path: root/winsup/cygwin/winsup.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'winsup/cygwin/winsup.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 383 deletions
diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/winsup.h b/winsup/cygwin/winsup.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5612669..0000000
--- a/winsup/cygwin/winsup.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-/* winsup.h: main Cygwin header file.
- Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Cygnus Solutions.
-This file is part of Cygwin.
-This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
-Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for
-details. */
-# include "config.h"
-#define __INSIDE_CYGWIN__
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#define alloca(x) __builtin_alloca (x)
-#define strlen __builtin_strlen
-#define strcpy __builtin_strcpy
-#define memcpy __builtin_memcpy
-#define memcmp __builtin_memcmp
-# define memset __builtin_memset
-#if !defined(__STDC_VERSION__) || __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199900L
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/strace.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#undef strchr
-#define strchr cygwin_strchr
-extern "C" inline __stdcall char * strchr(const char * s, int c)
-register char * __res;
-__asm__ __volatile__(
- "movb %%al,%%ah\n"
- "1:\tmovb (%1),%%al\n\t"
- "cmpb %%ah,%%al\n\t"
- "je 2f\n\t"
- "incl %1\n\t"
- "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
- "jne 1b\n\t"
- "xorl %1,%1\n"
- "2:\tmovl %1,%0\n\t"
- :"=a" (__res), "=r" (s)
- :"0" (c), "1" (s));
-return __res;
-#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
-#define _WINGDI_H
-#define _WINUSER_H
-#define _WINNLS_H
-#define _WINVER_H
-#define _WINNETWK_H
-#define _WINSVC_H
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <wincrypt.h>
-#undef _WINGDI_H
-#undef _WINUSER_H
-#undef _WINNLS_H
-#undef _WINVER_H
-#undef _WINNETWK_H
-#undef _WINSVC_H
-/* The one function we use from winuser.h most of the time */
-extern "C" DWORD WINAPI GetLastError (void);
-/* Used for runtime OS check/decisions. */
-enum os_type {winNT = 1, win95, win98, win32s, unknown};
-extern os_type os_being_run;
-/* Used to check if Cygwin DLL is dynamically loaded. */
-extern int dynamically_loaded;
-#define sys_wcstombs(tgt,src,len) \
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,(src),-1,(tgt),(len),NULL,NULL)
-#define sys_mbstowcs(tgt,src,len) \
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,(src),-1,(tgt),(len))
-#include <cygwin/version.h>
-#define TITLESIZE 1024
-#define MAX_USER_NAME 20
-#define DEFAULT_UID 500
-#define DEFAULT_GID 544
-#define MAX_SID_LEN 40
-#define MAX_HOST_NAME 256
-/* status bit manipulation */
-#define __ISSETF(what, x, prefix) \
- ((what)->status & prefix##_##x)
-#define __SETF(what, x, prefix) \
- ((what)->status |= prefix##_##x)
-#define __CLEARF(what, x, prefix) \
- ((what)->status &= ~prefix##_##x)
-#define __CONDSETF(n, what, x, prefix) \
- ((n) ? __SETF (what, x, prefix) : __CLEARF (what, x, prefix))
-#include "shared.h"
-extern HANDLE hMainThread;
-extern HANDLE hMainProc;
-#include "debug.h"
-#include <sys/cygwin.h>
-/********************** Application Interface **************************/
-extern "C" per_process __cygwin_user_data; /* Pointer into application's static data */
-#define user_data (&__cygwin_user_data)
-/* We use the following to test that sizeof hasn't changed. When adding
- or deleting members, insert fillers or use the reserved entries.
- Do not change this value. */
-#define SIZEOF_PER_PROCESS (42 * 4)
-/******************* Host-dependent constants **********************/
-/* Portions of the cygwin DLL require special constants whose values
- are dependent on the host system. Rather than dynamically
- determine those values whenever they are required, initialize these
- values once at process start-up. */
-class host_dependent_constants
- public:
- void init (void);
- /* Used by fhandler_disk_file::lock which needs a platform-specific
- upper word value for locking entire files. */
- DWORD win32_upper;
- /* fhandler_base::open requires host dependent file sharing
- attributes. */
- int shared;
-extern host_dependent_constants host_dependent;
-/* Events/mutexes */
-extern HANDLE title_mutex;
-/**************************** Convenience ******************************/
-#define NO_COPY __attribute__((section(".data_cygwin_nocopy")))
-/* Used when treating / and \ as equivalent. */
-#define SLASH_P(ch) \
- ({ \
- char __c = (ch); \
- ((__c) == '/' || (__c) == '\\'); \
- })
-/* Convert a signal to a signal mask */
-#define SIGTOMASK(sig) (1<<((sig) - signal_shift_subtract))
-extern unsigned int signal_shift_subtract;
-#ifdef NOSTRACE
-#define MARK() 0
-#define MARK() mark (__FILE__,__LINE__)
-# define api_fatal(...) __api_fatal ("%P: *** " __VA_ARGS__)
-# define api_fatal(fmt, args...) __api_fatal ("%P: *** " fmt,## args)
-#undef issep
-#define issep(ch) (strchr (" \t\n\r", (ch)) != NULL)
-#define isdirsep SLASH_P
-#define isabspath(p) \
- (isdirsep (*(p)) || (isalpha (*(p)) && (p)[1] == ':' && (!(p)[2] || isdirsep ((p)[2]))))
-/******************** Initialization/Termination **********************/
-/* cygwin .dll initialization */
-void dll_crt0 (per_process *);
-extern "C" void __stdcall _dll_crt0 ();
-/* dynamically loaded dll initialization */
-extern "C" int dll_dllcrt0 (HMODULE, per_process*);
-/* dynamically loaded dll initialization for non-cygwin apps */
-extern "C" int dll_noncygwin_dllcrt0 (HMODULE, per_process *);
-/* exit the program */
-extern "C" void __stdcall do_exit (int) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
-/* Initialize the environment */
-void environ_init (int);
-/* Heap management. */
-void heap_init (void);
-void malloc_init (void);
-/* UID/GID */
-void uinfo_init (void);
-/* various events */
-void events_init (void);
-void events_terminate (void);
-void __stdcall close_all_files (void);
-/* Invisible window initialization/termination. */
-HWND __stdcall gethwnd (void);
-void __stdcall window_terminate (void);
-/* Globals that handle initialization of winsock in a child process. */
-extern HANDLE wsock32_handle;
-/* Globals that handle initialization of netapi in a child process. */
-extern HANDLE netapi32_handle;
-/* debug_on_trap support. see exceptions.cc:try_to_debug() */
-extern "C" void error_start_init (const char*);
-extern "C" int try_to_debug ();
-extern int cygwin_finished_initializing;
-/**************************** Miscellaneous ******************************/
-/* File manipulation */
-int __stdcall set_process_privileges ();
-int __stdcall get_file_attribute (int, const char *, int *,
- uid_t * = NULL, gid_t * = NULL);
-int __stdcall set_file_attribute (int, const char *, int);
-int __stdcall set_file_attribute (int, const char *, uid_t, gid_t, int, const char *);
-void __stdcall set_std_handle (int);
-int __stdcall writable_directory (const char *file);
-int __stdcall stat_dev (DWORD, int, unsigned long, struct stat *);
-extern BOOL allow_ntsec;
-/* `lookup_name' should be called instead of LookupAccountName.
- * logsrv may be NULL, in this case only the local system is used for lookup.
- * The buffer for ret_sid (40 Bytes) has to be allocated by the caller! */
-BOOL __stdcall lookup_name (const char *, const char *, PSID);
-char *__stdcall convert_sid_to_string_sid (PSID, char *);
-PSID __stdcall convert_string_sid_to_sid (PSID, const char *);
-BOOL __stdcall get_pw_sid (PSID, struct passwd *);
-unsigned long __stdcall hash_path_name (unsigned long hash, const char *name);
-void __stdcall nofinalslash (const char *src, char *dst);
-extern "C" char *__stdcall rootdir (char *full_path);
-void __stdcall mark (const char *, int);
-extern "C" int _spawnve (HANDLE hToken, int mode, const char *path,
- const char *const *argv, const char *const *envp);
-extern void __stdcall exec_fixup_after_fork ();
-class _pinfo;
-/* For mmaps across fork(). */
-int __stdcall recreate_mmaps_after_fork (void *);
-void __stdcall set_child_mmap_ptr (_pinfo *);
-/* String manipulation */
-char *__stdcall strccpy (char *s1, const char **s2, char c);
-int __stdcall strcasematch (const char *s1, const char *s2);
-int __stdcall strncasematch (const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n);
-char *__stdcall strcasestr (const char *searchee, const char *lookfor);
-/* Time related */
-void __stdcall totimeval (struct timeval *dst, FILETIME * src, int sub, int flag);
-long __stdcall to_time_t (FILETIME * ptr);
-/* pinfo table manipulation */
-#ifndef lock_pinfo_for_update
-int __stdcall lock_pinfo_for_update (DWORD timeout);
-void unlock_pinfo (void);
-/* Retrieve a security descriptor that allows all access */
-SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *__stdcall get_null_sd (void);
-int __stdcall get_id_from_sid (PSID, BOOL);
-extern inline int get_uid_from_sid (PSID psid) { return get_id_from_sid (psid, FALSE);}
-extern inline int get_gid_from_sid (PSID psid) { return get_id_from_sid (psid, TRUE); }
-int __stdcall NTReadEA (const char *file, const char *attrname, char *buf, int len);
-BOOL __stdcall NTWriteEA (const char *file, const char *attrname, char *buf, int len);
-void __stdcall set_console_title (char *);
-void set_console_handler ();
-void __stdcall fill_rusage (struct rusage *, HANDLE);
-void __stdcall add_rusage (struct rusage *, struct rusage *);
-void set_winsock_errno ();
-/**************************** Exports ******************************/
-extern "C" {
-int cygwin_select (int , fd_set *, fd_set *, fd_set *,
- struct timeval *to);
-int cygwin_gethostname (char *__name, size_t __len);
-int kill_pgrp (pid_t, int);
-int _kill (int, int);
-int _raise (int sig);
-int getfdtabsize ();
-void setfdtabsize (int);
-extern DWORD binmode;
-extern char _data_start__, _data_end__, _bss_start__, _bss_end__;
-extern void (*__CTOR_LIST__) (void);
-extern void (*__DTOR_LIST__) (void);
-/*************************** Unsorted ******************************/
-#define WM_ASYNCIO 0x8000 // WM_APP
-/* Note that MAX_PATH is defined in the windows headers */
-/* There is also PATH_MAX and MAXPATHLEN.
- PATH_MAX is from Posix and does *not* include the trailing NUL.
- MAXPATHLEN is from Unix.
- Thou shalt use MAX_PATH throughout. It avoids the NUL vs no-NUL
- issue and is neither of the Unixy ones [so we can punt on which
- one is the right one to use]. */
-/* Initial and increment values for cygwin's fd table */
-#define NOFILE_INCR 32
-#include <sys/reent.h>
-#define STD_WBITS (S_IWUSR)
-#define O_NOSYMLINK 0x080000
-#define O_DIROPEN 0x100000
-/*************************** Environment ******************************/
-/* The structure below is used to control conversion to/from posix-style
- * file specs. Currently, only PATH and HOME are converted, but PATH
- * needs to use a "convert path list" function while HOME needs a simple
- * "convert to posix/win32". For the simple case, where a calculated length
- * is required, just return MAX_PATH. *FIXME*
- */
-struct win_env
- {
- const char *name;
- size_t namelen;
- char *posix;
- char *native;
- int (*toposix) (const char *, char *);
- int (*towin32) (const char *, char *);
- int (*posix_len) (const char *);
- int (*win32_len) (const char *);
- void add_cache (const char *in_posix, const char *in_native = NULL);
- const char * get_native () {return native ? native + namelen : NULL;}
- };
-win_env * __stdcall getwinenv (const char *name, const char *posix = NULL);
-void __stdcall update_envptrs ();
-char * __stdcall winenv (const char * const *, int);
-extern char **__cygwin_environ, ***main_environ;
-extern "C" char __stdcall **cur_environ ();
-/* The title on program start. */
-extern char *old_title;
-extern BOOL display_title;
-#endif /* defined __cplusplus */