/* * QEMU DBus display * * Copyright (c) 2021 Marc-André Lureau * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "qemu/osdep.h" #include "trace.h" #include "qapi/error.h" #include "qemu/config-file.h" #include "qemu/option.h" #ifdef G_OS_UNIX #include #endif #include "dbus.h" static char * dbus_display_chardev_path(DBusChardev *chr) { return g_strdup_printf(DBUS_DISPLAY1_ROOT "/Chardev_%s", CHARDEV(chr)->label); } static void dbus_display_chardev_export(DBusDisplay *dpy, DBusChardev *chr) { g_autoptr(GDBusObjectSkeleton) sk = NULL; g_autofree char *path = dbus_display_chardev_path(chr); if (chr->exported) { return; } sk = g_dbus_object_skeleton_new(path); g_dbus_object_skeleton_add_interface( sk, G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON(chr->iface)); g_dbus_object_manager_server_export(dpy->server, sk); chr->exported = true; } static void dbus_display_chardev_unexport(DBusDisplay *dpy, DBusChardev *chr) { g_autofree char *path = dbus_display_chardev_path(chr); if (!chr->exported) { return; } g_dbus_object_manager_server_unexport(dpy->server, path); chr->exported = false; } static int dbus_display_chardev_foreach(Object *obj, void *data) { DBusDisplay *dpy = DBUS_DISPLAY(data); if (!CHARDEV_IS_DBUS(obj)) { return 0; } dbus_display_chardev_export(dpy, DBUS_CHARDEV(obj)); return 0; } static void dbus_display_on_notify(Notifier *notifier, void *data) { DBusDisplay *dpy = container_of(notifier, DBusDisplay, notifier); DBusDisplayEvent *event = data; switch (event->type) { case DBUS_DISPLAY_CHARDEV_OPEN: dbus_display_chardev_export(dpy, event->chardev); break; case DBUS_DISPLAY_CHARDEV_CLOSE: dbus_display_chardev_unexport(dpy, event->chardev); break; } } void dbus_chardev_init(DBusDisplay *dpy) { dpy->notifier.notify = dbus_display_on_notify; dbus_display_notifier_add(&dpy->notifier); object_child_foreach(object_get_container("chardevs"), dbus_display_chardev_foreach, dpy); } static gboolean dbus_chr_register( DBusChardev *dc, GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, #ifdef G_OS_UNIX GUnixFDList *fd_list, #endif GVariant *arg_stream, QemuDBusDisplay1Chardev *object) { g_autoptr(GError) err = NULL; int fd; #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 if (!dbus_win32_import_socket(invocation, arg_stream, &fd)) { return DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION_HANDLED; } #else fd = g_unix_fd_list_get(fd_list, g_variant_get_handle(arg_stream), &err); if (err) { g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error( invocation, DBUS_DISPLAY_ERROR, DBUS_DISPLAY_ERROR_FAILED, "Couldn't get peer FD: %s", err->message); return DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION_HANDLED; } #endif if (qemu_chr_add_client(CHARDEV(dc), fd) < 0) { g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error(invocation, DBUS_DISPLAY_ERROR, DBUS_DISPLAY_ERROR_FAILED, "Couldn't register FD!"); #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 closesocket(fd); #else close(fd); #endif return DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION_HANDLED; } g_object_set(dc->iface, "owner", g_dbus_method_invocation_get_sender(invocation), NULL); qemu_dbus_display1_chardev_complete_register(object, invocation #ifndef G_OS_WIN32 , NULL #endif ); return DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION_HANDLED; } static gboolean dbus_chr_send_break( DBusChardev *dc, GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, QemuDBusDisplay1Chardev *object) { qemu_chr_be_event(CHARDEV(dc), CHR_EVENT_BREAK); qemu_dbus_display1_chardev_complete_send_break(object, invocation); return DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION_HANDLED; } static void dbus_chr_open(Chardev *chr, ChardevBackend *backend, bool *be_opened, Error **errp) { ERRP_GUARD(); DBusChardev *dc = DBUS_CHARDEV(chr); DBusDisplayEvent event = { .type = DBUS_DISPLAY_CHARDEV_OPEN, .chardev = dc, }; g_autoptr(ChardevBackend) be = NULL; g_autoptr(QemuOpts) opts = NULL; dc->iface = qemu_dbus_display1_chardev_skeleton_new(); g_object_set(dc->iface, "name", backend->u.dbus.data->name, NULL); g_object_connect(dc->iface, "swapped-signal::handle-register", dbus_chr_register, dc, "swapped-signal::handle-send-break", dbus_chr_send_break, dc, NULL); dbus_display_notify(&event); be = g_new0(ChardevBackend, 1); opts = qemu_opts_create(qemu_find_opts("chardev"), NULL, 0, &error_abort); qemu_opt_set(opts, "server", "on", &error_abort); qemu_opt_set(opts, "wait", "off", &error_abort); CHARDEV_CLASS(object_class_by_name(TYPE_CHARDEV_SOCKET))->parse( opts, be, errp); if (*errp) { return; } CHARDEV_CLASS(object_class_by_name(TYPE_CHARDEV_SOCKET))->open( chr, be, be_opened, errp); } static void dbus_chr_set_fe_open(Chardev *chr, int fe_open) { DBusChardev *dc = DBUS_CHARDEV(chr); g_object_set(dc->iface, "feopened", fe_open, NULL); } static void dbus_chr_set_echo(Chardev *chr, bool echo) { DBusChardev *dc = DBUS_CHARDEV(chr); g_object_set(dc->iface, "echo", echo, NULL); } static void dbus_chr_be_event(Chardev *chr, QEMUChrEvent event) { DBusChardev *dc = DBUS_CHARDEV(chr); DBusChardevClass *klass = DBUS_CHARDEV_GET_CLASS(chr); switch (event) { case CHR_EVENT_CLOSED: if (dc->iface) { /* on finalize, iface is set to NULL */ g_object_set(dc->iface, "owner", "", NULL); } break; default: break; }; klass->parent_chr_be_event(chr, event); } static void dbus_chr_parse(QemuOpts *opts, ChardevBackend *backend, Error **errp) { const char *name = qemu_opt_get(opts, "name"); ChardevDBus *dbus; if (name == NULL) { error_setg(errp, "chardev: dbus: no name given"); return; } backend->type = CHARDEV_BACKEND_KIND_DBUS; dbus = backend->u.dbus.data = g_new0(ChardevDBus, 1); qemu_chr_parse_common(opts, qapi_ChardevDBus_base(dbus)); dbus->name = g_strdup(name); } static void char_dbus_class_init(ObjectClass *oc, void *data) { DBusChardevClass *klass = DBUS_CHARDEV_CLASS(oc); ChardevClass *cc = CHARDEV_CLASS(oc); cc->parse = dbus_chr_parse; cc->open = dbus_chr_open; cc->chr_set_fe_open = dbus_chr_set_fe_open; cc->chr_set_echo = dbus_chr_set_echo; klass->parent_chr_be_event = cc->chr_be_event; cc->chr_be_event = dbus_chr_be_event; } static void char_dbus_finalize(Object *obj) { DBusChardev *dc = DBUS_CHARDEV(obj); DBusDisplayEvent event = { .type = DBUS_DISPLAY_CHARDEV_CLOSE, .chardev = dc, }; dbus_display_notify(&event); g_clear_object(&dc->iface); } static const TypeInfo char_dbus_type_info = { .name = TYPE_CHARDEV_DBUS, .parent = TYPE_CHARDEV_SOCKET, .class_size = sizeof(DBusChardevClass), .instance_size = sizeof(DBusChardev), .instance_finalize = char_dbus_finalize, .class_init = char_dbus_class_init, }; module_obj(TYPE_CHARDEV_DBUS); static void register_types(void) { type_register_static(&char_dbus_type_info); } type_init(register_types);