# Copyright 2012 Jussi Pakkanen # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import subprocess, os.path, platform, re import coredata from glob import glob import tempfile from coredata import MesonException build_filename = 'meson.build' class EnvironmentException(MesonException): def __init(self, *args, **kwargs): Exception.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) class CrossNoRunException(MesonException): def __init(self, *args, **kwargs): Exception.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) class RunResult(): def __init__(self, compiled, returncode=999, stdout='UNDEFINED', stderr='UNDEFINED'): self.compiled = compiled self.returncode = returncode self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr class CCompiler(): def __init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrapper=None): if type(exelist) == type(''): self.exelist = [exelist] elif type(exelist) == type([]): self.exelist = exelist else: raise TypeError('Unknown argument to CCompiler') self.version = version self.language = 'c' self.default_suffix = 'c' self.id = 'unknown' self.is_cross = is_cross if isinstance(exe_wrapper, str): self.exe_wrapper = [exe_wrapper] else: self.exe_wrapper = exe_wrapper def get_always_flags(self): return [] def get_linker_always_flags(self): return [] def get_soname_flags(self, shlib_name, path): return [] def split_shlib_to_parts(self, fname): return (None, fname) def build_rpath_args(self, build_dir, rpath_paths): return [] def get_id(self): return self.id def get_dependency_gen_flags(self, outtarget, outfile): return ['-MMD', '-MT', outtarget, '-MF', outfile] def get_depfile_suffix(self): return 'd' def get_language(self): return self.language def get_default_suffix(self): return self.default_suffix def get_exelist(self): return self.exelist[:] def get_linker_exelist(self): return self.exelist[:] def get_compile_only_flags(self): return ['-c'] def get_output_flags(self, target): return ['-o', target] def get_linker_output_flags(self, outputname): return ['-o', outputname] def get_debug_flags(self): return ['-g'] def get_coverage_flags(self): return ['--coverage'] def get_coverage_link_flags(self): return ['-lgcov'] def get_std_exe_link_flags(self): return [] def get_include_arg(self, path): return '-I' + path def get_std_shared_lib_link_flags(self): return ['-shared'] def can_compile(self, filename): suffix = filename.split('.')[-1] if suffix == 'c' or suffix == 'h': return True return False def get_pic_flags(self): return ['-fPIC'] def name_string(self): return ' '.join(self.exelist) def get_pch_use_args(self, pch_dir, header): return ['-include', os.path.split(header)[-1]] def get_pch_name(self, header_name): return os.path.split(header_name)[-1] + '.' + self.get_pch_suffix() def sanity_check(self, work_dir): source_name = os.path.join(work_dir, 'sanitycheckc.c') binary_name = os.path.join(work_dir, 'sanitycheckc') ofile = open(source_name, 'w') ofile.write('int main(int argc, char **argv) { int class=0; return class; }\n') ofile.close() pc = subprocess.Popen(self.exelist + [source_name, '-o', binary_name]) pc.wait() if pc.returncode != 0: raise EnvironmentException('Compiler %s can not compile programs.' % self.name_string()) if self.is_cross: if self.exe_wrapper is None: # Can't check if the binaries run so we have to assume they do return cmdlist = self.exe_wrapper + [binary_name] else: cmdlist = [binary_name] pe = subprocess.Popen(cmdlist) pe.wait() if pe.returncode != 0: raise EnvironmentException('Executables created by C compiler %s are not runnable.' % self.name_string()) def has_header(self, hname): templ = '''#include<%s> ''' return self.compiles(templ % hname) def compiles(self, code): suflen = len(self.default_suffix) (fd, srcname) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.'+self.default_suffix) os.close(fd) ofile = open(srcname, 'w') ofile.write(code) ofile.close() commands = self.get_exelist() commands += self.get_compile_only_flags() commands.append(srcname) p = subprocess.Popen(commands, cwd=os.path.split(srcname)[0], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) p.communicate() os.remove(srcname) try: trial = srcname[:-suflen] + 'o' os.remove(trial) except FileNotFoundError: pass try: os.remove(srcname[:-suflen] + 'obj') except FileNotFoundError: pass return p.returncode == 0 def run(self, code): if self.is_cross and self.exe_wrapper is None: raise CrossNoRunException('Can not run test applications in this cross environment.') (fd, srcname) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.'+self.default_suffix) os.close(fd) ofile = open(srcname, 'w') ofile.write(code) ofile.close() exename = srcname + '.exe' # Is guaranteed to be executable on every platform. commands = self.get_exelist() commands.append(srcname) commands += self.get_output_flags(exename) p = subprocess.Popen(commands, cwd=os.path.split(srcname)[0], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) p.communicate() os.remove(srcname) if p.returncode != 0: return RunResult(False) if self.is_cross: cmdlist = self.exe_wrapper + [exename] else: cmdlist = exename pe = subprocess.Popen(cmdlist, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (so, se) = pe.communicate() os.remove(exename) return RunResult(True, pe.returncode, so.decode(), se.decode()) def sizeof(self, element, prefix, env): templ = '''#include %s int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("%%ld\\n", (long)(sizeof(%s))); return 0; }; ''' varname = 'sizeof ' + element varname = varname.replace(' ', '_') if self.is_cross: val = env.cross_info.get(varname) if val is not None: if isinstance(val, int): return val raise EnvironmentException('Cross variable {0} is not an integer.'.format(varname)) cross_failed = False try: res = self.run(templ % (prefix, element)) except CrossNoRunException: cross_failed = True if cross_failed: message = '''Can not determine size of {0} because cross compiled binaries are not runnable. Please define the corresponding variable {1} in your cross compilation definition file.'''.format(element, varname) raise EnvironmentException(message) if not res.compiled: raise EnvironmentException('Could not compile sizeof test.') if res.returncode != 0: raise EnvironmentException('Could not run sizeof test binary.') return int(res.stdout) def alignment(self, typename, env): templ = '''#include #include struct tmp { char c; %s target; }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("%%d", (int)offsetof(struct tmp, target)); return 0; } ''' varname = 'alignment ' + typename varname = varname.replace(' ', '_') if self.is_cross: val = env.cross_info.get(varname) if val is not None: if isinstance(val, int): return val raise EnvironmentException('Cross variable {0} is not an integer.'.format(varname)) cross_failed = False try: res = self.run(templ % typename) except CrossNoRunException: cross_failed = True if cross_failed: message = '''Can not determine alignment of {0} because cross compiled binaries are not runnable. Please define the corresponding variable {1} in your cross compilation definition file.'''.format(typename, varname) raise EnvironmentException(message) if not res.compiled: raise EnvironmentException('Could not compile alignment test.') if res.returncode != 0: raise EnvironmentException('Could not run alignment test binary.') align = int(res.stdout) if align == 0: raise EnvironmentException('Could not determine alignment of %s. Sorry. You might want to file a bug.' % typename) return align def has_function(self, funcname, prefix, env): # This fails (returns true) if funcname is a ptr or a variable. # The correct check is a lot more difficult. # Fix this to do that eventually. templ = '''%s int main(int argc, char **argv) { void *ptr = (void*)(%s); return 0; }; ''' varname = 'has function ' + funcname varname = varname.replace(' ', '_') if self.is_cross: val = env.cross_info.get(varname) if val is not None: if isinstance(val, bool): return val raise EnvironmentException('Cross variable {0} is not an boolean.'.format(varname)) cross_failed = False try: res = self.run(templ % (prefix, funcname)) except CrossNoRunException: cross_failed = True if cross_failed: message = '''Can not determine existance {0} because cross compiled binaries are not runnable. Please define variable {1} in your cross compilation definition file.'''.format(funcname, varname) raise EnvironmentException(message) return res.compiled def has_member(self, typename, membername, prefix): templ = '''%s void bar() { %s foo; foo.%s; }; ''' return self.compiles(templ % (prefix, typename, membername)) class CPPCompiler(CCompiler): def __init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap): CCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap) self.language = 'cpp' self.default_suffix = 'cpp' def can_compile(self, filename): suffix = filename.split('.')[-1] if suffix in cpp_suffixes: return True return False def sanity_check(self, work_dir): source_name = os.path.join(work_dir, 'sanitycheckcpp.cc') binary_name = os.path.join(work_dir, 'sanitycheckcpp') ofile = open(source_name, 'w') ofile.write('class breakCCompiler;int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; }\n') ofile.close() pc = subprocess.Popen(self.exelist + [source_name, '-o', binary_name]) pc.wait() if pc.returncode != 0: raise EnvironmentException('Compiler %s can not compile programs.' % self.name_string()) if self.is_cross: if self.exe_wrapper is None: # Can't check if the binaries run so we have to assume they do return cmdlist = self.exe_wrapper + [binary_name] else: cmdlist = [binary_name] pe = subprocess.Popen(cmdlist) pe.wait() if pe.returncode != 0: raise EnvironmentException('Executables created by C++ compiler %s are not runnable.' % self.name_string()) class ObjCCompiler(CCompiler): def __init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap): CCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap) self.language = 'objc' self.default_suffix = 'm' def can_compile(self, filename): suffix = filename.split('.')[-1] if suffix == 'm' or suffix == 'h': return True return False class ObjCPPCompiler(CPPCompiler): def __init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap): CPPCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap) self.language = 'objcpp' self.default_suffix = 'mm' def can_compile(self, filename): suffix = filename.split('.')[-1] if suffix == 'mm' or suffix == 'h': return True return False def sanity_check(self, work_dir): source_name = os.path.join(work_dir, 'sanitycheckobjcpp.mm') binary_name = os.path.join(work_dir, 'sanitycheckobjcpp') ofile = open(source_name, 'w') ofile.write('#import\nclass MyClass;int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; }\n') ofile.close() pc = subprocess.Popen(self.exelist + [source_name, '-o', binary_name]) pc.wait() if pc.returncode != 0: raise EnvironmentException('ObjC++ compiler %s can not compile programs.' % self.name_string()) pe = subprocess.Popen(binary_name) pe.wait() if pe.returncode != 0: raise EnvironmentException('Executables created by ObjC++ compiler %s are not runnable.' % self.name_string()) class VisualStudioCCompiler(CCompiler): std_warn_flags = ['/W3'] std_opt_flags= ['/O2'] always_flags = ['/nologo', '/showIncludes'] def __init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap): CCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap) self.id = 'msvc' def get_always_flags(self): return VisualStudioCCompiler.always_flags def get_std_warn_flags(self): return VisualStudioCCompiler.std_warn_flags def get_std_opt_flags(self): return VisualStudioCCompiler.std_opt_flags def get_pch_suffix(self): return 'pch' def get_pch_name(self, header): chopped = os.path.split(header)[-1].split('.')[:-1] chopped.append(self.get_pch_suffix()) pchname = '.'.join(chopped) return pchname def get_pch_use_args(self, pch_dir, header): base = os.path.split(header)[-1] pchname = self.get_pch_name(header) return ['/FI' + base, '/Yu' + base, '/Fp' + os.path.join(pch_dir, pchname)] def get_debug_flags(self): return ['/D_DEBUG', '/Zi', '/MDd', '/Ob0', '/RTC1'] def get_compile_only_flags(self): return ['/c'] def get_output_flags(self, target): if target.endswith('.exe'): return ['/Fe' + target] return ['/Fo' + target] def get_dependency_gen_flags(self, outtarget, outfile): return [] def get_linker_exelist(self): return ['link'] # FIXME, should have same path as compiler. def get_linker_always_flags(self): return ['/nologo'] def get_linker_output_flags(self, outputname): return ['/OUT:' + outputname] def get_pic_flags(self): return ['/LD'] def get_std_shared_lib_link_flags(self): return ['/DLL'] def gen_pch_args(self, header, source, pchname): return ['/Yc' + header, '/Fp' + pchname] def sanity_check(self, work_dir): source_name = os.path.join(work_dir, 'sanitycheckc.c') binary_name = os.path.join(work_dir, 'sanitycheckc') ofile = open(source_name, 'w') ofile.write('int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; }\n') ofile.close() pc = subprocess.Popen(self.exelist + [source_name, '/Fe' + binary_name], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) pc.wait() if pc.returncode != 0: raise EnvironmentException('Compiler %s can not compile programs.' % self.name_string()) pe = subprocess.Popen(binary_name) pe.wait() if pe.returncode != 0: raise EnvironmentException('Executables created by C++ compiler %s are not runnable.' % self.name_string()) class VisualStudioCPPCompiler(VisualStudioCCompiler): def __init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap): VisualStudioCCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap) self.language = 'cpp' self.default_suffix = 'cpp' def can_compile(self, filename): suffix = filename.split('.')[-1] if suffix in cpp_suffixes: return True return False def sanity_check(self, work_dir): source_name = os.path.join(work_dir, 'sanitycheckcpp.cpp') binary_name = os.path.join(work_dir, 'sanitycheckcpp') ofile = open(source_name, 'w') ofile.write('class BreakPlainC;int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; }\n') ofile.close() pc = subprocess.Popen(self.exelist + [source_name, '/Fe' + binary_name], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) pc.wait() if pc.returncode != 0: raise EnvironmentException('Compiler %s can not compile programs.' % self.name_string()) pe = subprocess.Popen(binary_name) pe.wait() if pe.returncode != 0: raise EnvironmentException('Executables created by C++ compiler %s are not runnable.' % self.name_string()) GCC_STANDARD = 0 GCC_OSX = 1 GCC_MINGW = 2 def get_gcc_soname_flags(gcc_type, shlib_name, path): if gcc_type == GCC_STANDARD: return ['-Wl,-soname,lib%s.so' % shlib_name] elif gcc_type == GCC_OSX: return ['-install_name', os.path.join(path, 'lib' + shlib_name + '.dylib')] else: raise RuntimeError('Not impelented yet.') class GnuCCompiler(CCompiler): std_warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-Winvalid-pch'] std_opt_flags = ['-O2'] def __init__(self, exelist, version, gcc_type, is_cross, exe_wrapper=None): CCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrapper) self.id = 'gcc' self.gcc_type = gcc_type def get_always_flags(self): return ['-pipe'] def get_std_warn_flags(self): return GnuCCompiler.std_warn_flags def get_std_opt_flags(self): return GnuCCompiler.std_opt_flags def get_pch_suffix(self): return 'gch' def split_shlib_to_parts(self, fname): return (os.path.split(fname)[0], fname) def build_rpath_args(self, build_dir, rpath_paths): return ['-Wl,-rpath,' + ':'.join([os.path.join(build_dir, p) for p in rpath_paths])] def get_soname_flags(self, shlib_name, path): return get_gcc_soname_flags(self.gcc_type, shlib_name, path) class GnuObjCCompiler(ObjCCompiler): std_warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-Winvalid-pch'] std_opt_flags = ['-O2'] def __init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrapper=None): ObjCCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrapper) self.id = 'gcc' def get_std_warn_flags(self): return GnuObjCCompiler.std_warn_flags def get_std_opt_flags(self): return GnuObjCCompiler.std_opt_flags def get_pch_suffix(self): return 'gch' def build_rpath_args(self, build_dir, rpath_paths): return ['-Wl,-rpath,' + ':'.join([os.path.join(build_dir, p) for p in rpath_paths])] def get_soname_flags(self, shlib_name, path): return get_gcc_soname_flags(self.gcc_type, shlib_name, path) class GnuObjCPPCompiler(ObjCPPCompiler): std_warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-Winvalid-pch'] std_opt_flags = ['-O2'] def __init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrapper=None): ObjCCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrapper) self.id = 'gcc' def get_std_warn_flags(self): return GnuObjCPPCompiler.std_warn_flags def get_std_opt_flags(self): return GnuObjCPPCompiler.std_opt_flags def get_pch_suffix(self): return 'gch' def build_rpath_args(self, build_dir, rpath_paths): return ['-Wl,-rpath,' + ':'.join([os.path.join(build_dir, p) for p in rpath_paths])] def get_soname_flags(self, shlib_name, path): return get_gcc_soname_flags(self.gcc_type, shlib_name, path) class ClangCCompiler(CCompiler): std_warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-Winvalid-pch'] std_opt_flags = ['-O2'] def __init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrapper=None): CCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrapper) self.id = 'clang' def get_std_warn_flags(self): return ClangCCompiler.std_warn_flags def get_std_opt_flags(self): return ClangCCompiler.std_opt_flags def get_pch_suffix(self): return 'pch' class GnuCPPCompiler(CPPCompiler): std_warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-Winvalid-pch'] std_opt_flags = ['-O2'] # may need to separate the latter to extra_debug_flags or something std_debug_flags = ['-g'] def __init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap): CPPCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap) self.id = 'gcc' def get_always_flags(self): return ['-pipe'] def get_debug_flags(self): return GnuCPPCompiler.std_debug_flags def get_std_warn_flags(self): return GnuCPPCompiler.std_warn_flags def get_std_opt_flags(self): return GnuCPPCompiler.std_opt_flags def get_pch_suffix(self): return 'gch' def build_rpath_args(self, build_dir, rpath_paths): return ['-Wl,-rpath,' + ':'.join([os.path.join(build_dir, p) for p in rpath_paths])] def get_soname_flags(self, shlib_name, path): return get_gcc_soname_flags(self.gcc_type, shlib_name, path) class ClangCPPCompiler(CPPCompiler): std_warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-Winvalid-pch'] std_opt_flags = ['-O2'] def __init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrapper=None): CPPCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrapper) self.id = 'clang' def get_std_warn_flags(self): return ClangCPPCompiler.std_warn_flags def get_std_opt_flags(self): return ClangCPPCompiler.std_opt_flags def get_pch_suffix(self): return 'pch' class VisualStudioLinker(): always_flags = ['/NOLOGO'] def __init__(self, exelist): self.exelist = exelist def get_exelist(self): return self.exelist def get_std_link_flags(self): return [] def get_output_flags(self, target): return ['/OUT:' + target] def get_coverage_link_flags(self): return [] def get_always_flags(self): return VisualStudioLinker.always_flags def get_linker_always_flags(self): return VisualStudioLinker.always_flags def build_rpath_args(self, build_dir, rpath_paths): return [] class ArLinker(): std_flags = ['csr'] def __init__(self, exelist): self.exelist = exelist def build_rpath_args(self, build_dir, rpath_paths): return [] def get_exelist(self): return self.exelist def get_std_link_flags(self): return self.std_flags def get_output_flags(self, target): return [target] def get_linker_always_flags(self): return [] def get_coverage_link_flags(self): return [] def get_always_flags(self): return [] def exe_exists(arglist): try: p = subprocess.Popen(arglist, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p.communicate() if p.returncode == 0: return True except FileNotFoundError: pass return False def find_coverage_tools(): gcovr_exe = 'gcovr' lcov_exe = 'lcov' genhtml_exe = 'genhtml' if not exe_exists([gcovr_exe, '--version']): gcovr_exe = None if not exe_exists([lcov_exe, '--version']): lcov_exe = None if not exe_exists([genhtml_exe, '--version']): genhtml_exe = None return (gcovr_exe, lcov_exe, genhtml_exe) def find_valgrind(): valgrind_exe = 'valgrind' if not exe_exists([valgrind_exe, '--version']): valgrind_exe = None return valgrind_exe def find_cppcheck(): cppcheck_exe = 'cppcheck' if not exe_exists([cppcheck_exe, '-h']): cppcheck_exe = None return cppcheck_exe def is_osx(): return platform.system().lower() == 'darwin' def is_linux(): return platform.system().lower() == 'linux' def is_windows(): return platform.system().lower() == 'windows' def is_debianlike(): try: open('/etc/debian_version', 'r') return True except FileNotFoundError: return False def detect_ninja(): for n in ['ninja', 'ninja-build']: # Plain 'ninja' or 'ninja -h' yields an error # code. Thanks a bunch, guys. try: p = subprocess.Popen([n, '-t', 'list'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except FileNotFoundError: continue p.communicate() if p.returncode == 0: return n header_suffixes = ['h', 'hh', 'hpp', 'hxx', 'H'] cpp_suffixes = ['cc', 'cpp', 'cxx', 'hh', 'hpp', 'hxx'] c_suffixes = ['c'] clike_suffixes = c_suffixes + cpp_suffixes def is_header(fname): suffix = fname.split('.')[-1] return suffix in header_suffixes def is_source(fname): suffix = fname.split('.')[-1] return suffix in clike_suffixes class Environment(): private_dir = 'meson-private' log_dir = 'meson-logs' coredata_file = os.path.join(private_dir, 'coredata.dat') version_regex = '\d+(\.\d+)+' def __init__(self, source_dir, build_dir, main_script_file, options): assert(os.path.isabs(main_script_file)) assert(not os.path.islink(main_script_file)) self.source_dir = source_dir self.build_dir = build_dir self.meson_script_file = main_script_file self.scratch_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, Environment.private_dir) self.log_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, Environment.log_dir) os.makedirs(self.scratch_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.log_dir, exist_ok=True) try: cdf = os.path.join(self.get_build_dir(), Environment.coredata_file) self.coredata = coredata.load(cdf) except FileNotFoundError: self.coredata = coredata.CoreData(options) if self.coredata.cross_file: self.cross_info = CrossBuildInfo(self.coredata.cross_file) else: self.cross_info = None # List of potential compilers. if is_windows(): self.default_c = ['cl', 'cc'] self.default_cpp = ['cl', 'c++'] else: self.default_c = ['cc'] self.default_cpp = ['c++'] self.default_objc = ['cc'] self.default_objcpp = ['c++'] self.default_static_linker = 'ar' self.vs_static_linker = 'lib' cross = self.is_cross_build() if (not cross and is_windows()) \ or (cross and self.cross_info['name'] == 'windows'): self.exe_suffix = 'exe' self.shared_lib_suffix = 'dll' self.shared_lib_prefix = '' self.static_lib_suffix = 'lib' self.static_lib_prefix = '' self.object_suffix = 'obj' else: self.exe_suffix = '' if (not cross and is_osx()) or \ (cross and self.cross_info['name'] == 'darwin'): self.shared_lib_suffix = 'dylib' else: self.shared_lib_suffix = 'so' self.shared_lib_prefix = 'lib' self.static_lib_suffix = 'a' self.static_lib_prefix = 'lib' self.object_suffix = 'o' def is_cross_build(self): return self.cross_info is not None def generating_finished(self): cdf = os.path.join(self.get_build_dir(), Environment.coredata_file) coredata.save(self.coredata, cdf) def get_script_dir(self): return os.path.dirname(self.meson_script_file) def get_log_dir(self): return self.log_dir def get_coredata(self): return self.coredata def get_build_command(self): return self.meson_script_file def is_header(self, fname): return is_header(fname) def is_source(self, fname): return is_source(fname) def merge_options(self, options): for (name, value) in options.items(): if name not in self.coredata.user_options: self.coredata.user_options[name] = value else: oldval = self.coredata.user_options[name] if type(oldval) != type(value): self.coredata.user_options[name] = value def detect_c_compiler(self, want_cross): evar = 'CC' if self.is_cross_build() and want_cross: compilers = [self.cross_info['c']] ccache = [] is_cross = True exe_wrap = self.cross_info.get('exe_wrapper', None) elif evar in os.environ: compilers = os.environ[evar].split() ccache = [] is_cross = False exe_wrap = None else: compilers = self.default_c ccache = self.detect_ccache() is_cross = False exe_wrap = None for compiler in compilers: try: basename = os.path.basename(compiler).lower() if basename == 'cl' or basename == 'cl.exe': arg = '/?' else: arg = '--version' p = subprocess.Popen([compiler] + [arg], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: continue (out, err) = p.communicate() out = out.decode() err = err.decode() vmatch = re.search(Environment.version_regex, out) if vmatch: version = vmatch.group(0) else: version = 'unknown version' if 'apple' in out and 'Free Software Foundation' in out: return GnuCCompiler(ccache + [compiler], version, GCC_OSX, is_cross, exe_wrap) if (out.startswith('cc') or 'gcc' in out) and \ 'Free Software Foundation' in out: return GnuCCompiler(ccache + [compiler], version, GCC_STANDARD, is_cross, exe_wrap) if (out.startswith('clang')): return ClangCCompiler(ccache + [compiler], version, is_cross, exe_wrap) if 'Microsoft' in out: # Visual Studio prints version number to stderr but # everything else to stdout. Why? Lord only knows. version = re.search(Environment.version_regex, err).group() return VisualStudioCCompiler([compiler], version, is_cross, exe_wrap) raise EnvironmentException('Unknown compiler(s): "' + ', '.join(compilers) + '"') def get_scratch_dir(self): return self.scratch_dir def get_depfixer(self): path = os.path.split(__file__)[0] return os.path.join(path, 'depfixer.py') def detect_cpp_compiler(self, want_cross): evar = 'CXX' if self.is_cross_build() and want_cross: compilers = [self.cross_info['cpp']] ccache = [] is_cross = True exe_wrap = self.cross_info.get('exe_wrapper', None) elif evar in os.environ: compilers = os.environ[evar].split() ccache = [] is_cross = False exe_wrap = None else: compilers = self.default_cpp ccache = self.detect_ccache() is_cross = False exe_wrap = None for compiler in compilers: basename = os.path.basename(compiler).lower() if basename == 'cl' or basename == 'cl.exe': arg = '/?' else: arg = '--version' try: p = subprocess.Popen([compiler, arg], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: continue (out, err) = p.communicate() out = out.decode() err = err.decode() vmatch = re.search(Environment.version_regex, out) if vmatch: version = vmatch.group(0) else: version = 'unknown version' if (out.startswith('c++ ') or 'g++' in out or 'GCC' in out) and \ 'Free Software Foundation' in out: return GnuCPPCompiler(ccache + [compiler], version, is_cross, exe_wrap) if 'apple' in out and 'Free Software Foundation' in out: return GnuCPPCompiler(ccache + [compiler], version, is_cross, exe_wrap) if out.startswith('clang'): return ClangCPPCompiler(ccache + [compiler], version, is_cross, exe_wrap) if 'Microsoft' in out: version = re.search(Environment.version_regex, err).group() return VisualStudioCPPCompiler([compiler], version, is_cross, exe_wrap) raise EnvironmentException('Unknown compiler(s) "' + ', '.join(compilers) + '"') def detect_objc_compiler(self, want_cross): if self.is_cross_build() and want_cross: exelist = [self.cross_info['objc']] is_cross = True exe_wrap = self.cross_info.get('exe_wrapper', None) else: exelist = self.get_objc_compiler_exelist() is_cross = False exe_wrap = None try: p = subprocess.Popen(exelist + ['--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: raise EnvironmentException('Could not execute ObjC compiler "%s"' % ' '.join(exelist)) (out, err) = p.communicate() out = out.decode() err = err.decode() vmatch = re.search(Environment.version_regex, out) if vmatch: version = vmatch.group(0) else: version = 'unknown version' if (out.startswith('cc ') or 'gcc' in out) and \ 'Free Software Foundation' in out: return GnuObjCCompiler(exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap) if 'apple' in out and 'Free Software Foundation' in out: return GnuObjCCompiler(exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap) raise EnvironmentException('Unknown compiler "' + ' '.join(exelist) + '"') def detect_objcpp_compiler(self, want_cross): if self.is_cross_build() and want_cross: exelist = [self.cross_info['objcpp']] is_cross = True exe_wrap = self.cross_info.get('exe_wrapper', None) else: exelist = self.get_objcpp_compiler_exelist() is_cross = False exe_wrap = None try: p = subprocess.Popen(exelist + ['--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: raise EnvironmentException('Could not execute ObjC++ compiler "%s"' % ' '.join(exelist)) (out, err) = p.communicate() out = out.decode() err = err.decode() vmatch = re.search(Environment.version_regex, out) if vmatch: version = vmatch.group(0) else: version = 'unknown version' if (out.startswith('c++ ') or out.startswith('g++')) and \ 'Free Software Foundation' in out: return GnuObjCPPCompiler(exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap) if 'apple' in out and 'Free Software Foundation' in out: return GnuObjCPPCompiler(exelist, version, is_cross, exe_wrap) raise EnvironmentException('Unknown compiler "' + ' '.join(exelist) + '"') def detect_static_linker(self, compiler): if compiler.is_cross: linker = self.cross_info['ar'] else: evar = 'AR' if evar in os.environ: linker = os.environ[evar].strip() if isinstance(compiler, VisualStudioCCompiler): linker= self.vs_static_linker else: linker = self.default_static_linker basename = os.path.basename(linker).lower() if basename == 'lib' or basename == 'lib.exe': arg = '/?' else: arg = '--version' try: p = subprocess.Popen([linker, arg], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: raise EnvironmentException('Could not execute static linker "%s".' % linker) (out, err) = p.communicate() out = out.decode() err = err.decode() if '/OUT:' in out or '/OUT:' in err: return VisualStudioLinker([linker]) if p.returncode == 0: return ArLinker([linker]) if p.returncode == 1 and err.startswith('usage'): # OSX return ArLinker([linker]) raise EnvironmentException('Unknown static linker "%s"' % linker) def detect_ccache(self): try: has_ccache = subprocess.call(['ccache', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: has_ccache = 1 if has_ccache == 0: cmdlist = ['ccache'] else: cmdlist = [] return cmdlist def get_objc_compiler_exelist(self): ccachelist = self.detect_ccache() evar = 'OBJCC' if evar in os.environ: return os.environ[evar].split() return ccachelist + self.default_objc def get_objcpp_compiler_exelist(self): ccachelist = self.detect_ccache() evar = 'OBJCXX' if evar in os.environ: return os.environ[evar].split() return ccachelist + self.default_objcpp def get_source_dir(self): return self.source_dir def get_build_dir(self): return self.build_dir def get_exe_suffix(self): return self.exe_suffix def get_shared_lib_prefix(self): return self.shared_lib_prefix def get_shared_lib_suffix(self): return self.shared_lib_suffix def get_static_lib_prefix(self): return self.static_lib_prefix def get_static_lib_suffix(self): return self.static_lib_suffix def get_object_suffix(self): return self.object_suffix def get_prefix(self): return self.coredata.prefix def get_libdir(self): return self.coredata.libdir def get_bindir(self): return self.coredata.bindir def get_includedir(self): return self.coredata.includedir def get_mandir(self): return self.coredata.mandir def get_datadir(self): return self.coredata.datadir def find_library(self, libname): dirs = self.get_library_dirs() suffixes = [self.get_shared_lib_suffix(), self.get_static_lib_suffix()] prefix = self.get_shared_lib_prefix() for d in dirs: for suffix in suffixes: trial = os.path.join(d, prefix + libname + '.' + suffix) if os.path.isfile(trial): return trial def get_library_dirs(self): return get_library_dirs() def get_library_dirs(): if is_windows(): return ['C:/mingw/lib'] # Fixme if is_osx(): return ['/usr/lib'] # Fix me as well. # The following is probably Debian/Ubuntu specific. unixdirs = ['/usr/lib', '/lib'] plat = subprocess.check_output(['uname', '-m']).decode().strip() # This is a terrible hack. I admit it and I'm really sorry. # I just don't know what the correct solution is. if plat == 'i686': plat = 'i386' unixdirs += glob('/usr/lib/' + plat + '*') unixdirs += glob('/lib/' + plat + '*') unixdirs.append('/usr/local/lib') return unixdirs class CrossBuildInfo(): def __init__(self, filename): self.items = {} self.parse_datafile(filename) if not 'name' in self: raise EnvironmentException('Cross file must specify "name" (e.g. "linux", "darwin" or "windows".') def ok_type(self, i): return isinstance(i, str) or isinstance(i, int) or isinstance(i, bool) def parse_datafile(self, filename): # This is a bit hackish at the moment. for i, line in enumerate(open(filename)): linenum = i+1 line = line.strip() if line == '': continue if '=' not in line: raise EnvironmentException('Malformed line in cross file %s:%d.' % (filename, linenum)) (varname, value) = line.split('=', 1) varname = varname.strip() if ' ' in varname or '\t' in varname or "'" in varname or '"' in varname: raise EnvironmentException('Malformed variable name in cross file %s:%d.' % (filename, linenum)) try: res = eval(value, {'true' : True, 'false' : False}) except Exception: raise EnvironmentException('Malformed line in cross file %s:%d.' % (filename, linenum)) if self.ok_type(res): self.items[varname] = res elif isinstance(res, list): for i in res: if not self.ok_type(i): raise EnvironmentException('Malformed line in cross file %s:%d.' % (filename, linenum)) self.items[varname] = res else: raise EnvironmentException('Malformed line in cross file %s:%d.' % (filename, linenum)) def __getitem__(self, ind): try: return self.items[ind] except KeyError: raise EnvironmentException('Cross file does not specify variable "%s".' % ind) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.items def get(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.items.get(*args, **kwargs)