# Copyright 2012 Jussi Pakkanen # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import coredata import environment import dependencies import copy, os class InvalidArguments(coredata.MesonException): pass class Build: """A class that holds the status of one build including all dependencies and so on. """ def __init__(self, environment): self.environment = environment self.project = None self.targets = {} self.compilers = [] self.cross_compilers = [] self.global_args = {} self.tests = [] self.headers = [] self.man = [] self.data = [] self.static_linker = None self.static_cross_linker = None self.configure_files = [] self.pot = [] def add_compiler(self, compiler): if len(self.compilers) == 0: self.static_linker = self.environment.detect_static_linker(compiler) self.compilers.append(compiler) def add_cross_compiler(self, compiler): if len(self.cross_compilers) == 0: self.static_cross_linker = self.environment.detect_static_linker(compiler) self.cross_compilers.append(compiler) def get_project(self): return self.project def get_targets(self): return self.targets def get_tests(self): return self.tests def get_headers(self): return self.headers def get_man(self): return self.man def get_data(self): return self.data def get_configure_files(self): return self.configure_files def get_global_flags(self, compiler): return self.global_args.get(compiler.get_language(), []) class IncludeDirs(): def __init__(self, curdir, dirs, kwargs): self.curdir = curdir self.incdirs = dirs # Fixme: check that the directories actually exist. # Also that they don't contain ".." or somesuch. if len(kwargs) > 0: raise InvalidCode('Includedirs function does not take keyword arguments.') def get_curdir(self): return self.curdir def get_incdirs(self): return self.incdirs class BuildTarget(): def __init__(self, name, subdir, is_cross, sources, environment, kwargs): self.name = name self.subdir = subdir self.is_cross = is_cross self.sources = [] self.external_deps = [] self.include_dirs = [] self.link_targets = [] self.filename = 'no_name' self.need_install = False self.pch = {} self.extra_args = {} self.generated = [] self.process_sourcelist(sources) self.process_kwargs(kwargs) if len(self.sources) == 0 and len(self.generated) == 0: raise InvalidArguments('Build target %s has no sources.' % name) def process_sourcelist(self, sources): if not isinstance(sources, list): sources = [sources] for s in sources: # Holder unpacking. Ugly. if hasattr(s, 'glist'): s = s.glist if isinstance(s, str): self.sources.append(s) elif isinstance(s, GeneratedList): self.generated.append(s) else: raise InvalidArguments('Bad source in target %s.' % self.name) def get_original_kwargs(self): return self.kwargs def copy_kwargs(self, kwargs): self.kwargs = copy.copy(kwargs) # This sucks quite badly. Arguments # are holders but they can't be pickled # so unpack those known. if 'deps' in self.kwargs: d = self.kwargs['deps'] if not isinstance(d, list): d = [d] newd = [] for i in d: if hasattr(i, 'el'): newd.append(i.el) else: newd.append(i) self.kwargs['deps'] = newd def process_kwargs(self, kwargs): self.copy_kwargs(kwargs) kwargs.get('modules', []) self.need_install = kwargs.get('install', self.need_install) llist = kwargs.get('link_with', []) if not isinstance(llist, list): llist = [llist] for linktarget in llist: # Sorry for this hack. Keyword targets are kept in holders # in kwargs. Unpack here without looking at the exact type. if hasattr(linktarget, "target"): linktarget = linktarget.target self.link(linktarget) c_pchlist = kwargs.get('c_pch', []) if not isinstance(c_pchlist, list): c_pchlist = [c_pchlist] self.add_pch('c', c_pchlist) cpp_pchlist = kwargs.get('cpp_pch', []) if not isinstance(cpp_pchlist, list): cpp_pchlist = [cpp_pchlist] self.add_pch('cpp', cpp_pchlist) clist = kwargs.get('c_args', []) if not isinstance(clist, list): clist = [clist] self.add_compiler_args('c', clist) cpplist = kwargs.get('cpp_args', []) if not isinstance(cpplist, list): cpplist = [cpplist] self.add_compiler_args('cpp', cpplist) if 'version' in kwargs: self.set_version(kwargs['version']) if 'soversion' in kwargs: self.set_soversion(kwargs['soversion']) inclist = kwargs.get('include_dirs', []) if not isinstance(inclist, list): inclist = [inclist] self.add_include_dirs(inclist) deplist = kwargs.get('deps', []) if not isinstance(deplist, list): deplist = [deplist] self.add_external_deps(deplist) def get_subdir(self): return self.subdir def get_filename(self): return self.filename def get_extra_args(self, language): return self.extra_args.get(language, []) def get_dependencies(self): return self.link_targets def get_basename(self): return self.name def get_source_subdir(self): return self.subdir def get_sources(self): return self.sources def get_generated_sources(self): return self.generated def should_install(self): return self.need_install def has_pch(self): return len(self.pch) > 0 def get_pch(self, language): try: return self.pch[language] except KeyError: return[] def get_include_dirs(self): return self.include_dirs def add_external_deps(self, deps): for dep in deps: if hasattr(dep, 'el'): dep = dep.el if not isinstance(dep, dependencies.Dependency): raise InvalidArguments('Argument is not an external dependency') self.external_deps.append(dep) if isinstance(dep, dependencies.Dependency): self.process_sourcelist(dep.get_sources()) def get_external_deps(self): return self.external_deps def add_dep(self, args): [self.add_external_dep(dep) for dep in args] def link(self, target): if not isinstance(target, StaticLibrary) and \ not isinstance(target, SharedLibrary): print(target) raise InvalidArguments('Link target is not library.') self.link_targets.append(target) def set_generated(self, genlist): for g in genlist: if not(isinstance(g, GeneratedList)): raise InvalidArguments('Generated source argument is not the output of a generator.') self.generated.append(g) def add_pch(self, language, pchlist): if len(pchlist) == 0: return if len(pchlist) == 2: if environment.is_header(pchlist[0]): if not environment.is_source(pchlist[1]): raise InterpreterException('PCH definition must contain one header and at most one source.') elif environment.is_source(pchlist[0]): if not environment.is_header(pchlist[1]): raise InterpreterException('PCH definition must contain one header and at most one source.') pchlist = [pchlist[1], pchlist[0]] else: raise InterpreterException('PCH argument %s is of unknown type.' % pchlist[0]) elif len(pchlist) > 2: raise InterpreterException('PCH definition may have a maximum of 2 files.') self.pch[language] = pchlist def add_include_dirs(self, args): ids = [] for a in args: # FIXME same hack, forcibly unpack from holder. if hasattr(a, 'includedirs'): a = a.includedirs if not isinstance(a, IncludeDirs): raise InvalidArguments('Include directory to be added is not an include directory object.') ids.append(a) self.include_dirs += ids def add_compiler_args(self, language, flags): for a in flags: if not isinstance(a, str): raise InvalidArguments('A non-string passed to compiler args.') if language in self.extra_args: self.extra_args[language] += flags else: self.extra_args[language] = flags def get_aliaslist(self): return [] class Generator(): def __init__(self, args, kwargs): if len(args) != 1: raise InvalidArguments('Generator requires one and only one positional argument') if hasattr(args[0], 'target'): exe = args[0].target if not isinstance(exe, Executable): raise InvalidArguments('First generator argument must be an executable.') elif hasattr(args[0], 'ep'): exe = args[0].ep else: print(args[0]) raise InvalidArguments('First generator argument must be an executable object.') self.exe = exe self.process_kwargs(kwargs) def get_exe(self): return self.exe def process_kwargs(self, kwargs): if 'arguments' not in kwargs: raise InvalidArguments('Generator must have "arguments" keyword argument.') args = kwargs['arguments'] if isinstance(args, str): args = [args] if not isinstance(args, list): raise InvalidArguments('"Arguments" keyword argument must be a string or a list of strings.') for a in args: if not isinstance(a, str): raise InvalidArguments('A non-string object in "arguments" keyword argument.') self.arglist = args if 'outputs' not in kwargs: raise InvalidArguments('Generator must have "outputs" keyword argument.') outputs = kwargs['outputs'] if not isinstance(outputs, list): outputs = [outputs] for rule in outputs: if not isinstance(rule, str): raise InvalidArguments('"outputs" may only contain strings.') if not '@BASENAME@' in rule and not '@PLAINNAME@' in rule: raise InvalidArguments('"outputs" must contain @BASENAME@ or @PLAINNAME@.') if '/' in rule or '\\' in rule: raise InvalidArguments('"outputs" must not contain a directory separator.') self.outputs = outputs def get_base_outnames(self, inname): plainname = os.path.split(inname)[1] basename = plainname.split('.')[0] return [x.replace('@BASENAME@', basename).replace('@PLAINNAME@', plainname) for x in self.outputs] def get_arglist(self): return self.arglist class GeneratedList(): def __init__(self, generator): if hasattr(generator, 'generator'): generator = generator.generator self.generator = generator self.infilelist = [] self.outfilelist = [] self.outmap = {} def add_file(self, newfile): self.infilelist.append(newfile) outfiles = self.generator.get_base_outnames(newfile) self.outfilelist += outfiles self.outmap[newfile] = outfiles def get_infilelist(self): return self.infilelist def get_outfilelist(self): return self.outfilelist def get_outputs_for(self, filename): return self.outmap[filename] def get_generator(self): return self.generator class Executable(BuildTarget): def __init__(self, name, subdir, is_cross, sources, environment, kwargs): super().__init__(name, subdir, is_cross, sources, environment, kwargs) suffix = environment.get_exe_suffix() if suffix != '': self.filename = self.name + '.' + suffix else: self.filename = self.name class StaticLibrary(BuildTarget): def __init__(self, name, subdir, is_cross, sources, environment, kwargs): super().__init__(name, subdir, is_cross, sources, environment, kwargs) prefix = environment.get_static_lib_prefix() suffix = environment.get_static_lib_suffix() self.filename = prefix + self.name + '.' + suffix class SharedLibrary(BuildTarget): def __init__(self, name, subdir, is_cross, sources, environment, kwargs): self.version = None self.soversion = None super().__init__(name, subdir, is_cross, sources, environment, kwargs); self.prefix = environment.get_shared_lib_prefix() self.suffix = environment.get_shared_lib_suffix() def get_shbase(self): return self.prefix + self.name + '.' + self.suffix def get_filename(self): fname = self.get_shbase() if self.version is None: return fname else: return fname + '.' + self.version def set_version(self, version): if not isinstance(version, str): print(version) raise InvalidArguments('Shared library version is not a string.') self.version = version def set_soversion(self, version): if isinstance(version, int): version = str(version) if not isinstance(version, str): raise InvalidArguments('Shared library soversion is not a string or integer.') self.soversion = version def get_aliaslist(self): aliases = [] if self.soversion is not None: aliases.append(self.get_shbase() + '.' + self.soversion) if self.version is not None: aliases.append(self.get_shbase()) return aliases class ConfigureFile(): def __init__(self, subdir, sourcename, targetname, configuration_data): self.subdir = subdir self.sourcename = sourcename self.targetname = targetname self.configuration_data = configuration_data def get_configuration_data(self): return self.configuration_data def get_sources(self): return self.sources def get_subdir(self): return self.subdir def get_source_name(self): return self.sourcename def get_target_name(self): return self.targetname class ConfigurationData(): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.values = {} def get(self, name): return self.values[name] def keys(self): return self.values.keys()