name: benchmark
returns: void
description: |
  Creates a benchmark item that will be run when the benchmark target is
  run. The behavior of this function is identical to [[test]]
  except for:

  * benchmark() has no `is_parallel` keyword because benchmarks are not run in parallel
  * benchmark() does not automatically add the `MALLOC_PERTURB_` environment variable

  Defined tests can be run in a backend-agnostic way by calling
  `meson test` inside the build dir, or by using backend-specific
  commands, such as `ninja test` or `msbuild RUN_TESTS.vcxproj`.

  - Prior to 0.52.0 benchmark would warn that `depends` and
    `priority` were unsupported, this is incorrect.

    type: str
    description: The *unique* test id

    type: exe | jar | external_program | file
    description: The program to execute

    type: list[str | file | tgt]
    description: Arguments to pass to the executable

    type: env | list[str] | dict[str]
    description: |
      environment variables to set, such as `['NAME1=value1',
      'NAME2=value2']`, or an [[@env]] object which allows more sophisticated
      environment juggling. *(Since 0.52.0)* A dictionary is also accepted.

    type: bool
    default: false
    description: |
      when true the test is considered passed if the
      executable returns a non-zero return value (i.e. reports an error)

    type: str | list[str]
    description: |
      `'label'` (or list of labels `['label1', 'label2']`)
      attached to this test. The suite name is qualified by a (sub)project
      name resulting in `(sub)project_name:label`. In the case of a list
      of strings, the suite names will be `(sub)project_name:label1`,
      `(sub)project_name:label2`, etc.

    type: int
    default: 30
    description: |
      the amount of seconds the test is allowed to run, a test
      that exceeds its time limit is always considered failed, defaults to
      30 seconds. *Since 0.57* if timeout is `<= 0` the test has infinite duration,
      in previous versions of Meson the test would fail with a timeout immediately.

    type: str
    description: |
      absolute path that will be used as the working directory
      for the test

    type: list[build_tgt | custom_tgt]
    since: 0.46.0
    description: |
      specifies that this test depends on the specified
      target(s), even though it does not take any of them as a command
      line argument. This is meant for cases where test finds those
      targets internally, e.g. plugins or globbing. Those targets are built
      before test is executed even if they have `build_by_default : false`.

    type: str
    since: 0.50.0
    default: "'exitcode'"
    description: |
      specifies how the test results are parsed and can
      be one of `exitcode`, `tap`, or `gtest`. For more information about test
      harness protocol read [Unit Tests]( The following values are

      - `exitcode`: the executable's exit code is used by the test harness
        to record the outcome of the test).
      - `tap`: [Test Anything Protocol](
      - `gtest` *(since 0.55.0)*: for Google Tests.
      - `rust` *(since 0.56.0)*: for native rust tests

    type: int
    since: 0.52.0
    default: 0
    description: |
      specifies the priority of a test. Tests with a
      higher priority are *started* before tests with a lower priority.
      The starting order of tests with identical priorities is
      implementation-defined. The default priority is 0, negative numbers are