/* Get current user context.
Copyright (C) 2008-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library. If not, see
. */
#include "ucontext_i.h"
/* Trampoline function. Non-standard calling ABI. */
/* Can not use ENTRY(__getcontext_ret) here. */
.type __getcontext_ret, @function
.hidden __getcontext_ret
.callinfo FRAME=0,NO_CALLS
/* Because setcontext does not reload r3-r6 (it's using them
as temporaries), we must load them ourself. */
ldw oR3(%r26), %r3
ldw oR4(%r26), %r4
ldw oR5(%r26), %r5
ldw oR6(%r26), %r6
/* Also reload registers clobbered by $$dyncall. */
ldw oR21(%r26), %r21
ldw oR22(%r26), %r22
ldw oR31(%r26), %r31
/* oR0 contains original return pointer. */
ldw oR0(%r26), %rp
bv 0(%rp)
copy %r0, %ret0
.size __getcontext_ret, .-__getcontext_ret
/* Save the registers. */
stw %r0, oR0(%r26)
stw %r1, oR1(%r26)
/* stw %r2, oR2(%r26) - used for trampoline. */
stw %r3, oR3(%r26)
stw %r4, oR4(%r26)
stw %r5, oR5(%r26)
stw %r6, oR6(%r26)
stw %r7, oR7(%r26)
stw %r8, oR8(%r26)
stw %r9, oR9(%r26)
stw %r10, oR10(%r26)
stw %r11, oR11(%r26)
stw %r12, oR12(%r26)
stw %r13, oR13(%r26)
stw %r14, oR14(%r26)
stw %r15, oR15(%r26)
stw %r16, oR16(%r26)
stw %r17, oR17(%r26)
stw %r18, oR18(%r26)
stw %r19, oR19(%r26)
stw %r20, oR20(%r26)
stw %r21, oR21(%r26)
stw %r22, oR22(%r26)
stw %r23, oR23(%r26)
stw %r24, oR24(%r26)
stw %r25, oR25(%r26)
stw %r26, oR26(%r26)
stw %r27, oR27(%r26)
stw %r28, oR28(%r26)
stw %r29, oR29(%r26)
stw %sp, oR30(%r26)
stw %r31, oR31(%r26)
stw %r0, oUC_FLAGS(%r26)
/* stw %r0, oUC_LINK(%r26) - Do not overwrite. */
stw %sp, oSS_SP(%r26)
stw %r0, oSS_FLAGS(%r26)
stw %r0, oSS_SIZE(%r26)
stw %r0, oSC_FLAGS(%r26)
stw %r0, oIASQ0(%r26)
stw %r0, oIASQ1(%r26)
stw %r0, oIAOQ0(%r26)
stw %r0, oIAOQ1(%r26)
/* Save SAR register. */
mfctl %sar, %r1
stw %r1, oSAR(%r26) /* MSB used as flag in swapcontext(). */
/* Store floating-point regs. */
ldo oFPREGS0(%r26),%r1
fstds,ma %fr0, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr1, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr2, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr3, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr4, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr5, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr6, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr7, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr8, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr9, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr10, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr11, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr12, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr13, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr14, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr15, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr16, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr17, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr18, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr19, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr20, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr21, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr22, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr23, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr24, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr25, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr26, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr27, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr28, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr29, 8(%r1)
fstds,ma %fr30, 8(%r1)
fstds %fr31, 0(%r1)
/* Prologue */
stw %r2, -20(%sp)
.cfi_offset 2, -20
stwm %r4, 64(%sp)
.cfi_def_cfa_offset -64
.cfi_offset 4, 0
#ifdef PIC
stw %r19, -32(%sp)
.cfi_offset 19, 32
stw %ret1, -60(%sp)
.cfi_offset 29, 4
/* Set up the trampoline registers.
Use oR0 context slot to save return value. */
stw %r2, oR0(%r26)
#ifdef PIC
addil LT%__getcontext_ret, %r19
ldw RT%__getcontext_ret(%r1), %r1
ldil L%__getcontext_ret, %r1
ldo R%__getcontext_ret(%r1), %r1
stw %r1, oR2(%r26)
/* Save the current signal mask. */
/* sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, &ucp->uc_sigmask); */
ldo oSIGMASK(%r26), %r24
copy %r0, %r25
bl __sigprocmask, %r2
ldi SIG_BLOCK, %r26
/* Epilogue */
ldw -84(%sp), %r2
#ifdef PIC
ldw -32(%sp), %r19
ldw -60(%sp), %ret1
bv %r0(%r2)
ldwm -64(%sp), %r4
weak_alias (__getcontext, getcontext)