path: root/tests/qemu-iotests/237
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/qemu-iotests/237')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/qemu-iotests/237 b/tests/qemu-iotests/237
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e04a1ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/qemu-iotests/237
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Test vmdk and file image creation
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Creator/Owner: Kevin Wolf <kwolf@redhat.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import iotests
+from iotests import imgfmt
+def blockdev_create(vm, options):
+ result = vm.qmp_log('blockdev-create', job_id='job0', options=options)
+ if 'return' in result:
+ assert result['return'] == {}
+ vm.run_job('job0')
+ iotests.log("")
+with iotests.FilePath('t.vmdk') as disk_path, \
+ iotests.FilePath('t.vmdk.1') as extent1_path, \
+ iotests.FilePath('t.vmdk.2') as extent2_path, \
+ iotests.FilePath('t.vmdk.3') as extent3_path, \
+ iotests.VM() as vm:
+ #
+ # Successful image creation (defaults)
+ #
+ iotests.log("=== Successful image creation (defaults) ===")
+ iotests.log("")
+ size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
+ vm.launch()
+ blockdev_create(vm, { 'driver': 'file',
+ 'filename': disk_path,
+ 'size': 0 })
+ vm.qmp_log('blockdev-add', driver='file', filename=disk_path,
+ node_name='imgfile')
+ blockdev_create(vm, { 'driver': imgfmt,
+ 'file': 'imgfile',
+ 'size': size })
+ vm.shutdown()
+ iotests.img_info_log(disk_path)
+ #
+ # Successful image creation (inline blockdev-add, explicit defaults)
+ #
+ iotests.log("=== Successful image creation (inline blockdev-add, explicit defaults) ===")
+ iotests.log("")
+ # Choose a different size to show that we got a new image
+ size = 64 * 1024 * 1024
+ vm.launch()
+ blockdev_create(vm, { 'driver': 'file',
+ 'filename': disk_path,
+ 'size': 0 })
+ blockdev_create(vm, { 'driver': imgfmt,
+ 'file': {
+ 'driver': 'file',
+ 'filename': disk_path,
+ },
+ 'size': size,
+ 'extents': [],
+ 'subformat': 'monolithicSparse',
+ 'adapter-type': 'ide',
+ 'hwversion': '4',
+ 'zeroed-grain': False })
+ vm.shutdown()
+ iotests.img_info_log(disk_path)
+ #
+ # Successful image creation (non-default options)
+ #
+ iotests.log("=== Successful image creation (with non-default options) ===")
+ iotests.log("")
+ # Choose a different size to show that we got a new image
+ size = 32 * 1024 * 1024
+ vm.launch()
+ blockdev_create(vm, { 'driver': 'file',
+ 'filename': disk_path,
+ 'size': 0 })
+ blockdev_create(vm, { 'driver': imgfmt,
+ 'file': {
+ 'driver': 'file',
+ 'filename': disk_path,
+ },
+ 'size': size,
+ 'extents': [],
+ 'subformat': 'monolithicSparse',
+ 'adapter-type': 'buslogic',
+ 'zeroed-grain': True })
+ vm.shutdown()
+ iotests.img_info_log(disk_path)
+ #
+ # Invalid BlockdevRef
+ #
+ iotests.log("=== Invalid BlockdevRef ===")
+ iotests.log("")
+ vm.launch()
+ blockdev_create(vm, { 'driver': imgfmt,
+ 'file': "this doesn't exist",
+ 'size': size })
+ vm.shutdown()
+ #
+ # Adapter types
+ #
+ iotests.log("=== Adapter types ===")
+ iotests.log("")
+ vm.add_blockdev('driver=file,filename=%s,node-name=node0' % (disk_path))
+ # Valid
+ iotests.log("== Valid adapter types ==")
+ iotests.log("")
+ vm.launch()
+ for adapter_type in [ 'ide', 'buslogic', 'lsilogic', 'legacyESX' ]:
+ blockdev_create(vm, { 'driver': imgfmt,
+ 'file': 'node0',
+ 'size': size,
+ 'adapter-type': adapter_type })
+ vm.shutdown()
+ # Invalid
+ iotests.log("== Invalid adapter types ==")
+ iotests.log("")
+ vm.launch()
+ for adapter_type in [ 'foo', 'IDE', 'legacyesx', 1 ]:
+ blockdev_create(vm, { 'driver': imgfmt,
+ 'file': 'node0',
+ 'size': size,
+ 'adapter-type': adapter_type })
+ vm.shutdown()
+ #
+ # Other subformats
+ #
+ iotests.log("=== Other subformats ===")
+ iotests.log("")
+ for path in [ extent1_path, extent2_path, extent3_path ]:
+ msg = iotests.qemu_img_pipe('create', '-f', imgfmt, path, '0')
+ iotests.log(msg, [iotests.filter_testfiles])
+ vm.add_blockdev('driver=file,filename=%s,node-name=ext1' % (extent1_path))
+ vm.add_blockdev('driver=file,filename=%s,node-name=ext2' % (extent2_path))
+ vm.add_blockdev('driver=file,filename=%s,node-name=ext3' % (extent3_path))
+ # Missing extent
+ iotests.log("== Missing extent ==")
+ iotests.log("")
+ vm.launch()
+ blockdev_create(vm, { 'driver': imgfmt,
+ 'file': 'node0',
+ 'size': size,
+ 'subformat': 'monolithicFlat' })
+ vm.shutdown()
+ # Correct extent
+ iotests.log("== Correct extent ==")
+ iotests.log("")
+ vm.launch()
+ blockdev_create(vm, { 'driver': imgfmt,
+ 'file': 'node0',
+ 'size': size,
+ 'subformat': 'monolithicFlat',
+ 'extents': ['ext1'] })
+ vm.shutdown()
+ # Extra extent
+ iotests.log("== Extra extent ==")
+ iotests.log("")
+ vm.launch()
+ blockdev_create(vm, { 'driver': imgfmt,
+ 'file': 'node0',
+ 'size': 512,
+ 'subformat': 'monolithicFlat',
+ 'extents': ['ext1', 'ext2', 'ext3'] })
+ vm.shutdown()
+ # Split formats
+ iotests.log("== Split formats ==")
+ iotests.log("")
+ for size in [ 512, 1073741824, 2147483648, 5368709120 ]:
+ for subfmt in [ 'twoGbMaxExtentFlat', 'twoGbMaxExtentSparse' ]:
+ iotests.log("= %s %d =" % (subfmt, size))
+ iotests.log("")
+ vm.launch()
+ blockdev_create(vm, { 'driver': imgfmt,
+ 'file': 'node0',
+ 'size': size,
+ 'subformat': subfmt,
+ 'extents': ['ext1', 'ext2', 'ext3'] })
+ vm.shutdown()
+ iotests.img_info_log(disk_path)