path: root/winsup/cygwin/fork.cc
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 684 deletions
diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/fork.cc b/winsup/cygwin/fork.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index f93d3a8..0000000
--- a/winsup/cygwin/fork.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,684 +0,0 @@
-/* fork.cc
- Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Cygnus Solutions.
-This file is part of Cygwin.
-This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
-Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for
-details. */
-#include "winsup.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "dll_init.h"
-#include "fhandler.h"
-#include "dtable.h"
-#include "cygerrno.h"
-#include "sync.h"
-#include "sigproc.h"
-#include "pinfo.h"
-#include "perthread.h"
-DWORD NO_COPY chunksize = 0;
-/* Timeout to wait for child to start, parent to init child, etc. */
-/* FIXME: Once things stabilize, bump up to a few minutes. */
-#define FORK_WAIT_TIMEOUT (300 * 1000) /* 300 seconds */
-#define dll_data_start &_data_start__
-#define dll_data_end &_data_end__
-#define dll_bss_start &_bss_start__
-#define dll_bss_end &_bss_end__
-per_thread::set (void *s)
- {
- {
- tls = TlsAlloc ();
- s = NULL;
- }
- TlsSetValue (get_tls (), s);
- }
-static void
-stack_base (child_info_fork &ch)
- memset (&m, 0, sizeof m);
- if (!VirtualQuery ((LPCVOID) &m, &m, sizeof m))
- system_printf ("couldn't get memory info, %E");
- ch.stacktop = m.AllocationBase;
- ch.stackbottom = (LPBYTE) m.BaseAddress + m.RegionSize;
- ch.stacksize = (DWORD) ch.stackbottom - (DWORD) &m;
- debug_printf ("bottom %p, top %p, stack %p, size %d, reserve %d",
- ch.stackbottom, ch.stacktop, &m, ch.stacksize,
- (DWORD) ch.stackbottom - (DWORD) ch.stacktop);
-/* Copy memory from parent to child.
- The result is a boolean indicating success. */
-static int
-fork_copy (PROCESS_INFORMATION &pi, const char *what, ...)
- va_list args;
- char *low;
- int pass = 0;
- va_start (args, what);
- while ((low = va_arg (args, char *)))
- {
- char *high = va_arg (args, char *);
- DWORD todo = chunksize ?: high - low;
- char *here;
- for (here = low; here < high; here += todo)
- {
- DWORD done = 0;
- if (here + todo > high)
- todo = high - here;
- int res = WriteProcessMemory (pi.hProcess, here, here, todo, &done);
- debug_printf ("child handle %p, low %p, high %p, res %d", pi.hProcess,
- low, high, res);
- if (!res || todo != done)
- {
- if (!res)
- __seterrno ();
- /* If this happens then there is a bug in our fork
- implementation somewhere. */
- system_printf ("%s pass %d failed, %p..%p, done %d, %E",
- what, pass, low, high, done);
- goto err;
- }
- }
- pass++;
- }
- debug_printf ("done");
- return 1;
- TerminateProcess (pi.hProcess, 1);
- set_errno (EAGAIN);
- return 0;
-/* Wait for child to finish what it's doing and signal us.
- We don't want to wait forever here.If there's a problem somewhere
- it'll hang the entire system (since all forks are mutex'd). If we
- time out, set errno = EAGAIN and hope the app tries again. */
-static int
-sync_with_child (PROCESS_INFORMATION &pi, HANDLE subproc_ready,
- BOOL hang_child, const char *s)
- /* We also add the child process handle to the wait. If the child fails
- to initialize (eg. because of a missing dll). Then this
- handle will become signalled. This stops a *looong* timeout wait.
- */
- HANDLE w4[2];
- debug_printf ("waiting for child. reason: %s", s);
- w4[1] = pi.hProcess;
- w4[0] = subproc_ready;
- DWORD rc = WaitForMultipleObjects (2, w4, FALSE, FORK_WAIT_TIMEOUT);
- if (rc == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ||
- WaitForSingleObject (subproc_ready, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
- /* That's ok */;
- else if (rc == WAIT_FAILED || rc == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- {
- if (rc != WAIT_FAILED)
- system_printf ("WaitForMultipleObjects timed out");
- else
- system_printf ("WaitForMultipleObjects failed, %E");
- set_errno (EAGAIN);
- syscall_printf ("-1 = fork(), WaitForMultipleObjects failed");
- TerminateProcess (pi.hProcess, 1);
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Child died. Clean up and exit. */
- DWORD errcode;
- GetExitCodeProcess (pi.hProcess, &errcode);
- /* Fix me. This is not enough. The fork should not be considered
- * to have failed if the process was essentially killed by a signal.
- */
- if (errcode != STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT)
- {
- system_printf ("child %d(%p) died before initialization with status code %p",
- pi.dwProcessId, pi.hProcess, errcode);
- system_printf ("*** child state %s", s);
- abort ();
- }
- set_errno (EAGAIN);
- syscall_printf ("Child died before subproc_ready signalled");
- return 0;
- }
- debug_printf ("child signalled me");
- if (hang_child)
- {
- int n = SuspendThread (pi.hThread);
- debug_printf ("suspend count %d", n); \
- }
- return 1;
-static int
-resume_child (PROCESS_INFORMATION &pi, HANDLE forker_finished)
- int rc;
- debug_printf ("here");
- SetEvent (forker_finished);
- rc = ResumeThread (pi.hThread);
- debug_printf ("rc %d", rc);
- if (rc == 1)
- return 1; // Successful resumption
- /* Can't resume the thread. Not sure why this would happen unless
- there's a bug in the system. Things seem to be working OK now
- though, so flag this with EAGAIN, but print a message on the
- console. */
- small_printf ("fork: ResumeThread failed, rc = %d, %E\n", rc);
- set_errno (EAGAIN);
- syscall_printf ("-1 = fork(), ResumeThread failed");
- TerminateProcess (pi.hProcess, 1);
- return 0;
-/* Notify parent that it is time for the next step.
- Note that this has to be a macro since the parent may be messing with
- our stack. */
-#define sync_with_parent(s, hang_self) \
-((void) ({ \
- debug_printf ("signalling parent: %s", s); \
- /* Tell our parent we're waiting. */ \
- if (!SetEvent (child_proc_info->subproc_ready)) \
- api_fatal ("fork child - SetEvent failed, %E"); \
- if (hang_self) \
- { \
- /* Wait for the parent to fill in our stack and heap. \
- Don't wait forever here. If our parent dies we don't want to clog \
- the system. If the wait fails, we really can't continue so exit. */ \
- DWORD psync_rc = WaitForSingleObject (child_proc_info->forker_finished, FORK_WAIT_TIMEOUT); \
- switch (psync_rc) \
- { \
- case WAIT_TIMEOUT: \
- api_fatal ("sync_with_parent - WFSO timed out"); \
- break; \
- case WAIT_FAILED: \
- if (GetLastError () == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE && \
- WaitForSingleObject (child_proc_info->forker_finished, 1) != WAIT_FAILED) \
- break; \
- api_fatal ("sync_with_parent - WFSO failed, fork_finished %p, %E", child_proc_info->forker_finished); \
- break; \
- default: \
- break; \
- } \
- debug_printf ("awake"); \
- } \
- 0; \
-static volatile void grow_stack_slack();
-static void *
-stack_dummy (int here)
- return &here;
-extern "C" int
-fork ()
- int res;
- DWORD rc;
- HANDLE hParent;
- HANDLE subproc_ready, forker_finished;
- void *stack_here;
- int x;
- static NO_COPY HANDLE last_fork_proc = NULL;
- /* FIXME: something is broken when copying the stack from the parent
- to the child; we try various tricks here to make sure that the
- stack is good enough to prevent page faults, but the true cause
- is still unknown. DJ */
- volatile char dummy[4096];
- dummy[0] = dummy[4095] = 0; // Just to leave some slack in the stack
- grow_stack_slack ();
- debug_printf ("entering");
- /* Calculate how much of stack to copy to child */
- stack_here = stack_dummy (0);
- if (ISSTATE(myself, PID_SPLIT_HEAP))
- {
- system_printf ("The heap has been split, CYGWIN can't fork this process.");
- system_printf ("Increase the heap_chunk_size in the registry and try again.");
- set_errno (ENOMEM);
- syscall_printf ("-1 = fork (), split heap");
- return -1;
- }
- /* Remember the address of the first loaded dll and decide
- if we need to load dlls. We do this here so that this
- information will be available in the parent and, when
- the stack is copied, in the child. */
- dll *first_dll = dlls.start.next;
- int load_dlls = dlls.reload_on_fork && dlls.loaded_dlls;
- static child_info_fork ch;
- x = setjmp (ch.jmp);
- if (x == 0)
- {
- /* This will help some of the confusion. */
- fflush (stdout);
- subproc_ready = CreateEvent (&sec_all, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
- forker_finished = CreateEvent (&sec_all, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
- ProtectHandle (subproc_ready);
- ProtectHandle (forker_finished);
- /* If we didn't obtain all the resources we need to fork, allow the program
- to continue, but record the fact that fork won't work. */
- if (forker_finished == NULL || subproc_ready == NULL)
- {
- system_printf ("unable to allocate fork() resources.");
- system_printf ("fork() disabled.");
- return -1;
- }
- subproc_init ();
- debug_printf ("about to call setjmp");
- /* Parent. */
- /* The ProtectHandle call allocates memory so we need to make sure
- that enough is set aside here so that the sbrk pointer does not
- move when ProtectHandle is called after the child is started.
- Otherwise the sbrk pointers in the parent will not agree with
- the child and when user_data is (regrettably) copied over,
- the user_data->ptr field will not be accurate. */
- free (malloc (4096));
- init_child_info (PROC_FORK1, &ch, 1, subproc_ready);
- ch.forker_finished = forker_finished;
- ch.heaptop = user_data->heaptop;
- ch.heapbase = user_data->heapbase;
- ch.heapptr = user_data->heapptr;
- stack_base (ch);
- STARTUPINFO si = {0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
- si.cb = sizeof (STARTUPINFO);
- si.lpReserved2 = (LPBYTE)&ch;
- si.cbReserved2 = sizeof(ch);
- int c_flags = GetPriorityClass (hMainProc) /*|
- /* If we don't have a console, then don't create a console for the
- child either. */
- HANDLE console_handle = CreateFileA ("CONOUT$", GENERIC_WRITE,
- FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &sec_none_nih,
- NULL);
- syscall_printf ("CreateProcessA (%s, %s,0,0,1,%x, 0,0,%p,%p)",
- myself->progname, myself->progname, c_flags, &si, &pi);
- if (console_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && console_handle != 0)
- CloseHandle (console_handle);
- else
- c_flags |= DETACHED_PROCESS;
- hParent = NULL;
- if (!DuplicateHandle (hMainProc, hMainProc, hMainProc, &hParent, 0, 1,
- {
- system_printf ("couldn't create handle to myself for child, %E");
- goto cleanup;
- }
- /* Remove impersonation */
- uid_t uid = geteuid();
- if (myself->impersonated && myself->token != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- seteuid (myself->orig_uid);
- char sa_buf[1024];
- rc = CreateProcessA (myself->progname, /* image to run */
- myself->progname, /* what we send in arg0 */
- allow_ntsec ? sec_user (sa_buf) : &sec_none_nih,
- allow_ntsec ? sec_user (sa_buf) : &sec_none_nih,
- TRUE, /* inherit handles from parent */
- c_flags,
- NULL, /* environment filled in later */
- 0, /* use current drive/directory */
- &si,
- &pi);
- CloseHandle (hParent);
- if (!rc)
- {
- __seterrno ();
- syscall_printf ("-1 = fork(), CreateProcessA failed");
- ForceCloseHandle(subproc_ready);
- ForceCloseHandle(forker_finished);
- subproc_ready = forker_finished = NULL;
- /* Restore impersonation */
- if (myself->impersonated && myself->token != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- seteuid (uid);
- return -1;
- }
- pinfo forked (cygwin_pid (pi.dwProcessId), 1);
- /* Initialize things that are done later in dll_crt0_1 that aren't done
- for the forkee. */
- strcpy(forked->progname, myself->progname);
- /* Restore impersonation */
- if (myself->impersonated && myself->token != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- seteuid (uid);
- ProtectHandle (pi.hThread);
- /* Protect the handle but name it similarly to the way it will
- be called in subproc handling. */
- ProtectHandle1 (pi.hProcess, childhProc);
- if (os_being_run != winNT)
- {
- if (last_fork_proc)
- CloseHandle (last_fork_proc);
- if (!DuplicateHandle (hMainProc, pi.hProcess, hMainProc, &last_fork_proc,
- system_printf ("couldn't create last_fork_proc, %E");
- }
- /* Fill in fields in the child's process table entry. */
- forked->ppid = myself->pid;
- forked->hProcess = pi.hProcess;
- forked->dwProcessId = pi.dwProcessId;
- forked->uid = myself->uid;
- forked->gid = myself->gid;
- forked->pgid = myself->pgid;
- forked->sid = myself->sid;
- forked->ctty = myself->ctty;
- forked->umask = myself->umask;
- forked->copysigs(myself);
- forked->process_state |= PID_INITIALIZING |
- (myself->process_state & PID_USETTY);
- memcpy (forked->username, myself->username, MAX_USER_NAME);
- if (myself->use_psid)
- {
- memcpy (forked->psid, myself->psid, MAX_SID_LEN);
- forked->use_psid = 1;
- }
- memcpy (forked->logsrv, myself->logsrv, MAX_HOST_NAME);
- memcpy (forked->domain, myself->domain, MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1);
- forked->token = myself->token;
- forked->impersonated = myself->impersonated;
- forked->orig_uid = myself->orig_uid;
- forked->orig_gid = myself->orig_gid;
- forked->real_uid = myself->real_uid;
- forked->real_gid = myself->real_gid;
- strcpy (forked->root, myself->root);
- forked->rootlen = myself->rootlen;
- set_child_mmap_ptr (forked);
- /* Wait for subproc to initialize itself. */
- if (!sync_with_child(pi, subproc_ready, TRUE, "waiting for longjmp"))
- goto cleanup;
- debug_printf ("child is alive (but stopped)");
- /* Initialize, in order: data, bss, heap, stack, dll data, dll bss
- Note: variables marked as NO_COPY will not be copied
- since they are placed in a protected segment. */
- rc = fork_copy (pi, "user/cygwin data",
- user_data->data_start, user_data->data_end,
- user_data->bss_start, user_data->bss_end,
- ch.heapbase, ch.heapptr,
- stack_here, ch.stackbottom,
- dll_data_start, dll_data_end,
- dll_bss_start, dll_bss_end, NULL);
- if (!rc)
- goto cleanup;
- /* Now fill data/bss of any DLLs that were linked into the program. */
- for (dll *d = dlls.istart (DLL_LINK); d; d = dlls.inext ())
- {
- debug_printf ("copying data/bss of a linked dll");
- if (!fork_copy (pi, "linked dll data/bss", d->p.data_start, d->p.data_end,
- d->p.bss_start, d->p.bss_end,
- NULL))
- goto cleanup;
- }
- forked.remember ();
- /* Start thread, and wait for it to reload dlls. */
- if (!resume_child (pi, forker_finished) ||
- !sync_with_child (pi, subproc_ready, load_dlls, "child loading dlls"))
- goto cleanup;
- /* If DLLs were loaded in the parent, then the child has reloaded all
- of them and is now waiting to have all of the individual data and
- bss sections filled in. */
- if (load_dlls)
- {
- /* write memory of reloaded dlls */
- for (dll *d = dlls.istart (DLL_LOAD); d; d = dlls.inext ())
- {
- debug_printf ("copying data/bss for a loaded dll");
- if (!fork_copy (pi, "loaded dll data/bss", d->p.data_start, d->p.data_end,
- d->p.bss_start, d->p.bss_end,
- NULL))
- goto cleanup;
- }
- /* Start the child up again. */
- (void) resume_child (pi, forker_finished);
- }
- ForceCloseHandle (subproc_ready);
- ForceCloseHandle (pi.hThread);
- ForceCloseHandle (forker_finished);
- forker_finished = NULL;
- pi.hThread = NULL;
- res = forked->pid;
- }
- else
- {
- /**** Child *****/
- /* We arrive here via a longjmp from "crt0". */
- (void) stack_dummy (0); // Just to make sure
- debug_printf ("child is running %d", x);
- debug_printf ("pid %d, ppid %d", x, myself->ppid);
- /* Restore the inheritance state as in parent
- Don't call setuid here! The flags are already set. */
- if (myself->impersonated)
- {
- debug_printf ("Impersonation of child, token: %d", myself->token);
- if (myself->token == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- RevertToSelf (); // probably not needed
- else if (!ImpersonateLoggedOnUser (myself->token))
- system_printf ("Impersonate for forked child failed: %E");
- }
- sync_with_parent ("after longjmp.", TRUE);
- ProtectHandle (hParent);
- char c;
- if (GetEnvironmentVariable ("FORKDEBUG", &c, 1))
- try_to_debug ();
- char buf[80];
- /* This is useful for debugging fork problems. Use gdb to attach to
- the pid reported here. */
- if (GetEnvironmentVariable ("CYGWIN_FORK_SLEEP", buf, sizeof (buf)))
- {
- small_printf ("Sleeping %d after fork, pid %u\n", atoi (buf), GetCurrentProcessId ());
- Sleep (atoi(buf));
- }
- /* If we've played with the stack, stacksize != 0. That means that
- fork() was invoked from other than the main thread. Make sure that
- when the "main" thread exits it calls do_exit, like a normal process.
- Exit with a status code of 0. */
- if (child_proc_info->stacksize)
- {
- ((DWORD *)child_proc_info->stackbottom)[-17] = (DWORD)do_exit;
- ((DWORD *)child_proc_info->stackbottom)[-15] = (DWORD)0;
- }
- fdtab.fixup_after_fork (hParent);
- signal_fixup_after_fork ();
- exec_fixup_after_fork ();
- /* If we haven't dynamically loaded any dlls, just signal
- the parent. Otherwise, load all the dlls, tell the parent
- that we're done, and wait for the parent to fill in the.
- loaded dlls' data/bss. */
- if (!load_dlls)
- sync_with_parent ("performed fork fixup.", FALSE);
- else
- {
- dlls.load_after_fork (hParent, first_dll);
- sync_with_parent ("loaded dlls", TRUE);
- }
- ForceCloseHandle (hParent);
- (void) ForceCloseHandle (child_proc_info->subproc_ready);
- (void) ForceCloseHandle (child_proc_info->forker_finished);
- if (recreate_mmaps_after_fork (myself->mmap_ptr))
- api_fatal ("recreate_mmaps_after_fork_failed");
- res = 0;
- /* Set thread local stuff to zero. Under Windows 95/98 this is sometimes
- non-zero, for some reason.
- FIXME: There is a memory leak here after a fork. */
- for (per_thread **t = threadstuff; *t; t++)
- if ((*t)->clear_on_fork ())
- (*t)->set ();
- /* Initialize signal/process handling */
- sigproc_init ();
- }
- syscall_printf ("%d = fork()", res);
- return res;
-/* Common cleanup code for failure cases */
- /* Remember to de-allocate the fd table. */
- if (pi.hProcess)
- ForceCloseHandle1 (pi.hProcess, childhProc);
- if (pi.hThread)
- ForceCloseHandle (pi.hThread);
- if (subproc_ready)
- ForceCloseHandle (subproc_ready);
- if (forker_finished)
- ForceCloseHandle (forker_finished);
- forker_finished = subproc_ready = NULL;
- return -1;
-static volatile void
-grow_stack_slack ()
- volatile char dummy[16384];
- dummy[0] = dummy[16383] = 0; // Just to make some slack in the stack
-#ifdef NEWVFORK
-/* Dummy function to force second assignment below to actually be
- carried out */
-static vfork_save *
-get_vfork_val ()
- return vfork_storage.val ();
-extern "C"
-vfork ()
-#ifndef NEWVFORK
- return fork ();
- vfork_save *vf = get_vfork_val ();
- char **esp, **pp;
- if (vf == NULL)
- vf = vfork_storage.create ();
- if (!setjmp (vf->j))
- {
- vf->pid = -1;
- __asm__ volatile ("movl %%esp,%0": "=r" (vf->vfork_esp):);
- __asm__ volatile ("movl %%ebp,%0": "=r" (vf->vfork_ebp):);
- for (pp = (char **)vf->frame, esp = vf->vfork_esp;
- esp <= vf->vfork_ebp + 1; pp++, esp++)
- *pp = *esp;
- return fdtab.vfork_child_dup () ? 0 : -1;
- }
- fdtab.vfork_parent_restore ();
- vf = get_vfork_val ();
- if (vf->pid < 0)
- {
- int exitval = -vf->pid;
- if ((vf->pid = fork ()) == 0)
- exit (exitval);
- }
- __asm__ volatile ("movl %%esp,%0": "=r" (esp):);
- for (pp = (char **)vf->frame, esp = vf->vfork_esp;
- esp <= vf->vfork_ebp + 1; pp++, esp++)
- *esp = *pp;
- return vf->pid;