--- title: Vala short-description: Compiling Vala and Genie programs ... # Compiling Vala applications and libraries Meson supports compiling applications and libraries written in [Vala](https://vala-project.org/) and [Genie](https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Genie) . A skeleton `meson.build` file: ```meson project('vala app', 'vala', 'c') dependencies = [ dependency('glib-2.0'), dependency('gobject-2.0'), ] sources = files('app.vala') executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies) ``` You must always specify the `glib-2.0` and `gobject-2.0` libraries as dependencies, because all current Vala applications use them. [GLib](https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/) is used for basic data types and [GObject](https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/stable/) is used for the runtime type system. ## Using libraries Meson uses the [`dependency()`](Reference-manual.md#dependency) function to find the relevant VAPI, C headers and linker flags when it encounters a Vala source file in a build target. Vala needs a VAPI file and a C header or headers to use a library. The VAPI file helps map Vala code to the library's C programming interface. It is the [`pkg-config`](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config/) tool that makes finding these installed files all work seamlessly behind the scenes. When a `pkg-config` file doesn't exist for the library then the [`find_library()`](Reference-manual.md#find_library) method of the [compiler object](Reference-manual.md#compiler-object) needs to be used. Examples are given later. Note Vala uses libraries that follow the C Application Binary Interface (C ABI). The library, however, could be written in C, Vala, Rust, Go, C++ or any other language that can generate a binary compatible with the C ABI and so provides C headers. ### The simplest case This first example is a simple addition to the `meson.build` file because: * the library has a `pkg-config` file, `gtk+-3.0.pc` * the VAPI is distributed with Vala and so installed with the Vala compiler * the VAPI is installed in Vala's standard search path * the VAPI, `gtk+-3.0.vapi`, has the same name as the `pkg-config` file Everything works seamlessly in the background and only a single extra line is needed: ```meson project('vala app', 'vala', 'c') dependencies = [ dependency('glib-2.0'), dependency('gobject-2.0'), dependency('gtk+-3.0'), ] sources = files('app.vala') executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies) ``` GTK+ is the graphical toolkit used by GNOME, elementary OS and other desktop environments. The binding to the library, the VAPI file, is distributed with Vala. Other libraries may have a VAPI that is distributed with the library itself. Such libraries will have their VAPI file installed along with their other development files. The VAPI is installed in Vala's standard search path and so works just as seamlessly using the `dependency()` function. ### Targeting a version of GLib Meson's [`dependency()`](Reference-manual.md#dependency) function allows a version check of a library. This is often used to check a minimum version is installed. When setting a minimum version of GLib, Meson will also pass this to the Vala compiler using the `--target-glib` option. This is needed when using GTK+'s user interface definition files with Vala's `[GtkTemplate]`, `[GtkChild]` and `[GtkCallback]` attributes. This requires `--target-glib 2.38`, or a newer version, to be passed to Vala. With Meson this is simply done with: ```meson project('vala app', 'vala', 'c') dependencies = [ dependency('glib-2.0', version: '>=2.38'), dependency('gobject-2.0'), dependency('gtk+-3.0'), ] sources = files('app.vala') executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies) ``` Using `[GtkTemplate]` also requires the GTK+ user interface definition files to be built in to the binary as GResources. For completeness, the next example shows this: ```meson project('vala app', 'vala', 'c') dependencies = [ dependency('glib-2.0', version: '>=2.38'), dependency('gobject-2.0'), dependency('gtk+-3.0'), ] sources = files('app.vala') sources += import( 'gnome' ).compile_resources( 'project-resources', 'src/resources/resources.gresource.xml', source_dir: 'src/resources', ) executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies) ``` ### Adding to Vala's search path So far we have covered the cases where the VAPI file is either distributed with Vala or the library. A VAPI can also be included in the source files of your project. The convention is to put it in the `vapi` directory of your project. This is needed when a library does not have a VAPI or your project needs to link to another component in the project that uses the C ABI. For example if part of the project is written in C. The Vala compiler's `--vapidir` option is used to add the project directory to the VAPI search path. In Meson this is done with the `add_project_arguments()` function: ```meson project('vala app', 'vala', 'c') vapi_dir = meson.current_source_dir() / 'vapi' add_project_arguments(['--vapidir', vapi_dir], language: 'vala') dependencies = [ dependency('glib-2.0'), dependency('gobject-2.0'), dependency('foo'), # 'foo.vapi' will be resolved as './vapi/foo.vapi' ] sources = files('app.vala') executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies) ``` If the VAPI is for an external library then make sure that the VAPI name corresponds to the pkg-config file name. The [`vala-extra-vapis` repository](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/vala-extra-vapis) is a community maintained repository of VAPIs that are not distributed. Developers use the repository to share early work on new bindings and improvements to existing bindings. So the VAPIs can frequently change. It is recommended VAPIs from this repository are copied in to your project's source files. This also works well for starting to write new bindings before they are shared with the `vala-extra-vapis` repository. ### Libraries without pkg-config files A library that does not have a corresponding pkg-config file may mean `dependency()` is unsuitable for finding the C and Vala interface files. In this case it is necessary to use the `find_library()` method of the compiler object. The first example uses Vala's POSIX binding. There is no pkg-config file because POSIX includes the standard C library on Unix systems. All that is needed is the VAPI file, `posix.vapi`. This is included with Vala and installed in Vala's standard search path. Meson just needs to be told to only find the library for the Vala compiler: ```meson project('vala app', 'vala', 'c') dependencies = [ dependency('glib-2.0'), dependency('gobject-2.0'), meson.get_compiler('vala').find_library('posix'), ] sources = files('app.vala') executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies) ``` The next example shows how to link with a C library where no additional VAPI is needed. The standard maths functions are already bound in `glib-2.0.vapi`, but the GNU C library requires linking to the maths library separately. In this example Meson is told to find the library only for the C compiler: ```meson project('vala app', 'vala', 'c') dependencies = [ dependency('glib-2.0'), dependency('gobject-2.0'), meson.get_compiler('c').find_library('m', required: false), ] sources = files('app.vala') executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies) ``` The `required: false` means the build will continue when using another C library that does not separate the maths library. See [Add math library (-lm) portably](howtox.md#add-math-library-lm-portably). The final example shows how to use a library that does not have a pkg-config file and the VAPI is in the `vapi` directory of your project source files: ```meson project('vala app', 'vala', 'c') vapi_dir = meson.current_source_dir() / 'vapi' add_project_arguments(['--vapidir', vapi_dir], language: 'vala') dependencies = [ dependency('glib-2.0'), dependency('gobject-2.0'), meson.get_compiler('c').find_library('foo'), meson.get_compiler('vala').find_library('foo', dirs: vapi_dir), ] sources = files('app.vala') executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies) ``` The `find_library()` method of the C compiler object will try to find the C header files and the library to link with. The `find_library()` method of the Vala compiler object needs to have the `dir` keyword added to include the project VAPI directory. This is not added automatically by `add_project_arguments()`. ### Working with the Vala Preprocessor Passing arguments to [Vala's preprocessor](https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Vala/Manual/Preprocessor) requires specifying the language as `vala`. For example, the following statement sets the preprocessor symbol `USE_FUSE`: ```meson add_project_arguments('-D', 'USE_FUSE', language: 'vala') ``` If you need to pass an argument to the C pre-processor then specify the language as c. For example to set FUSE_USE_VERSION to 26 use: ```meson add_project_arguments('-DFUSE_USE_VERSION=26', language: 'c') ``` ## Building libraries ### Changing C header and VAPI names Meson's [`library`](Reference-manual.md#library) target automatically outputs the C header and the VAPI. They can be renamed by setting the `vala_header` and `vala_vapi` arguments respectively: ```meson foo_lib = shared_library('foo', 'foo.vala', vala_header: 'foo.h', vala_vapi: 'foo-1.0.vapi', dependencies: [glib_dep, gobject_dep], install: true, install_dir: [true, true, true]) ``` In this example, the second and third elements of the `install_dir` array indicate the destination with `true` to use default directories (i.e. `include` and `share/vala/vapi`). ### GObject Introspection and language bindings A 'binding' allows another programming language to use a library written in Vala. Because Vala uses the GObject type system as its runtime type system it is very easy to use introspection to generate a binding. A Meson build of a Vala library can generate the GObject introspection metadata. The metadata is then used in separate projects with [language specific tools](https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Vala/LibraryWritingBindings) to generate a binding. The main form of metadata is a GObject Introspection Repository (GIR) XML file. GIRs are mostly used by languages that generate bindings at compile time. Languages that generate bindings at runtime mostly use a typelib file, which is generated from the GIR. Meson can generate a GIR as part of the build. For a Vala library the `vala_gir` option has to be set for the `library`: ```meson foo_lib = shared_library('foo', 'foo.vala', vala_gir: 'Foo-1.0.gir', dependencies: [glib_dep, gobject_dep], install: true, install_dir: [true, true, true, true]) ``` The `true` value in `install_dir` tells Meson to use the default directory (i.e. `share/gir-1.0` for GIRs). The fourth element in the `install_dir` array indicates where the GIR file will be installed. To then generate a typelib file use a custom target with the `g-ir-compiler` program and a dependency on the library: ```meson g_ir_compiler = find_program('g-ir-compiler') custom_target('foo typelib', command: [g_ir_compiler, '--output', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'], input: meson.current_build_dir() / 'Foo-1.0.gir', output: 'Foo-1.0.typelib', depends: foo_lib, install: true, install_dir: get_option('libdir') / 'girepository-1.0') ```