path: root/tests/docker
diff options
authorFam Zheng <famz@redhat.com>2016-06-01 12:25:17 +0800
committerFam Zheng <famz@redhat.com>2016-06-01 17:27:34 +0800
commit324027c24cd02d8333c0035de3d69b025fb1030f (patch)
treeefd547c0628519082d8ed04afe39e125204c4f11 /tests/docker
parentfb57c881022ebbf4ad5fdb688360985d11521b4a (diff)
Makefile: Rules for docker testing
This adds a group of make targets to run docker tests, all are available in source tree without running ./configure. The usage is shown with "make docker". Besides the fixed ones, dynamic targets for building each image and running each test in each image are generated automatically by make, scanning $(SRC_PATH)/tests/docker/ files with specific patterns. Alternative to manually list particular targets (docker-TEST@IMAGE) set, you can control which tests/images to run by filtering variables, TESTS= and IMAGES=, which are expressed in Makefile pattern syntax, "foo% %bar ...". For example: $ make docker-test IMAGES="ubuntu fedora" Unfortunately, it's impossible to propagate "-j $JOBS" into make in containers, however since each combination is made a first class target in the top Makefile, "make -j$N docker-test" still parallels the tests coarsely. Still, $J is made a magic variable to let all make invocations in containers to use -j$J. Instead of providing a live version of the source tree to the docker container we snapshot it with git-archive. This ensures the tree is in a pristine state for whatever operations the container is going to run on them. Uncommitted changes known to files known by the git index will be included in the snapshot if there are any. Signed-off-by: Fam Zheng <famz@redhat.com> Signed-off-by: Alex Bennée <alex.bennee@linaro.org> Message-id: 1464755128-32490-5-git-send-email-famz@redhat.com
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/docker')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/docker/Makefile.include b/tests/docker/Makefile.include
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef8bcae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/docker/Makefile.include
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# Makefile for Docker tests
+.PHONY: docker docker-test docker-clean docker-image docker-qemu-src
+DOCKER_SUFFIX := .docker
+DOCKER_FILES_DIR := $(SRC_PATH)/tests/docker/dockerfiles
+DOCKER_IMAGES := $(notdir $(basename $(wildcard $(DOCKER_FILES_DIR)/*.docker)))
+DOCKER_TARGETS := $(patsubst %,docker-image-%,$(DOCKER_IMAGES))
+# Use a global constant ccache directory to speed up repetitive builds
+DOCKER_CCACHE_DIR := $$HOME/.cache/qemu-docker-ccache
+DOCKER_TESTS := $(notdir $(shell \
+ find $(SRC_PATH)/tests/docker/ -name 'test-*' -type f))
+DOCKER_TOOLS := travis
+TESTS ?= %
+IMAGES ?= %
+# Make archive from git repo $1 to tar.gz $2
+make-archive-maybe = $(if $(wildcard $1/*), \
+ $(call quiet-command, \
+ (cd $1; if git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- &>/dev/null; then \
+ git archive -1 HEAD --format=tar.gz -o $2; \
+ else \
+ git archive -1 $$(git stash create) --format=tar.gz -o $2; \
+ fi), \
+ " ARCHIVE $(notdir $2)"))
+CUR_TIME := $(shell date +%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%S.$$$$)
+# Makes the definition constant after the first expansion
+ @mkdir $@
+ $(call make-archive-maybe, $(SRC_PATH), $@/qemu.tgz)
+ $(call make-archive-maybe, $(SRC_PATH)/dtc, $@/dtc.tgz)
+ $(call make-archive-maybe, $(SRC_PATH)/pixman, $@/pixman.tgz)
+ $(call quiet-command, cp $(SRC_PATH)/tests/docker/run $@/run, \
+docker-qemu-src: $(DOCKER_SRC_COPY)
+docker-image: ${DOCKER_TARGETS}
+# General rule for building docker images
+docker-image-%: $(DOCKER_FILES_DIR)/%.docker
+ $(call quiet-command,\
+ $(SRC_PATH)/tests/docker/docker.py build qemu:$* $< \
+ $(if $V,,--quiet) $(if $(NOCACHE),--no-cache),\
+ " BUILD $*")
+# Expand all the pre-requistes for each docker image and test combination
+$(foreach i,$(DOCKER_IMAGES), \
+ $(foreach t,$(DOCKER_TESTS) $(DOCKER_TOOLS), \
+ $(eval .PHONY: docker-$t@$i) \
+ $(eval docker-$t@$i: docker-image-$i docker-run-$t@$i) \
+ ) \
+ $(foreach t,$(DOCKER_TESTS), \
+ $(eval docker-test: docker-$t@$i) \
+ ) \
+ @echo 'Build QEMU and run tests inside Docker containers'
+ @echo
+ @echo 'Available targets:'
+ @echo
+ @echo ' docker: Print this help.'
+ @echo ' docker-test: Run all image/test combinations.'
+ @echo ' docker-clean: Kill and remove residual docker testing containers.'
+ @echo ' docker-TEST@IMAGE: Run "TEST" in container "IMAGE".'
+ @echo ' Note: "TEST" is one of the listed test name,'
+ @echo ' or a script name under $$QEMU_SRC/tests/docker/;'
+ @echo ' "IMAGE" is one of the listed container name."'
+ @echo ' docker-image: Build all images.'
+ @echo ' docker-image-IMAGE: Build image "IMAGE".'
+ @echo
+ @echo 'Available container images:'
+ @echo ' $(DOCKER_IMAGES)'
+ @echo
+ @echo 'Available tests:'
+ @echo ' $(DOCKER_TESTS)'
+ @echo
+ @echo 'Available tools:'
+ @echo ' $(DOCKER_TOOLS)'
+ @echo
+ @echo 'Special variables:'
+ @echo ' TARGET_LIST=a,b,c Override target list in builds.'
+ @echo ' IMAGES="a b c ..": Filters which images to build or run.'
+ @echo ' TESTS="x y z .." Filters which tests to run (for docker-test).'
+ @echo ' J=[0..9]* Overrides the -jN parameter for make commands'
+ @echo ' (default is 1)'
+ @echo ' DEBUG=1 Stop and drop to shell in the created container'
+ @echo ' before running the command.'
+ @echo ' NOCACHE=1 Ignore cache when build images.'
+docker-run-%: CMD = $(shell echo '$@' | sed -e 's/docker-run-\([^@]*\)@\(.*\)/\1/')
+docker-run-%: IMAGE = $(shell echo '$@' | sed -e 's/docker-run-\([^@]*\)@\(.*\)/\2/')
+docker-run-%: docker-qemu-src
+ @mkdir -p "$(DOCKER_CCACHE_DIR)"
+ @if test -z "$(IMAGE)" || test -z "$(CMD)"; \
+ then echo "Invalid target"; exit 1; \
+ fi
+ $(if $(filter $(TESTS),$(CMD)),$(if $(filter $(IMAGES),$(IMAGE)), \
+ $(call quiet-command,\
+ $(SRC_PATH)/tests/docker/docker.py run $(if $V,,--rm) \
+ -t \
+ $(if $(DEBUG),-i,--net=none) \
+ -e V=$V -e J=$J -e DEBUG=$(DEBUG)\
+ -e CCACHE_DIR=/var/tmp/ccache \
+ -v $$(realpath $(DOCKER_SRC_COPY)):/var/tmp/qemu:z$(COMMA)ro \
+ -v $(DOCKER_CCACHE_DIR):/var/tmp/ccache:z \
+ -w /var/tmp/qemu \
+ qemu:$(IMAGE) \
+ $(if $V,/bin/bash -x ,) \
+ ./run \
+ $(CMD); \
+ , " RUN $(CMD) in $(IMAGE)")))
+ $(call quiet-command, $(SRC_PATH)/tests/docker/docker.py clean)