path: root/mesonbuild/environment.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'mesonbuild/environment.py')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/mesonbuild/environment.py b/mesonbuild/environment.py
index 394ef6a..e63e9bf 100644
--- a/mesonbuild/environment.py
+++ b/mesonbuild/environment.py
@@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ from .envconfig import (
from . import compilers
from .compilers import (
- all_languages,
- base_options,
@@ -582,12 +580,6 @@ class Environment:
# CMake toolchain variables
cmakevars = PerMachineDefaultable() # type: PerMachineDefaultable[CMakeVariables]
- # We only need one of these as project options are not per machine
- user_options = collections.defaultdict(dict) # type: T.DefaultDict[str, T.Dict[str, object]]
- # meson builtin options, as passed through cross or native files
- meson_options = PerMachineDefaultable() # type: PerMachineDefaultable[T.DefaultDict[str, T.Dict[str, object]]]
## Setup build machine defaults
# Will be fully initialized later using compilers later.
@@ -598,80 +590,21 @@ class Environment:
binaries.build = BinaryTable()
properties.build = Properties()
- # meson base options
- _base_options = {} # type: T.Dict[str, object]
- # Per language compiler arguments
- compiler_options = PerMachineDefaultable() # type: PerMachineDefaultable[T.DefaultDict[str, T.Dict[str, object]]]
- compiler_options.build = collections.defaultdict(dict)
+ # Unparsed options as given by the user in machine files, command line,
+ # and project()'s default_options. Keys are in the command line format:
+ # "[<subproject>:][build.]option_name".
+ # Note that order matters because of 'buildtype', if it is after
+ # 'optimization' and 'debug' keys, it override them.
+ self.raw_options = collections.OrderedDict() # type: collections.OrderedDict[str, str]
## Read in native file(s) to override build machine configuration
- def load_options(tag: str, store: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None:
- for section in config.keys():
- if section.endswith(tag):
- if ':' in section:
- project = section.split(':')[0]
- else:
- project = ''
- store[project].update(config.get(section, {}))
- def split_base_options(mopts: T.DefaultDict[str, T.Dict[str, object]]) -> None:
- for k, v in list(mopts.get('', {}).items()):
- if k in base_options:
- _base_options[k] = v
- del mopts[k]
- lang_prefixes = tuple('{}_'.format(l) for l in all_languages)
- def split_compiler_options(mopts: T.DefaultDict[str, T.Dict[str, object]], machine: MachineChoice) -> None:
- for k, v in list(mopts.get('', {}).items()):
- if k.startswith(lang_prefixes):
- lang, key = k.split('_', 1)
- if compiler_options[machine] is None:
- compiler_options[machine] = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- if lang not in compiler_options[machine]:
- compiler_options[machine][lang] = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- compiler_options[machine][lang][key] = v
- del mopts[''][k]
- def move_compiler_options(properties: Properties, compopts: T.Dict[str, T.DefaultDict[str, object]]) -> None:
- for k, v in properties.properties.copy().items():
- for lang in all_languages:
- if k == '{}_args'.format(lang):
- if 'args' not in compopts[lang]:
- compopts[lang]['args'] = v
- else:
- mlog.warning('Ignoring {}_args in [properties] section for those in the [built-in options]'.format(lang))
- elif k == '{}_link_args'.format(lang):
- if 'link_args' not in compopts[lang]:
- compopts[lang]['link_args'] = v
- else:
- mlog.warning('Ignoring {}_link_args in [properties] section in favor of the [built-in options] section.')
- else:
- continue
- mlog.deprecation('{} in the [properties] section of the machine file is deprecated, use the [built-in options] section.'.format(k))
- del properties.properties[k]
- break
if self.coredata.config_files is not None:
config = coredata.parse_machine_files(self.coredata.config_files)
binaries.build = BinaryTable(config.get('binaries', {}))
properties.build = Properties(config.get('properties', {}))
cmakevars.build = CMakeVariables(config.get('cmake', {}))
- # Don't run this if there are any cross files, we don't want to use
- # the native values if we're doing a cross build
- if not self.coredata.cross_files:
- load_options('project options', user_options)
- meson_options.build = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- if config.get('paths') is not None:
- mlog.deprecation('The [paths] section is deprecated, use the [built-in options] section instead.')
- load_options('paths', meson_options.build)
- load_options('built-in options', meson_options.build)
- if not self.coredata.cross_files:
- split_base_options(meson_options.build)
- split_compiler_options(meson_options.build, MachineChoice.BUILD)
- move_compiler_options(properties.build, compiler_options.build)
+ self.load_machine_file_options(config, properties.build)
## Read in cross file(s) to override host machine configuration
@@ -684,16 +617,10 @@ class Environment:
machines.host = MachineInfo.from_literal(config['host_machine'])
if 'target_machine' in config:
machines.target = MachineInfo.from_literal(config['target_machine'])
- load_options('project options', user_options)
- meson_options.host = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- compiler_options.host = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- if config.get('paths') is not None:
- mlog.deprecation('The [paths] section is deprecated, use the [built-in options] section instead.')
- load_options('paths', meson_options.host)
- load_options('built-in options', meson_options.host)
- split_base_options(meson_options.host)
- split_compiler_options(meson_options.host, MachineChoice.HOST)
- move_compiler_options(properties.host, compiler_options.host)
+ # Keep only per machine options from the native file and prefix them
+ # with "build.". The cross file takes precedence over all other options.
+ self.keep_per_machine_options()
+ self.load_machine_file_options(config, properties.host)
## "freeze" now initialized configuration, and "save" to the class.
@@ -701,66 +628,17 @@ class Environment:
self.binaries = binaries.default_missing()
self.properties = properties.default_missing()
self.cmakevars = cmakevars.default_missing()
- self.user_options = user_options
- self.meson_options = meson_options.default_missing()
- self.base_options = _base_options
- self.compiler_options = compiler_options.default_missing()
- # Some options default to environment variables if they are
- # unset, set those now.
- for for_machine in MachineChoice:
- p_env_pair = get_env_var_pair(for_machine, self.coredata.is_cross_build(), 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH')
- if p_env_pair is not None:
- p_env_var, p_env = p_env_pair
- # PKG_CONFIG_PATH may contain duplicates, which must be
- # removed, else a duplicates-in-array-option warning arises.
- p_list = list(mesonlib.OrderedSet(p_env.split(':')))
- key = 'pkg_config_path'
+ # Environment options override those from cross/native files
+ self.set_options_from_env()
- if self.first_invocation:
- # Environment variables override config
- self.meson_options[for_machine][''][key] = p_list
- elif self.meson_options[for_machine][''].get(key, []) != p_list:
- mlog.warning(
- p_env_var,
- 'environment variable does not match configured',
- 'between configurations, meson ignores this.',
- 'Use -Dpkg_config_path to change pkg-config search',
- 'path instead.'
- )
- # Read in command line and populate options
- # TODO: validate all of this
- all_builtins = set(coredata.BUILTIN_OPTIONS) | set(coredata.BUILTIN_OPTIONS_PER_MACHINE) | set(coredata.builtin_dir_noprefix_options)
- for k, v in options.cmd_line_options.items():
- try:
- subproject, k = k.split(':')
- except ValueError:
- subproject = ''
- if k in base_options:
- self.base_options[k] = v
- elif k.startswith(lang_prefixes):
- lang, key = k.split('_', 1)
- self.compiler_options.host[lang][key] = v
- elif k in all_builtins or k.startswith('backend_'):
- self.meson_options.host[subproject][k] = v
- elif k.startswith('build.'):
- k = k.lstrip('build.')
- if self.meson_options.build is None:
- self.meson_options.build = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- self.meson_options.build[subproject][k] = v
- else:
- assert not k.startswith('build.')
- self.user_options[subproject][k] = v
+ # Command line options override those from cross/native files
+ self.raw_options.update(options.cmd_line_options)
# Warn if the user is using two different ways of setting build-type
# options that override each other
- if meson_options.build and 'buildtype' in meson_options.build[''] and \
- ('optimization' in meson_options.build[''] or 'debug' in meson_options.build['']):
+ if 'buildtype' in self.raw_options and \
+ ('optimization' in self.raw_options or 'debug' in self.raw_options):
mlog.warning('Recommend using either -Dbuildtype or -Doptimization + -Ddebug. '
'Using both is redundant since they override each other. '
'See: https://mesonbuild.com/Builtin-options.html#build-type-options')
@@ -819,6 +697,57 @@ class Environment:
self.default_pkgconfig = ['pkg-config']
self.wrap_resolver = None
+ def load_machine_file_options(self, config, properties):
+ paths = config.get('paths')
+ if paths:
+ mlog.deprecation('The [paths] section is deprecated, use the [built-in options] section instead.')
+ self.raw_options.update(paths)
+ deprecated_properties = set()
+ for lang in compilers.all_languages:
+ deprecated_properties.add(lang + '_args')
+ deprecated_properties.add(lang + '_link_args')
+ for k, v in properties.properties.copy().items():
+ if k in deprecated_properties:
+ mlog.deprecation('{} in the [properties] section of the machine file is deprecated, use the [built-in options] section.'.format(k))
+ self.raw_options[k] = v
+ del properties.properties[k]
+ for section, values in config.items():
+ prefix = ''
+ if ':' in section:
+ subproject, section = section.split(':')
+ prefix = subproject + ':'
+ if section in ['project options', 'built-in options']:
+ self.raw_options.update({prefix + k: v for k, v in values.items()})
+ def keep_per_machine_options(self):
+ per_machine_options = {}
+ for optname, value in self.raw_options.items():
+ if self.coredata.is_per_machine_option(optname):
+ build_optname = self.coredata.insert_build_prefix(optname)
+ per_machine_options[build_optname] = value
+ self.raw_options = per_machine_options
+ def set_options_from_env(self):
+ for for_machine in MachineChoice:
+ p_env_pair = get_env_var_pair(for_machine, self.is_cross_build(), 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH')
+ if p_env_pair is not None:
+ p_env_var, p_env = p_env_pair
+ # PKG_CONFIG_PATH may contain duplicates, which must be
+ # removed, else a duplicates-in-array-option warning arises.
+ p_list = list(mesonlib.OrderedSet(p_env.split(':')))
+ key = 'pkg_config_path'
+ if for_machine == MachineChoice.BUILD:
+ key = 'build.' + key
+ # Take env vars only on first invocation, if the env changes when
+ # reconfiguring it gets ignored.
+ # FIXME: We should remember if we took the value from env to warn
+ # if it changes on future invocations.
+ if self.first_invocation:
+ self.raw_options[key] = p_list
def create_new_coredata(self, options: 'argparse.Namespace') -> None:
# WARNING: Don't use any values from coredata in __init__. It gets
# re-initialized with project options by the interpreter during