# Copyright 2015 The Meson development team # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os, types from pathlib import PurePath from .. import build from .. import dependencies from ..dependencies.misc import ThreadDependency from .. import mesonlib from .. import mlog from . import ModuleReturnValue from . import ExtensionModule from ..interpreterbase import permittedKwargs, FeatureNew, FeatureNewKwargs already_warned_objs = set() class DependenciesHelper: def __init__(self, state, name): self.state = state self.name = name self.pub_libs = [] self.pub_reqs = [] self.priv_libs = [] self.priv_reqs = [] self.cflags = [] self.version_reqs = {} self.link_whole_targets = [] def add_pub_libs(self, libs): libs, reqs, cflags = self._process_libs(libs, True) self.pub_libs = libs + self.pub_libs # prepend to preserve dependencies self.pub_reqs += reqs self.cflags += cflags def add_priv_libs(self, libs): libs, reqs, _ = self._process_libs(libs, False) self.priv_libs = libs + self.priv_libs self.priv_reqs += reqs def add_pub_reqs(self, reqs): self.pub_reqs += self._process_reqs(reqs) def add_priv_reqs(self, reqs): self.priv_reqs += self._process_reqs(reqs) def _check_generated_pc_deprecation(self, obj): if not hasattr(obj, 'generated_pc_warn'): return name = obj.generated_pc_warn[0] if (name, obj.name) in already_warned_objs: return mlog.deprecation('Library', mlog.bold(obj.name), 'was passed to the ' '"libraries" keyword argument of a previous call ' 'to generate() method instead of first positional ' 'argument.', 'Adding', mlog.bold(obj.generated_pc), 'to "Requires" field, but this is a deprecated ' 'behaviour that will change in a future version ' 'of Meson. Please report the issue if this ' 'warning cannot be avoided in your case.', location=obj.generated_pc_warn[1]) already_warned_objs.add((name, obj.name)) def _process_reqs(self, reqs): '''Returns string names of requirements''' processed_reqs = [] for obj in mesonlib.unholder(mesonlib.listify(reqs)): if not isinstance(obj, str): FeatureNew.single_use('pkgconfig.generate requirement from non-string object', '0.46.0', self.state.subproject) if hasattr(obj, 'generated_pc'): self._check_generated_pc_deprecation(obj) processed_reqs.append(obj.generated_pc) elif hasattr(obj, 'pcdep'): pcdeps = mesonlib.listify(obj.pcdep) for d in pcdeps: processed_reqs.append(d.name) self.add_version_reqs(d.name, obj.version_reqs) elif isinstance(obj, dependencies.PkgConfigDependency): if obj.found(): processed_reqs.append(obj.name) self.add_version_reqs(obj.name, obj.version_reqs) elif isinstance(obj, str): name, version_req = self.split_version_req(obj) processed_reqs.append(name) self.add_version_reqs(name, version_req) elif isinstance(obj, dependencies.Dependency) and not obj.found(): pass elif isinstance(obj, ThreadDependency): pass else: raise mesonlib.MesonException('requires argument not a string, ' 'library with pkgconfig-generated file ' 'or pkgconfig-dependency object, ' 'got {!r}'.format(obj)) return processed_reqs def add_cflags(self, cflags): self.cflags += mesonlib.stringlistify(cflags) def _process_libs(self, libs, public): libs = mesonlib.unholder(mesonlib.listify(libs)) processed_libs = [] processed_reqs = [] processed_cflags = [] for obj in libs: shared_library_only = getattr(obj, 'shared_library_only', False) if hasattr(obj, 'pcdep'): pcdeps = mesonlib.listify(obj.pcdep) for d in pcdeps: processed_reqs.append(d.name) self.add_version_reqs(d.name, obj.version_reqs) elif hasattr(obj, 'generated_pc'): self._check_generated_pc_deprecation(obj) processed_reqs.append(obj.generated_pc) elif isinstance(obj, dependencies.PkgConfigDependency): if obj.found(): processed_reqs.append(obj.name) self.add_version_reqs(obj.name, obj.version_reqs) elif isinstance(obj, dependencies.InternalDependency): if obj.found(): processed_libs += obj.get_link_args() processed_cflags += obj.get_compile_args() self._add_lib_dependencies(obj.libraries, obj.whole_libraries, obj.ext_deps, public, private_external_deps=True) elif isinstance(obj, dependencies.Dependency): if obj.found(): processed_libs += obj.get_link_args() processed_cflags += obj.get_compile_args() elif isinstance(obj, build.SharedLibrary) and shared_library_only: # Do not pull dependencies for shared libraries because they are # only required for static linking. Adding private requires has # the side effect of exposing their cflags, which is the # intended behaviour of pkg-config but force Debian to add more # than needed build deps. # See https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=105572 processed_libs.append(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (build.SharedLibrary, build.StaticLibrary)): processed_libs.append(obj) # If there is a static library in `Libs:` all its deps must be # public too, otherwise the generated pc file will never be # usable without --static. self._add_lib_dependencies(obj.link_targets, obj.link_whole_targets, obj.external_deps, isinstance(obj, build.StaticLibrary) and public) elif isinstance(obj, str): processed_libs.append(obj) else: raise mesonlib.MesonException('library argument not a string, library or dependency object.') return processed_libs, processed_reqs, processed_cflags def _add_lib_dependencies(self, link_targets, link_whole_targets, external_deps, public, private_external_deps=False): add_libs = self.add_pub_libs if public else self.add_priv_libs # Recursively add all linked libraries for t in link_targets: # Internal libraries (uninstalled static library) will be promoted # to link_whole, treat them as such here. if t.is_internal(): self._add_link_whole(t, public) else: add_libs([t]) for t in link_whole_targets: self._add_link_whole(t, public) # And finally its external dependencies if private_external_deps: self.add_priv_libs(external_deps) else: add_libs(external_deps) def _add_link_whole(self, t, public): # Don't include static libraries that we link_whole. But we still need to # include their dependencies: a static library we link_whole # could itself link to a shared library or an installed static library. # Keep track of link_whole_targets so we can remove them from our # lists in case a library is link_with and link_whole at the same time. # See remove_dups() below. self.link_whole_targets.append(t) self._add_lib_dependencies(t.link_targets, t.link_whole_targets, t.external_deps, public) def add_version_reqs(self, name, version_reqs): if version_reqs: if name not in self.version_reqs: self.version_reqs[name] = set() # Note that pkg-config is picky about whitespace. # 'foo > 1.2' is ok but 'foo>1.2' is not. # foo, bar' is ok, but 'foo,bar' is not. new_vreqs = [s for s in mesonlib.stringlistify(version_reqs)] self.version_reqs[name].update(new_vreqs) def split_version_req(self, s): for op in ['>=', '<=', '!=', '==', '=', '>', '<']: pos = s.find(op) if pos > 0: return s[0:pos].strip(), s[pos:].strip() return s, None def format_vreq(self, vreq): # vreq are '>=1.0' and pkgconfig wants '>= 1.0' for op in ['>=', '<=', '!=', '==', '=', '>', '<']: if vreq.startswith(op): return op + ' ' + vreq[len(op):] return vreq def format_reqs(self, reqs): result = [] for name in reqs: vreqs = self.version_reqs.get(name, None) if vreqs: result += [name + ' ' + self.format_vreq(vreq) for vreq in vreqs] else: result += [name] return ', '.join(result) def remove_dups(self): # Set of ids that have already been handled and should not be added any more exclude = set() # We can't just check if 'x' is excluded because we could have copies of # the same SharedLibrary object for example. def _ids(x): if hasattr(x, 'generated_pc'): yield x.generated_pc if isinstance(x, build.Target): yield x.get_id() yield x # Exclude 'x' in all its forms and return if it was already excluded def _add_exclude(x): was_excluded = False for i in _ids(x): if i in exclude: was_excluded = True else: exclude.add(i) return was_excluded # link_whole targets are already part of other targets, exclude them all. for t in self.link_whole_targets: _add_exclude(t) def _fn(xs, libs=False): # Remove duplicates whilst preserving original order result = [] for x in xs: # Don't de-dup unknown strings to avoid messing up arguments like: # ['-framework', 'CoreAudio', '-framework', 'CoreMedia'] known_flags = ['-pthread'] cannot_dedup = libs and isinstance(x, str) and \ not x.startswith(('-l', '-L')) and \ x not in known_flags if not cannot_dedup and _add_exclude(x): continue result.append(x) return result # Handle lists in priority order: public items can be excluded from # private and Requires can excluded from Libs. self.pub_reqs = _fn(self.pub_reqs) self.pub_libs = _fn(self.pub_libs, True) self.priv_reqs = _fn(self.priv_reqs) self.priv_libs = _fn(self.priv_libs, True) # Reset exclude list just in case some values can be both cflags and libs. exclude = set() self.cflags = _fn(self.cflags) class PkgConfigModule(ExtensionModule): def _get_lname(self, l, msg, pcfile): # Nothing special if not l.name_prefix_set: return l.name # Sometimes people want the library to start with 'lib' everywhere, # which is achieved by setting name_prefix to '' and the target name to # 'libfoo'. In that case, try to get the pkg-config '-lfoo' arg correct. if l.prefix == '' and l.name.startswith('lib'): return l.name[3:] # If the library is imported via an import library which is always # named after the target name, '-lfoo' is correct. if isinstance(l, build.SharedLibrary) and l.import_filename: return l.name # In other cases, we can't guarantee that the compiler will be able to # find the library via '-lfoo', so tell the user that. mlog.warning(msg.format(l.name, 'name_prefix', l.name, pcfile)) return l.name def _escape(self, value): ''' We cannot use quote_arg because it quotes with ' and " which does not work with pkg-config and pkgconf at all. ''' # We should always write out paths with / because pkg-config requires # spaces to be quoted with \ and that messes up on Windows: # https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=103203 if isinstance(value, PurePath): value = value.as_posix() return value.replace(' ', r'\ ') def _make_relative(self, prefix, subdir): if isinstance(prefix, PurePath): prefix = prefix.as_posix() if isinstance(subdir, PurePath): subdir = subdir.as_posix() try: if os.path.commonpath([prefix, subdir]) == prefix: skip = len(prefix) + 1 subdir = subdir[skip:] except ValueError: pass return subdir def generate_pkgconfig_file(self, state, deps, subdirs, name, description, url, version, pcfile, conflicts, variables, uninstalled=False, dataonly=False): coredata = state.environment.get_coredata() if uninstalled: outdir = os.path.join(state.environment.build_dir, 'meson-uninstalled') if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) prefix = PurePath(state.environment.get_build_dir()) srcdir = PurePath(state.environment.get_source_dir()) else: outdir = state.environment.scratch_dir prefix = PurePath(coredata.get_option(mesonlib.OptionKey('prefix'))) # These always return paths relative to prefix libdir = PurePath(coredata.get_option(mesonlib.OptionKey('libdir'))) incdir = PurePath(coredata.get_option(mesonlib.OptionKey('includedir'))) fname = os.path.join(outdir, pcfile) with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile: if not dataonly: ofile.write('prefix={}\n'.format(self._escape(prefix))) if uninstalled: ofile.write('srcdir={}\n'.format(self._escape(srcdir))) ofile.write('libdir={}\n'.format(self._escape('${prefix}' / libdir))) ofile.write('includedir={}\n'.format(self._escape('${prefix}' / incdir))) if variables: ofile.write('\n') for k, v in variables: ofile.write('{}={}\n'.format(k, self._escape(v))) ofile.write('\n') ofile.write('Name: %s\n' % name) if len(description) > 0: ofile.write('Description: %s\n' % description) if len(url) > 0: ofile.write('URL: %s\n' % url) ofile.write('Version: %s\n' % version) reqs_str = deps.format_reqs(deps.pub_reqs) if len(reqs_str) > 0: ofile.write(f'Requires: {reqs_str}\n') reqs_str = deps.format_reqs(deps.priv_reqs) if len(reqs_str) > 0: ofile.write(f'Requires.private: {reqs_str}\n') if len(conflicts) > 0: ofile.write('Conflicts: {}\n'.format(' '.join(conflicts))) def generate_libs_flags(libs): msg = 'Library target {0!r} has {1!r} set. Compilers ' \ 'may not find it from its \'-l{2}\' linker flag in the ' \ '{3!r} pkg-config file.' Lflags = [] for l in libs: if isinstance(l, str): yield l else: if uninstalled: install_dir = os.path.dirname(state.backend.get_target_filename_abs(l)) else: install_dir = l.get_custom_install_dir()[0] if install_dir is False: continue if 'cs' in l.compilers: if isinstance(install_dir, str): Lflag = '-r${{prefix}}/{}/{}'.format(self._escape(self._make_relative(prefix, install_dir)), l.filename) else: # install_dir is True Lflag = '-r${libdir}/%s' % l.filename else: if isinstance(install_dir, str): Lflag = '-L${prefix}/%s' % self._escape(self._make_relative(prefix, install_dir)) else: # install_dir is True Lflag = '-L${libdir}' if Lflag not in Lflags: Lflags.append(Lflag) yield Lflag lname = self._get_lname(l, msg, pcfile) # If using a custom suffix, the compiler may not be able to # find the library if l.name_suffix_set: mlog.warning(msg.format(l.name, 'name_suffix', lname, pcfile)) if 'cs' not in l.compilers: yield '-l%s' % lname def get_uninstalled_include_dirs(libs): result = [] for l in libs: if isinstance(l, str): continue if l.get_subdir() not in result: result.append(l.get_subdir()) for i in l.get_include_dirs(): curdir = i.get_curdir() for d in i.get_incdirs(): path = os.path.join(curdir, d) if path not in result: result.append(path) return result def generate_uninstalled_cflags(libs): for d in get_uninstalled_include_dirs(libs): for basedir in ['${prefix}', '${srcdir}']: path = os.path.join(basedir, d) yield '-I%s' % self._escape(path) if len(deps.pub_libs) > 0: ofile.write('Libs: {}\n'.format(' '.join(generate_libs_flags(deps.pub_libs)))) if len(deps.priv_libs) > 0: ofile.write('Libs.private: {}\n'.format(' '.join(generate_libs_flags(deps.priv_libs)))) cflags = [] if uninstalled: cflags += generate_uninstalled_cflags(deps.pub_libs + deps.priv_libs) else: for d in subdirs: if d == '.': cflags.append('-I${includedir}') else: cflags.append(self._escape(PurePath('-I${includedir}') / d)) cflags += [self._escape(f) for f in deps.cflags] if cflags and not dataonly: ofile.write('Cflags: {}\n'.format(' '.join(cflags))) @FeatureNewKwargs('pkgconfig.generate', '0.54.0', ['uninstalled_variables']) @FeatureNewKwargs('pkgconfig.generate', '0.42.0', ['extra_cflags']) @FeatureNewKwargs('pkgconfig.generate', '0.41.0', ['variables']) @FeatureNewKwargs('pkgconfig.generate', '0.54.0', ['dataonly']) @permittedKwargs({'libraries', 'version', 'name', 'description', 'filebase', 'subdirs', 'requires', 'requires_private', 'libraries_private', 'install_dir', 'extra_cflags', 'variables', 'url', 'd_module_versions', 'dataonly', 'conflicts', 'uninstalled_variables'}) def generate(self, state, args, kwargs): default_version = state.project_version['version'] default_install_dir = None default_description = None default_name = None mainlib = None default_subdirs = ['.'] if not args and 'version' not in kwargs: FeatureNew.single_use('pkgconfig.generate implicit version keyword', '0.46.0', state.subproject) elif len(args) == 1: FeatureNew.single_use('pkgconfig.generate optional positional argument', '0.46.0', state.subproject) mainlib = getattr(args[0], 'held_object', args[0]) if not isinstance(mainlib, (build.StaticLibrary, build.SharedLibrary)): raise mesonlib.MesonException('Pkgconfig_gen first positional argument must be a library object') default_name = mainlib.name default_description = state.project_name + ': ' + mainlib.name install_dir = mainlib.get_custom_install_dir()[0] if isinstance(install_dir, str): default_install_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, 'pkgconfig') elif len(args) > 1: raise mesonlib.MesonException('Too many positional arguments passed to Pkgconfig_gen.') dataonly = kwargs.get('dataonly', False) if dataonly: default_subdirs = [] blocked_vars = ['libraries', 'libraries_private', 'require_private', 'extra_cflags', 'subdirs'] if len(set(kwargs) & set(blocked_vars)) > 0: raise mesonlib.MesonException(f'Cannot combine dataonly with any of {blocked_vars}') subdirs = mesonlib.stringlistify(kwargs.get('subdirs', default_subdirs)) version = kwargs.get('version', default_version) if not isinstance(version, str): raise mesonlib.MesonException('Version must be specified.') name = kwargs.get('name', default_name) if not isinstance(name, str): raise mesonlib.MesonException('Name not specified.') filebase = kwargs.get('filebase', name) if not isinstance(filebase, str): raise mesonlib.MesonException('Filebase must be a string.') description = kwargs.get('description', default_description) if not isinstance(description, str): raise mesonlib.MesonException('Description is not a string.') url = kwargs.get('url', '') if not isinstance(url, str): raise mesonlib.MesonException('URL is not a string.') conflicts = mesonlib.stringlistify(kwargs.get('conflicts', [])) # Prepend the main library to public libraries list. This is required # so dep.add_pub_libs() can handle dependency ordering correctly and put # extra libraries after the main library. libraries = mesonlib.extract_as_list(kwargs, 'libraries') if mainlib: libraries = [mainlib] + libraries deps = DependenciesHelper(state, filebase) deps.add_pub_libs(libraries) deps.add_priv_libs(kwargs.get('libraries_private', [])) deps.add_pub_reqs(kwargs.get('requires', [])) deps.add_priv_reqs(kwargs.get('requires_private', [])) deps.add_cflags(kwargs.get('extra_cflags', [])) dversions = kwargs.get('d_module_versions', None) if dversions: compiler = state.environment.coredata.compilers.host.get('d') if compiler: deps.add_cflags(compiler.get_feature_args({'versions': dversions}, None)) deps.remove_dups() def parse_variable_list(vardict): reserved = ['prefix', 'libdir', 'includedir'] variables = [] for name, value in vardict.items(): if name in reserved: raise mesonlib.MesonException(f'Variable "{name}" is reserved') variables.append((name, value)) return variables variables = self.interpreter.extract_variables(kwargs, dict_new=True) variables = parse_variable_list(variables) pcfile = filebase + '.pc' pkgroot = kwargs.get('install_dir', default_install_dir) if pkgroot is None: if mesonlib.is_freebsd(): pkgroot = os.path.join(state.environment.coredata.get_option(mesonlib.OptionKey('prefix')), 'libdata', 'pkgconfig') else: pkgroot = os.path.join(state.environment.coredata.get_option(mesonlib.OptionKey('libdir')), 'pkgconfig') if not isinstance(pkgroot, str): raise mesonlib.MesonException('Install_dir must be a string.') self.generate_pkgconfig_file(state, deps, subdirs, name, description, url, version, pcfile, conflicts, variables, False, dataonly) res = build.Data([mesonlib.File(True, state.environment.get_scratch_dir(), pcfile)], pkgroot, None, state.subproject) variables = self.interpreter.extract_variables(kwargs, argname='uninstalled_variables', dict_new=True) variables = parse_variable_list(variables) pcfile = filebase + '-uninstalled.pc' self.generate_pkgconfig_file(state, deps, subdirs, name, description, url, version, pcfile, conflicts, variables, uninstalled=True, dataonly=dataonly) # Associate the main library with this generated pc file. If the library # is used in any subsequent call to the generated, it will generate a # 'Requires:' or 'Requires.private:'. # Backward compatibility: We used to set 'generated_pc' on all public # libraries instead of just the main one. Keep doing that but warn if # anyone is relying on that deprecated behaviour. if mainlib: if not hasattr(mainlib, 'generated_pc'): mainlib.generated_pc = filebase else: mlog.warning('Already generated a pkg-config file for', mlog.bold(mainlib.name)) else: for lib in deps.pub_libs: if not isinstance(lib, str) and not hasattr(lib, 'generated_pc'): lib.generated_pc = filebase location = state.current_node lib.generated_pc_warn = [name, location] return ModuleReturnValue(res, [res]) def initialize(*args, **kwargs): return PkgConfigModule(*args, **kwargs)