/* * (C) Copyright David Gibson , IBM Corporation. 2005. * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ %{ #include #include "dtc.h" #include "srcpos.h" YYLTYPE yylloc; extern int yylex(void); extern void print_error(char const *fmt, ...); extern void yyerror(char const *s); extern struct boot_info *the_boot_info; extern int treesource_error; static unsigned long long eval_literal(const char *s, int base, int bits); %} %union { char *propnodename; char *literal; char *labelref; unsigned int cbase; uint8_t byte; struct data data; uint64_t addr; cell_t cell; struct property *prop; struct property *proplist; struct node *node; struct node *nodelist; struct reserve_info *re; } %token DT_V1 %token DT_MEMRESERVE %token DT_PROPNODENAME %token DT_LITERAL %token DT_BASE %token DT_BYTE %token DT_STRING %token DT_LABEL %token DT_REF %token DT_INCBIN %type propdata %type propdataprefix %type memreserve %type memreserves %type addr %type celllist %type cellval %type bytestring %type propdef %type proplist %type devicetree %type nodedef %type subnode %type subnodes %% sourcefile: DT_V1 ';' memreserves devicetree { the_boot_info = build_boot_info($3, $4, guess_boot_cpuid($4)); } ; memreserves: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | memreserve memreserves { $$ = chain_reserve_entry($1, $2); } ; memreserve: DT_MEMRESERVE addr addr ';' { $$ = build_reserve_entry($2, $3); } | DT_LABEL memreserve { add_label(&$2->labels, $1); $$ = $2; } ; addr: DT_LITERAL { $$ = eval_literal($1, 0, 64); } ; devicetree: '/' nodedef { $$ = name_node($2, ""); } | devicetree '/' nodedef { $$ = merge_nodes($1, $3); } | devicetree DT_REF nodedef { struct node *target; target = get_node_by_label($1, $2); if (target) merge_nodes(target, $3); else print_error("label, '%s' not found", $2); $$ = $1; } ; nodedef: '{' proplist subnodes '}' ';' { $$ = build_node($2, $3); } ; proplist: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | proplist propdef { $$ = chain_property($2, $1); } ; propdef: DT_PROPNODENAME '=' propdata ';' { $$ = build_property($1, $3); } | DT_PROPNODENAME ';' { $$ = build_property($1, empty_data); } | DT_LABEL propdef { add_label(&$2->labels, $1); $$ = $2; } ; propdata: propdataprefix DT_STRING { $$ = data_merge($1, $2); } | propdataprefix '<' celllist '>' { $$ = data_merge($1, $3); } | propdataprefix '[' bytestring ']' { $$ = data_merge($1, $3); } | propdataprefix DT_REF { $$ = data_add_marker($1, REF_PATH, $2); } | propdataprefix DT_INCBIN '(' DT_STRING ',' addr ',' addr ')' { FILE *f = srcfile_relative_open($4.val, NULL); struct data d; if ($6 != 0) if (fseek(f, $6, SEEK_SET) != 0) print_error("Couldn't seek to offset %llu in \"%s\": %s", (unsigned long long)$6, $4.val, strerror(errno)); d = data_copy_file(f, $8); $$ = data_merge($1, d); fclose(f); } | propdataprefix DT_INCBIN '(' DT_STRING ')' { FILE *f = srcfile_relative_open($4.val, NULL); struct data d = empty_data; d = data_copy_file(f, -1); $$ = data_merge($1, d); fclose(f); } | propdata DT_LABEL { $$ = data_add_marker($1, LABEL, $2); } ; propdataprefix: /* empty */ { $$ = empty_data; } | propdata ',' { $$ = $1; } | propdataprefix DT_LABEL { $$ = data_add_marker($1, LABEL, $2); } ; celllist: /* empty */ { $$ = empty_data; } | celllist cellval { $$ = data_append_cell($1, $2); } | celllist DT_REF { $$ = data_append_cell(data_add_marker($1, REF_PHANDLE, $2), -1); } | celllist DT_LABEL { $$ = data_add_marker($1, LABEL, $2); } ; cellval: DT_LITERAL { $$ = eval_literal($1, 0, 32); } ; bytestring: /* empty */ { $$ = empty_data; } | bytestring DT_BYTE { $$ = data_append_byte($1, $2); } | bytestring DT_LABEL { $$ = data_add_marker($1, LABEL, $2); } ; subnodes: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | subnode subnodes { $$ = chain_node($1, $2); } | subnode propdef { print_error("syntax error: properties must precede subnodes"); YYERROR; } ; subnode: DT_PROPNODENAME nodedef { $$ = name_node($2, $1); } | DT_LABEL subnode { add_label(&$2->labels, $1); $$ = $2; } ; %% void print_error(char const *fmt, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); srcpos_verror(&yylloc, fmt, va); va_end(va); treesource_error = 1; } void yyerror(char const *s) { print_error("%s", s); } static unsigned long long eval_literal(const char *s, int base, int bits) { unsigned long long val; char *e; errno = 0; val = strtoull(s, &e, base); if (*e) print_error("bad characters in literal"); else if ((errno == ERANGE) || ((bits < 64) && (val >= (1ULL << bits)))) print_error("literal out of range"); else if (errno != 0) print_error("bad literal"); return val; }