs + deps.priv_libs) else: for d in subdirs: if d == '.': cflags.append('-I${includedir}') else: cflags.append(self._escape(PurePath('-I${includedir}') / d)) cflags += [self._escape(f) for f in deps.cflags] if cflags and not dataonly: ofile.write('Cflags: {}\n'.format(' '.join(cflags))) @FeatureNewKwargs('pkgconfig.generate', '0.59.0', ['unescaped_variables', 'unescaped_uninstalled_variables']) @FeatureNewKwargs('pkgconfig.generate', '0.54.0', ['uninstalled_variables']) @FeatureNewKwargs('pkgconfig.generate', '0.42.0', ['extra_cflags']) @FeatureNewKwargs('pkgconfig.generate', '0.41.0', ['variables']) @FeatureNewKwargs('pkgconfig.generate', '0.54.0', ['dataonly']) @permittedKwargs({'libraries', 'version', 'name', 'description', 'filebase', 'subdirs', 'requires', 'requires_private', 'libraries_private', 'install_dir', 'extra_cflags', 'variables', 'url', 'd_module_versions', 'dataonly', 'conflicts', 'uninstalled_variables', 'unescaped_variables', 'unescaped_uninstalled_variables'}) def generate(self, state: 'ModuleState', args, kwargs): default_version = state.project_version default_install_dir = None default_description = None default_name = None mainlib = None default_subdirs = ['.'] if not args and 'version' not in kwargs: FeatureNew.single_use('pkgconfig.generate implicit version keyword', '0.46.0', state.subproject) elif len(args) == 1: FeatureNew.single_use('pkgconfig.generate optional positional argument', '0.46.0', state.subproject) mainlib = args[0] if not isinstance(mainlib, (build.StaticLibrary, build.SharedLibrary)): raise mesonlib.MesonException('Pkgconfig_gen first positional argument must be a library object') default_name = mainlib.name default_description = state.project_name + ': ' + mainlib.name install_dir = mainlib.get_custom_install_dir() if install_dir and isinstance(install_dir[0], str): default_install_dir = os.path.join(install_dir[0], 'pkgconfig') elif len(args) > 1: raise mesonlib.MesonException('Too many positional arguments passed to Pkgconfig_gen.') dataonly = kwargs.get('dataonly', False) if not isinstance(dataonly, bool): raise mesonlib.MesonException('dataonly must be boolean.') if dataonly: default_subdirs = [] blocked_vars = ['libraries', 'libraries_private', 'require_private', 'extra_cflags', 'subdirs'] if any(k in kwargs for k in blocked_vars): raise mesonlib.MesonException(f'Cannot combine dataonly with any of {blocked_vars}') default_install_dir = os.path.join(state.environment.get_datadir(), 'pkgconfig') subdirs = mesonlib.stringlistify(kwargs.get('subdirs', default_subdirs)) version = kwargs.get('version', default_version) if not isinstance(version, str): raise mesonlib.MesonException('Version must be specified.') name = kwargs.get('name', default_name) if not isinstance(name, str): raise mesonlib.MesonException('Name not specified.') filebase = kwargs.get('filebase', name) if not isinstance(filebase, str): raise mesonlib.MesonException('Filebase must be a string.') description = kwargs.get('description', default_description) if not isinstance(description, str): raise mesonlib.MesonException('Description is not a string.') url = kwargs.get('url', '') if not isinstance(url, str): raise mesonlib.MesonException('URL is not a string.') conflicts = mesonlib.stringlistify(kwargs.get('conflicts', [])) # Prepend the main library to public libraries list. This is required # so dep.add_pub_libs() can handle dependency ordering correctly and put # extra libraries after the main library. libraries = mesonlib.extract_as_list(kwargs, 'libraries') if mainlib: libraries = [mainlib] + libraries deps = DependenciesHelper(state, filebase) deps.add_pub_libs(libraries) deps.add_priv_libs(kwargs.get('libraries_private', [])) deps.add_pub_reqs(kwargs.get('requires', [])) deps.add_priv_reqs(kwargs.get('requires_private', [])) deps.add_cflags(kwargs.get('extra_cflags', [])) dversions = kwargs.get('d_module_versions', None) if dversions: compiler = state.environment.coredata.compilers.host.get('d') if compiler: deps.add_cflags(compiler.get_feature_args({'versions': dversions}, None)) deps.remove_dups() def parse_variable_list(vardict): reserved = ['prefix', 'libdir', 'includedir'] variables = [] for name, value in vardict.items(): if not dataonly and name in reserved: raise mesonlib.MesonException(f'Variable "{name}" is reserved') variables.append((name, value)) return variables variables = self.interpreter.extract_variables(kwargs, dict_new=True) variables = parse_variable_list(variables) unescaped_variables = self.interpreter.extract_variables(kwargs, argname='unescaped_variables') unescaped_variables = parse_variable_list(unescaped_variables) pcfile = filebase + '.pc' pkgroot = pkgroot_name = kwargs.get('install_dir', default_install_dir) if pkgroot is None: if mesonlib.is_freebsd(): pkgroot = os.path.join(state.environment.coredata.get_option(mesonlib.OptionKey('prefix')), 'libdata', 'pkgconfig') pkgroot_name = os.path.join('{prefix}', 'libdata', 'pkgconfig') else: pkgroot = os.path.join(state.environment.coredata.get_option(mesonlib.OptionKey('libdir')), 'pkgconfig') pkgroot_name = os.path.join('{libdir}', 'pkgconfig') if not isinstance(pkgroot, str): raise mesonlib.MesonException('Install_dir must be a string.') relocatable = state.get_option('relocatable', module='pkgconfig') self._generate_pkgconfig_file(state, deps, subdirs, name, description, url, version, pcfile, conflicts, variables, unescaped_variables, False, dataonly, pkgroot=pkgroot if relocatable else None) res = build.Data([mesonlib.File(True, state.environment.get_scratch_dir(), pcfile)], pkgroot, pkgroot_name, None, state.subproject, install_tag='devel') variables = self.interpreter.extract_variables(kwargs, argname='uninstalled_variables', dict_new=True) variables = parse_variable_list(variables) unescaped_variables = self.interpreter.extract_variables(kwargs, argname='unescaped_uninstalled_variables') unescaped_variables = parse_variable_list(unescaped_variables) pcfile = filebase + '-uninstalled.pc' self._generate_pkgconfig_file(state, deps, subdirs, name, description, url, version, pcfile, conflicts, variables, unescaped_variables, uninstalled=True, dataonly=dataonly) # Associate the main library with this generated pc file. If the library # is used in any subsequent call to the generated, it will generate a # 'Requires:' or 'Requires.private:'. # Backward compatibility: We used to set 'generated_pc' on all public # libraries instead of just the main one. Keep doing that but warn if # anyone is relying on that deprecated behaviour. if mainlib: if not hasattr(mainlib, 'generated_pc'): mainlib.generated_pc = filebase else: mlog.warning('Already generated a pkg-config file for', mlog.bold(mainlib.name)) else: for lib in deps.pub_libs: if not isinstance(lib, str) and not hasattr(lib, 'generated_pc'): lib.generated_pc = filebase location = state.current_node lib.generated_pc_warn = [name, location] return ModuleReturnValue(res, [res]) def initialize(*args, **kwargs): return PkgConfigModule(*args, **kwargs)