path: root/mesonbuild/cmake/toolchain.py
diff options
authorDaniel Mensinger <daniel@mensinger-ka.de>2020-10-05 20:44:27 +0200
committerDaniel Mensinger <daniel@mensinger-ka.de>2020-10-13 17:04:19 +0200
commit7e58f33376119b53e01616139ad9354ce9cfe003 (patch)
treeddf95ef045aec7a2c06b78a764d3c60214ed0324 /mesonbuild/cmake/toolchain.py
parentdccff1f2bcf6e7b8e42fa7bea63b8532ad29b43a (diff)
cmake: Add cross compilation support
Diffstat (limited to 'mesonbuild/cmake/toolchain.py')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mesonbuild/cmake/toolchain.py b/mesonbuild/cmake/toolchain.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52d1f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mesonbuild/cmake/toolchain.py
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# Copyright 2020 The Meson development team
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from .._pathlib import Path
+from ..envconfig import CMakeSkipCompilerTest
+from ..mesonlib import MachineChoice
+from .common import language_map
+from .. import mlog
+import shutil
+import typing as T
+from enum import Enum
+from textwrap import dedent
+ from ..envconfig import MachineInfo, Properties, CMakeVariables
+ from ..environment import Environment
+ from ..compilers import Compiler
+ 'arm': 'ARMCC',
+ 'armclang': 'ARMClang',
+ 'clang': 'Clang',
+ 'clang-cl': 'MSVC',
+ 'flang': 'Flang',
+ 'g95': 'G95',
+ 'gcc': 'GNU',
+ 'intel': 'Intel',
+ 'intel-cl': 'MSVC',
+ 'msvc': 'MSVC',
+ 'pathscale': 'PathScale',
+ 'pgi': 'PGI',
+ 'sun': 'SunPro',
+class CMakeExecScope(Enum):
+ SUBPROJECT = 'subproject'
+ DEPENDENCY = 'dependency'
+class CMakeToolchain:
+ def __init__(self, env: 'Environment', for_machine: MachineChoice, exec_scope: CMakeExecScope, out_dir: Path, preload_file: T.Optional[Path] = None) -> None:
+ self.env = env
+ self.for_machine = for_machine
+ self.exec_scope = exec_scope
+ self.preload_file = preload_file
+ self.toolchain_file = out_dir / 'CMakeMesonToolchainFile.cmake'
+ self.toolchain_file = self.toolchain_file.resolve()
+ self.minfo = self.env.machines[self.for_machine]
+ self.properties = self.env.properties[self.for_machine]
+ self.compilers = self.env.coredata.compilers[self.for_machine]
+ self.cmakevars = self.env.cmakevars[self.for_machine]
+ self.variables = self.get_defaults()
+ self.variables.update(self.cmakevars.get_variables())
+ assert self.toolchain_file.is_absolute()
+ def write(self) -> Path:
+ if not self.toolchain_file.parent.exists():
+ self.toolchain_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True)
+ self.toolchain_file.write_text(self.generate())
+ mlog.cmd_ci_include(self.toolchain_file.as_posix())
+ return self.toolchain_file
+ def get_cmake_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
+ args = ['-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=' + self.toolchain_file.as_posix()]
+ if self.preload_file is not None:
+ args += ['-DMESON_PRELOAD_FILE=' + self.preload_file.as_posix()]
+ return args
+ def generate(self) -> str:
+ res = dedent('''\
+ ######################################
+ ######################################
+ # This file was generated from the configuration in the
+ # relevant meson machine file. See the meson documentation
+ # https://mesonbuild.com/Machine-files.html for more information
+ include("${MESON_PRELOAD_FILE}")
+ endif()
+ ''')
+ # Escape all \ in the values
+ for key, value in self.variables.items():
+ self.variables[key] = [x.replace('\\', '/') for x in value]
+ # Set variables from the current machine config
+ res += '# Variables from meson\n'
+ for key, value in self.variables.items():
+ res += 'set(' + key
+ for i in value:
+ res += ' "{}"'.format(i)
+ res += ')\n'
+ res += '\n'
+ # Add the user provided toolchain file
+ user_file = self.properties.get_cmake_toolchain_file()
+ if user_file is not None:
+ res += dedent('''
+ # Load the CMake toolchain file specified by the user
+ include("{}")
+ '''.format(user_file.as_posix()))
+ return res
+ def get_defaults(self) -> T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]:
+ defaults = {} # type: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]
+ # Do nothing if the user does not want automatic defaults
+ if not self.properties.get_cmake_defaults():
+ return defaults
+ # Best effort to map the meson system name to CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME, which
+ # is not trivial since CMake lacks a list of all supported
+ 'android': 'Android',
+ 'linux': 'Linux',
+ 'windows': 'Windows',
+ 'freebsd': 'FreeBSD',
+ 'darwin': 'Darwin',
+ } # type: T.Dict[str, str]
+ # Only set these in a cross build. Otherwise CMake will trip up in native
+ # builds and thing they are cross (which causes TRY_RUN() to break)
+ if self.env.is_cross_build(when_building_for=self.for_machine):
+ defaults['CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME'] = [SYSTEM_MAP.get(self.minfo.system, self.minfo.system)]
+ defaults['CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR'] = [self.minfo.cpu_family]
+ defaults['CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P'] = ['8' if self.minfo.is_64_bit else '4']
+ sys_root = self.properties.get_sys_root()
+ if sys_root:
+ defaults['CMAKE_SYSROOT'] = [sys_root]
+ # Determine whether CMake the compiler test should be skipped
+ skip_check = self.properties.get_cmake_skip_compiler_test() == CMakeSkipCompilerTest.ALWAYS
+ if self.properties.get_cmake_skip_compiler_test() == CMakeSkipCompilerTest.DEP_ONLY and self.exec_scope == CMakeExecScope.DEPENDENCY:
+ skip_check = True
+ def make_abs(exe: str) -> str:
+ if Path(exe).is_absolute():
+ return exe
+ p = shutil.which(exe)
+ if p is None:
+ return exe
+ return p
+ # Set the compiler variables
+ for lang, comp_obj in self.compilers.items():
+ exe_list = [make_abs(x) for x in comp_obj.get_exelist()]
+ comp_id = CMakeToolchain.meson_compiler_to_cmake_id(comp_obj)
+ comp_version = comp_obj.version.upper()
+ prefix = 'CMAKE_{}_'.format(language_map.get(lang, lang.upper()))
+ if not exe_list:
+ continue
+ elif len(exe_list) == 2:
+ defaults[prefix + 'COMPILER'] = [exe_list[1]]
+ defaults[prefix + 'COMPILER_LAUNCHER'] = [exe_list[0]]
+ else:
+ defaults[prefix + 'COMPILER'] = exe_list
+ if comp_obj.get_id() == 'clang-cl':
+ defaults['CMAKE_LINKER'] = comp_obj.get_linker_exelist()
+ # Setting the variables after this check cause CMake to skip
+ # validating the compiler
+ if not skip_check:
+ continue
+ defaults[prefix + 'COMPILER_ID'] = [comp_id]
+ defaults[prefix + 'COMPILER_VERSION'] = [comp_version]
+ #defaults[prefix + 'COMPILER_LOADED'] = ['1']
+ defaults[prefix + 'COMPILER_FORCED'] = ['1']
+ defaults[prefix + 'COMPILER_WORKS'] = ['TRUE']
+ #defaults[prefix + 'ABI_COMPILED'] = ['TRUE']
+ return defaults
+ @staticmethod
+ def meson_compiler_to_cmake_id(cobj: 'Compiler') -> str:
+ """Translate meson compiler's into CMAKE compiler ID's.
+ Most of these can be handled by a simple table lookup, with a few
+ exceptions.
+ Clang and Apple's Clang are both identified as "clang" by meson. To make
+ things more complicated gcc and vanilla clang both use Apple's ld64 on
+ macOS. The only way to know for sure is to do an isinstance() check.
+ """
+ from ..compilers import (AppleClangCCompiler, AppleClangCPPCompiler,
+ AppleClangObjCCompiler, AppleClangObjCPPCompiler)
+ if isinstance(cobj, (AppleClangCCompiler, AppleClangCPPCompiler,
+ AppleClangObjCCompiler, AppleClangObjCPPCompiler)):
+ return 'AppleClang'
+ # If no mapping, try GNU and hope that the build files don't care
+ return _MESON_TO_CMAKE_MAPPING.get(cobj.get_id(), 'GNU')