name: configure_file
returns: file
description: |
  This function can run in three modes depending on the keyword arguments
  passed to it.

  When a [[@cfg_data]] object is passed
  to the `configuration:` keyword argument, it takes a template file as
  the `input:` (optional) and produces the `output:` (required) by
  substituting values from the configuration data as detailed in [the
  configuration file documentation]( *(since 0.49.0)*
  A dictionary can be passed instead of a
  [[@cfg_data]] object.

  When a list of strings is passed to the `command:` keyword argument,
  it takes any source or configured file as the `input:` and assumes
  that the `output:` is produced when the specified command is run.

  *(since 0.47.0)* When the `copy:` keyword argument is set to `true`,
  this function will copy the file provided in `input:` to a file in the
  build directory with the name `output:` in the current directory.

    type: bool
    since: 0.41.0
    default: false
    description: |
      When this argument is set to true,
      Meson captures `stdout` of the `command` and writes it to the target
      file specified as `output`.

    type: list[str | file]
    description: |
      As explained above, if specified, Meson does not create
      the file itself but rather runs the specified command, which allows
      you to do fully custom file generation. *(since 0.52.0)* The command can contain
      file objects and more than one file can be passed to the `input` keyword
      argument, see [[custom_target]] for details about string

    type: bool
    default: false
    since: 0.47.0
    description: |
      As explained above, if specified Meson only
      copies the file from input to output.

    type: str
    since: 0.52.0
    description: |
      A dependency file that the command can write listing
      all the additional files this target depends on. A change
      in any one of these files triggers a reconfiguration.

    type: str
    since: 0.46.0
    default: "'meson'"
    description: |
      The format of defines. It defaults to `'meson'`, and so substitutes
      `#mesondefine` statements and variables surrounded by `@` characters, you can also use `'cmake'`
      to replace `#cmakedefine` statements and variables with the `${variable}` syntax. Finally you can use
      `'cmake@'` in which case substitutions will apply on `#cmakedefine` statements and variables with
      the `@variable@` syntax.

    type: str | file
    description: |
      The input file name. If it's not specified in configuration
      mode, all the variables in the `configuration:` object (see above)
      are written to the `output:` file.

    type: bool
    default: false
    since: 0.50.0
    description: |
      When true, this generated file is installed during
      the install step, and `install_dir` must be set and not empty. When false, this
      generated file is not installed regardless of the value of `install_dir`.
      When omitted it defaults to true when `install_dir` is set and not empty,
      false otherwise.

    type: str
    description: |
      The subdirectory to install the generated file to
      (e.g. `share/myproject`), if omitted or given the value of empty
      string, the file is not installed.

    type: list[str | int]
    since: 0.47.0
    description: |
      Specify the file mode in symbolic format
      and optionally the owner/uid and group/gid for the installed files.

      See the `install_mode` kwarg of [[install_data]] for more information.

    type: str
    since: 0.60.0
    description: |
      A string used by the `meson install --tags` command
      to install only a subset of the files. By default the file has no install
      tag which means it is not being installed when `--tags` argument is specified.

    type: str
    description: |
      The output file name. *(since 0.41.0)* may contain
      `@PLAINNAME@` or `@BASENAME@` substitutions. In configuration mode,
      the permissions of the input file (if it is specified) are copied to
      the output file.

    type: str
    since: 0.47.0
    description: |
      The format of the output to generate when no input
      was specified. It defaults to `c`, in which case preprocessor directives
      will be prefixed with `#`, you can also use `nasm`, in which case the
      prefix will be `%`.

    type: str
    default: "'utf-8'"
    since: 0.47.0
    description: |
      Set the file encoding for the input and output file.
      The supported encodings are those of python3, see