path: root/winsup/doc/cygwinenv.sgml
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diff --git a/winsup/doc/cygwinenv.sgml b/winsup/doc/cygwinenv.sgml
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index 8f5de3e..0000000
--- a/winsup/doc/cygwinenv.sgml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-<sect1 id="using-cygwinenv"><title>The <EnVar>CYGWIN</EnVar> environment
-<para>The <EnVar>CYGWIN</EnVar> environment variable is used to configure
-many global settings for the Cygwin runtime system. It contains the options
-listed below, separated by blank characters. Many options can be turned off
-by prefixing with <literal>no </literal>.</para>
-<itemizedlist Mark="bullet">
-<para><FirstTerm>(no)binmode</FirstTerm> - if set, non-disk
-(e.g. pipe and COM ports) file opens default to binary mode
-(no CR/LF/Ctrl-Z translations) instead of text mode.
-Defaults to set (binary mode). This option must be set
-before starting a Cygwin shell to have an effect on redirection.
-<warning><title>Warning!</title><para>If set in 12/98 b20.1, all files
-always open in binary mode.</para> </warning>
-<para><FirstTerm>(no)envcache</FirstTerm> - If set, environment variable
-conversions (between Win32 and POSIX) are cached. Note that this is may
-cause problems if the mount table changes, as the cache is not invalidated
-and may contain values that depend on the previous mount table
-contents. Defaults to set.</para>
-<para><FirstTerm>(no)export</FirstTerm> - if set, the final values of these
-settings are re-exported to the environment as $CYGWIN again.</para>
-<para><FirstTerm>(no)glob</FirstTerm> - if set, command line arguments
-containing UNIX-style file wildcard characters (brackets, question mark,
-asterisk, escaped with \) are expanded into lists of files that match
-those wildcards.
-This is applicable only to programs running from a DOS command line prompt.
-Default is set.</para>
-<para><FirstTerm>(no)ntea</FirstTerm> - if set, use the full NT Extended
-Attributes to store UNIX-like inode information.
-This option only operates under Windows NT. Defaults to not set. </para>
-<Warning><Title>Warning!</Title> <para>This may create additional
-<emphasis>large</emphasis> files on non-NTFS partitions.</para></Warning>
-<para><FirstTerm>(no)ntsec</FirstTerm> - if set, use the NT security
-model to set UNIX-like permissions on files and processes. The
-file permissions can only be set on NTFS partitions. FAT and SAMBA doesn't
-support the NT file security. For more information, read the documentation
-in <citation>ntsec.sgml</citation>.</para>
-<para><FirstTerm>(no)reset_com</FirstTerm> - if set, serial ports are reset
-to 9600-8-N-1 with no flow control when used. This is done at open
-time and when handles are inherited. Defaults to set.</para>
-<para><FirstTerm>strace=n[:cache][,filename]</FirstTerm> - configures system
-tracing. Off by default, setting various bits in <literal>n</literal> (a
-bit flag) enables various types of system messages. Setting
-<literal>n</literal> to 1 enables most messages. Other values can be found
-in <filename>sys/strace.h</filename>. The <literal>:cache</literal> option
-lets you specify how many lines to cache before flushing the output
-(example: <literal>strace=1:20</literal>). The <literal>filename</literal>
-option lets you send the messages to a file instead of the screen. </para>
-<para><FirstTerm>(no)strip_title</FirstTerm> - if set, strips the directory
-part off the window title, if any. Default is not set.</para>
-<para><FirstTerm>(no)title</FirstTerm> - if set, the title bar
-reflects the name of the program currently running. Default is not
-set. Note that under Win9x the title bar is always enabled and it is
-stripped by default, but this is because of the way Win9x works. In
-order not to strip, specify <literal>title</literal> or <literal>title
-<para><FirstTerm>(no)tty</FirstTerm> - if set, Cygwin enables extra support
-(i.e., termios) for UNIX-like ttys.
-It is not compatible with some Windows programs.
-Defaults to not set, in which case the tty is opened in text mode
-with ^Z as EOF. Note that this has been changed such that ^D works as
-expected instead of ^Z, and is settable via stty.
-This option must be specified before starting a Cygwin shell
-and it cannot be changed in the shell.</para>