path: root/winsup/cygwin/ntea.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'winsup/cygwin/ntea.cc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 334 deletions
diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ntea.cc b/winsup/cygwin/ntea.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index cf0a159..0000000
--- a/winsup/cygwin/ntea.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-/* ntea.cc: code for manipulating NTEA information
- Copyright 1997, 1998, 2000 Cygnus Solutions.
- Written by Sergey S. Okhapkin (sos@prospect.com.ru)
-This file is part of Cygwin.
-This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
-Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for
-details. */
-#include <winsup.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* Default to not using NTEA information */
-BOOL allow_ntea = FALSE;
-From Windows NT DDK:
-FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION provides extended attribute information.
-This structure is used primarily by network drivers.
-The offset of the next FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION-type entry. This member is
-zero if no other entries follow this one.
-Can be zero or can be set with FILE_NEED_EA, indicating that the file to which
-the EA belongs cannot be interpreted without understanding the associated
-extended attributes.
-The length in bytes of the EaName array. This value does not include a
-zero-terminator to EaName.
-The length in bytes of each EA value in the array.
-An array of characters naming the EA for this entry.
-This structure is longword-aligned. If a set of FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION
-entries is buffered, NextEntryOffset value in each entry, except the last,
-falls on a longword boundary.
-The value(s) associated with each entry follows the EaName array. That is, an
-EA's values are located at EaName + (EaNameLength + 1).
-typedef struct _FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION {
- ULONG NextEntryOffset;
- UCHAR Flags;
- UCHAR EaNameLength;
- USHORT EaValueLength;
- CHAR EaName[1];
-/* Functions prototypes */
-int NTReadEA (const char *file, const char *attrname, char *buf, int len);
-static PFILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION NTReadEARaw (HANDLE file, int *len);
-BOOL NTWriteEA(const char *file, const char *attrname, char *buf, int len);
- * NTReadEA - read file's Extended Attribute.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * file - pointer to filename
- * attrname- pointer to EA name (case insensitivy. EAs are sored in upper
- * case).
- * attrbuf - pointer to buffer to store EA's value.
- * len - length of attrbuf.
- * Return value:
- * 0 - if file or attribute "attrname" not found.
- * N - number of bytes stored in attrbuf if succes.
- * -1 - attrbuf too small for EA value.
- */
-int __stdcall
-NTReadEA (const char *file, const char *attrname, char *attrbuf, int len)
- /* return immediately if NTEA usage is turned off */
- if (! allow_ntea)
- return FALSE;
- HANDLE hFileSource;
- int eafound = 0;
- int easize;
- hFileSource = CreateFile (file, FILE_READ_EA,
- &sec_none_nih, // sa
- );
- if (hFileSource == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- return 0;
- /* Read in raw array of EAs */
- ea = sea = NTReadEARaw (hFileSource, &easize);
- /* Search for requested attribute */
- while (sea)
- {
- if (strcasematch (ea->EaName, attrname)) /* EA found */
- {
- if (ea->EaValueLength > len)
- {
- eafound = -1; /* buffer too small */
- break;
- }
- memcpy (attrbuf, ea->EaName + (ea->EaNameLength + 1),
- ea->EaValueLength);
- eafound = ea->EaValueLength;
- break;
- }
- if ((ea->NextEntryOffset == 0) || ((int) ea->NextEntryOffset > easize))
- break;
- ea = (PFILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION) ((char *) ea + ea->NextEntryOffset);
- }
- if (sea)
- free (sea);
- CloseHandle (hFileSource);
- return eafound;
- * NTReadEARaw - internal routine to read EAs array to malloced buffer. The
- * caller should free this buffer after usage.
- * Parameters:
- * hFileSource - handle to file. This handle should have FILE_READ_EA
- * rights.
- * len - pointer to int variable where length of buffer will
- * be stored.
- * Return value:
- * pointer to buffer with file's EAs, or NULL if any error occured.
- */
-NTReadEARaw (HANDLE hFileSource, int *len)
- WIN32_STREAM_ID StreamId;
- DWORD dwBytesWritten;
- LPVOID lpContext;
- DWORD StreamSize;
- lpContext = NULL;
- StreamSize = sizeof (WIN32_STREAM_ID) - sizeof (WCHAR**);
- /* Read the WIN32_STREAM_ID in */
- while (BackupRead (hFileSource, (LPBYTE) &StreamId, StreamSize,
- &dwBytesWritten,
- FALSE, // don't abort yet
- FALSE, // don't process security
- &lpContext))
- {
- DWORD sl,sh;
- if (dwBytesWritten == 0) /* No more Stream IDs */
- break;
- /* skip StreamName */
- if (StreamId.dwStreamNameSize)
- {
- unsigned char *buf;
- buf = (unsigned char *) malloc (StreamId.dwStreamNameSize);
- if (buf == NULL)
- break;
- if (!BackupRead (hFileSource, buf, // buffer to read
- StreamId.dwStreamNameSize, // num bytes to read
- &dwBytesWritten,
- FALSE, // don't abort yet
- FALSE, // don't process security
- &lpContext)) // Stream name read error
- {
- free (buf);
- break;
- }
- free (buf);
- }
- /* Is it EA stream? */
- if (StreamId.dwStreamId == BACKUP_EA_DATA)
- {
- unsigned char *buf;
- buf = (unsigned char *) malloc (StreamId.Size.LowPart);
- if (buf == NULL)
- break;
- if (!BackupRead (hFileSource, buf, // buffer to read
- StreamId.Size.LowPart, // num bytes to write
- &dwBytesWritten,
- FALSE, // don't abort yet
- FALSE, // don't process security
- &lpContext))
- {
- free (buf); /* EA read error */
- break;
- }
- eafound = (PFILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION) buf;
- *len = StreamId.Size.LowPart;
- break;
- }
- /* Skip current stream */
- if (!BackupSeek (hFileSource,
- StreamId.Size.LowPart,
- StreamId.Size.HighPart,
- &sl,
- &sh,
- &lpContext))
- break;
- }
- /* free context */
- BackupRead (
- hFileSource,
- NULL, // buffer to write
- 0, // number of bytes to write
- &dwBytesWritten,
- TRUE, // abort
- FALSE, // don't process security
- &lpContext);
- return eafound;
- * NTWriteEA - write file's Extended Attribute.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * file - pointer to filename
- * attrname- pointer to EA name (case insensitivy. EAs are sored in upper
- * case).
- * buf - pointer to buffer with EA value.
- * len - length of buf.
- * Return value:
- * TRUE if success, FALSE otherwice.
- * Note: if len=0 given EA will be deleted.
- */
-BOOL __stdcall
-NTWriteEA (const char *file, const char *attrname, char *buf, int len)
- /* return immediately if NTEA usage is turned off */
- if (! allow_ntea)
- return TRUE;
- HANDLE hFileSource;
- WIN32_STREAM_ID StreamId;
- DWORD dwBytesWritten;
- LPVOID lpContext;
- DWORD StreamSize, easize;
- BOOL bSuccess=FALSE;
- hFileSource = CreateFile (file, FILE_WRITE_EA,
- &sec_none_nih, // sa
- NULL);
- if (hFileSource == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- return FALSE;
- lpContext = NULL;
- StreamSize = sizeof (WIN32_STREAM_ID) - sizeof (WCHAR**);
- /* FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION structure is longword-aligned */
- easize = sizeof (*ea) - sizeof (WCHAR**) + strlen (attrname) + 1 + len
- + (sizeof (DWORD) - 1);
- easize &= ~(sizeof (DWORD) - 1);
- if ((ea = (PFILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION) malloc (easize)) == NULL)
- goto cleanup;
- memset (ea, 0, easize);
- ea->EaNameLength = strlen (attrname);
- ea->EaValueLength = len;
- strcpy (ea->EaName, attrname);
- memcpy (ea->EaName + (ea->EaNameLength + 1), buf, len);
- StreamId.dwStreamId = BACKUP_EA_DATA;
- StreamId.dwStreamAttributes = 0;
- StreamId.Size.HighPart = 0;
- StreamId.Size.LowPart = easize;
- StreamId.dwStreamNameSize = 0;
- if (!BackupWrite (hFileSource, (LPBYTE) &StreamId, StreamSize,
- &dwBytesWritten,
- FALSE, // don't abort yet
- FALSE, // don't process security
- &lpContext))
- goto cleanup;
- if (!BackupWrite (hFileSource, (LPBYTE) ea, easize,
- &dwBytesWritten,
- FALSE, // don't abort yet
- FALSE, // don't process security
- &lpContext))
- goto cleanup;
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- /* free context */
- BackupRead (hFileSource,
- NULL, // buffer to write
- 0, // number of bytes to write
- &dwBytesWritten,
- TRUE, // abort
- FALSE, // don't process security
- &lpContext);
- CloseHandle (hFileSource);
- if (ea)
- free (ea);
- return bSuccess;