# Copyright 2019 The Meson development team # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This class contains the basic functionality needed to run any interpreter # or an interpreter-based tool. from .common import CMakeException, CMakeTarget, TargetOptions from .client import CMakeClient, RequestCMakeInputs, RequestConfigure, RequestCompute, RequestCodeModel from .fileapi import CMakeFileAPI from .executor import CMakeExecutor from .traceparser import CMakeTraceParser, CMakeGeneratorTarget from .. import mlog, mesonlib from ..environment import Environment from ..mesonlib import MachineChoice, OrderedSet, version_compare from ..mesondata import mesondata from ..compilers.compilers import lang_suffixes, header_suffixes, obj_suffixes, lib_suffixes, is_header from enum import Enum from functools import lru_cache from pathlib import Path import typing as T import os, re from ..mparser import ( Token, BaseNode, CodeBlockNode, FunctionNode, ArrayNode, ArgumentNode, AssignmentNode, BooleanNode, StringNode, IdNode, IndexNode, MethodNode, NumberNode, ) if T.TYPE_CHECKING: from ..build import Build from ..backend.backends import Backend # Disable all warnings automaticall enabled with --trace and friends # See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMPNNNN.html disable_policy_warnings = [ 'CMP0025', 'CMP0047', 'CMP0056', 'CMP0060', 'CMP0065', 'CMP0066', 'CMP0067', 'CMP0082', 'CMP0089', ] backend_generator_map = { 'ninja': 'Ninja', 'xcode': 'Xcode', 'vs2010': 'Visual Studio 10 2010', 'vs2015': 'Visual Studio 15 2017', 'vs2017': 'Visual Studio 15 2017', 'vs2019': 'Visual Studio 16 2019', } language_map = { 'c': 'C', 'cpp': 'CXX', 'cuda': 'CUDA', 'objc': 'OBJC', 'objcpp': 'OBJCXX', 'cs': 'CSharp', 'java': 'Java', 'fortran': 'Fortran', 'swift': 'Swift', } target_type_map = { 'STATIC_LIBRARY': 'static_library', 'MODULE_LIBRARY': 'shared_module', 'SHARED_LIBRARY': 'shared_library', 'EXECUTABLE': 'executable', 'OBJECT_LIBRARY': 'static_library', 'INTERFACE_LIBRARY': 'header_only' } skip_targets = ['UTILITY'] blacklist_compiler_flags = [ '-Wall', '-Wextra', '-Weverything', '-Werror', '-Wpedantic', '-pedantic', '-w', '/W1', '/W2', '/W3', '/W4', '/Wall', '/WX', '/w', '/O1', '/O2', '/Ob', '/Od', '/Og', '/Oi', '/Os', '/Ot', '/Ox', '/Oy', '/Ob0', '/RTC1', '/RTCc', '/RTCs', '/RTCu', '/Z7', '/Zi', '/ZI', ] blacklist_link_flags = [ '/machine:x64', '/machine:x86', '/machine:arm', '/machine:ebc', '/debug', '/debug:fastlink', '/debug:full', '/debug:none', '/incremental', ] blacklist_clang_cl_link_flags = ['/GR', '/EHsc', '/MDd', '/Zi', '/RTC1'] blacklist_link_libs = [ 'kernel32.lib', 'user32.lib', 'gdi32.lib', 'winspool.lib', 'shell32.lib', 'ole32.lib', 'oleaut32.lib', 'uuid.lib', 'comdlg32.lib', 'advapi32.lib' ] transfer_dependencies_from = ['header_only'] _cmake_name_regex = re.compile(r'[^_a-zA-Z0-9]') def _sanitize_cmake_name(name: str) -> str: name = _cmake_name_regex.sub('_', name) return 'cm_' + name class OutputTargetMap: rm_so_version = re.compile(r'(\.[0-9]+)+$') def __init__(self, build_dir: str): self.tgt_map = {} self.build_dir = build_dir def add(self, tgt: T.Union['ConverterTarget', 'ConverterCustomTarget']) -> None: def assign_keys(keys: T.List[str]) -> None: for i in [x for x in keys if x]: self.tgt_map[i] = tgt keys = [self._target_key(tgt.cmake_name)] if isinstance(tgt, ConverterTarget): keys += [tgt.full_name] keys += [self._rel_artifact_key(x) for x in tgt.artifacts] keys += [self._base_artifact_key(x) for x in tgt.artifacts] if isinstance(tgt, ConverterCustomTarget): keys += [self._rel_generated_file_key(x) for x in tgt.original_outputs] keys += [self._base_generated_file_key(x) for x in tgt.original_outputs] assign_keys(keys) def _return_first_valid_key(self, keys: T.List[str]) -> T.Optional[T.Union['ConverterTarget', 'ConverterCustomTarget']]: for i in keys: if i and i in self.tgt_map: return self.tgt_map[i] return None def target(self, name: str) -> T.Optional[T.Union['ConverterTarget', 'ConverterCustomTarget']]: return self._return_first_valid_key([self._target_key(name)]) def executable(self, name: str) -> T.Optional['ConverterTarget']: tgt = self.target(name) if tgt is None or not isinstance(tgt, ConverterTarget): return None if tgt.meson_func() != 'executable': return None return tgt def artifact(self, name: str) -> T.Optional[T.Union['ConverterTarget', 'ConverterCustomTarget']]: keys = [] candidates = [name, OutputTargetMap.rm_so_version.sub('', name)] for i in lib_suffixes: if not name.endswith('.' + i): continue new_name = name[:-len(i) - 1] new_name = OutputTargetMap.rm_so_version.sub('', new_name) candidates += ['{}.{}'.format(new_name, i)] for i in candidates: keys += [self._rel_artifact_key(i), os.path.basename(i), self._base_artifact_key(i)] return self._return_first_valid_key(keys) def generated(self, name: str) -> T.Optional[T.Union['ConverterTarget', 'ConverterCustomTarget']]: return self._return_first_valid_key([self._rel_generated_file_key(name), self._base_generated_file_key(name)]) # Utility functions to generate local keys def _rel_path(self, fname: str) -> T.Optional[str]: fname = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.build_dir, fname)) if os.path.commonpath([self.build_dir, fname]) != self.build_dir: return None return os.path.relpath(fname, self.build_dir) def _target_key(self, tgt_name: str) -> str: return '__tgt_{}__'.format(tgt_name) def _rel_generated_file_key(self, fname: str) -> T.Optional[str]: path = self._rel_path(fname) return '__relgen_{}__'.format(path) if path else None def _base_generated_file_key(self, fname: str) -> str: return '__gen_{}__'.format(os.path.basename(fname)) def _rel_artifact_key(self, fname: str) -> T.Optional[str]: path = self._rel_path(fname) return '__relart_{}__'.format(path) if path else None def _base_artifact_key(self, fname: str) -> str: return '__art_{}__'.format(os.path.basename(fname)) class ConverterTarget: def __init__(self, target: CMakeTarget, env: Environment): self.env = env self.artifacts = target.artifacts self.src_dir = target.src_dir self.build_dir = target.build_dir self.name = target.name self.cmake_name = target.name self.full_name = target.full_name self.type = target.type self.install = target.install self.install_dir = '' self.link_libraries = target.link_libraries self.link_flags = target.link_flags + target.link_lang_flags self.depends_raw = [] self.depends = [] if target.install_paths: self.install_dir = target.install_paths[0] self.languages = [] self.sources = [] self.generated = [] self.includes = [] self.sys_includes = [] self.link_with = [] self.object_libs = [] self.compile_opts = {} self.public_compile_opts = [] self.pie = False # Project default override options (c_std, cpp_std, etc.) self.override_options = [] # Convert the target name to a valid meson target name self.name = _sanitize_cmake_name(self.name) for i in target.files: # Determine the meson language lang_cmake_to_meson = {val.lower(): key for key, val in language_map.items()} lang = lang_cmake_to_meson.get(i.language.lower(), 'c') if lang not in self.languages: self.languages += [lang] if lang not in self.compile_opts: self.compile_opts[lang] = [] # Add arguments, but avoid duplicates args = i.flags args += ['-D{}'.format(x) for x in i.defines] self.compile_opts[lang] += [x for x in args if x not in self.compile_opts[lang]] # Handle include directories self.includes += [x['path'] for x in i.includes if x not in self.includes and not x['isSystem']] self.sys_includes += [x['path'] for x in i.includes if x not in self.sys_includes and x['isSystem']] # Add sources to the right array if i.is_generated: self.generated += i.sources else: self.sources += i.sources def __repr__(self) -> str: return '<{}: {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.name) std_regex = re.compile(r'([-]{1,2}std=|/std:v?|[-]{1,2}std:)(.*)') def postprocess(self, output_target_map: OutputTargetMap, root_src_dir: str, subdir: str, install_prefix: str, trace: CMakeTraceParser) -> None: # Detect setting the C and C++ standard and do additional compiler args manipulation for i in ['c', 'cpp']: if i not in self.compile_opts: continue temp = [] for j in self.compile_opts[i]: m = ConverterTarget.std_regex.match(j) ctgt = output_target_map.generated(j) if m: std = m.group(2) supported = self._all_lang_stds(i) if std not in supported: mlog.warning( 'Unknown {0}_std "{1}" -> Ignoring. Try setting the project-' 'level {0}_std if build errors occur. Known ' '{0}_stds are: {2}'.format(i, std, ' '.join(supported)), once=True ) continue self.override_options += ['{}_std={}'.format(i, std)] elif j in ['-fPIC', '-fpic', '-fPIE', '-fpie']: self.pie = True elif isinstance(ctgt, ConverterCustomTarget): # Sometimes projects pass generated source files as compiler # flags. Add these as generated sources to ensure that the # corresponding custom target is run.2 self.generated += [j] temp += [j] elif j in blacklist_compiler_flags: pass else: temp += [j] self.compile_opts[i] = temp # Make sure to force enable -fPIC for OBJECT libraries if self.type.upper() == 'OBJECT_LIBRARY': self.pie = True # Use the CMake trace, if required tgt = trace.targets.get(self.cmake_name) if tgt: self.depends_raw = trace.targets[self.cmake_name].depends # TODO refactor this copy paste from CMakeDependency for future releases reg_is_lib = re.compile(r'^(-l[a-zA-Z0-9_]+|-l?pthread)$') to_process = [self.cmake_name] processed = [] while len(to_process) > 0: curr = to_process.pop(0) if curr in processed or curr not in trace.targets: continue tgt = trace.targets[curr] cfgs = [] cfg = '' otherDeps = [] libraries = [] mlog.debug(tgt) if 'INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES' in tgt.properties: self.includes += [x for x in tgt.properties['INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES'] if x] if 'INTERFACE_LINK_OPTIONS' in tgt.properties: self.link_flags += [x for x in tgt.properties['INTERFACE_LINK_OPTIONS'] if x] if 'INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS' in tgt.properties: self.public_compile_opts += ['-D' + re.sub('^-D', '', x) for x in tgt.properties['INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS'] if x] if 'INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS' in tgt.properties: self.public_compile_opts += [x for x in tgt.properties['INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS'] if x] if 'IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS' in tgt.properties: cfgs += [x for x in tgt.properties['IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS'] if x] cfg = cfgs[0] if 'CONFIGURATIONS' in tgt.properties: cfgs += [x for x in tgt.properties['CONFIGURATIONS'] if x] cfg = cfgs[0] is_debug = self.env.coredata.get_builtin_option('debug'); if is_debug: if 'DEBUG' in cfgs: cfg = 'DEBUG' elif 'RELEASE' in cfgs: cfg = 'RELEASE' else: if 'RELEASE' in cfgs: cfg = 'RELEASE' if 'IMPORTED_IMPLIB_{}'.format(cfg) in tgt.properties: libraries += [x for x in tgt.properties['IMPORTED_IMPLIB_{}'.format(cfg)] if x] elif 'IMPORTED_IMPLIB' in tgt.properties: libraries += [x for x in tgt.properties['IMPORTED_IMPLIB'] if x] elif 'IMPORTED_LOCATION_{}'.format(cfg) in tgt.properties: libraries += [x for x in tgt.properties['IMPORTED_LOCATION_{}'.format(cfg)] if x] elif 'IMPORTED_LOCATION' in tgt.properties: libraries += [x for x in tgt.properties['IMPORTED_LOCATION'] if x] if 'LINK_LIBRARIES' in tgt.properties: otherDeps += [x for x in tgt.properties['LINK_LIBRARIES'] if x] if 'INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES' in tgt.properties: otherDeps += [x for x in tgt.properties['INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES'] if x] if 'IMPORTED_LINK_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES_{}'.format(cfg) in tgt.properties: otherDeps += [x for x in tgt.properties['IMPORTED_LINK_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES_{}'.format(cfg)] if x] elif 'IMPORTED_LINK_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES' in tgt.properties: otherDeps += [x for x in tgt.properties['IMPORTED_LINK_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES'] if x] for j in otherDeps: if j in trace.targets: to_process += [j] elif reg_is_lib.match(j) or os.path.exists(j): libraries += [j] for j in libraries: if j not in self.link_libraries: self.link_libraries += [j] processed += [curr] elif self.type.upper() not in ['EXECUTABLE', 'OBJECT_LIBRARY']: mlog.warning('CMake: Target', mlog.bold(self.cmake_name), 'not found in CMake trace. This can lead to build errors') temp = [] for i in self.link_libraries: # Let meson handle this arcane magic if ',-rpath,' in i: continue if not os.path.isabs(i): link_with = output_target_map.artifact(i) if link_with: self.link_with += [link_with] continue temp += [i] self.link_libraries = temp # Filter out files that are not supported by the language supported = list(header_suffixes) + list(obj_suffixes) for i in self.languages: supported += list(lang_suffixes[i]) supported = ['.{}'.format(x) for x in supported] self.sources = [x for x in self.sources if any([x.endswith(y) for y in supported])] self.generated = [x for x in self.generated if any([x.endswith(y) for y in supported])] # Make paths relative def rel_path(x: str, is_header: bool, is_generated: bool) -> T.Optional[str]: if not os.path.isabs(x): x = os.path.join(self.src_dir, x) x = os.path.normpath(x) if not os.path.exists(x) and not any([x.endswith(y) for y in obj_suffixes]) and not is_generated: if ( any([os.path.commonpath([x, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root_src_dir, y))]) == x for y in self.generated]) and os.path.commonpath([x, self.env.get_build_dir()]) == self.env.get_build_dir() ): os.makedirs(x) return os.path.relpath(x, os.path.join(self.env.get_build_dir(), subdir)) else: mlog.warning('CMake: path', mlog.bold(x), 'does not exist.') mlog.warning(' --> Ignoring. This can lead to build errors.') return None if Path(x) in trace.explicit_headers: return None if ( os.path.isabs(x) and os.path.commonpath([x, self.env.get_source_dir()]) == self.env.get_source_dir() and not ( os.path.commonpath([x, root_src_dir]) == root_src_dir or os.path.commonpath([x, self.env.get_build_dir()]) == self.env.get_build_dir() ) ): mlog.warning('CMake: path', mlog.bold(x), 'is inside the root project but', mlog.bold('not'), 'inside the subproject.') mlog.warning(' --> Ignoring. This can lead to build errors.') return None if os.path.isabs(x) and os.path.commonpath([x, self.env.get_build_dir()]) == self.env.get_build_dir(): if is_header: return os.path.relpath(x, os.path.join(self.env.get_build_dir(), subdir)) else: return os.path.relpath(x, root_src_dir) if os.path.isabs(x) and os.path.commonpath([x, root_src_dir]) == root_src_dir: return os.path.relpath(x, root_src_dir) return x def custom_target(x: str): ctgt = output_target_map.generated(x) if ctgt: assert(isinstance(ctgt, ConverterCustomTarget)) ref = ctgt.get_ref(x) assert(isinstance(ref, CustomTargetReference) and ref.valid()) return ref return x build_dir_rel = os.path.relpath(self.build_dir, os.path.join(self.env.get_build_dir(), subdir)) self.generated = [rel_path(x, False, True) for x in self.generated] self.includes = list(OrderedSet([rel_path(x, True, False) for x in OrderedSet(self.includes)] + [build_dir_rel])) self.sys_includes = list(OrderedSet([rel_path(x, True, False) for x in OrderedSet(self.sys_includes)])) self.sources = [rel_path(x, False, False) for x in self.sources] # Resolve custom targets self.generated = [custom_target(x) for x in self.generated] # Remove delete entries self.includes = [x for x in self.includes if x is not None] self.sys_includes = [x for x in self.sys_includes if x is not None] self.sources = [x for x in self.sources if x is not None] self.generated = [x for x in self.generated if x is not None] # Make sure '.' is always in the include directories if '.' not in self.includes: self.includes += ['.'] # make install dir relative to the install prefix if self.install_dir and os.path.isabs(self.install_dir): if os.path.commonpath([self.install_dir, install_prefix]) == install_prefix: self.install_dir = os.path.relpath(self.install_dir, install_prefix) # Remove blacklisted options and libs def check_flag(flag: str) -> bool: if flag.lower() in blacklist_link_flags or flag in blacklist_compiler_flags + blacklist_clang_cl_link_flags: return False if flag.startswith('/D'): return False return True self.link_libraries = [x for x in self.link_libraries if x.lower() not in blacklist_link_libs] self.link_flags = [x for x in self.link_flags if check_flag(x)] # Handle explicit CMake add_dependency() calls for i in self.depends_raw: tgt = output_target_map.target(i) if tgt: self.depends.append(tgt) def process_object_libs(self, obj_target_list: T.List['ConverterTarget'], linker_workaround: bool): # Try to detect the object library(s) from the generated input sources temp = [x for x in self.generated if isinstance(x, str)] temp = [os.path.basename(x) for x in temp] temp = [x for x in temp if any([x.endswith('.' + y) for y in obj_suffixes])] temp = [os.path.splitext(x)[0] for x in temp] exts = self._all_source_suffixes() # Temp now stores the source filenames of the object files for i in obj_target_list: source_files = [x for x in i.sources + i.generated if isinstance(x, str)] source_files = [os.path.basename(x) for x in source_files] for j in temp: # On some platforms (specifically looking at you Windows with vs20xy backend) CMake does # not produce object files with the format `foo.cpp.obj`, instead it skipps the language # suffix and just produces object files like `foo.obj`. Thus we have to do our best to # undo this step and guess the correct language suffix of the object file. This is done # by trying all language suffixes meson knows and checking if one of them fits. candidates = [j] # type: T.List[str] if not any([j.endswith('.' + x) for x in exts]): mlog.warning('Object files do not contain source file extensions, thus falling back to guessing them.', once=True) candidates += ['{}.{}'.format(j, x) for x in exts] if any([x in source_files for x in candidates]): if linker_workaround: self._append_objlib_sources(i) else: self.includes += i.includes self.includes = list(OrderedSet(self.includes)) self.object_libs += [i] break # Filter out object files from the sources self.generated = [x for x in self.generated if not isinstance(x, str) or not any([x.endswith('.' + y) for y in obj_suffixes])] def _append_objlib_sources(self, tgt: 'ConverterTarget') -> None: self.includes += tgt.includes self.sources += tgt.sources self.generated += tgt.generated self.sources = list(OrderedSet(self.sources)) self.generated = list(OrderedSet(self.generated)) self.includes = list(OrderedSet(self.includes)) # Inherit compiler arguments since they may be required for building for lang, opts in tgt.compile_opts.items(): if lang not in self.compile_opts: self.compile_opts[lang] = [] self.compile_opts[lang] += [x for x in opts if x not in self.compile_opts[lang]] @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _all_source_suffixes(self) -> T.List[str]: suffixes = [] # type: T.List[str] for exts in lang_suffixes.values(): suffixes += [x for x in exts] return suffixes @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _all_lang_stds(self, lang: str) -> T.List[str]: lang_opts = self.env.coredata.compiler_options.build.get(lang, None) if not lang_opts or 'std' not in lang_opts: return [] return lang_opts['std'].choices def process_inter_target_dependencies(self): # Move the dependencies from all transfer_dependencies_from to the target to_process = list(self.depends) processed = [] new_deps = [] for i in to_process: processed += [i] if isinstance(i, ConverterTarget) and i.meson_func() in transfer_dependencies_from: to_process += [x for x in i.depends if x not in processed] else: new_deps += [i] self.depends = list(OrderedSet(new_deps)) def cleanup_dependencies(self): # Clear the dependencies from targets that where moved from if self.meson_func() in transfer_dependencies_from: self.depends = [] def meson_func(self) -> str: return target_type_map.get(self.type.upper()) def log(self) -> None: mlog.log('Target', mlog.bold(self.name), '({})'.format(self.cmake_name)) mlog.log(' -- artifacts: ', mlog.bold(str(self.artifacts))) mlog.log(' -- full_name: ', mlog.bold(self.full_name)) mlog.log(' -- type: ', mlog.bold(self.type)) mlog.log(' -- install: ', mlog.bold('true' if self.install else 'false')) mlog.log(' -- install_dir: ', mlog.bold(self.install_dir)) mlog.log(' -- link_libraries: ', mlog.bold(str(self.link_libraries))) mlog.log(' -- link_with: ', mlog.bold(str(self.link_with))) mlog.log(' -- object_libs: ', mlog.bold(str(self.object_libs))) mlog.log(' -- link_flags: ', mlog.bold(str(self.link_flags))) mlog.log(' -- languages: ', mlog.bold(str(self.languages))) mlog.log(' -- includes: ', mlog.bold(str(self.includes))) mlog.log(' -- sys_includes: ', mlog.bold(str(self.sys_includes))) mlog.log(' -- sources: ', mlog.bold(str(self.sources))) mlog.log(' -- generated: ', mlog.bold(str(self.generated))) mlog.log(' -- pie: ', mlog.bold('true' if self.pie else 'false')) mlog.log(' -- override_opts: ', mlog.bold(str(self.override_options))) mlog.log(' -- depends: ', mlog.bold(str(self.depends))) mlog.log(' -- options:') for key, val in self.compile_opts.items(): mlog.log(' -', key, '=', mlog.bold(str(val))) class CustomTargetReference: def __init__(self, ctgt: 'ConverterCustomTarget', index: int): self.ctgt = ctgt # type: ConverterCustomTarget self.index = index # type: int def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.valid(): return '<{}: {} [{}]>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.ctgt.name, self.ctgt.outputs[self.index]) else: return '<{}: INVALID REFERENCE>'.format(self.__class__.__name__) def valid(self) -> bool: return self.ctgt is not None and self.index >= 0 def filename(self) -> str: return self.ctgt.outputs[self.index] class ConverterCustomTarget: tgt_counter = 0 # type: int out_counter = 0 # type: int def __init__(self, target: CMakeGeneratorTarget): assert(target.current_bin_dir is not None) assert(target.current_src_dir is not None) self.name = target.name if not self.name: self.name = 'custom_tgt_{}'.format(ConverterCustomTarget.tgt_counter) ConverterCustomTarget.tgt_counter += 1 self.cmake_name = str(self.name) self.original_outputs = list(target.outputs) self.outputs = [os.path.basename(x) for x in self.original_outputs] self.conflict_map = {} self.command = target.command self.working_dir = target.working_dir self.depends_raw = target.depends self.inputs = [] self.depends = [] self.current_bin_dir = Path(target.current_bin_dir) self.current_src_dir = Path(target.current_src_dir) # Convert the target name to a valid meson target name self.name = _sanitize_cmake_name(self.name) def __repr__(self) -> str: return '<{}: {} {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.outputs) def postprocess(self, output_target_map: OutputTargetMap, root_src_dir: str, subdir: str, all_outputs: T.List[str], trace: CMakeTraceParser) -> None: # Default the working directory to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} if not self.working_dir: self.working_dir = self.current_bin_dir.as_posix() # relative paths in the working directory are always relative # to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} if not os.path.isabs(self.working_dir): self.working_dir = (self.current_bin_dir / self.working_dir).as_posix() # Modify the original outputs if they are relative. Again, # relative paths are relative to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} def ensure_absolute(x: Path) -> Path: if x.is_absolute(): return x else: return self.current_bin_dir / x self.original_outputs = [ensure_absolute(Path(x)).as_posix() for x in self.original_outputs] # Ensure that there is no duplicate output in the project so # that meson can handle cases where the same filename is # generated in multiple directories temp_outputs = [] # type: T.List[str] for i in self.outputs: if i in all_outputs: old = str(i) i = 'c{}_{}'.format(ConverterCustomTarget.out_counter, i) ConverterCustomTarget.out_counter += 1 self.conflict_map[old] = i all_outputs += [i] temp_outputs += [i] self.outputs = temp_outputs # Check if the command is a build target commands = [] for i in self.command: assert(isinstance(i, list)) cmd = [] for j in i: if not j: continue target = output_target_map.executable(j) if target: cmd += [target] continue elif j in trace.targets: trace_tgt = trace.targets[j] if trace_tgt.type == 'EXECUTABLE' and 'IMPORTED_LOCATION' in trace_tgt.properties: cmd += trace_tgt.properties['IMPORTED_LOCATION'] continue mlog.debug('CMake: Found invalid CMake target "{}" --> ignoring \n{}'.format(j, trace_tgt)) # Fallthrough on error cmd += [j] commands += [cmd] self.command = commands # If the custom target does not declare any output, create a dummy # one that can be used as dependency. if not self.outputs: self.outputs = [self.name + '.h'] # Check dependencies and input files root = Path(root_src_dir) for i in self.depends_raw: if not i: continue raw = Path(i) art = output_target_map.artifact(i) tgt = output_target_map.target(i) gen = output_target_map.generated(i) rel_to_root = None try: rel_to_root = raw.relative_to(root) except ValueError: rel_to_root = None # First check for existing files. Only then check for existing # targets, etc. This reduces the chance of misdetecting input files # as outputs from other targets. # See https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/6632 if not raw.is_absolute() and (self.current_src_dir / raw).exists(): self.inputs += [(self.current_src_dir / raw).relative_to(root).as_posix()] elif raw.is_absolute() and raw.exists() and rel_to_root is not None: self.inputs += [rel_to_root.as_posix()] elif art: self.depends += [art] elif tgt: self.depends += [tgt] elif gen: self.inputs += [gen.get_ref(i)] def process_inter_target_dependencies(self): # Move the dependencies from all transfer_dependencies_from to the target to_process = list(self.depends) processed = [] new_deps = [] for i in to_process: processed += [i] if isinstance(i, ConverterTarget) and i.meson_func() in transfer_dependencies_from: to_process += [x for x in i.depends if x not in processed] else: new_deps += [i] self.depends = list(OrderedSet(new_deps)) def get_ref(self, fname: str) -> T.Optional[CustomTargetReference]: fname = os.path.basename(fname) try: if fname in self.conflict_map: fname = self.conflict_map[fname] idx = self.outputs.index(fname) return CustomTargetReference(self, idx) except ValueError: return None def log(self) -> None: mlog.log('Custom Target', mlog.bold(self.name), '({})'.format(self.cmake_name)) mlog.log(' -- command: ', mlog.bold(str(self.command))) mlog.log(' -- outputs: ', mlog.bold(str(self.outputs))) mlog.log(' -- conflict_map: ', mlog.bold(str(self.conflict_map))) mlog.log(' -- working_dir: ', mlog.bold(str(self.working_dir))) mlog.log(' -- depends_raw: ', mlog.bold(str(self.depends_raw))) mlog.log(' -- inputs: ', mlog.bold(str(self.inputs))) mlog.log(' -- depends: ', mlog.bold(str(self.depends))) class CMakeAPI(Enum): SERVER = 1 FILE = 2 class CMakeInterpreter: def __init__(self, build: 'Build', subdir: str, src_dir: str, install_prefix: str, env: Environment, backend: 'Backend'): assert(hasattr(backend, 'name')) self.build = build self.subdir = subdir self.src_dir = src_dir self.build_dir_rel = os.path.join(subdir, '__CMake_build') self.build_dir = os.path.join(env.get_build_dir(), self.build_dir_rel) self.install_prefix = install_prefix self.env = env self.backend_name = backend.name self.linkers = set() # type: T.Set[str] self.cmake_api = CMakeAPI.SERVER self.client = CMakeClient(self.env) self.fileapi = CMakeFileAPI(self.build_dir) # Raw CMake results self.bs_files = [] self.codemodel_configs = None self.raw_trace = None # Analysed data self.project_name = '' self.languages = [] self.targets = [] self.custom_targets = [] # type: T.List[ConverterCustomTarget] self.trace = CMakeTraceParser('', '') # Will be replaced in analyse self.output_target_map = OutputTargetMap(self.build_dir) # Generated meson data self.generated_targets = {} self.internal_name_map = {} def configure(self, extra_cmake_options: T.List[str]) -> None: for_machine = MachineChoice.HOST # TODO make parameter # Find CMake cmake_exe = CMakeExecutor(self.env, '>=3.7', for_machine) if not cmake_exe.found(): raise CMakeException('Unable to find CMake') self.trace = CMakeTraceParser(cmake_exe.version(), self.build_dir, permissive=True) preload_file = mesondata['cmake/data/preload.cmake'].write_to_private(self.env) # Prefere CMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE over CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE if possible, # since CMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE was actually designed for code injection. preload_var = 'CMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE' if version_compare(cmake_exe.version(), '<3.15'): preload_var = 'CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE' generator = backend_generator_map[self.backend_name] cmake_args = [] trace_args = self.trace.trace_args() cmcmp_args = ['-DCMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_{}=OFF'.format(x) for x in disable_policy_warnings] pload_args = ['-D{}={}'.format(preload_var, str(preload_file))] if version_compare(cmake_exe.version(), '>=3.14'): self.cmake_api = CMakeAPI.FILE self.fileapi.setup_request() # Map meson compiler to CMake variables for lang, comp in self.env.coredata.compilers[for_machine].items(): if lang not in language_map: continue self.linkers.add(comp.get_linker_id()) cmake_lang = language_map[lang] exelist = comp.get_exelist() if len(exelist) == 1: cmake_args += ['-DCMAKE_{}_COMPILER={}'.format(cmake_lang, exelist[0])] elif len(exelist) == 2: cmake_args += ['-DCMAKE_{}_COMPILER_LAUNCHER={}'.format(cmake_lang, exelist[0]), '-DCMAKE_{}_COMPILER={}'.format(cmake_lang, exelist[1])] if hasattr(comp, 'get_linker_exelist') and comp.get_id() == 'clang-cl': cmake_args += ['-DCMAKE_LINKER={}'.format(comp.get_linker_exelist()[0])] cmake_args += ['-G', generator] cmake_args += ['-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={}'.format(self.install_prefix)] cmake_args += extra_cmake_options # Run CMake mlog.log() with mlog.nested(): mlog.log('Configuring the build directory with', mlog.bold('CMake'), 'version', mlog.cyan(cmake_exe.version())) mlog.log(mlog.bold('Running:'), ' '.join(cmake_args)) mlog.log(mlog.bold(' - build directory: '), self.build_dir) mlog.log(mlog.bold(' - source directory: '), self.src_dir) mlog.log(mlog.bold(' - trace args: '), ' '.join(trace_args)) mlog.log(mlog.bold(' - preload file: '), str(preload_file)) mlog.log(mlog.bold(' - disabled policy warnings:'), '[{}]'.format(', '.join(disable_policy_warnings))) mlog.log() os.makedirs(self.build_dir, exist_ok=True) os_env = os.environ.copy() os_env['LC_ALL'] = 'C' final_args = cmake_args + trace_args + cmcmp_args + pload_args + [self.src_dir] cmake_exe.set_exec_mode(print_cmout=True, always_capture_stderr=self.trace.requires_stderr()) rc, _, self.raw_trace = cmake_exe.call(final_args, self.build_dir, env=os_env, disable_cache=True) mlog.log() h = mlog.green('SUCCEEDED') if rc == 0 else mlog.red('FAILED') mlog.log('CMake configuration:', h) if rc != 0: raise CMakeException('Failed to configure the CMake subproject') def initialise(self, extra_cmake_options: T.List[str]) -> None: # Run configure the old way because doing it # with the server doesn't work for some reason # Additionally, the File API requires a configure anyway self.configure(extra_cmake_options) # Continue with the file API If supported if self.cmake_api is CMakeAPI.FILE: # Parse the result self.fileapi.load_reply() # Load the buildsystem file list cmake_files = self.fileapi.get_cmake_sources() self.bs_files = [x.file for x in cmake_files if not x.is_cmake and not x.is_temp] self.bs_files = [os.path.relpath(x, self.env.get_source_dir()) for x in self.bs_files] self.bs_files = list(OrderedSet(self.bs_files)) # Load the codemodel configurations self.codemodel_configs = self.fileapi.get_cmake_configurations() return with self.client.connect(): generator = backend_generator_map[self.backend_name] self.client.do_handshake(self.src_dir, self.build_dir, generator, 1) # Do a second configure to initialise the server self.client.query_checked(RequestConfigure(), 'CMake server configure') # Generate the build system files self.client.query_checked(RequestCompute(), 'Generating build system files') # Get CMake build system files bs_reply = self.client.query_checked(RequestCMakeInputs(), 'Querying build system files') # Now get the CMake code model cm_reply = self.client.query_checked(RequestCodeModel(), 'Querying the CMake code model') src_dir = bs_reply.src_dir self.bs_files = [x.file for x in bs_reply.build_files if not x.is_cmake and not x.is_temp] self.bs_files = [os.path.relpath(os.path.join(src_dir, x), self.env.get_source_dir()) for x in self.bs_files] self.bs_files = list(OrderedSet(self.bs_files)) self.codemodel_configs = cm_reply.configs def analyse(self) -> None: if self.codemodel_configs is None: raise CMakeException('CMakeInterpreter was not initialized') # Clear analyser data self.project_name = '' self.languages = [] self.targets = [] self.custom_targets = [] # Parse the trace self.trace.parse(self.raw_trace) # Find all targets added_target_names = [] # type: T.List[str] for i in self.codemodel_configs: for j in i.projects: if not self.project_name: self.project_name = j.name for k in j.targets: # Avoid duplicate targets from different configurations and known # dummy CMake internal target types if k.type not in skip_targets and k.name not in added_target_names: added_target_names += [k.name] self.targets += [ConverterTarget(k, self.env)] # Add interface targets from trace, if not already present. # This step is required because interface targets were removed from # the CMake file API output. api_target_name_list = [x.name for x in self.targets] for i in self.trace.targets.values(): if i.type != 'INTERFACE' or i.name in api_target_name_list or i.imported: continue dummy = CMakeTarget({ 'name': i.name, 'type': 'INTERFACE_LIBRARY', 'sourceDirectory': self.src_dir, 'buildDirectory': self.build_dir, }) self.targets += [ConverterTarget(dummy, self.env)] for i in self.trace.custom_targets: self.custom_targets += [ConverterCustomTarget(i)] # generate the output_target_map for i in [*self.targets, *self.custom_targets]: self.output_target_map.add(i) # First pass: Basic target cleanup object_libs = [] custom_target_outputs = [] # type: T.List[str] for i in self.custom_targets: i.postprocess(self.output_target_map, self.src_dir, self.subdir, custom_target_outputs, self.trace) for i in self.targets: i.postprocess(self.output_target_map, self.src_dir, self.subdir, self.install_prefix, self.trace) if i.type == 'OBJECT_LIBRARY': object_libs += [i] self.languages += [x for x in i.languages if x not in self.languages] # Second pass: Detect object library dependencies for i in self.targets: i.process_object_libs(object_libs, self._object_lib_workaround()) # Third pass: Reassign dependencies to avoid some loops for i in self.targets: i.process_inter_target_dependencies() for i in self.custom_targets: i.process_inter_target_dependencies() # Fourth pass: Remove rassigned dependencies for i in self.targets: i.cleanup_dependencies() mlog.log('CMake project', mlog.bold(self.project_name), 'has', mlog.bold(str(len(self.targets) + len(self.custom_targets))), 'build targets.') def pretend_to_be_meson(self, options: TargetOptions) -> CodeBlockNode: if not self.project_name: raise CMakeException('CMakeInterpreter was not analysed') def token(tid: str = 'string', val='') -> Token: return Token(tid, self.subdir, 0, 0, 0, None, val) def string(value: str) -> StringNode: return StringNode(token(val=value)) def id_node(value: str) -> IdNode: return IdNode(token(val=value)) def number(value: int) -> NumberNode: return NumberNode(token(val=value)) def nodeify(value): if isinstance(value, str): return string(value) elif isinstance(value, bool): return BooleanNode(token(val=value)) elif isinstance(value, int): return number(value) elif isinstance(value, list): return array(value) return value def indexed(node: BaseNode, index: int) -> IndexNode: return IndexNode(node, nodeify(index)) def array(elements) -> ArrayNode: args = ArgumentNode(token()) if not isinstance(elements, list): elements = [args] args.arguments += [nodeify(x) for x in elements if x is not None] return ArrayNode(args, 0, 0, 0, 0) def function(name: str, args=None, kwargs=None) -> FunctionNode: args = [] if args is None else args kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs args_n = ArgumentNode(token()) if not isinstance(args, list): args = [args] args_n.arguments = [nodeify(x) for x in args if x is not None] args_n.kwargs = {id_node(k): nodeify(v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} func_n = FunctionNode(self.subdir, 0, 0, 0, 0, name, args_n) return func_n def method(obj: BaseNode, name: str, args=None, kwargs=None) -> MethodNode: args = [] if args is None else args kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs args_n = ArgumentNode(token()) if not isinstance(args, list): args = [args] args_n.arguments = [nodeify(x) for x in args if x is not None] args_n.kwargs = {id_node(k): nodeify(v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} return MethodNode(self.subdir, 0, 0, obj, name, args_n) def assign(var_name: str, value: BaseNode) -> AssignmentNode: return AssignmentNode(self.subdir, 0, 0, var_name, value) # Generate the root code block and the project function call root_cb = CodeBlockNode(token()) root_cb.lines += [function('project', [self.project_name] + self.languages)] # Add the run script for custom commands # Add the targets processing = [] processed = {} name_map = {} def extract_tgt(tgt: T.Union[ConverterTarget, ConverterCustomTarget, CustomTargetReference]) -> IdNode: tgt_name = None if isinstance(tgt, (ConverterTarget, ConverterCustomTarget)): tgt_name = tgt.name elif isinstance(tgt, CustomTargetReference): tgt_name = tgt.ctgt.name assert(tgt_name is not None and tgt_name in processed) res_var = processed[tgt_name]['tgt'] return id_node(res_var) if res_var else None def detect_cycle(tgt: T.Union[ConverterTarget, ConverterCustomTarget]) -> None: if tgt.name in processing: raise CMakeException('Cycle in CMake inputs/dependencies detected') processing.append(tgt.name) def resolve_ctgt_ref(ref: CustomTargetReference) -> BaseNode: tgt_var = extract_tgt(ref) if len(ref.ctgt.outputs) == 1: return tgt_var else: return indexed(tgt_var, ref.index) def process_target(tgt: ConverterTarget): detect_cycle(tgt) # First handle inter target dependencies link_with = [] objec_libs = [] # type: T.List[IdNode] sources = [] generated = [] generated_filenames = [] custom_targets = [] dependencies = [] for i in tgt.link_with: assert(isinstance(i, ConverterTarget)) if i.name not in processed: process_target(i) link_with += [extract_tgt(i)] for i in tgt.object_libs: assert(isinstance(i, ConverterTarget)) if i.name not in processed: process_target(i) objec_libs += [extract_tgt(i)] for i in tgt.depends: if not isinstance(i, ConverterCustomTarget): continue if i.name not in processed: process_custom_target(i) dependencies += [extract_tgt(i)] # Generate the source list and handle generated sources for i in tgt.sources + tgt.generated: if isinstance(i, CustomTargetReference): if i.ctgt.name not in processed: process_custom_target(i.ctgt) generated += [resolve_ctgt_ref(i)] generated_filenames += [i.filename()] if i.ctgt not in custom_targets: custom_targets += [i.ctgt] else: sources += [i] # Add all header files from all used custom targets. This # ensures that all custom targets are built before any # sources of the current target are compiled and thus all # header files are present. This step is necessary because # CMake always ensures that a custom target is executed # before another target if at least one output is used. for i in custom_targets: for j in i.outputs: if not is_header(j) or j in generated_filenames: continue generated += [resolve_ctgt_ref(i.get_ref(j))] generated_filenames += [j] # Determine the meson function to use for the build target tgt_func = tgt.meson_func() if not tgt_func: raise CMakeException('Unknown target type "{}"'.format(tgt.type)) # Determine the variable names inc_var = '{}_inc'.format(tgt.name) dir_var = '{}_dir'.format(tgt.name) sys_var = '{}_sys'.format(tgt.name) src_var = '{}_src'.format(tgt.name) dep_var = '{}_dep'.format(tgt.name) tgt_var = tgt.name install_tgt = options.get_install(tgt.cmake_name, tgt.install) # Generate target kwargs tgt_kwargs = { 'build_by_default': install_tgt, 'link_args': options.get_link_args(tgt.cmake_name, tgt.link_flags + tgt.link_libraries), 'link_with': link_with, 'include_directories': id_node(inc_var), 'install': install_tgt, 'override_options': options.get_override_options(tgt.cmake_name, tgt.override_options), 'objects': [method(x, 'extract_all_objects') for x in objec_libs], } # Only set if installed and only override if it is set if install_tgt and tgt.install_dir: tgt_kwargs['install_dir'] = tgt.install_dir # Handle compiler args for key, val in tgt.compile_opts.items(): tgt_kwargs['{}_args'.format(key)] = options.get_compile_args(tgt.cmake_name, key, val) # Handle -fPCI, etc if tgt_func == 'executable': tgt_kwargs['pie'] = tgt.pie elif tgt_func == 'static_library': tgt_kwargs['pic'] = tgt.pie # declare_dependency kwargs dep_kwargs = { 'link_args': tgt.link_flags + tgt.link_libraries, 'link_with': id_node(tgt_var), 'compile_args': tgt.public_compile_opts, 'include_directories': id_node(inc_var), } if dependencies: generated += dependencies # Generate the function nodes dir_node = assign(dir_var, function('include_directories', tgt.includes)) sys_node = assign(sys_var, function('include_directories', tgt.sys_includes, {'is_system': True})) inc_node = assign(inc_var, array([id_node(dir_var), id_node(sys_var)])) node_list = [dir_node, sys_node, inc_node] if tgt_func == 'header_only': del dep_kwargs['link_with'] dep_node = assign(dep_var, function('declare_dependency', kwargs=dep_kwargs)) node_list += [dep_node] src_var = None tgt_var = None else: src_node = assign(src_var, function('files', sources)) tgt_node = assign(tgt_var, function(tgt_func, [tgt_var, [id_node(src_var)] + generated], tgt_kwargs)) node_list += [src_node, tgt_node] if tgt_func in ['static_library', 'shared_library']: dep_node = assign(dep_var, function('declare_dependency', kwargs=dep_kwargs)) node_list += [dep_node] else: dep_var = None # Add the nodes to the ast root_cb.lines += node_list processed[tgt.name] = {'inc': inc_var, 'src': src_var, 'dep': dep_var, 'tgt': tgt_var, 'func': tgt_func} name_map[tgt.cmake_name] = tgt.name def process_custom_target(tgt: ConverterCustomTarget) -> None: # CMake allows to specify multiple commands in a custom target. # To map this to meson, a helper script is used to execute all # commands in order. This additionally allows setting the working # directory. detect_cycle(tgt) tgt_var = tgt.name # type: str def resolve_source(x: T.Any) -> T.Any: if isinstance(x, ConverterTarget): if x.name not in processed: process_target(x) return extract_tgt(x) if isinstance(x, ConverterCustomTarget): if x.name not in processed: process_custom_target(x) return extract_tgt(x) elif isinstance(x, CustomTargetReference): if x.ctgt.name not in processed: process_custom_target(x.ctgt) return resolve_ctgt_ref(x) else: return x # Generate the command list command = [] command += mesonlib.meson_command command += ['--internal', 'cmake_run_ctgt'] command += ['-o', '@OUTPUT@'] if tgt.original_outputs: command += ['-O'] + tgt.original_outputs command += ['-d', tgt.working_dir] # Generate the commands. Subcommands are separated by ';;;' for cmd in tgt.command: command += [resolve_source(x) for x in cmd] + [';;;'] tgt_kwargs = { 'input': [resolve_source(x) for x in tgt.inputs], 'output': tgt.outputs, 'command': command, 'depends': [resolve_source(x) for x in tgt.depends], } root_cb.lines += [assign(tgt_var, function('custom_target', [tgt.name], tgt_kwargs))] processed[tgt.name] = {'inc': None, 'src': None, 'dep': None, 'tgt': tgt_var, 'func': 'custom_target'} name_map[tgt.cmake_name] = tgt.name # Now generate the target function calls for i in self.custom_targets: if i.name not in processed: process_custom_target(i) for i in self.targets: if i.name not in processed: process_target(i) self.generated_targets = processed self.internal_name_map = name_map return root_cb def target_info(self, target: str) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, str]]: # Try resolving the target name # start by checking if there is a 100% match (excluding the name prefix) prx_tgt = _sanitize_cmake_name(target) if prx_tgt in self.generated_targets: return self.generated_targets[prx_tgt] # check if there exists a name mapping if target in self.internal_name_map: target = self.internal_name_map[target] assert(target in self.generated_targets) return self.generated_targets[target] return None def target_list(self) -> T.List[str]: return list(self.internal_name_map.keys()) def _object_lib_workaround(self) -> bool: return 'link' in self.linkers and self.backend_name.startswith('vs')