# -*- Mode: Python -*-

# = Block devices

{ 'include': 'block-core.json' }

# == Additional block stuff (VM related)

# @BiosAtaTranslation:
# Policy that BIOS should use to interpret cylinder/head/sector
# addresses.  Note that Bochs BIOS and SeaBIOS will not actually
# translate logical CHS to physical; instead, they will use logical
# block addressing.
# @auto: If cylinder/heads/sizes are passed, choose between none and LBA
#        depending on the size of the disk.  If they are not passed,
#        choose none if QEMU can guess that the disk had 16 or fewer
#        heads, large if QEMU can guess that the disk had 131072 or
#        fewer tracks across all heads (i.e. cylinders*heads<131072),
#        otherwise LBA.
# @none: The physical disk geometry is equal to the logical geometry.
# @lba: Assume 63 sectors per track and one of 16, 32, 64, 128 or 255
#       heads (if fewer than 255 are enough to cover the whole disk
#       with 1024 cylinders/head).  The number of cylinders/head is
#       then computed based on the number of sectors and heads.
# @large: The number of cylinders per head is scaled down to 1024
#         by correspondingly scaling up the number of heads.
# @rechs: Same as @large, but first convert a 16-head geometry to
#         15-head, by proportionally scaling up the number of
#         cylinders/head.
# Since: 2.0
{ 'enum': 'BiosAtaTranslation',
  'data': ['auto', 'none', 'lba', 'large', 'rechs']}

# @FloppyDriveType:
# Type of Floppy drive to be emulated by the Floppy Disk Controller.
# @144:  1.44MB 3.5" drive
# @288:  2.88MB 3.5" drive
# @120:  1.2MB 5.25" drive
# @none: No drive connected
# @auto: Automatically determined by inserted media at boot
# Since: 2.6
{ 'enum': 'FloppyDriveType',
  'data': ['144', '288', '120', 'none', 'auto']}

# @BlockdevSnapshotInternal:
# @device: the device name or node-name of a root node to generate the snapshot
#          from
# @name: the name of the internal snapshot to be created
# Notes: In transaction, if @name is empty, or any snapshot matching @name
#        exists, the operation will fail. Only some image formats support it,
#        for example, qcow2, rbd, and sheepdog.
# Since: 1.7
{ 'struct': 'BlockdevSnapshotInternal',
  'data': { 'device': 'str', 'name': 'str' } }

# @PRManagerInfo:
# Information about a persistent reservation manager
# @id: the identifier of the persistent reservation manager
# @connected: true if the persistent reservation manager is connected to
#             the underlying storage or helper
# Since: 3.0
{ 'struct': 'PRManagerInfo',
  'data': {'id': 'str', 'connected': 'bool'} }

# @query-pr-managers:
# Returns a list of information about each persistent reservation manager.
# Returns: a list of @PRManagerInfo for each persistent reservation manager
# Since: 3.0
{ 'command': 'query-pr-managers', 'returns': ['PRManagerInfo'],
  'allow-preconfig': true }

# @blockdev-snapshot-internal-sync:
# Synchronously take an internal snapshot of a block device, when the
# format of the image used supports it. If the name is an empty
# string, or a snapshot with name already exists, the operation will
# fail.
# For the arguments, see the documentation of BlockdevSnapshotInternal.
# Returns: nothing on success
#          If @device is not a valid block device, GenericError
#          If any snapshot matching @name exists, or @name is empty,
#          GenericError
#          If the format of the image used does not support it,
#          BlockFormatFeatureNotSupported
# Since: 1.7
# Example:
# -> { "execute": "blockdev-snapshot-internal-sync",
#      "arguments": { "device": "ide-hd0",
#                     "name": "snapshot0" }
#    }
# <- { "return": {} }
{ 'command': 'blockdev-snapshot-internal-sync',
  'data': 'BlockdevSnapshotInternal' }

# @blockdev-snapshot-delete-internal-sync:
# Synchronously delete an internal snapshot of a block device, when the format
# of the image used support it. The snapshot is identified by name or id or
# both. One of the name or id is required. Return SnapshotInfo for the
# successfully deleted snapshot.
# @device: the device name or node-name of a root node to delete the snapshot
#          from
# @id: optional the snapshot's ID to be deleted
# @name: optional the snapshot's name to be deleted
# Returns: SnapshotInfo on success
#          If @device is not a valid block device, GenericError
#          If snapshot not found, GenericError
#          If the format of the image used does not support it,
#          BlockFormatFeatureNotSupported
#          If @id and @name are both not specified, GenericError
# Since: 1.7
# Example:
# -> { "execute": "blockdev-snapshot-delete-internal-sync",
#      "arguments": { "device": "ide-hd0",
#                     "name": "snapshot0" }
#    }
# <- { "return": {
#                    "id": "1",
#                    "name": "snapshot0",
#                    "vm-state-size": 0,
#                    "date-sec": 1000012,
#                    "date-nsec": 10,
#                    "vm-clock-sec": 100,
#                    "vm-clock-nsec": 20
#      }
#    }
{ 'command': 'blockdev-snapshot-delete-internal-sync',
  'data': { 'device': 'str', '*id': 'str', '*name': 'str'},
  'returns': 'SnapshotInfo' }

# @eject:
# Ejects a device from a removable drive.
# @device:  Block device name (deprecated, use @id instead)
# @id:      The name or QOM path of the guest device (since: 2.8)
# @force:   If true, eject regardless of whether the drive is locked.
#           If not specified, the default value is false.
# Returns:  Nothing on success
#           If @device is not a valid block device, DeviceNotFound
# Notes:    Ejecting a device with no media results in success
# Since: 0.14.0
# Example:
# -> { "execute": "eject", "arguments": { "id": "ide1-0-1" } }
# <- { "return": {} }
{ 'command': 'eject',
  'data': { '*device': 'str',
            '*id': 'str',
            '*force': 'bool' } }

# @nbd-server-start:
# Start an NBD server listening on the given host and port.  Block
# devices can then be exported using @nbd-server-add.  The NBD
# server will present them as named exports; for example, another
# QEMU instance could refer to them as "nbd:HOST:PORT:exportname=NAME".
# @addr: Address on which to listen.
# @tls-creds: (optional) ID of the TLS credentials object. Since 2.6
# Returns: error if the server is already running.
# Since: 1.3.0
{ 'command': 'nbd-server-start',
  'data': { 'addr': 'SocketAddressLegacy',
            '*tls-creds': 'str'} }

# @nbd-server-add:
# Export a block node to QEMU's embedded NBD server.
# @device: The device name or node name of the node to be exported
# @name: Export name. If unspecified, the @device parameter is used as the
#        export name. (Since 2.12)
# @writable: Whether clients should be able to write to the device via the
#     NBD connection (default false).
# Returns: error if the server is not running, or export with the same name
#          already exists.
# Since: 1.3.0
{ 'command': 'nbd-server-add',
  'data': {'device': 'str', '*name': 'str', '*writable': 'bool'} }

# @NbdServerRemoveMode:
# Mode for removing an NBD export.
# @safe: Remove export if there are no existing connections, fail otherwise.
# @hard: Drop all connections immediately and remove export.
# Potential additional modes to be added in the future:
# hide: Just hide export from new clients, leave existing connections as is.
#       Remove export after all clients are disconnected.
# soft: Hide export from new clients, answer with ESHUTDOWN for all further
#       requests from existing clients.
# Since: 2.12
{'enum': 'NbdServerRemoveMode', 'data': ['safe', 'hard']}

# @nbd-server-remove:
# Remove NBD export by name.
# @name: Export name.
# @mode: Mode of command operation. See @NbdServerRemoveMode description.
#        Default is 'safe'.
# Returns: error if
#            - the server is not running
#            - export is not found
#            - mode is 'safe' and there are existing connections
# Since: 2.12
{ 'command': 'nbd-server-remove',
  'data': {'name': 'str', '*mode': 'NbdServerRemoveMode'} }

# @x-nbd-server-add-bitmap:
# Expose a dirty bitmap associated with the selected export. The bitmap search
# starts at the device attached to the export, and includes all backing files.
# The exported bitmap is then locked until the NBD export is removed.
# @name: Export name.
# @bitmap: Bitmap name to search for.
# @bitmap-export-name: How the bitmap will be seen by nbd clients
#                      (default @bitmap)
# Note: the client must use NBD_OPT_SET_META_CONTEXT with a query of
# "qemu:dirty-bitmap:NAME" (where NAME matches @bitmap-export-name) to access
# the exposed bitmap.
# Since: 3.0
  { 'command': 'x-nbd-server-add-bitmap',
    'data': {'name': 'str', 'bitmap': 'str', '*bitmap-export-name': 'str'} }

# @nbd-server-stop:
# Stop QEMU's embedded NBD server, and unregister all devices previously
# added via @nbd-server-add.
# Since: 1.3.0
{ 'command': 'nbd-server-stop' }

# Emitted whenever the tray of a removable device is moved by the guest or by
# HMP/QMP commands
# @device: Block device name. This is always present for compatibility
#          reasons, but it can be empty ("") if the image does not
#          have a device name associated.
# @id: The name or QOM path of the guest device (since 2.8)
# @tray-open: true if the tray has been opened or false if it has been closed
# Since: 1.1
# Example:
# <- { "event": "DEVICE_TRAY_MOVED",
#      "data": { "device": "ide1-cd0",
#                "id": "/machine/unattached/device[22]",
#                "tray-open": true
#      },
#      "timestamp": { "seconds": 1265044230, "microseconds": 450486 } }
{ 'event': 'DEVICE_TRAY_MOVED',
  'data': { 'device': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'tray-open': 'bool' } }

# Emitted whenever the connected status of a persistent reservation
# manager changes.
# @id: The id of the PR manager object
# @connected: true if the PR manager is connected to a backend
# Since: 3.0
# Example:
# <- { "event": "PR_MANAGER_STATUS_CHANGED",
#      "data": { "id": "pr-helper0",
#                "connected": true
#      },
#      "timestamp": { "seconds": 1519840375, "microseconds": 450486 } }
  'data': { 'id': 'str', 'connected': 'bool' } }

# @QuorumOpType:
# An enumeration of the quorum operation types
# @read: read operation
# @write: write operation
# @flush: flush operation
# Since: 2.6
{ 'enum': 'QuorumOpType',
  'data': [ 'read', 'write', 'flush' ] }

# Emitted by the Quorum block driver if it fails to establish a quorum
# @reference: device name if defined else node name
# @sector-num: number of the first sector of the failed read operation
# @sectors-count: failed read operation sector count
# Note: This event is rate-limited.
# Since: 2.0
# Example:
# <- { "event": "QUORUM_FAILURE",
#      "data": { "reference": "usr1", "sector-num": 345435, "sectors-count": 5 },
#      "timestamp": { "seconds": 1344522075, "microseconds": 745528 } }
{ 'event': 'QUORUM_FAILURE',
  'data': { 'reference': 'str', 'sector-num': 'int', 'sectors-count': 'int' } }

# Emitted to report a corruption of a Quorum file
# @type: quorum operation type (Since 2.6)
# @error: error message. Only present on failure. This field
#         contains a human-readable error message. There are no semantics other
#         than that the block layer reported an error and clients should not
#         try to interpret the error string.
# @node-name: the graph node name of the block driver state
# @sector-num: number of the first sector of the failed read operation
# @sectors-count: failed read operation sector count
# Note: This event is rate-limited.
# Since: 2.0
# Example:
# 1. Read operation
# { "event": "QUORUM_REPORT_BAD",
#      "data": { "node-name": "node0", "sector-num": 345435, "sectors-count": 5,
#                "type": "read" },
#      "timestamp": { "seconds": 1344522075, "microseconds": 745528 } }
# 2. Flush operation
# { "event": "QUORUM_REPORT_BAD",
#      "data": { "node-name": "node0", "sector-num": 0, "sectors-count": 2097120,
#                "type": "flush", "error": "Broken pipe" },
#      "timestamp": { "seconds": 1456406829, "microseconds": 291763 } }
{ 'event': 'QUORUM_REPORT_BAD',
  'data': { 'type': 'QuorumOpType', '*error': 'str', 'node-name': 'str',
            'sector-num': 'int', 'sectors-count': 'int' } }