# # QAPI introspection generator # # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Red Hat, Inc. # # Authors: # Markus Armbruster # # This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. # See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. from qapi import * # Caveman's json.dumps() replacement (we're stuck at Python 2.4) # TODO try to use json.dumps() once we get unstuck def to_json(obj, level=0): if obj is None: ret = 'null' elif isinstance(obj, str): ret = '"' + obj.replace('"', r'\"') + '"' elif isinstance(obj, list): elts = [to_json(elt, level + 1) for elt in obj] ret = '[' + ', '.join(elts) + ']' elif isinstance(obj, dict): elts = ['"%s": %s' % (key.replace('"', r'\"'), to_json(obj[key], level + 1)) for key in sorted(obj.keys())] ret = '{' + ', '.join(elts) + '}' else: assert False # not implemented if level == 1: ret = '\n' + ret return ret def to_c_string(string): return '"' + string.replace('\\', r'\\').replace('"', r'\"') + '"' class QAPISchemaGenIntrospectVisitor(QAPISchemaVisitor): def __init__(self, unmask): self._unmask = unmask self.defn = None self.decl = None self._schema = None self._jsons = None self._used_types = None self._name_map = None def visit_begin(self, schema): self._schema = schema self._jsons = [] self._used_types = [] self._name_map = {} def visit_end(self): # visit the types that are actually used jsons = self._jsons self._jsons = [] for typ in self._used_types: typ.visit(self) # generate C # TODO can generate awfully long lines jsons.extend(self._jsons) name = c_name(prefix, protect=False) + 'qmp_schema_json' self.decl = mcgen(''' extern const char %(c_name)s[]; ''', c_name=c_name(name)) lines = to_json(jsons).split('\n') c_string = '\n '.join([to_c_string(line) for line in lines]) self.defn = mcgen(''' const char %(c_name)s[] = %(c_string)s; ''', c_name=c_name(name), c_string=c_string) self._schema = None self._jsons = None self._used_types = None self._name_map = None def visit_needed(self, entity): # Ignore types on first pass; visit_end() will pick up used types return not isinstance(entity, QAPISchemaType) def _name(self, name): if self._unmask: return name if name not in self._name_map: self._name_map[name] = '%d' % len(self._name_map) return self._name_map[name] def _use_type(self, typ): # Map the various integer types to plain int if typ.json_type() == 'int': typ = self._schema.lookup_type('int') elif (isinstance(typ, QAPISchemaArrayType) and typ.element_type.json_type() == 'int'): typ = self._schema.lookup_type('intList') # Add type to work queue if new if typ not in self._used_types: self._used_types.append(typ) # Clients should examine commands and events, not types. Hide # type names to reduce the temptation. Also saves a few # characters. if isinstance(typ, QAPISchemaBuiltinType): return typ.name if isinstance(typ, QAPISchemaArrayType): return '[' + self._use_type(typ.element_type) + ']' return self._name(typ.name) def _gen_json(self, name, mtype, obj): if mtype not in ('command', 'event', 'builtin', 'array'): name = self._name(name) obj['name'] = name obj['meta-type'] = mtype self._jsons.append(obj) def _gen_member(self, member): ret = {'name': member.name, 'type': self._use_type(member.type)} if member.optional: ret['default'] = None return ret def _gen_variants(self, tag_name, variants): return {'tag': tag_name, 'variants': [self._gen_variant(v) for v in variants]} def _gen_variant(self, variant): return {'case': variant.name, 'type': self._use_type(variant.type)} def visit_builtin_type(self, name, info, json_type): self._gen_json(name, 'builtin', {'json-type': json_type}) def visit_enum_type(self, name, info, values, prefix): self._gen_json(name, 'enum', {'values': values}) def visit_array_type(self, name, info, element_type): element = self._use_type(element_type) self._gen_json('[' + element + ']', 'array', {'element-type': element}) def visit_object_type_flat(self, name, info, members, variants): obj = {'members': [self._gen_member(m) for m in members]} if variants: obj.update(self._gen_variants(variants.tag_member.name, variants.variants)) self._gen_json(name, 'object', obj) def visit_alternate_type(self, name, info, variants): self._gen_json(name, 'alternate', {'members': [{'type': self._use_type(m.type)} for m in variants.variants]}) def visit_command(self, name, info, arg_type, ret_type, gen, success_response, boxed): arg_type = arg_type or self._schema.the_empty_object_type ret_type = ret_type or self._schema.the_empty_object_type self._gen_json(name, 'command', {'arg-type': self._use_type(arg_type), 'ret-type': self._use_type(ret_type)}) def visit_event(self, name, info, arg_type, boxed): arg_type = arg_type or self._schema.the_empty_object_type self._gen_json(name, 'event', {'arg-type': self._use_type(arg_type)}) # Debugging aid: unmask QAPI schema's type names # We normally mask them, because they're not QMP wire ABI opt_unmask = False (input_file, output_dir, do_c, do_h, prefix, opts) = \ parse_command_line("u", ["unmask-non-abi-names"]) for o, a in opts: if o in ("-u", "--unmask-non-abi-names"): opt_unmask = True c_comment = ''' /* * QAPI/QMP schema introspection * * Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. * * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later. * See the COPYING.LIB file in the top-level directory. * */ ''' h_comment = ''' /* * QAPI/QMP schema introspection * * Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. * * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later. * See the COPYING.LIB file in the top-level directory. * */ ''' (fdef, fdecl) = open_output(output_dir, do_c, do_h, prefix, 'qmp-introspect.c', 'qmp-introspect.h', c_comment, h_comment) fdef.write(mcgen(''' #include "qemu/osdep.h" #include "%(prefix)sqmp-introspect.h" ''', prefix=prefix)) schema = QAPISchema(input_file) gen = QAPISchemaGenIntrospectVisitor(opt_unmask) schema.visit(gen) fdef.write(gen.defn) fdecl.write(gen.decl) close_output(fdef, fdecl)