Index: Makefile
RCS file: /sources/vgabios/vgabios/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -w -r1.17 Makefile
--- Makefile	6 Mar 2005 13:06:47 -0000	1.17
+++ Makefile	14 Jun 2006 00:51:06 -0000
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 cirrus-bios: vgabios-cirrus.bin vgabios-cirrus.debug.bin
-	/bin/rm -f  biossums *.o *.s *.ld86 \
+	/bin/rm -f  biossums vbetables-gen vbetables.h *.o *.s *.ld86 \
           temp.awk.* vgabios*.orig _vgabios_* _vgabios-debug_* core vgabios*.bin vgabios*.txt $(RELEASE).bin *.bak
 dist-clean: clean
@@ -79,3 +79,9 @@
 biossums: biossums.c
 	$(CC) -o biossums biossums.c
+vbetables-gen: vbetables-gen.c
+	$(CC) -o vbetables-gen vbetables-gen.c
+vbetables.h: vbetables-gen
+	./vbetables-gen > $@
Index: clext.c
RCS file: /sources/vgabios/vgabios/clext.c,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -w -r1.10 clext.c
--- clext.c	25 Mar 2006 10:19:15 -0000	1.10
+++ clext.c	14 Jun 2006 00:51:06 -0000
@@ -544,6 +544,13 @@
   call cirrus_switch_mode
   pop ax ;; mode
+  test al, #0x80
+  jnz cirrus_set_video_mode_extended_1
+  push ax
+  mov ax, #0xffff ; set to 0xff to keep win 2K happy
+  call cirrus_clear_vram
+  pop ax
   and al, #0x7f
   push ds
@@ -1011,6 +1018,13 @@
   jnz cirrus_vesa_02h_3
   call cirrus_enable_16k_granularity
+  test bx, #0x8000 ;; no clear
+  jnz cirrus_vesa_02h_4
+  push ax
+  xor ax,ax
+  call cirrus_clear_vram
+  pop ax
   pop ax
   push ds
@@ -1479,6 +1493,38 @@
   pop  bx
+  pusha
+  push es
+  mov si, ax
+  call cirrus_enable_16k_granularity
+  call cirrus_extbios_85h
+  shl al, #2
+  mov bl, al
+  xor ah,ah
+  mov al, #0x09
+  mov dx, #0x3ce
+  out dx, ax
+  push ax
+  mov cx, #0xa000
+  mov es, cx
+  xor di, di
+  mov ax, si
+  mov cx, #8192
+  cld
+  rep 
+      stosw
+  pop ax
+  inc ah
+  cmp ah, bl
+  jne cirrus_clear_vram_1
+  pop es
+  popa
+  ret
   ;; 80h
   dw cirrus_extbios_80h
Index: vbe.c
RCS file: /sources/vgabios/vgabios/vbe.c,v
retrieving revision 1.48
diff -u -w -r1.48 vbe.c
--- vbe.c	26 Dec 2005 19:50:26 -0000	1.48
+++ vbe.c	14 Jun 2006 00:51:07 -0000
@@ -118,21 +118,114 @@
+  .align 2
   dw vesa_pm_set_window - vesa_pm_start
-  dw vesa_pm_set_display_strt - vesa_pm_start
+  dw vesa_pm_set_display_start - vesa_pm_start
   dw vesa_pm_unimplemented - vesa_pm_start
-  dw 0
+  dw vesa_pm_io_ports_table - vesa_pm_start
+  dw 0xffff
+  dw 0xffff
-  mov ax, #0x4f05
-  int #0x10
+  cmp  bx, #0x00
+  je  vesa_pm_set_display_window1
+  mov  ax, #0x0100
+  ret
+  mov  ax, dx
+  push dx
+  push ax
+  mov  ax, # VBE_DISPI_INDEX_BANK
+  out  dx, ax
+  pop  ax
+  out  dx, ax
+  pop  dx
+  mov  ax, #0x004f
-  mov ax, #0x4f07
-  int #0x10
+  cmp  bl, #0x80
+  je   vesa_pm_set_display_start1
+  cmp  bl, #0x00
+  je   vesa_pm_set_display_start1
+  mov  ax, #0x0100
+  ret
+; convert offset to (X, Y) coordinate 
+; (would be simpler to change Bochs VBE API...)
+  push eax
+  push ecx
+  push edx
+  push esi
+  push edi
+  shl edx, #16
+  and ecx, #0xffff
+  or ecx, edx
+  shl ecx, #2
+  mov eax, ecx
+  push eax
+  out  dx, ax
+  in   ax, dx
+  movzx ecx, ax
+  mov  ax, # VBE_DISPI_INDEX_BPP
+  out  dx, ax
+  in   ax, dx
+  movzx esi, ax
+  pop  eax
+  add esi, #7
+  shr esi, #3
+  imul ecx, esi
+  xor edx, edx
+  div ecx
+  mov edi, eax
+  mov eax, edx
+  xor edx, edx
+  div esi
+  push dx
+  push ax
+  out  dx, ax
+  pop  ax
+  out  dx, ax
+  pop  dx
+  mov  ax, di
+  push dx
+  push ax
+  out  dx, ax
+  pop  ax
+  out  dx, ax
+  pop  dx
+  pop edi
+  pop esi
+  pop edx
+  pop ecx
+  pop eax
+  mov  ax, #0x004f
@@ -835,6 +928,64 @@
+Bit16u vbe_biosfn_read_video_state_size()
+    return 9 * 2;
+void vbe_biosfn_save_video_state(ES, BX)
+     Bit16u ES; Bit16u BX;
+    Bit16u enable, i;
+    enable = inw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA);
+    write_word(ES, BX, enable);
+    BX += 2;
+    if (!(enable & VBE_DISPI_ENABLED)) 
+        return;
+        if (i != VBE_DISPI_INDEX_ENABLE) {
+            outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_INDEX, i);
+            write_word(ES, BX, inw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA));
+            BX += 2;
+        }
+    }
+void vbe_biosfn_restore_video_state(ES, BX)
+     Bit16u ES; Bit16u BX;
+    Bit16u enable, i;
+    enable = read_word(ES, BX);
+    BX += 2;
+    if (!(enable & VBE_DISPI_ENABLED)) {
+        outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA, enable);
+    } else {
+        outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA, read_word(ES, BX));
+        BX += 2;
+        outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA, read_word(ES, BX));
+        BX += 2;
+        outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA, read_word(ES, BX));
+        BX += 2;
+        outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA, enable);
+        for(i = VBE_DISPI_INDEX_BANK; i <= VBE_DISPI_INDEX_Y_OFFSET; i++) {
+            outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_INDEX, i);
+            outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA, read_word(ES, BX));
+            BX += 2;
+        }
+    }
 /** Function 04h - Save/Restore State
  * Input:
@@ -849,10 +1000,48 @@
  *              BX      = Number of 64-byte blocks to hold the state buffer (if DL=00h)
-void vbe_biosfn_save_restore_state(AX, DL, CX, ES, BX)
+void vbe_biosfn_save_restore_state(AX, CX, DX, ES, BX)
+Bit16u *AX; Bit16u CX; Bit16u DX; Bit16u ES; Bit16u *BX;
+    Bit16u ss=get_SS();
+    Bit16u result, val;
+    result = 0x4f;
+    switch(GET_DL()) {
+    case 0x00:
+        val = biosfn_read_video_state_size2(CX);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        printf("VGA state size=%x\n", val);
+        if (CX & 8)
+            val += vbe_biosfn_read_video_state_size();
+        write_word(ss, BX, val);
+        break;
+    case 0x01:
+        val = read_word(ss, BX);
+        val = biosfn_save_video_state(CX, ES, val);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        printf("VGA save_state offset=%x\n", val);
+        if (CX & 8)
+            vbe_biosfn_save_video_state(ES, val);
+        break;
+    case 0x02:
+        val = read_word(ss, BX);
+        val = biosfn_restore_video_state(CX, ES, val);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        printf("VGA restore_state offset=%x\n", val);
+        if (CX & 8)
+            vbe_biosfn_restore_video_state(ES, val);
+        break;
+    default:
+        // function failed
+        result = 0x100;
+        break;
+    }
+    write_word(ss, AX, result);
 /** Function 05h - Display Window Control
@@ -1090,7 +1279,7 @@
-  test bx, bx
+  test bl, bl
   jnz _fail
   mov di, #0xc000
   mov es, di
Index: vbe.h
RCS file: /sources/vgabios/vgabios/vbe.h,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -w -r1.24 vbe.h
--- vbe.h	9 May 2004 20:31:31 -0000	1.24
+++ vbe.h	14 Jun 2006 00:51:07 -0000
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 void vbe_biosfn_return_controller_information(AX, ES, DI);
 void vbe_biosfn_return_mode_information(AX, CX, ES, DI);
 void vbe_biosfn_set_mode(AX, BX, ES, DI);
-void vbe_biosfn_save_restore_state(AX, DL, CX, ES, BX); 
+void vbe_biosfn_save_restore_state(AX, CX, DX, ES, BX);
 void vbe_biosfn_set_get_palette_data(AX);
 void vbe_biosfn_return_protected_mode_interface(AX);
@@ -151,6 +151,12 @@
    Bit8u  Reserved[189];
 } ModeInfoBlock;
+typedef struct ModeInfoListItem
+        Bit16u                  mode;
+        ModeInfoBlockCompact    info;
+} ModeInfoListItem;
 // VBE Return Status Info
 // AL
 #define VBE_RETURN_STATUS_SUPPORTED                      0x4F
@@ -193,6 +199,10 @@
 #define VBE_VESA_MODE_1280X1024X1555                     0x119
 #define VBE_VESA_MODE_1280X1024X565                      0x11A
 #define VBE_VESA_MODE_1280X1024X888                      0x11B
+#define VBE_VESA_MODE_1600X1200X8                        0x11C
+#define VBE_VESA_MODE_1600X1200X1555                     0x11D
+#define VBE_VESA_MODE_1600X1200X565                      0x11E
+#define VBE_VESA_MODE_1600X1200X888                      0x11F
 // BOCHS/PLEX86 'own' mode numbers
 #define VBE_OWN_MODE_320X200X8888                        0x140
@@ -202,6 +212,12 @@
 #define VBE_OWN_MODE_1024X768X8888                       0x144
 #define VBE_OWN_MODE_1280X1024X8888                      0x145
 #define VBE_OWN_MODE_320X200X8                           0x146
+#define VBE_OWN_MODE_1600X1200X8888                      0x147
+#define VBE_OWN_MODE_1152X864X8                          0x148
+#define VBE_OWN_MODE_1152X864X1555                       0x149
+#define VBE_OWN_MODE_1152X864X565                        0x14a
+#define VBE_OWN_MODE_1152X864X888                        0x14b
+#define VBE_OWN_MODE_1152X864X8888                       0x14c
 #define VBE_VESA_MODE_END_OF_LIST                        0xFFFF
@@ -259,7 +275,7 @@
 //        like 0xE0000000
   #define VBE_DISPI_BANK_ADDRESS          0xA0000
   #define VBE_DISPI_BANK_SIZE_KB          64
Index: vgabios.c
RCS file: /sources/vgabios/vgabios/vgabios.c,v
retrieving revision 1.64
diff -u -w -r1.64 vgabios.c
--- vgabios.c	25 Mar 2006 10:19:16 -0000	1.64
+++ vgabios.c	14 Jun 2006 00:51:07 -0000
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
 static void biosfn_write_string();
 static void biosfn_read_state_info();
 static void biosfn_read_video_state_size();
-static void biosfn_save_video_state();
-static void biosfn_restore_video_state();
+static Bit16u biosfn_save_video_state();
+static Bit16u biosfn_restore_video_state();
 extern Bit8u video_save_pointer_table[];
 // This is for compiling with gcc2 and gcc3
@@ -748,12 +748,7 @@
          case 0x04:
-          //FIXME
-#ifdef DEBUG
-          unimplemented();
-          // function failed
-          AX=0x100;
+          vbe_biosfn_save_restore_state(&AX, CX, DX, ES, &BX);
          case 0x09:
@@ -3138,23 +3133,215 @@
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static void biosfn_read_video_state_size (CX,ES,BX) Bit16u CX;Bit16u ES;Bit16u BX;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static Bit16u biosfn_read_video_state_size2 (CX) 
+     Bit16u CX;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- unimplemented();
+    Bit16u size;
+    size = 0;
+    if (CX & 1) {
+        size += 0x46;
+    }
+    if (CX & 2) {
+        size += (5 + 8 + 5) * 2 + 6;
+    }
+    if (CX & 4) {
+        size += 3 + 256 * 3 + 1;
-static void biosfn_save_video_state (CX,ES,BX) Bit16u CX;Bit16u ES;Bit16u BX;
+    return size;
+static void biosfn_read_video_state_size (CX, BX) 
+     Bit16u CX; Bit16u *BX;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- unimplemented();
+    Bit16u ss=get_SS();
+    write_word(ss, BX, biosfn_read_video_state_size2(CX));
-static void biosfn_restore_video_state (CX,ES,BX) Bit16u CX;Bit16u ES;Bit16u BX;
+static Bit16u biosfn_save_video_state (CX,ES,BX) 
+     Bit16u CX;Bit16u ES;Bit16u BX;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- unimplemented();
+    Bit16u i, v, crtc_addr, ar_index;
+    crtc_addr = read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG, BIOSMEM_CRTC_ADDRESS);
+    if (CX & 1) {
+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_SEQU_ADDRESS)); BX++;
+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(crtc_addr)); BX++;
+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_GRDC_ADDRESS)); BX++;
+        inb(VGAREG_ACTL_RESET);
+        ar_index = inb(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS);
+        write_byte(ES, BX, ar_index); BX++;
+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_READ_FEATURE_CTL)); BX++;
+        for(i=1;i<=4;i++){
+            outb(VGAREG_SEQU_ADDRESS, i);
+            write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_SEQU_DATA)); BX++;
+        }
+        outb(VGAREG_SEQU_ADDRESS, 0);
+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_SEQU_DATA)); BX++;
+        for(i=0;i<=0x18;i++) {
+            outb(crtc_addr,i);
+            write_byte(ES, BX, inb(crtc_addr+1)); BX++;
+        }
+        for(i=0;i<=0x13;i++) {
+            inb(VGAREG_ACTL_RESET);
+            outb(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS, i | (ar_index & 0x20));
+            write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_ACTL_READ_DATA)); BX++;
+        }
+        inb(VGAREG_ACTL_RESET);
+        for(i=0;i<=8;i++) {
+            outb(VGAREG_GRDC_ADDRESS,i);
+            write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_GRDC_DATA)); BX++;
+        }
+        write_word(ES, BX, crtc_addr); BX+= 2;
+        /* XXX: read plane latches */
+        write_byte(ES, BX, 0); BX++;
+        write_byte(ES, BX, 0); BX++;
+        write_byte(ES, BX, 0); BX++;
+        write_byte(ES, BX, 0); BX++;
+    }
+    if (CX & 2) {
+        write_byte(ES, BX, read_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_MODE)); BX++;
+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_NB_COLS)); BX += 2;
+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_PAGE_SIZE)); BX += 2;
+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CRTC_ADDRESS)); BX += 2;
+        write_byte(ES, BX, read_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_NB_ROWS)); BX++;
+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CHAR_HEIGHT)); BX += 2;
+        write_byte(ES, BX, read_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_VIDEO_CTL)); BX++;
+        write_byte(ES, BX, read_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_SWITCHES)); BX++;
+        write_byte(ES, BX, read_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_MODESET_CTL)); BX++;
+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURSOR_TYPE)); BX += 2;
+        for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
+            write_word(ES, BX, read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG, BIOSMEM_CURSOR_POS+2*i));
+            BX += 2;
+        }
+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_START)); BX += 2;
+        write_byte(ES, BX, read_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_PAGE)); BX++;
+        /* current font */
+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(0, 0x1f * 4)); BX += 2;
+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(0, 0x1f * 4 + 2)); BX += 2;
+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(0, 0x43 * 4)); BX += 2;
+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(0, 0x43 * 4 + 2)); BX += 2;
+    }
+    if (CX & 4) {
+        /* XXX: check this */
+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_DAC_STATE)); BX++; /* read/write mode dac */
+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_DAC_WRITE_ADDRESS)); BX++; /* pix address */
+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_PEL_MASK)); BX++;
+        // Set the whole dac always, from 0
+        outb(VGAREG_DAC_WRITE_ADDRESS,0x00);
+        for(i=0;i<256*3;i++) {
+            write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_DAC_DATA)); BX++;
+        }
+        write_byte(ES, BX, 0); BX++; /* color select register */
+    }
+    return BX;
+static Bit16u biosfn_restore_video_state (CX,ES,BX) 
+     Bit16u CX;Bit16u ES;Bit16u BX;
+    Bit16u i, crtc_addr, v, addr1, ar_index;
+    if (CX & 1) {
+        // Reset Attribute Ctl flip-flop
+        inb(VGAREG_ACTL_RESET);
+        crtc_addr = read_word(ES, BX + 0x40);
+        addr1 = BX;
+        BX += 5;
+        for(i=1;i<=4;i++){
+            outb(VGAREG_SEQU_ADDRESS, i);
+            outb(VGAREG_SEQU_DATA, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
+        }
+        outb(VGAREG_SEQU_ADDRESS, 0);
+        outb(VGAREG_SEQU_DATA, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
+        // Disable CRTC write protection
+        outw(crtc_addr,0x0011);
+        // Set CRTC regs
+        for(i=0;i<=0x18;i++) {
+            if (i != 0x11) {
+                outb(crtc_addr,i);
+                outb(crtc_addr+1, read_byte(ES, BX));
+            }
+            BX++;
+        }
+        // select crtc base address
+        v = inb(VGAREG_READ_MISC_OUTPUT) & ~0x01;
+        if (crtc_addr = 0x3d4)
+            v |= 0x01;
+        outb(VGAREG_WRITE_MISC_OUTPUT, v);
+        // enable write protection if needed
+        outb(crtc_addr, 0x11);
+        outb(crtc_addr+1, read_byte(ES, BX - 0x18 + 0x11));
+        // Set Attribute Ctl
+        ar_index = read_byte(ES, addr1 + 0x03);
+        inb(VGAREG_ACTL_RESET);
+        for(i=0;i<=0x13;i++) {
+            outb(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS, i | (ar_index & 0x20));
+            outb(VGAREG_ACTL_WRITE_DATA, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
+        }
+        outb(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS, ar_index);
+        inb(VGAREG_ACTL_RESET);
+        for(i=0;i<=8;i++) {
+            outb(VGAREG_GRDC_ADDRESS,i);
+            outb(VGAREG_GRDC_DATA, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
+        }
+        BX += 2; /* crtc_addr */
+        BX += 4; /* plane latches */
+        outb(VGAREG_SEQU_ADDRESS, read_byte(ES, addr1)); addr1++;
+        outb(crtc_addr, read_byte(ES, addr1)); addr1++;
+        outb(VGAREG_GRDC_ADDRESS, read_byte(ES, addr1)); addr1++;
+        addr1++;
+        outb(crtc_addr - 0x4 + 0xa, read_byte(ES, addr1)); addr1++;
+    }
+    if (CX & 2) {
+        write_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_MODE, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
+        write_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_NB_COLS, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
+        write_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_PAGE_SIZE, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
+        write_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CRTC_ADDRESS, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
+        write_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_NB_ROWS, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
+        write_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CHAR_HEIGHT, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
+        write_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_VIDEO_CTL, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
+        write_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_SWITCHES, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
+        write_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_MODESET_CTL, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
+        write_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURSOR_TYPE, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
+        for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
+            write_word(BIOSMEM_SEG, BIOSMEM_CURSOR_POS+2*i, read_word(ES, BX));
+            BX += 2;
+        }
+        write_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_START, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
+        write_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_PAGE, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
+        /* current font */
+        write_word(0, 0x1f * 4, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
+        write_word(0, 0x1f * 4 + 2, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
+        write_word(0, 0x43 * 4, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
+        write_word(0, 0x43 * 4 + 2, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
+    }
+    if (CX & 4) {
+        BX++;
+        v = read_byte(ES, BX); BX++;
+        outb(VGAREG_PEL_MASK, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
+        // Set the whole dac always, from 0
+        outb(VGAREG_DAC_WRITE_ADDRESS,0x00);
+        for(i=0;i<256*3;i++) {
+            outb(VGAREG_DAC_DATA, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
+        }
+        BX++;
+        outb(VGAREG_DAC_WRITE_ADDRESS, v);
+    }
+    return BX;
 // ============================================================================================
diff -u -w vbetables-gen.c
--- vbetables-gen.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ vbetables-gen.c	2006-06-14 00:52:18.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+/* Generate the VGABIOS VBE Tables */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+typedef struct {
+    int width;
+    int height;
+    int depth;
+    int mode;
+} ModeInfo;
+ModeInfo modes[] = {
+    /* standard VESA modes */
+{ 640, 400, 8                          , 0x100},
+{ 640, 480, 8                          , 0x101},
+{ 800, 600, 4                          , 0x102},
+{ 800, 600, 8                          , 0x103},
+    //{ 1024, 768, 4                         , 0x104},
+{ 1024, 768, 8                         , 0x105},
+    //{ 1280, 1024, 4                        , 0x106},
+{ 1280, 1024, 8                        , 0x107},
+{ 320, 200, 15                       , 0x10D},
+{ 320, 200, 16                        , 0x10E},
+{ 320, 200, 24                        , 0x10F},
+{ 640, 480, 15                       , 0x110},
+{ 640, 480, 16                        , 0x111},
+{ 640, 480, 24                        , 0x112},
+{ 800, 600, 15                       , 0x113},
+{ 800, 600, 16                        , 0x114},
+{ 800, 600, 24                        , 0x115},
+{ 1024, 768, 15                      , 0x116},
+{ 1024, 768, 16                       , 0x117},
+{ 1024, 768, 24                       , 0x118},
+{ 1280, 1024, 15                     , 0x119},
+{ 1280, 1024, 16                      , 0x11A},
+{ 1280, 1024, 24                      , 0x11B},
+{ 1600, 1200, 8                        , 0x11C},
+{ 1600, 1200, 15                     , 0x11D},
+{ 1600, 1200, 16                      , 0x11E},
+{ 1600, 1200, 24                      , 0x11F},
+      /* BOCHS/PLE, 86 'own' mode numbers */
+{ 320, 200, 32                        , 0x140},
+{ 640, 400, 32                        , 0x141},
+{ 640, 480, 32                        , 0x142},
+{ 800, 600, 32                        , 0x143},
+{ 1024, 768, 32                       , 0x144},
+{ 1280, 1024, 32                      , 0x145},
+{ 320, 200, 8                           , 0x146},
+{ 1600, 1200, 32                      , 0x147},
+{ 1152, 864, 8                      , 0x148},
+{ 1152, 864, 15                      , 0x149},
+{ 1152, 864, 16                      , 0x14a},
+{ 1152, 864, 24                      , 0x14b},
+{ 1152, 864, 32                      , 0x14c},
+{ 0, },
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    const ModeInfo *pm;
+    int pitch, r_size, r_pos, g_size, g_pos, b_size, b_pos, a_size, a_pos;
+    const char *str;
+    printf("static ModeInfoListItem mode_info_list[]=\n");
+    printf("{\n");
+    for(pm = modes; pm->mode != 0; pm++) {
+        printf("{ 0x%04x, /* %dx%dx%d */\n", 
+               pm->mode, pm->width, pm->height, pm->depth);
+        printf("{ /*Bit16u ModeAttributes*/ %s,\n", 
+               "VBE_MODE_ATTRIBUTE_COLOR_MODE | "
+        printf("/*Bit8u  WinAAttributes*/ %s,\n",
+        printf("/*Bit8u  WinBAttributes*/ %d,\n", 0);
+        printf("/*Bit16u WinGranularity*/ %s,\n", "VBE_DISPI_BANK_SIZE_KB");
+        printf("/*Bit16u WinSize*/ %s,\n", "VBE_DISPI_BANK_SIZE_KB");
+        printf("/*Bit16u WinASegment*/ %s,\n", "VGAMEM_GRAPH");
+        printf("/*Bit16u WinBSegment*/ 0x%04x,\n", 0);
+        printf("/*Bit32u WinFuncPtr*/ %d,\n", 0);
+        if (pm->depth == 4)
+            pitch = (pm->width + 7) / 8;
+        else
+            pitch = pm->width * ((pm->depth + 7) / 8);
+        printf("/*Bit16u BytesPerScanLine*/ %d,\n", pitch);
+        // Mandatory information for VBE 1.2 and above
+        printf("/*Bit16u XResolution*/ %d,\n", pm->width);
+        printf("/*Bit16u YResolution*/ %d,\n", pm->height);
+        printf("/*Bit8u  XCharSize*/ %d,\n", 8);
+        printf("/*Bit8u  YCharSize*/ %d,\n", 16);
+        if (pm->depth == 4) {
+            printf("/*Bit8u  NumberOfPlanes*/ %d,\n", 4);
+            printf("/*Bit8u  BitsPerPixel*/ %d,\n", pm->depth);
+        } else {
+            printf("/*Bit8u  NumberOfPlanes*/ %d,\n", 1);
+            printf("/*Bit8u  BitsPerPixel*/ %d,\n", pm->depth);
+        }
+        printf("/*Bit8u  NumberOfBanks*/ %d,\n", 
+               (pm->height * pitch + 65535) / 65536);
+        if (pm->depth == 4)
+            str = "VBE_MEMORYMODEL_PLANAR";
+        else if (pm->depth == 8)
+            str = "VBE_MEMORYMODEL_PACKED_PIXEL";
+        else
+            str = "VBE_MEMORYMODEL_DIRECT_COLOR";
+        printf("/*Bit8u  MemoryModel*/ %s,\n", str);
+        printf("/*Bit8u  BankSize*/ %d,\n", 0);
+        /* XXX: check */
+        printf("/*Bit8u  NumberOfImagePages*/ %d,\n", 0);
+        printf("/*Bit8u  Reserved_page*/ %d,\n", 0);
+        // Direct Color fields (required for direct/6 and YUV/7 memory models)
+        switch(pm->depth) {
+        case 15:
+            r_size = 5;
+            r_pos = 10;
+            g_size = 5;
+            g_pos = 5;
+            b_size = 5;
+            b_pos = 0;
+            a_size = 1;
+            a_pos = 15;
+            break;
+        case 16:
+            r_size = 5;
+            r_pos = 11;
+            g_size = 6;
+            g_pos = 5;
+            b_size = 5;
+            b_pos = 0;
+            a_size = 0;
+            a_pos = 0;
+            break;
+        case 24:
+            r_size = 8;
+            r_pos = 16;
+            g_size = 8;
+            g_pos = 8;
+            b_size = 8;
+            b_pos = 0;
+            a_size = 0;
+            a_pos = 0;
+            break;
+        case 32:
+            r_size = 8;
+            r_pos = 16;
+            g_size = 8;
+            g_pos = 8;
+            b_size = 8;
+            b_pos = 0;
+            a_size = 8;
+            a_pos = 24;
+            break;
+        default:
+            r_size = 0;
+            r_pos = 0;
+            g_size = 0;
+            g_pos = 0;
+            b_size = 0;
+            b_pos = 0;
+            a_size = 0;
+            a_pos = 0;
+            break;
+        }
+        printf("/*Bit8u  RedMaskSize*/ %d,\n", r_size);               
+        printf("/*Bit8u  RedFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", r_pos);          
+        printf("/*Bit8u  GreenMaskSize*/ %d,\n", g_size);             
+        printf("/*Bit8u  GreenFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", g_pos);        
+        printf("/*Bit8u  BlueMaskSize*/ %d,\n", b_size);              
+        printf("/*Bit8u  BlueFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", b_pos);         
+        printf("/*Bit8u  RsvdMaskSize*/ %d,\n", a_size);              
+        printf("/*Bit8u  RsvdFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", a_pos);         
+        printf("/*Bit8u  DirectColorModeInfo*/ %d,\n", 0);       
+// Mandatory information for VBE 2.0 and above
+        printf("/*Bit32u PhysBasePtr*/ %s,\n",             
+        printf("/*Bit32u OffScreenMemOffset*/ %d,\n", 0);
+        printf("/*Bit16u OffScreenMemSize*/ %d,\n", 0);
+        // Mandatory information for VBE 3.0 and above
+        printf("/*Bit16u LinBytesPerScanLine*/ %d,\n", pitch);
+        printf("/*Bit8u  BnkNumberOfPages*/ %d,\n", 0);
+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinNumberOfPages*/ %d,\n", 0);
+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinRedMaskSize*/ %d,\n", r_size);
+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinRedFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", r_pos);
+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinGreenMaskSize*/ %d,\n", g_size);
+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinGreenFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", g_pos);
+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinBlueMaskSize*/ %d,\n", b_size);
+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinBlueFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", b_pos);
+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinRsvdMaskSize*/ %d,\n", a_size);
+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinRsvdFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", a_pos);
+        printf("/*Bit32u MaxPixelClock*/ %d,\n", 0);
+        printf("} },\n");
+    }
+    printf("{ VBE_VESA_MODE_END_OF_LIST,\n");
+    printf("{ 0,\n");
+    printf("} },\n");
+    printf("};\n");
+    return 0;