path: root/tests/migration/guestperf/plot.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/migration/guestperf/plot.py')
1 files changed, 623 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/migration/guestperf/plot.py b/tests/migration/guestperf/plot.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc42249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/migration/guestperf/plot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+# Migration test graph plotting
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import sys
+class Plot(object):
+ # Generated using
+ # http://tools.medialab.sciences-po.fr/iwanthue/
+ COLORS = ["#CD54D0",
+ "#79D94C",
+ "#7470CD",
+ "#D2D251",
+ "#863D79",
+ "#76DDA6",
+ "#D4467B",
+ "#61923D",
+ "#CB9CCA",
+ "#D98F36",
+ "#8CC8DA",
+ "#CE4831",
+ "#5E7693",
+ "#9B803F",
+ "#412F4C",
+ "#CECBA6",
+ "#6D3229",
+ "#598B73",
+ "#C8827C",
+ "#394427"]
+ def __init__(self,
+ reports,
+ migration_iters,
+ total_guest_cpu,
+ split_guest_cpu,
+ qemu_cpu,
+ vcpu_cpu):
+ self._reports = reports
+ self._migration_iters = migration_iters
+ self._total_guest_cpu = total_guest_cpu
+ self._split_guest_cpu = split_guest_cpu
+ self._qemu_cpu = qemu_cpu
+ self._vcpu_cpu = vcpu_cpu
+ self._color_idx = 0
+ def _next_color(self):
+ color = self.COLORS[self._color_idx]
+ self._color_idx += 1
+ if self._color_idx >= len(self.COLORS):
+ self._color_idx = 0
+ return color
+ def _get_progress_label(self, progress):
+ if progress:
+ return "\n\n" + "\n".join(
+ ["Status: %s" % progress._status,
+ "Iteration: %d" % progress._ram._iterations,
+ "Throttle: %02d%%" % progress._throttle_pcent,
+ "Dirty rate: %dMB/s" % (progress._ram._dirty_rate_pps * 4 / 1024.0)])
+ else:
+ return "\n\n" + "\n".join(
+ ["Status: %s" % "none",
+ "Iteration: %d" % 0])
+ def _find_start_time(self, report):
+ startqemu = report._qemu_timings._records[0]._timestamp
+ startguest = report._guest_timings._records[0]._timestamp
+ if startqemu < startguest:
+ return startqemu
+ else:
+ return stasrtguest
+ def _get_guest_max_value(self, report):
+ maxvalue = 0
+ for record in report._guest_timings._records:
+ if record._value > maxvalue:
+ maxvalue = record._value
+ return maxvalue
+ def _get_qemu_max_value(self, report):
+ maxvalue = 0
+ oldvalue = None
+ oldtime = None
+ for record in report._qemu_timings._records:
+ if oldvalue is not None:
+ cpudelta = (record._value - oldvalue) / 1000.0
+ timedelta = record._timestamp - oldtime
+ if timedelta == 0:
+ continue
+ util = cpudelta / timedelta * 100.0
+ else:
+ util = 0
+ oldvalue = record._value
+ oldtime = record._timestamp
+ if util > maxvalue:
+ maxvalue = util
+ return maxvalue
+ def _get_total_guest_cpu_graph(self, report, starttime):
+ xaxis = []
+ yaxis = []
+ labels = []
+ progress_idx = -1
+ for record in report._guest_timings._records:
+ while ((progress_idx + 1) < len(report._progress_history) and
+ report._progress_history[progress_idx + 1]._now < record._timestamp):
+ progress_idx = progress_idx + 1
+ if progress_idx >= 0:
+ progress = report._progress_history[progress_idx]
+ else:
+ progress = None
+ xaxis.append(record._timestamp - starttime)
+ yaxis.append(record._value)
+ labels.append(self._get_progress_label(progress))
+ from plotly import graph_objs as go
+ return go.Scatter(x=xaxis,
+ y=yaxis,
+ name="Guest PIDs: %s" % report._scenario._name,
+ mode='lines',
+ line={
+ "dash": "solid",
+ "color": self._next_color(),
+ "shape": "linear",
+ "width": 1
+ },
+ text=labels)
+ def _get_split_guest_cpu_graphs(self, report, starttime):
+ threads = {}
+ for record in report._guest_timings._records:
+ if record._tid in threads:
+ continue
+ threads[record._tid] = {
+ "xaxis": [],
+ "yaxis": [],
+ "labels": [],
+ }
+ progress_idx = -1
+ for record in report._guest_timings._records:
+ while ((progress_idx + 1) < len(report._progress_history) and
+ report._progress_history[progress_idx + 1]._now < record._timestamp):
+ progress_idx = progress_idx + 1
+ if progress_idx >= 0:
+ progress = report._progress_history[progress_idx]
+ else:
+ progress = None
+ threads[record._tid]["xaxis"].append(record._timestamp - starttime)
+ threads[record._tid]["yaxis"].append(record._value)
+ threads[record._tid]["labels"].append(self._get_progress_label(progress))
+ graphs = []
+ from plotly import graph_objs as go
+ for tid in threads.keys():
+ graphs.append(
+ go.Scatter(x=threads[tid]["xaxis"],
+ y=threads[tid]["yaxis"],
+ name="PID %s: %s" % (tid, report._scenario._name),
+ mode="lines",
+ line={
+ "dash": "solid",
+ "color": self._next_color(),
+ "shape": "linear",
+ "width": 1
+ },
+ text=threads[tid]["labels"]))
+ return graphs
+ def _get_migration_iters_graph(self, report, starttime):
+ xaxis = []
+ yaxis = []
+ labels = []
+ for progress in report._progress_history:
+ xaxis.append(progress._now - starttime)
+ yaxis.append(0)
+ labels.append(self._get_progress_label(progress))
+ from plotly import graph_objs as go
+ return go.Scatter(x=xaxis,
+ y=yaxis,
+ text=labels,
+ name="Migration iterations",
+ mode="markers",
+ marker={
+ "color": self._next_color(),
+ "symbol": "star",
+ "size": 5
+ })
+ def _get_qemu_cpu_graph(self, report, starttime):
+ xaxis = []
+ yaxis = []
+ labels = []
+ progress_idx = -1
+ first = report._qemu_timings._records[0]
+ abstimestamps = [first._timestamp]
+ absvalues = [first._value]
+ for record in report._qemu_timings._records[1:]:
+ while ((progress_idx + 1) < len(report._progress_history) and
+ report._progress_history[progress_idx + 1]._now < record._timestamp):
+ progress_idx = progress_idx + 1
+ if progress_idx >= 0:
+ progress = report._progress_history[progress_idx]
+ else:
+ progress = None
+ oldvalue = absvalues[-1]
+ oldtime = abstimestamps[-1]
+ cpudelta = (record._value - oldvalue) / 1000.0
+ timedelta = record._timestamp - oldtime
+ if timedelta == 0:
+ continue
+ util = cpudelta / timedelta * 100.0
+ abstimestamps.append(record._timestamp)
+ absvalues.append(record._value)
+ xaxis.append(record._timestamp - starttime)
+ yaxis.append(util)
+ labels.append(self._get_progress_label(progress))
+ from plotly import graph_objs as go
+ return go.Scatter(x=xaxis,
+ y=yaxis,
+ yaxis="y2",
+ name="QEMU: %s" % report._scenario._name,
+ mode='lines',
+ line={
+ "dash": "solid",
+ "color": self._next_color(),
+ "shape": "linear",
+ "width": 1
+ },
+ text=labels)
+ def _get_vcpu_cpu_graphs(self, report, starttime):
+ threads = {}
+ for record in report._vcpu_timings._records:
+ if record._tid in threads:
+ continue
+ threads[record._tid] = {
+ "xaxis": [],
+ "yaxis": [],
+ "labels": [],
+ "absvalue": [record._value],
+ "abstime": [record._timestamp],
+ }
+ progress_idx = -1
+ for record in report._vcpu_timings._records:
+ while ((progress_idx + 1) < len(report._progress_history) and
+ report._progress_history[progress_idx + 1]._now < record._timestamp):
+ progress_idx = progress_idx + 1
+ if progress_idx >= 0:
+ progress = report._progress_history[progress_idx]
+ else:
+ progress = None
+ oldvalue = threads[record._tid]["absvalue"][-1]
+ oldtime = threads[record._tid]["abstime"][-1]
+ cpudelta = (record._value - oldvalue) / 1000.0
+ timedelta = record._timestamp - oldtime
+ if timedelta == 0:
+ continue
+ util = cpudelta / timedelta * 100.0
+ if util > 100:
+ util = 100
+ threads[record._tid]["absvalue"].append(record._value)
+ threads[record._tid]["abstime"].append(record._timestamp)
+ threads[record._tid]["xaxis"].append(record._timestamp - starttime)
+ threads[record._tid]["yaxis"].append(util)
+ threads[record._tid]["labels"].append(self._get_progress_label(progress))
+ graphs = []
+ from plotly import graph_objs as go
+ for tid in threads.keys():
+ graphs.append(
+ go.Scatter(x=threads[tid]["xaxis"],
+ y=threads[tid]["yaxis"],
+ yaxis="y2",
+ name="VCPU %s: %s" % (tid, report._scenario._name),
+ mode="lines",
+ line={
+ "dash": "solid",
+ "color": self._next_color(),
+ "shape": "linear",
+ "width": 1
+ },
+ text=threads[tid]["labels"]))
+ return graphs
+ def _generate_chart_report(self, report):
+ graphs = []
+ starttime = self._find_start_time(report)
+ if self._total_guest_cpu:
+ graphs.append(self._get_total_guest_cpu_graph(report, starttime))
+ if self._split_guest_cpu:
+ graphs.extend(self._get_split_guest_cpu_graphs(report, starttime))
+ if self._qemu_cpu:
+ graphs.append(self._get_qemu_cpu_graph(report, starttime))
+ if self._vcpu_cpu:
+ graphs.extend(self._get_vcpu_cpu_graphs(report, starttime))
+ if self._migration_iters:
+ graphs.append(self._get_migration_iters_graph(report, starttime))
+ return graphs
+ def _generate_annotation(self, starttime, progress):
+ return {
+ "text": progress._status,
+ "x": progress._now - starttime,
+ "y": 10,
+ }
+ def _generate_annotations(self, report):
+ starttime = self._find_start_time(report)
+ annotations = {}
+ started = False
+ for progress in report._progress_history:
+ if progress._status == "setup":
+ continue
+ if progress._status not in annotations:
+ annotations[progress._status] = self._generate_annotation(starttime, progress)
+ return annotations.values()
+ def _generate_chart(self):
+ from plotly.offline import plot
+ from plotly import graph_objs as go
+ graphs = []
+ yaxismax = 0
+ yaxismax2 = 0
+ for report in self._reports:
+ graphs.extend(self._generate_chart_report(report))
+ maxvalue = self._get_guest_max_value(report)
+ if maxvalue > yaxismax:
+ yaxismax = maxvalue
+ maxvalue = self._get_qemu_max_value(report)
+ if maxvalue > yaxismax2:
+ yaxismax2 = maxvalue
+ yaxismax += 100
+ if not self._qemu_cpu:
+ yaxismax2 = 110
+ yaxismax2 += 10
+ annotations = []
+ if self._migration_iters:
+ for report in self._reports:
+ annotations.extend(self._generate_annotations(report))
+ layout = go.Layout(title="Migration comparison",
+ xaxis={
+ "title": "Wallclock time (secs)",
+ "showgrid": False,
+ },
+ yaxis={
+ "title": "Memory update speed (ms/GB)",
+ "showgrid": False,
+ "range": [0, yaxismax],
+ },
+ yaxis2={
+ "title": "Hostutilization (%)",
+ "overlaying": "y",
+ "side": "right",
+ "range": [0, yaxismax2],
+ "showgrid": False,
+ },
+ annotations=annotations)
+ figure = go.Figure(data=graphs, layout=layout)
+ return plot(figure,
+ show_link=False,
+ include_plotlyjs=False,
+ output_type="div")
+ def _generate_report(self):
+ pieces = []
+ for report in self._reports:
+ pieces.append("""
+<h3>Report %s</h3>
+""" % report._scenario._name)
+ pieces.append("""
+ <tr class="subhead">
+ <th colspan="2">Test config</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Emulator:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Kernel:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Ramdisk:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Transport:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Host:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+""" % (report._binary, report._kernel,
+ report._initrd, report._transport, report._dst_host))
+ hardware = report._hardware
+ pieces.append("""
+ <tr class="subhead">
+ <th colspan="2">Hardware config</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>CPUs:</th>
+ <td>%d</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>RAM:</th>
+ <td>%d GB</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Source CPU bind:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Source RAM bind:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Dest CPU bind:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Dest RAM bind:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Preallocate RAM:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Locked RAM:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Huge pages:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+""" % (hardware._cpus, hardware._mem,
+ ",".join(hardware._src_cpu_bind),
+ ",".join(hardware._src_mem_bind),
+ ",".join(hardware._dst_cpu_bind),
+ ",".join(hardware._dst_mem_bind),
+ "yes" if hardware._prealloc_pages else "no",
+ "yes" if hardware._locked_pages else "no",
+ "yes" if hardware._huge_pages else "no"))
+ scenario = report._scenario
+ pieces.append("""
+ <tr class="subhead">
+ <th colspan="2">Scenario config</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Max downtime:</th>
+ <td>%d milli-sec</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Max bandwidth:</th>
+ <td>%d MB/sec</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Max iters:</th>
+ <td>%d</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Max time:</th>
+ <td>%d secs</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Pause:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Pause iters:</th>
+ <td>%d</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Post-copy:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Post-copy iters:</th>
+ <td>%d</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Auto-converge:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Auto-converge iters:</th>
+ <td>%d</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>MT compression:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>MT compression threads:</th>
+ <td>%d</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>XBZRLE compression:</th>
+ <td>%s</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>XBZRLE compression cache:</th>
+ <td>%d%% of RAM</td>
+ </tr>
+""" % (scenario._downtime, scenario._bandwidth,
+ scenario._max_iters, scenario._max_time,
+ "yes" if scenario._pause else "no", scenario._pause_iters,
+ "yes" if scenario._post_copy else "no", scenario._post_copy_iters,
+ "yes" if scenario._auto_converge else "no", scenario._auto_converge_step,
+ "yes" if scenario._compression_mt else "no", scenario._compression_mt_threads,
+ "yes" if scenario._compression_xbzrle else "no", scenario._compression_xbzrle_cache))
+ pieces.append("""
+ return "\n".join(pieces)
+ def _generate_style(self):
+ return """
+#report table tr th {
+ text-align: right;
+#report table tr td {
+ text-align: left;
+#report table tr.subhead th {
+ background: rgb(192, 192, 192);
+ text-align: center;
+ def generate_html(self, fh):
+ print >>fh, """<html>
+ <head>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="plotly.min.js">
+ </script>
+ <style type="text/css">
+ </style>
+ <title>Migration report</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>Migration report</h1>
+ <h2>Chart summary</h2>
+ <div id="chart">
+""" % self._generate_style()
+ print >>fh, self._generate_chart()
+ print >>fh, """
+ </div>
+ <h2>Report details</h2>
+ <div id="report">
+ print >>fh, self._generate_report()
+ print >>fh, """
+ </div>
+ </body>
+ def generate(self, filename):
+ if filename is None:
+ self.generate_html(sys.stdout)
+ else:
+ with open(filename, "w") as fh:
+ self.generate_html(fh)