# Copyright 2013-2018 The Meson development team # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This file contains the detection logic for external dependencies. # Custom logic for several other packages are in separate files. import copy import os import re import stat import shlex import shutil import textwrap from enum import Enum from pathlib import PurePath from .. import mlog from .. import mesonlib from ..mesonlib import ( MesonException, Popen_safe, version_compare_many, version_compare, listify ) # These must be defined in this file to avoid cyclical references. packages = {} _packages_accept_language = set() class DependencyException(MesonException): '''Exceptions raised while trying to find dependencies''' class DependencyMethods(Enum): # Auto means to use whatever dependency checking mechanisms in whatever order meson thinks is best. AUTO = 'auto' PKGCONFIG = 'pkg-config' QMAKE = 'qmake' # Just specify the standard link arguments, assuming the operating system provides the library. SYSTEM = 'system' # This is only supported on OSX - search the frameworks directory by name. EXTRAFRAMEWORK = 'extraframework' # Detect using the sysconfig module. SYSCONFIG = 'sysconfig' # Specify using a "program"-config style tool CONFIG_TOOL = 'config-tool' # For backewards compatibility SDLCONFIG = 'sdlconfig' CUPSCONFIG = 'cups-config' PCAPCONFIG = 'pcap-config' LIBWMFCONFIG = 'libwmf-config' class Dependency: @classmethod def _process_method_kw(cls, kwargs): method = kwargs.get('method', 'auto') if method not in [e.value for e in DependencyMethods]: raise DependencyException('method {!r} is invalid'.format(method)) method = DependencyMethods(method) # This sets per-tool config methods which are deprecated to to the new # generic CONFIG_TOOL value. if method in [DependencyMethods.SDLCONFIG, DependencyMethods.CUPSCONFIG, DependencyMethods.PCAPCONFIG, DependencyMethods.LIBWMFCONFIG]: mlog.warning(textwrap.dedent("""\ Configuration method {} has been deprecated in favor of 'config-tool'. This will be removed in a future version of meson.""".format(method))) method = DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL # Set the detection method. If the method is set to auto, use any available method. # If method is set to a specific string, allow only that detection method. if method == DependencyMethods.AUTO: methods = cls.get_methods() elif method in cls.get_methods(): methods = [method] else: raise DependencyException( 'Unsupported detection method: {}, allowed methods are {}'.format( method.value, mlog.format_list([x.value for x in [DependencyMethods.AUTO] + cls.get_methods()]))) return methods def __init__(self, type_name, kwargs): self.name = "null" self.version = 'none' self.language = None # None means C-like self.is_found = False self.type_name = type_name self.compile_args = [] self.link_args = [] self.sources = [] self.methods = self._process_method_kw(kwargs) def __repr__(self): s = '<{0} {1}: {2}>' return s.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.is_found) def get_compile_args(self): return self.compile_args def get_link_args(self): return self.link_args def found(self): return self.is_found def get_sources(self): """Source files that need to be added to the target. As an example, gtest-all.cc when using GTest.""" return self.sources @staticmethod def get_methods(): return [DependencyMethods.AUTO] def get_name(self): return self.name def get_version(self): return self.version def get_exe_args(self, compiler): return [] def need_openmp(self): return False def need_threads(self): return False def get_pkgconfig_variable(self, variable_name, kwargs): raise DependencyException('{!r} is not a pkgconfig dependency'.format(self.name)) def get_configtool_variable(self, variable_name): raise DependencyException('{!r} is not a config-tool dependency'.format(self.name)) def get_partial_dependency(self, *, compile_args=False, link_args=False, links=False, includes=False, sources=False): """Create a new dependency that contains part of the parent dependency. The following options can be inherited: links -- all link_with arguemnts includes -- all include_directory and -I/-isystem calls sources -- any source, header, or generated sources compile_args -- any compile args link_args -- any link args Additionally the new dependency will have the version parameter of it's parent (if any) and the requested values of any dependencies will be added as well. """ RuntimeError('Unreachable code in partial_dependency called') class InternalDependency(Dependency): def __init__(self, version, incdirs, compile_args, link_args, libraries, whole_libraries, sources, ext_deps): super().__init__('internal', {}) self.version = version self.is_found = True self.include_directories = incdirs self.compile_args = compile_args self.link_args = link_args self.libraries = libraries self.whole_libraries = whole_libraries self.sources = sources self.ext_deps = ext_deps def get_pkgconfig_variable(self, variable_name, kwargs): raise DependencyException('Method "get_pkgconfig_variable()" is ' 'invalid for an internal dependency') def get_configtool_variable(self, variable_name): raise DependencyException('Method "get_configtool_variable()" is ' 'invalid for an internal dependency') def get_partial_dependency(self, *, compile_args=False, link_args=False, links=False, includes=False, sources=False): compile_args = self.compile_args.copy() if compile_args else [] link_args = self.link_args.copy() if link_args else [] libraries = self.libraries.copy() if links else [] whole_libraries = self.whole_libraries.copy() if links else [] sources = self.sources.copy() if sources else [] includes = self.include_directories.copy() if includes else [] deps = [d.get_partial_dependency( compile_args=compile_args, link_args=link_args, links=links, includes=includes, sources=sources) for d in self.ext_deps] return InternalDependency( self.version, includes, compile_args, link_args, libraries, whole_libraries, sources, deps) class ExternalDependency(Dependency): def __init__(self, type_name, environment, language, kwargs): super().__init__(type_name, kwargs) self.env = environment self.name = type_name # default self.is_found = False self.language = language self.version_reqs = kwargs.get('version', None) self.required = kwargs.get('required', True) self.silent = kwargs.get('silent', False) self.static = kwargs.get('static', False) if not isinstance(self.static, bool): raise DependencyException('Static keyword must be boolean') # Is this dependency for cross-compilation? if 'native' in kwargs and self.env.is_cross_build(): self.want_cross = not kwargs['native'] else: self.want_cross = self.env.is_cross_build() # Set the compiler that will be used by this dependency # This is only used for configuration checks if self.want_cross: compilers = self.env.coredata.cross_compilers else: compilers = self.env.coredata.compilers # Set the compiler for this dependency if a language is specified, # else try to pick something that looks usable. if self.language: if self.language not in compilers: m = self.name.capitalize() + ' requires a {} compiler' raise DependencyException(m.format(self.language.capitalize())) self.compiler = compilers[self.language] else: # Try to find a compiler that this dependency can use for compiler # checks. It's ok if we don't find one. for lang in ('c', 'cpp', 'objc', 'objcpp', 'fortran', 'd'): self.compiler = compilers.get(lang, None) if self.compiler: break def get_compiler(self): return self.compiler def get_partial_dependency(self, *, compile_args=False, link_args=False, links=False, includes=False, sources=False): new = copy.copy(self) if not compile_args: new.compile_args = [] if not link_args: new.link_args = [] if not sources: new.sources = [] return new class NotFoundDependency(Dependency): def __init__(self, environment): super().__init__('not-found', {}) self.env = environment self.name = 'not-found' self.is_found = False class ConfigToolDependency(ExternalDependency): """Class representing dependencies found using a config tool.""" tools = None tool_name = None __strip_version = re.compile(r'^[0-9.]*') def __init__(self, name, environment, language, kwargs): super().__init__('config-tool', environment, language, kwargs) self.name = name self.native = kwargs.get('native', False) self.tools = listify(kwargs.get('tools', self.tools)) req_version = kwargs.get('version', None) tool, version = self.find_config(req_version) self.config = tool self.is_found = self.report_config(version, req_version) if not self.is_found: self.config = None return self.version = version def _sanitize_version(self, version): """Remove any non-numeric, non-point version suffixes.""" m = self.__strip_version.match(version) if m: # Ensure that there isn't a trailing '.', such as an input like # `1.2.3.git-1234` return m.group(0).rstrip('.') return version @classmethod def factory(cls, name, environment, language, kwargs, tools, tool_name): """Constructor for use in dependencies that can be found multiple ways. In addition to the standard constructor values, this constructor sets the tool_name and tools values of the instance. """ # This deserves some explanation, because metaprogramming is hard. # This uses type() to create a dynamic subclass of ConfigToolDependency # with the tools and tool_name class attributes set, this class is then # instantiated and returned. The reduce function (method) is also # attached, since python's pickle module won't be able to do anything # with this dynamically generated class otherwise. def reduce(self): return (cls._unpickle, (), self.__dict__) sub = type('{}Dependency'.format(name.capitalize()), (cls, ), {'tools': tools, 'tool_name': tool_name, '__reduce__': reduce}) return sub(name, environment, language, kwargs) @classmethod def _unpickle(cls): return cls.__new__(cls) def find_config(self, versions=None): """Helper method that searchs for config tool binaries in PATH and returns the one that best matches the given version requirements. """ if not isinstance(versions, list) and versions is not None: versions = listify(versions) if self.env.is_cross_build() and not self.native: cross_file = self.env.cross_info.config['binaries'] try: tools = [cross_file[self.tool_name]] except KeyError: mlog.warning('No entry for {0} specified in your cross file. ' 'Falling back to searching PATH. This may find a ' 'native version of {0}!'.format(self.tool_name)) tools = self.tools else: tools = self.tools best_match = (None, None) for tool in tools: try: p, out = Popen_safe([tool, '--version'])[:2] except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError): continue if p.returncode != 0: continue out = self._sanitize_version(out.strip()) # Some tools, like pcap-config don't supply a version, but also # don't fail with --version, in that case just assume that there is # only one version and return it. if not out: return (tool, 'none') if versions: is_found = version_compare_many(out, versions)[0] # This allows returning a found version without a config tool, # which is useful to inform the user that you found version x, # but y was required. if not is_found: tool = None if best_match[1]: if version_compare(out, '> {}'.format(best_match[1])): best_match = (tool, out) else: best_match = (tool, out) return best_match def report_config(self, version, req_version): """Helper method to print messages about the tool.""" if self.config is None: if version is not None: mlog.log('Found', mlog.bold(self.tool_name), repr(version), mlog.red('NO'), '(needed', req_version, ')') else: mlog.log('Found', mlog.bold(self.tool_name), repr(req_version), mlog.red('NO')) mlog.log('Dependency', mlog.bold(self.name), 'found:', mlog.red('NO')) if self.required: raise DependencyException('Dependency {} not found'.format(self.name)) return False mlog.log('Found {}:'.format(self.tool_name), mlog.bold(shutil.which(self.config)), '({})'.format(version)) mlog.log('Dependency', mlog.bold(self.name), 'found:', mlog.green('YES')) return True def get_config_value(self, args, stage): p, out, err = Popen_safe([self.config] + args) if p.returncode != 0: if self.required: raise DependencyException( 'Could not generate {} for {}.\n{}'.format( stage, self.name, err)) return [] return shlex.split(out) @staticmethod def get_methods(): return [DependencyMethods.AUTO, DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL] def get_configtool_variable(self, variable_name): p, out, _ = Popen_safe([self.config, '--{}'.format(variable_name)]) if p.returncode != 0: if self.required: raise DependencyException( 'Could not get variable "{}" for dependency {}'.format( variable_name, self.name)) variable = out.strip() mlog.debug('Got config-tool variable {} : {}'.format(variable_name, variable)) return variable class PkgConfigDependency(ExternalDependency): # The class's copy of the pkg-config path. Avoids having to search for it # multiple times in the same Meson invocation. class_pkgbin = None # We cache all pkg-config subprocess invocations to avoid redundant calls pkgbin_cache = {} def __init__(self, name, environment, kwargs, language=None): super().__init__('pkgconfig', environment, language, kwargs) self.name = name self.is_libtool = False # Store a copy of the pkg-config path on the object itself so it is # stored in the pickled coredata and recovered. self.pkgbin = None # When finding dependencies for cross-compiling, we don't care about # the 'native' pkg-config if self.want_cross: if 'pkgconfig' not in environment.cross_info.config['binaries']: if self.required: raise DependencyException('Pkg-config binary missing from cross file') else: pkgname = environment.cross_info.config['binaries']['pkgconfig'] potential_pkgbin = ExternalProgram(pkgname, silent=True) if potential_pkgbin.found(): self.pkgbin = potential_pkgbin PkgConfigDependency.class_pkgbin = self.pkgbin else: mlog.debug('Cross pkg-config %s not found.' % potential_pkgbin.name) # Only search for the native pkg-config the first time and # store the result in the class definition elif PkgConfigDependency.class_pkgbin is None: self.pkgbin = self.check_pkgconfig() PkgConfigDependency.class_pkgbin = self.pkgbin else: self.pkgbin = PkgConfigDependency.class_pkgbin if not self.pkgbin: if self.required: raise DependencyException('Pkg-config not found.') return if self.want_cross: self.type_string = 'Cross' else: self.type_string = 'Native' mlog.debug('Determining dependency {!r} with pkg-config executable ' '{!r}'.format(name, self.pkgbin.get_path())) ret, self.version = self._call_pkgbin(['--modversion', name]) if ret != 0: if self.required: raise DependencyException('{} dependency {!r} not found' ''.format(self.type_string, name)) return found_msg = [self.type_string + ' dependency', mlog.bold(name), 'found:'] if self.version_reqs is None: self.is_found = True else: if not isinstance(self.version_reqs, (str, list)): raise DependencyException('Version argument must be string or list.') if isinstance(self.version_reqs, str): self.version_reqs = [self.version_reqs] (self.is_found, not_found, found) = \ version_compare_many(self.version, self.version_reqs) if not self.is_found: found_msg += [mlog.red('NO'), 'found {!r} but need:'.format(self.version), ', '.join(["'{}'".format(e) for e in not_found])] if found: found_msg += ['; matched:', ', '.join(["'{}'".format(e) for e in found])] if not self.silent: mlog.log(*found_msg) if self.required: m = 'Invalid version of dependency, need {!r} {!r} found {!r}.' raise DependencyException(m.format(name, not_found, self.version)) return try: # Fetch cargs to be used while using this dependency self._set_cargs() # Fetch the libraries and library paths needed for using this self._set_libs() found_msg += [mlog.green('YES'), self.version] except DependencyException as e: if self.required: raise else: self.compile_args = [] self.link_args = [] self.is_found = False found_msg += [mlog.red('NO'), '; reason: {}'.format(str(e))] # Print the found message only at the very end because fetching cflags # and libs can also fail if other needed pkg-config files aren't found. if not self.silent: mlog.log(*found_msg) def __repr__(self): s = '<{0} {1}: {2} {3}>' return s.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.is_found, self.version_reqs) def _call_pkgbin_real(self, args, env): p, out = Popen_safe(self.pkgbin.get_command() + args, env=env)[0:2] return p.returncode, out.strip() def _call_pkgbin(self, args, env=None): if env is None: fenv = env env = os.environ else: fenv = frozenset(env.items()) targs = tuple(args) cache = PkgConfigDependency.pkgbin_cache if (self.pkgbin, targs, fenv) not in cache: cache[(self.pkgbin, targs, fenv)] = self._call_pkgbin_real(args, env) return cache[(self.pkgbin, targs, fenv)] def _convert_mingw_paths(self, args): ''' Both MSVC and native Python on Windows cannot handle MinGW-esque /c/foo paths so convert them to C:/foo. We cannot resolve other paths starting with / like /home/foo so leave them as-is so that the user gets an error/warning from the compiler/linker. ''' if not mesonlib.is_windows(): return args converted = [] for arg in args: pargs = [] # Library search path if arg.startswith('-L/'): pargs = PurePath(arg[2:]).parts tmpl = '-L{}:/{}' elif arg.startswith('-I/'): pargs = PurePath(arg[2:]).parts tmpl = '-I{}:/{}' # Full path to library or .la file elif arg.startswith('/'): pargs = PurePath(arg).parts tmpl = '{}:/{}' if len(pargs) > 1 and len(pargs[1]) == 1: arg = tmpl.format(pargs[1], '/'.join(pargs[2:])) converted.append(arg) return converted def _set_cargs(self): env = None if self.language == 'fortran': # gfortran doesn't appear to look in system paths for INCLUDE files, # so don't allow pkg-config to suppress -I flags for system paths env = os.environ.copy() env['PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_CFLAGS'] = '1' ret, out = self._call_pkgbin(['--cflags', self.name], env=env) if ret != 0: raise DependencyException('Could not generate cargs for %s:\n\n%s' % (self.name, out)) self.compile_args = self._convert_mingw_paths(shlex.split(out)) def _set_libs(self): env = None libcmd = [self.name, '--libs'] if self.static: libcmd.append('--static') # Force pkg-config to output -L fields even if they are system # paths so we can do manual searching with cc.find_library() later. env = os.environ.copy() env['PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_LIBS'] = '1' ret, out = self._call_pkgbin(libcmd, env=env) if ret != 0: raise DependencyException('Could not generate libs for %s:\n\n%s' % (self.name, out)) self.link_args = [] libpaths = [] static_libs_notfound = [] for lib in self._convert_mingw_paths(shlex.split(out)): # If we want to use only static libraries, we have to look for the # file ourselves instead of depending on the compiler to find it # with -lfoo or foo.lib. However, we can only do this if we already # have some library paths gathered. if self.static: if lib.startswith('-L'): libpaths.append(lib[2:]) continue # FIXME: try to handle .la files in static mode too? elif lib.startswith('-l'): args = self.compiler.find_library(lib[2:], self.env, libpaths, libtype='static') if not args or len(args) < 1: if lib in static_libs_notfound: continue mlog.warning('Static library {!r} not found for dependency {!r}, may ' 'not be statically linked'.format(lib[2:], self.name)) static_libs_notfound.append(lib) else: # Replace -l arg with full path to static library lib = args[0] elif lib.endswith(".la"): shared_libname = self.extract_libtool_shlib(lib) shared_lib = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(lib), shared_libname) if not os.path.exists(shared_lib): shared_lib = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(lib), ".libs", shared_libname) if not os.path.exists(shared_lib): raise DependencyException('Got a libtools specific "%s" dependencies' 'but we could not compute the actual shared' 'library path' % lib) lib = shared_lib self.is_libtool = True self.link_args.append(lib) # Add all -Lbar args if we have -lfoo args in link_args if static_libs_notfound: # Order of -L flags doesn't matter with ld, but it might with other # linkers such as MSVC, so prepend them. self.link_args = ['-L' + lp for lp in libpaths] + self.link_args def get_pkgconfig_variable(self, variable_name, kwargs): options = ['--variable=' + variable_name, self.name] if 'define_variable' in kwargs: definition = kwargs.get('define_variable', []) if not isinstance(definition, list): raise MesonException('define_variable takes a list') if len(definition) != 2 or not all(isinstance(i, str) for i in definition): raise MesonException('define_variable must be made up of 2 strings for VARIABLENAME and VARIABLEVALUE') options = ['--define-variable=' + '='.join(definition)] + options ret, out = self._call_pkgbin(options) variable = '' if ret != 0: if self.required: raise DependencyException('%s dependency %s not found.' % (self.type_string, self.name)) else: variable = out.strip() # pkg-config doesn't distinguish between empty and non-existent variables # use the variable list to check for variable existence if not variable: ret, out = self._call_pkgbin(['--print-variables', self.name]) if not re.search(r'^' + variable_name + r'$', out, re.MULTILINE): if 'default' in kwargs: variable = kwargs['default'] else: mlog.warning("pkgconfig variable '%s' not defined for dependency %s." % (variable_name, self.name)) mlog.debug('Got pkgconfig variable %s : %s' % (variable_name, variable)) return variable @staticmethod def get_methods(): return [DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG] def check_pkgconfig(self): evar = 'PKG_CONFIG' if evar in os.environ: pkgbin = os.environ[evar].strip() else: pkgbin = 'pkg-config' pkgbin = ExternalProgram(pkgbin, silent=True) if pkgbin.found(): try: p, out = Popen_safe(pkgbin.get_command() + ['--version'])[0:2] if p.returncode != 0: mlog.warning('Found pkg-config {!r} but couldn\'t run it' ''.format(' '.join(pkgbin.get_command()))) # Set to False instead of None to signify that we've already # searched for it and not found it pkgbin = False except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError): pkgbin = False else: pkgbin = False if not self.silent: if pkgbin: mlog.log('Found pkg-config:', mlog.bold(pkgbin.get_path()), '(%s)' % out.strip()) else: mlog.log('Found Pkg-config:', mlog.red('NO')) return pkgbin def extract_field(self, la_file, fieldname): with open(la_file) as f: for line in f: arr = line.strip().split('=') if arr[0] == fieldname: return arr[1][1:-1] return None def extract_dlname_field(self, la_file): return self.extract_field(la_file, 'dlname') def extract_libdir_field(self, la_file): return self.extract_field(la_file, 'libdir') def extract_libtool_shlib(self, la_file): ''' Returns the path to the shared library corresponding to this .la file ''' dlname = self.extract_dlname_field(la_file) if dlname is None: return None # Darwin uses absolute paths where possible; since the libtool files never # contain absolute paths, use the libdir field if mesonlib.is_osx(): dlbasename = os.path.basename(dlname) libdir = self.extract_libdir_field(la_file) if libdir is None: return dlbasename return os.path.join(libdir, dlbasename) # From the comments in extract_libtool(), older libtools had # a path rather than the raw dlname return os.path.basename(dlname) class ExternalProgram: windows_exts = ('exe', 'msc', 'com', 'bat', 'cmd') def __init__(self, name, command=None, silent=False, search_dir=None): self.name = name if command is not None: self.command = listify(command) else: self.command = self._search(name, search_dir) # Set path to be the last item that is actually a file (in order to # skip options in something like ['python', '-u', 'file.py']. If we # can't find any components, default to the last component of the path. self.path = self.command[-1] for i in range(len(self.command) - 1, -1, -1): arg = self.command[i] if arg is not None and os.path.isfile(arg): self.path = arg break if not silent: if self.found(): mlog.log('Program', mlog.bold(name), 'found:', mlog.green('YES'), '(%s)' % ' '.join(self.command)) else: mlog.log('Program', mlog.bold(name), 'found:', mlog.red('NO')) def __repr__(self): r = '<{} {!r} -> {!r}>' return r.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.command) @staticmethod def _shebang_to_cmd(script): """ Check if the file has a shebang and manually parse it to figure out the interpreter to use. This is useful if the script is not executable or if we're on Windows (which does not understand shebangs). """ try: with open(script) as f: first_line = f.readline().strip() if first_line.startswith('#!'): # In a shebang, everything before the first space is assumed to # be the command to run and everything after the first space is # the single argument to pass to that command. So we must split # exactly once. commands = first_line[2:].split('#')[0].strip().split(maxsplit=1) if mesonlib.is_windows(): # Windows does not have UNIX paths so remove them, # but don't remove Windows paths if commands[0].startswith('/'): commands[0] = commands[0].split('/')[-1] if len(commands) > 0 and commands[0] == 'env': commands = commands[1:] # Windows does not ship python3.exe, but we know the path to it if len(commands) > 0 and commands[0] == 'python3': commands = mesonlib.python_command + commands[1:] elif mesonlib.is_haiku(): # Haiku does not have /usr, but a lot of scripts assume that # /usr/bin/env always exists. Detect that case and run the # script with the interpreter after it. if commands[0] == '/usr/bin/env': commands = commands[1:] # We know what python3 is, we're running on it if len(commands) > 0 and commands[0] == 'python3': commands = mesonlib.python_command + commands[1:] return commands + [script] except Exception as e: mlog.debug(e) pass mlog.debug('Unusable script {!r}'.format(script)) return False def _is_executable(self, path): suffix = os.path.splitext(path)[-1].lower()[1:] if mesonlib.is_windows(): if suffix in self.windows_exts: return True elif os.access(path, os.X_OK): return not os.path.isdir(path) return False def _search_dir(self, name, search_dir): if search_dir is None: return False trial = os.path.join(search_dir, name) if os.path.exists(trial): if self._is_executable(trial): return [trial] # Now getting desperate. Maybe it is a script file that is # a) not chmodded executable, or # b) we are on windows so they can't be directly executed. return self._shebang_to_cmd(trial) else: if mesonlib.is_windows(): for ext in self.windows_exts: trial_ext = '{}.{}'.format(trial, ext) if os.path.exists(trial_ext): return [trial_ext] return False def _search_windows_special_cases(self, name, command): ''' Lots of weird Windows quirks: 1. PATH search for @name returns files with extensions from PATHEXT, but only self.windows_exts are executable without an interpreter. 2. @name might be an absolute path to an executable, but without the extension. This works inside MinGW so people use it a lot. 3. The script is specified without an extension, in which case we have to manually search in PATH. 4. More special-casing for the shebang inside the script. ''' if command: # On Windows, even if the PATH search returned a full path, we can't be # sure that it can be run directly if it's not a native executable. # For instance, interpreted scripts sometimes need to be run explicitly # with an interpreter if the file association is not done properly. name_ext = os.path.splitext(command)[1] if name_ext[1:].lower() in self.windows_exts: # Good, it can be directly executed return [command] # Try to extract the interpreter from the shebang commands = self._shebang_to_cmd(command) if commands: return commands return [None] # Maybe the name is an absolute path to a native Windows # executable, but without the extension. This is technically wrong, # but many people do it because it works in the MinGW shell. if os.path.isabs(name): for ext in self.windows_exts: command = '{}.{}'.format(name, ext) if os.path.exists(command): return [command] # On Windows, interpreted scripts must have an extension otherwise they # cannot be found by a standard PATH search. So we do a custom search # where we manually search for a script with a shebang in PATH. search_dirs = os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(';') for search_dir in search_dirs: commands = self._search_dir(name, search_dir) if commands: return commands return [None] def _search(self, name, search_dir): ''' Search in the specified dir for the specified executable by name and if not found search in PATH ''' commands = self._search_dir(name, search_dir) if commands: return commands # Do a standard search in PATH command = shutil.which(name) if mesonlib.is_windows(): return self._search_windows_special_cases(name, command) # On UNIX-like platforms, shutil.which() is enough to find # all executables whether in PATH or with an absolute path return [command] def found(self): return self.command[0] is not None def get_command(self): return self.command[:] def get_path(self): return self.path def get_name(self): return self.name class NonExistingExternalProgram(ExternalProgram): def __init__(self): super().__init__(name = 'nonexistingprogram', silent = True) def __repr__(self): r = '<{} {!r} -> {!r}>' return r.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.command) def found(self): return False class ExternalLibrary(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, name, link_args, environment, language, silent=False): super().__init__('external', environment, language, {}) self.name = name self.language = language self.is_found = False if link_args: self.is_found = True self.link_args = link_args if not silent: if self.is_found: mlog.log('Library', mlog.bold(name), 'found:', mlog.green('YES')) else: mlog.log('Library', mlog.bold(name), 'found:', mlog.red('NO')) def get_link_args(self, language=None): ''' External libraries detected using a compiler must only be used with compatible code. For instance, Vala libraries (.vapi files) cannot be used with C code, and not all Rust library types can be linked with C-like code. Note that C++ libraries *can* be linked with C code with a C++ linker (and vice-versa). ''' # Using a vala library in a non-vala target, or a non-vala library in a vala target # XXX: This should be extended to other non-C linkers such as Rust if (self.language == 'vala' and language != 'vala') or \ (language == 'vala' and self.language != 'vala'): return [] return self.link_args def get_partial_dependency(self, *, compile_args=False, link_args=False, links=False, includes=False, sources=False): # External library only has link_args, so ignore the rest of the # interface. new = copy.copy(self) if not link_args: new.link_args = [] return new class ExtraFrameworkDependency(ExternalDependency): def __init__(self, name, required, path, env, lang, kwargs): super().__init__('extraframeworks', env, lang, kwargs) self.name = None self.required = required self.detect(name, path) if self.found(): mlog.log('Dependency', mlog.bold(name), 'found:', mlog.green('YES'), os.path.join(self.path, self.name)) else: mlog.log('Dependency', name, 'found:', mlog.red('NO')) def detect(self, name, path): lname = name.lower() if path is None: paths = ['/System/Library/Frameworks', '/Library/Frameworks'] else: paths = [path] for p in paths: for d in os.listdir(p): fullpath = os.path.join(p, d) if lname != d.split('.')[0].lower(): continue if not stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(fullpath).st_mode): continue self.path = p self.name = d self.is_found = True return if not self.found() and self.required: raise DependencyException('Framework dependency %s not found.' % (name, )) def get_compile_args(self): if self.found(): return ['-I' + os.path.join(self.path, self.name, 'Headers')] return [] def get_link_args(self): if self.found(): return ['-F' + self.path, '-framework', self.name.split('.')[0]] return [] def get_version(self): return 'unknown' def get_dep_identifier(name, kwargs, want_cross): # Need immutable objects since the identifier will be used as a dict key version_reqs = listify(kwargs.get('version', [])) if isinstance(version_reqs, list): version_reqs = frozenset(version_reqs) identifier = (name, version_reqs, want_cross) for key, value in kwargs.items(): # 'version' is embedded above as the second element for easy access # 'native' is handled above with `want_cross` # 'required' is irrelevant for caching; the caller handles it separately # 'fallback' subprojects cannot be cached -- they must be initialized if key in ('version', 'native', 'required', 'fallback',): continue # All keyword arguments are strings, ints, or lists (or lists of lists) if isinstance(value, list): value = frozenset(listify(value)) identifier += (key, value) return identifier def find_external_dependency(name, env, kwargs): required = kwargs.get('required', True) if not isinstance(required, bool): raise DependencyException('Keyword "required" must be a boolean.') if not isinstance(kwargs.get('method', ''), str): raise DependencyException('Keyword "method" must be a string.') lname = name.lower() if lname in packages: if lname not in _packages_accept_language and 'language' in kwargs: raise DependencyException('%s dependency does not accept "language" keyword argument' % (lname, )) # Create the dependency object using a factory class method, if one # exists, otherwise it is just constructed directly. if getattr(packages[lname], '_factory', None): dep = packages[lname]._factory(env, kwargs) else: dep = packages[lname](env, kwargs) if required and not dep.found(): raise DependencyException('Dependency "%s" not found' % name) return dep if 'language' in kwargs: # Remove check when PkgConfigDependency supports language. raise DependencyException('%s dependency does not accept "language" keyword argument' % (lname, )) pkg_exc = None pkgdep = None try: pkgdep = PkgConfigDependency(name, env, kwargs) if pkgdep.found(): return pkgdep except Exception as e: pkg_exc = e if mesonlib.is_osx(): fwdep = ExtraFrameworkDependency(name, False, None, env, None, kwargs) if required and not fwdep.found(): m = 'Dependency {!r} not found, tried Extra Frameworks ' \ 'and Pkg-Config:\n\n' + str(pkg_exc) raise DependencyException(m.format(name)) return fwdep if pkg_exc is not None: raise pkg_exc mlog.log('Dependency', mlog.bold(name), 'found:', mlog.red('NO')) return pkgdep def strip_system_libdirs(environment, link_args): """Remove -L arguments. leaving these in will break builds where a user has a version of a library in the system path, and a different version not in the system path if they want to link against the non-system path version. """ exclude = {'-L{}'.format(p) for p in environment.get_compiler_system_dirs()} return [l for l in link_args if l not in exclude]