import os, subprocess import argparse import tempfile from pathlib import Path from . import build from .mesonlib import MesonException, is_windows import typing as T def add_arguments(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('-C', default='.', dest='wd', help='directory to cd into before running') parser.add_argument('command', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help='Command to run in developer environment (default: interactive shell)') def get_windows_shell() -> str: mesonbuild = Path(__file__).parent script = mesonbuild / 'scripts' / 'cmd_or_ps.ps1' command = ['powershell.exe', '-noprofile', '-executionpolicy', 'bypass', '-file', str(script)] result = subprocess.check_output(command) return result.decode().strip() def get_env(b: build.Build, build_dir: str) -> T.Dict[str, str]: env = os.environ.copy() for i in b.devenv: env = i.get_env(env) extra_env = build.EnvironmentVariables() extra_env.set('MESON_DEVENV', ['1']) extra_env.set('MESON_PROJECT_NAME', [b.project_name]) meson_uninstalled = Path(build_dir) / 'meson-uninstalled' if meson_uninstalled.is_dir(): extra_env.prepend('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', [str(meson_uninstalled)]) return extra_env.get_env(env) def run(options: argparse.Namespace) -> int: options.wd = os.path.abspath(options.wd) buildfile = Path(options.wd) / 'meson-private' / 'build.dat' if not buildfile.is_file(): raise MesonException(f'Directory {options.wd!r} does not seem to be a Meson build directory.') b = build.load(options.wd) devenv = get_env(b, options.wd) args = options.command if not args: prompt_prefix = f'[{b.project_name}]' if is_windows(): shell = get_windows_shell() if shell == 'powershell.exe': args = ['powershell.exe'] args += ['-NoLogo', '-NoExit'] prompt = f'function global:prompt {{ "{prompt_prefix} PS " + $PWD + "> "}}' args += ['-Command', prompt] else: args = [os.environ.get("COMSPEC", r"C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe")] args += ['/k', f'prompt {prompt_prefix} $P$G'] else: args = [os.environ.get("SHELL", os.path.realpath("/bin/sh"))] if "bash" in args[0] and not os.environ.get("MESON_DISABLE_PS1_OVERRIDE"): tmprc = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') bashrc = os.path.expanduser('~/.bashrc') if os.path.exists(bashrc): tmprc.write(f'. {bashrc}\n') tmprc.write(f'export PS1="{prompt_prefix} $PS1"') tmprc.flush() # Let the GC remove the tmp file args.append("--rcfile") args.append( try: return, close_fds=False, env=devenv, cwd=options.wd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: return e.returncode