path: root/newlib/libc/stdio/sprintf.c
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 360 deletions
diff --git a/newlib/libc/stdio/sprintf.c b/newlib/libc/stdio/sprintf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b537632..0000000
--- a/newlib/libc/stdio/sprintf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
- * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
- * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
- * by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the
- * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
- * from this software without specific prior written permission.
- */
- <<printf>>, <<fprintf>>, <<sprintf>>, <<snprintf>>---format output
- fprintf
- printf
- sprintf
- snprintf
- #include <stdio.h>
- int printf(const char *<[format]> [, <[arg]>, ...]);
- int fprintf(FILE *<[fd]>, const char *<[format]> [, <[arg]>, ...]);
- int sprintf(char *<[str]>, const char *<[format]> [, <[arg]>, ...]);
- int snprintf(char *<[str]>, size_t <[size]>, const char *<[format]> [, <[arg]>, ...]);
- #include <stdio.h>
- int printf(<[format]> [, <[arg]>, ...])
- char *<[format]>;
- int fprintf(<[fd]>, <[format]> [, <[arg]>, ...]);
- FILE *<[fd]>;
- char *<[format]>;
- int sprintf(<[str]>, <[format]> [, <[arg]>, ...]);
- char *<[str]>;
- char *<[format]>;
- int snprintf(<[str]>, size_t <[size]>, <[format]> [, <[arg]>, ...]);
- char *<[str]>;
- size_t <[size]>;
- char *<[format]>;
- <<printf>> accepts a series of arguments, applies to each a
- format specifier from <<*<[format]>>>, and writes the
- formatted data to <<stdout>>, terminated with a null character.
- The behavior of <<printf>> is undefined if there are not enough
- arguments for the format.
- <<printf>> returns when it reaches the end of the format string.
- If there are more arguments than the format requires, excess
- arguments are ignored.
- <<fprintf>>, <<sprintf>> and <<snprintf>> are identical to <<printf>>,
- other than the destination of the formatted output: <<fprintf>> sends
- the output to a specified file <[fd]>, while <<sprintf>> stores the
- output in the specified char array <[str]> and <<snprintf>> limits
- number of characters written to <[str]> to at most <[size]> (including
- terminating <<0>>). For <<sprintf>> and <<snprintf>>, the behavior is
- also undefined if the output <<*<[str]>>> overlaps with one of the
- arguments. <[format]> is a pointer to a charater string containing
- two types of objects: ordinary characters (other than <<%>>), which
- are copied unchanged to the output, and conversion
- specifications, each of which is introduced by <<%>>.
- (To include <<%>> in the output, use <<%%>> in the format string.)
- A conversion specification has the following form:
-. %[<[flags]>][<[width]>][.<[prec]>][<[size]>][<[type]>]
- The fields of the conversion specification have the following meanings:
- O+
- o <[flags]>
- an optional sequence of characters which control
- output justification, numeric signs, decimal points,
- trailing zeroes, and octal and hex prefixes.
- The flag characters are minus (<<->>), plus (<<+>>),
- space ( ), zero (<<0>>), and sharp (<<#>>). They can
- appear in any combination.
- o+
- o -
- The result of the conversion is left justified, and the right is
- padded with blanks. If you do not use this flag, the result is right
- justified, and padded on the left.
- o +
- The result of a signed conversion (as determined by <[type]>)
- will always begin with a plus or minus sign. (If you do not use
- this flag, positive values do not begin with a plus sign.)
- o " " (space)
- If the first character of a signed conversion specification
- is not a sign, or if a signed conversion results in no
- characters, the result will begin with a space. If the
- space ( ) flag and the plus (<<+>>) flag both appear,
- the space flag is ignored.
- o 0
- If the <[type]> character is <<d>>, <<i>>, <<o>>, <<u>>,
- <<x>>, <<X>>, <<e>>, <<E>>, <<f>>, <<g>>, or <<G>>: leading zeroes,
- are used to pad the field width (following any indication of sign or
- base); no spaces are used for padding. If the zero (<<0>>) and
- minus (<<->>) flags both appear, the zero (<<0>>) flag will
- be ignored. For <<d>>, <<i>>, <<o>>, <<u>>, <<x>>, and <<X>>
- conversions, if a precision <[prec]> is specified, the zero (<<0>>)
- flag is ignored.
- Note that <<0>> is interpreted as a flag, not as the beginning
- of a field width.
- o #
- The result is to be converted to an alternative form, according
- to the next character:
- o+
- o 0
- increases precision to force the first digit
- of the result to be a zero.
- o x
- a non-zero result will have a <<0x>> prefix.
- o X
- a non-zero result will have a <<0X>> prefix.
- o e, E or f
- The result will always contain a decimal point
- even if no digits follow the point.
- (Normally, a decimal point appears only if a
- digit follows it.) Trailing zeroes are removed.
- o g or G
- same as <<e>> or <<E>>, but trailing zeroes
- are not removed.
- o all others
- undefined.
- o-
- o-
- o <[width]>
- <[width]> is an optional minimum field width. You can either
- specify it directly as a decimal integer, or indirectly by
- using instead an asterisk (<<*>>), in which case an <<int>>
- argument is used as the field width. Negative field widths
- are not supported; if you attempt to specify a negative field
- width, it is interpreted as a minus (<<->>) flag followed by a
- positive field width.
- o <[prec]>
- an optional field; if present, it is introduced with `<<.>>'
- (a period). This field gives the maximum number of
- characters to print in a conversion; the minimum number of
- digits of an integer to print, for conversions with <[type]>
- <<d>>, <<i>>, <<o>>, <<u>>, <<x>>, and <<X>>; the maximum number of
- significant digits, for the <<g>> and <<G>> conversions;
- or the number of digits to print after the decimal
- point, for <<e>>, <<E>>, and <<f>> conversions. You can specify
- the precision either directly as a decimal integer or
- indirectly by using an asterisk (<<*>>), in which case
- an <<int>> argument is used as the precision. Supplying a negative
- precision is equivalent to omitting the precision.
- If only a period is specified the precision is zero.
- If a precision appears with any other conversion <[type]>
- than those listed here, the behavior is undefined.
- o <[size]>
- <<h>>, <<l>>, and <<L>> are optional size characters which
- override the default way that <<printf>> interprets the
- data type of the corresponding argument. <<h>> forces
- the following <<d>>, <<i>>, <<o>>, <<u>>, <<x>> or <<X>> conversion
- <[type]> to apply to a <<short>> or <<unsigned short>>. <<h>> also
- forces a following <<n>> <[type]> to apply to
- a pointer to a <<short>>. Similarily, an
- <<l>> forces the following <<d>>, <<i>>, <<o>>, <<u>>,
- <<x>> or <<X>> conversion <[type]> to apply to a <<long>> or
- <<unsigned long>>. <<l>> also forces a following <<n>> <[type]> to
- apply to a pointer to a <<long>>. If an <<h>>
- or an <<l>> appears with another conversion
- specifier, the behavior is undefined. <<L>> forces a
- following <<e>>, <<E>>, <<f>>, <<g>> or <<G>> conversion <[type]> to
- apply to a <<long double>> argument. If <<L>> appears with
- any other conversion <[type]>, the behavior is undefined.
- o <[type]>
- <[type]> specifies what kind of conversion <<printf>> performs.
- Here is a table of these:
- o+
- o %
- prints the percent character (<<%>>)
- o c
- prints <[arg]> as single character
- o s
- prints characters until precision is reached or a null terminator
- is encountered; takes a string pointer
- o d
- prints a signed decimal integer; takes an <<int>> (same as <<i>>)
- o i
- prints a signed decimal integer; takes an <<int>> (same as <<d>>)
- o o
- prints a signed octal integer; takes an <<int>>
- o u
- prints an unsigned decimal integer; takes an <<int>>
- o x
- prints an unsigned hexadecimal integer (using <<abcdef>> as
- digits beyond <<9>>); takes an <<int>>
- o X
- prints an unsigned hexadecimal integer (using <<ABCDEF>> as
- digits beyond <<9>>); takes an <<int>>
- o f
- prints a signed value of the form <<[-]9999.9999>>; takes
- a floating point number
- o e
- prints a signed value of the form <<[-]9.9999e[+|-]999>>; takes a
- floating point number
- o E
- prints the same way as <<e>>, but using <<E>> to introduce the
- exponent; takes a floating point number
- o g
- prints a signed value in either <<f>> or <<e>> form, based on given
- value and precision---trailing zeros and the decimal point are
- printed only if necessary; takes a floating point number
- o G
- prints the same way as <<g>>, but using <<E>> for the exponent if an
- exponent is needed; takes a floating point number
- o n
- stores (in the same object) a count of the characters written;
- takes a pointer to <<int>>
- o p
- prints a pointer in an implementation-defined format.
- This implementation treats the pointer as an
- <<unsigned long>> (same as <<Lu>>).
- o-
-<<sprintf>> returns the number of bytes in the output string,
-save that the concluding <<NULL>> is not counted.
-<<printf>> and <<fprintf>> return the number of characters transmitted.
-If an error occurs, <<printf>> and <<fprintf>> return <<EOF>>. No
-error returns occur for <<sprintf>>.
- The ANSI C standard specifies that implementations must
- support at least formatted output of up to 509 characters.
-Supporting OS subroutines required: <<close>>, <<fstat>>, <<isatty>>,
-<<lseek>>, <<read>>, <<sbrk>>, <<write>>.
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef _HAVE_STDC
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <_ansi.h>
-#include "local.h"
-#ifdef _HAVE_STDC
-_DEFUN (_sprintf_r, (ptr, str, fmt), struct _reent *ptr _AND char *str _AND _CONST char *fmt _DOTS)
-_sprintf_r (ptr, str, fmt, va_alist)
- struct _reent *ptr;
- char *str;
- _CONST char *fmt;
- va_dcl
- int ret;
- va_list ap;
- FILE f;
- f._flags = __SWR | __SSTR;
- f._bf._base = f._p = (unsigned char *) str;
- f._bf._size = f._w = INT_MAX;
- f._data = ptr;
-#ifdef _HAVE_STDC
- va_start (ap, fmt);
- va_start (ap);
- ret = vfprintf (&f, fmt, ap);
- va_end (ap);
- *f._p = 0;
- return (ret);
-#ifndef _REENT_ONLY
-#ifdef _HAVE_STDC
-_DEFUN (sprintf, (str, fmt), char *str _AND _CONST char *fmt _DOTS)
-sprintf (str, fmt, va_alist)
- char *str;
- _CONST char *fmt;
- va_dcl
- int ret;
- va_list ap;
- FILE f;
- f._flags = __SWR | __SSTR;
- f._bf._base = f._p = (unsigned char *) str;
- f._bf._size = f._w = INT_MAX;
- f._data = _REENT;
-#ifdef _HAVE_STDC
- va_start (ap, fmt);
- va_start (ap);
- ret = vfprintf (&f, fmt, ap);
- va_end (ap);
- *f._p = 0;
- return (ret);