# SPDX-License-Identifer: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2021 The Meson development team

import typing as T

# The following variables define the current version of
# the JSON documentation format. This is different from
# the Meson version

VERSION_MAJOR = 1  # Changes here indicate breaking format changes (changes to existing keys)
VERSION_MINOR = 0  # Changes here indicate non-breaking changes (only new keys are added to the existing structure)

class BaseObject(T.TypedDict):
        Base object for most dicts in the JSON doc.

        All objects inheriting from BaseObject will support
        the keys specified here:
    name:        str
    description: str
    since:       T.Optional[str]
    deprecated:  T.Optional[str]
    notes:       T.List[str]
    warnings:    T.List[str]

class Type(T.TypedDict):
    obj:   str                 # References an object from `root.objects`
    holds: T.Sequence[object]  # Mypy does not support recusive dicts, but this should be T.List[Type]...

class Argument(BaseObject):
        Object that represents any type of a single function or method argumet.
    type:        T.List[Type]  # A non-empty list of types that are supported.
    type_str:    str           # Formated version of `type`. Is guranteed to not contain any whitespaces.
    required:    bool
    default:     T.Optional[str]
    min_varargs: T.Optional[int]  # Only relevant for varargs, must be `null` for all other types of arguments
    max_varargs: T.Optional[int]  # Only relevant for varargs, must be `null` for all other types of arguments

class Function(BaseObject):
        Represents a function or method.
    returns:     T.List[Type]  # A non-empty list of types that are supported.
    returns_str: str           # Formated version of `returns`. Is guranteed to not contain any whitespaces.
    example:     T.Optional[str]
    posargs:     T.Dict[str, Argument]
    optargs:     T.Dict[str, Argument]
    kwargs:      T.Dict[str, Argument]
    varargs:     T.Optional[Argument]

class Object(BaseObject):
        Represents all types of Meson objects. The specific object type is stored in the `object_type` field.
    example:           T.Optional[str]
    object_type:       str                    # Defines the object type: Must be one of: ELEMENTARY, BUILTIN, MODULE, RETURNED
    methods:           T.Dict[str, Function]
    is_container:      bool
    extends:           T.Optional[str]
    returned_by:       T.List[str]
    extended_by:       T.List[str]
    defined_by_module: T.Optional[str]

class ObjectsByType(T.TypedDict):
        References to other objects are stored here for ease of navigation / filtering
    elementary: T.List[str]
    builtins:   T.List[str]
    returned:   T.List[str]
    modules:    T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]

class Root(T.TypedDict):
        The root object of the JSON reference manual
    version_major:   int # See the description above for
    version_minor:   int # VERSION_MAJOR and VERSION_MINOR
    meson_version:   str
    functions:       T.Dict[str, Function]  # A mapping of <name> to a `Function` object for *all* Meson functions
    objects:         T.Dict[str, Object]    # A mapping of <name> to a `Object`   object for *all* Meson objects (including modules, elementary, etc.)
    objects_by_type: ObjectsByType