#! /usr/bin/python3 # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is part of the GNU C Library. # # The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see # . """Verifies that installed headers do not use any obsolete constructs: * legacy BSD typedefs superseded by : ushort uint ulong u_char u_short u_int u_long u_intNN_t quad_t u_quad_t caddr_t daddr_t loff_t register_t (sys/types.h is allowed to _define_ these types, but not to use them to define anything else). * nested includes of other top-level headers, except as required by the relevant standards """ import argparse import collections import os.path import re import sys # Simplified lexical analyzer for C preprocessing tokens. # Does not implement trigraphs. # Does not implement backslash-newline in the middle of any lexical # item other than a string literal. # Does not implement universal-character-names in identifiers. # Treats prefixed strings (e.g. L"...") as two tokens (L and "...") # Accepts non-ASCII characters only within comments and strings. # Caution: The order of the outermost alternation matters. # STRING must be before BAD_STRING, CHARCONST before BAD_CHARCONST, # BLOCK_COMMENT before BAD_BLOCK_COM before PUNCTUATOR, and OTHER must # be last. # Caution: There should be no capturing groups other than the named # captures in the outermost alternation. # For reference, these are all of the C punctuators as of C11: # [ ] ( ) { } , ; ? ~ # ! != * *= / /= ^ ^= = == # # ## # % %= %> %: %:%: # & &= && # | |= || # + += ++ # - -= -- -> # . ... # : :> # < <% <: << <<= <= # > >= >> >>= # The BAD_* tokens are not part of the official definition of pp-tokens; # they match unclosed strings, character constants, and block comments, # so that the regex engine doesn't have to backtrack all the way to the # beginning of a broken construct and then emit dozens of junk tokens. PP_TOKEN_RE_ = re.compile(r""" (?P \"(?:[^\"\\\r\n]|\\(?:[\r\n -~]|\r\n))*\") |(?P \"(?:[^\"\\\r\n]|\\[ -~])*) |(?P \'(?:[^\'\\\r\n]|\\(?:[\r\n -~]|\r\n))*\') |(?P \'(?:[^\'\\\r\n]|\\[ -~])*) |(?P /\*(?:\*(?!/)|[^*])*\*/) |(?P /\*(?:\*(?!/)|[^*])*\*?) |(?P //[^\r\n]*) |(?P [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*) |(?P \.?[0-9](?:[0-9a-df-oq-zA-DF-OQ-Z_.]|[eEpP][+-]?)*) |(?P [,;?~(){}\[\]] | [!*/^=]=? | \#\#? | %(?:[=>]|:(?:%:)?)? | &[=&]? |\|[=|]? |\+[=+]? | -[=->]? |\.(?:\.\.)? | :>? | <(?:[%:]|<(?:=|<=?)?)? | >(?:=|>=?)?) |(?P \\(?:\r|\n|\r\n)) |(?P [ \t\n\r\v\f]+) |(?P .) """, re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE) HEADER_NAME_RE_ = re.compile(r""" < [^>\r\n]+ > | " [^"\r\n]+ " """, re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE) ENDLINE_RE_ = re.compile(r"""\r|\n|\r\n""") # based on the sample code in the Python re documentation Token_ = collections.namedtuple("Token", ( "kind", "text", "line", "column", "context")) Token_.__doc__ = """ One C preprocessing token, comment, or chunk of whitespace. 'kind' identifies the token type, which will be one of: STRING, CHARCONST, BLOCK_COMMENT, LINE_COMMENT, IDENT, PP_NUMBER, PUNCTUATOR, ESCNL, WHITESPACE, HEADER_NAME, or OTHER. The BAD_* alternatives in PP_TOKEN_RE_ are handled within tokenize_c, below. 'text' is the sequence of source characters making up the token; no decoding whatsoever is performed. 'line' and 'column' give the position of the first character of the token within the source file. They are both 1-based. 'context' indicates whether or not this token occurred within a preprocessing directive; it will be None for running text, '' for the leading '#' of a directive line (because '#' all by itself on a line is a "null directive"), or the name of the directive for tokens within a directive line, starting with the IDENT for the name itself. """ def tokenize_c(file_contents, reporter): """Yield a series of Token objects, one for each preprocessing token, comment, or chunk of whitespace within FILE_CONTENTS. The REPORTER object is expected to have one method, reporter.error(token, message), which will be called to indicate a lexical error at the position of TOKEN. If MESSAGE contains the four-character sequence '{!r}', that is expected to be replaced by repr(token.text). """ Token = Token_ PP_TOKEN_RE = PP_TOKEN_RE_ ENDLINE_RE = ENDLINE_RE_ HEADER_NAME_RE = HEADER_NAME_RE_ line_num = 1 line_start = 0 pos = 0 limit = len(file_contents) directive = None at_bol = True while pos < limit: if directive == "include": mo = HEADER_NAME_RE.match(file_contents, pos) if mo: kind = "HEADER_NAME" directive = "after_include" else: mo = PP_TOKEN_RE.match(file_contents, pos) kind = mo.lastgroup if kind != "WHITESPACE": directive = "after_include" else: mo = PP_TOKEN_RE.match(file_contents, pos) kind = mo.lastgroup text = mo.group() line = line_num column = mo.start() - line_start adj_line_start = 0 # only these kinds can contain a newline if kind in ("WHITESPACE", "BLOCK_COMMENT", "LINE_COMMENT", "STRING", "CHARCONST", "BAD_BLOCK_COM", "ESCNL"): for tmo in ENDLINE_RE.finditer(text): line_num += 1 adj_line_start = tmo.end() if adj_line_start: line_start = mo.start() + adj_line_start # Track whether or not we are scanning a preprocessing directive. if kind == "LINE_COMMENT" or (kind == "WHITESPACE" and adj_line_start): at_bol = True directive = None else: if kind == "PUNCTUATOR" and text == "#" and at_bol: directive = "" elif kind == "IDENT" and directive == "": directive = text at_bol = False # Report ill-formed tokens and rewrite them as their well-formed # equivalents, so downstream processing doesn't have to know about them. # (Rewriting instead of discarding provides better error recovery.) if kind == "BAD_BLOCK_COM": reporter.error(Token("BAD_BLOCK_COM", "", line, column+1, ""), "unclosed block comment") text += "*/" kind = "BLOCK_COMMENT" elif kind == "BAD_STRING": reporter.error(Token("BAD_STRING", "", line, column+1, ""), "unclosed string") text += "\"" kind = "STRING" elif kind == "BAD_CHARCONST": reporter.error(Token("BAD_CHARCONST", "", line, column+1, ""), "unclosed char constant") text += "'" kind = "CHARCONST" tok = Token(kind, text, line, column+1, "include" if directive == "after_include" else directive) # Do not complain about OTHER tokens inside macro definitions. # $ and @ appear in macros defined by headers intended to be # included from assembly language, e.g. sysdeps/mips/sys/asm.h. if kind == "OTHER" and directive != "define": self.error(tok, "stray {!r} in program") yield tok pos = mo.end() # # Base and generic classes for individual checks. # class ConstructChecker: """Scan a stream of C preprocessing tokens and possibly report problems with them. The REPORTER object passed to __init__ has one method, reporter.error(token, message), which should be called to indicate a problem detected at the position of TOKEN. If MESSAGE contains the four-character sequence '{!r}' then that will be replaced with a textual representation of TOKEN. """ def __init__(self, reporter): self.reporter = reporter def examine(self, tok): """Called once for each token in a header file. Call self.reporter.error if a problem is detected. """ raise NotImplementedError def eof(self): """Called once at the end of the stream. Subclasses need only override this if it might have something to do.""" pass class NoCheck(ConstructChecker): """Generic checker class which doesn't do anything. Substitute this class for a real checker when a particular check should be skipped for some file.""" def examine(self, tok): pass # # Check for obsolete type names. # # The obsolete type names we're looking for: OBSOLETE_TYPE_RE_ = re.compile(r"""\A (__)? ( quad_t | [cd]addr_t | loff_t | register_t | u(?: short | int | long | _(?: char | short | int(?:[0-9]+_t)? | long | quad_t ))) \Z""", re.VERBOSE) # The headers that declare them: OBSOLETE_TYPE_HDR_RE_ = re.compile(r"""\A [<"] bits/types/ (?: [cd]addr_t | loff_t | register_t | uint | u_int | u_intN_t ) \.h [">] \Z""", re.VERBOSE) class ObsoleteNotAllowed(ConstructChecker): """Don't allow any use of the obsolete typedefs, or the headers that declare them.""" def examine(self, tok): if ((tok.kind == "IDENT" and OBSOLETE_TYPE_RE_.match(tok.text)) or (tok.kind == "HEADER_NAME" and OBSOLETE_TYPE_HDR_RE_.match(tok.text))): self.reporter.error(tok, "use of {!r}") class ObsoleteIndirectDefinitionsAllowed(ConstructChecker): """Don't allow any use of the obsolete typedefs, but do allow inclusion of the headers that declare them.""" def examine(self, tok): if (tok.kind == "IDENT" and OBSOLETE_TYPE_RE_.match(tok.text)): self.reporter.error(tok, "use of {!r}") class ObsoletePrivateDefinitionsAllowed(ConstructChecker): """Allow definitions of the private versions of the obsolete typedefs; that is, 'typedef [anything] __obsolete;' Don't allow inclusion of headers that declare the public versions. """ def __init__(self, reporter): super().__init__(reporter) self.in_typedef = False self.prev_token = None def examine(self, tok): if (tok.kind == "IDENT" and tok.text == "typedef" and tok.context is None): self.in_typedef = True elif tok.kind == "PUNCTUATOR" and tok.text == ";" and self.in_typedef: self.in_typedef = False if self.prev_token.kind == "IDENT": m = OBSOLETE_TYPE_RE_.match(self.prev_token.text) if m and m.group(1) != "__": self.reporter.error(self.prev_token, "use of {!r}") self.prev_token = None else: self._check_prev() self.prev_token = tok def eof(self): self._check_prev() def _check_prev(self): tok = self.prev_token if tok is None: return if ((tok.kind == "IDENT" and OBSOLETE_TYPE_RE_.match(tok.text)) or (tok.kind == "HEADER_NAME" and OBSOLETE_TYPE_HDR_RE_.match(tok.text))): self.reporter.error(tok, "use of {!r}") class ObsoletePublicDefinitionsAllowed(ConstructChecker): """Allow definitions of the public versions of the obsolete typedefs. Only specific forms of definition are allowed: typedef __obsolete obsolete; // identifiers must agree typedef __uintN_t u_intN_t; // N must agree typedef unsigned long int u_?long; typedef unsigned short int u_?short; typedef unsigned int u_?int; typedef unsigned char u_char; typedef __int64_t quad_t; typedef __uint64_t u_quad_t; Don't allow inclusion of headers that declare public versions of other obsolete typedefs. """ def __init__(self, reporter): super().__init__(reporter) self.typedef_tokens = [] def examine(self, tok): if tok.kind in ("WHITESPACE", "BLOCK_COMMENT", "LINE_COMMENT", "NL", "ESCNL"): pass elif (tok.kind == "IDENT" and tok.text == "typedef" and tok.context is None): if self.typedef_tokens: self.reporter.error(tok, "typedef inside typedef") self._reset() self.typedef_tokens.append(tok) elif tok.kind == "PUNCTUATOR" and tok.text == ";": self._finish() elif tok.kind == "HEADER_NAME": if OBSOLETE_TYPE_HDR_RE_.match(tok.text): self.reporter.error(tok, "use of {!r}") elif self.typedef_tokens: self.typedef_tokens.append(tok) def eof(self): self._reset() def _reset(self): while self.typedef_tokens: tok = self.typedef_tokens.pop(0) if tok.kind == "IDENT" and OBSOLETE_TYPE_RE_.match(tok.text): self.reporter.error(tok, "use of {!r}") def _finish(self): if not self.typedef_tokens: return if self.typedef_tokens[-1].kind == "IDENT": m = OBSOLETE_TYPE_RE_.match(self.typedef_tokens[-1].text) if m: if self._permissible_public_definition(m): self.typedef_tokens.clear() self._reset() def _permissible_public_definition(self, m): if m.group(1) == "__": return False name = m.group(2) toks = self.typedef_tokens if len(toks) > 5: return False if any(tk.kind != "IDENT" for tk in toks): return False defn = " ".join(tk.text for tk in toks[1:-1]) if name == "u_char": return defn == "unsigned char" if name in ("ushort", "u_short"): return defn == "unsigned short int" if name in ("uint", "u_int"): return defn == "unsigned int" if name in ("ulong", "u_long"): return defn == "unsigned long int" if name == "quad_t": return defn == "__int64_t" if name == "u_quad_t": return defn == "__uint64_t" if name[:5] == "u_int" and name[-2:] == "_t": return defn == "__uint" + name[5:-2] + "_t" return defn == "__" + name def ObsoleteTypedefChecker(reporter, fname): """Factory: produce an instance of the appropriate obsolete-typedef checker for FNAME.""" # The obsolete rpc/ and rpcsvc/ headers are allowed to use the # obsolete types, because it would be more trouble than it's # worth to remove them from headers that we intend to stop # installing eventually anyway. if (fname.startswith("rpc/") or fname.startswith("rpcsvc/") or "/rpc/" in fname or "/rpcsvc/" in fname): sys.stderr.write("# No typedef checks for {}\n".format(fname)) return NoCheck(reporter) # bits/types.h is allowed to define the __-versions of the # obsolete types. if (fname == "bits/types.h" or fname.endswith("/bits/types.h")): sys.stderr.write("# Obsolete private defs allowed for {}\n" .format(fname)) return ObsoletePrivateDefinitionsAllowed(reporter) # Certain bits/types/ headers are allowed to define the # unprefixed versions of the obsolete types. if ((fname.startswith("bits/types/") or "/bits/types/" in fname) and os.path.basename(fname) in ("caddr_t.h", "daddr_t.h", "loff_t.h", "register_t.h", "uint.h", "u_int.h", "u_intN_t.h")): sys.stderr.write("# Obsolete public defs allowed for {}\n" .format(fname)) return ObsoletePublicDefinitionsAllowed(reporter) # sys/types.h is allowed to include the above bits/types/ headers. if (fname == "sys/types.h" or fname.endswith("/sys/types.h")): sys.stderr.write("# Obsolete indirect defs allowed for {}\n" .format(fname)) return ObsoleteIndirectDefinitionsAllowed(reporter) return ObsoleteNotAllowed(reporter) # # Nested includes # # All header files are allowed to include these headers. # TODO: Every header file _should_ include features.h as its first inclusion, # but we are not ready to enforce that yet. UNIVERSAL_ALLOWED_INCLUDES = { "features.h", } # Specific headers are allowed to include specific other headers. # Each key in this dictionary should be the installed name of a # header, and its value is a list of installed names that are allowed # to be included. (We do not currently enforce any rules about <> vs # "" inclusion.) HEADER_ALLOWED_INCLUDES = { # ISO C standard headers # mandated: inttypes.h -> stdint.h # tgmath.h -> complex.h, math.h # threads.h -> time.h "inttypes.h": [ "stdint.h" ], "signal.h": [ "sys/ucontext.h" ], "stdlib.h": [ "alloca.h", "sys/types.h" ], "tgmath.h": [ "complex.h", "math.h" ], "threads.h": [ "time.h" ], # POSIX top-level headers # mandated: pthread.h -> sched.h, time.h # allowed: ftw.h -> sys/stat.h # mqueue.h -> fcntl.h # sched.h -> time.h # spawn.h -> sched.h "ftw.h": [ "sys/stat.h" ], "langinfo.h": [ "nl_types.h" ], "mqueue.h": [ "fcntl.h" ], "pthread.h": [ "sched.h", "time.h" ], "regex.h": [ "limits.h", "sys/types.h" ], "sched.h": [ "time.h" ], "spawn.h": [ "sched.h" ], "termios.h": [ "sys/ttydefaults.h" ], "utmpx.h": [ "paths.h" ], # POSIX sys/ headers # mandated: sys/msg.h -> sys/ipc.h # sys/sem.h -> sys/ipc.h # sys/shm.h -> sys/ipc.h # sys/time.h -> sys/select.h (effectively) "sys/msg.h": [ "sys/ipc.h" ], "sys/sem.h": [ "sys/ipc.h" ], "sys/shm.h": [ "sys/ipc.h" ], "sys/time.h": [ "sys/select.h" ], # necessary for backward compatibility with BSD "sys/types.h": [ "endian.h" ], # POSIX networking headers # POSIX allows arpa/inet.h -> netinet/in.h "arpa/inet.h": [ "netinet/in.h" ], # necessary for backward compatibility with Sun RPC "netdb.h": [ "rpc/netdb.h" ], # Nonstandardized top-level headers "argp.h": [ "ctype.h", "errno.h", "getopt.h", "limits.h", "stdio.h" ], "argz.h": [ "errno.h", "string.h" ], "elf.h": [ "stdint.h" ], "envz.h": [ "argz.h", "errno.h" ], "gshadow.h": [ "paths.h" ], "ieee754.h": [ "float.h" ], "lastlog.h": [ "utmp.h" ], "libintl.h": [ "locale.h" ], "link.h": [ "dlfcn.h", "elf.h" ], "mntent.h": [ "paths.h" ], "obstack.h": [ "stddef.h", "string.h" ], "proc_service.h": [ "sys/procfs.h" ], "pty.h": [ "sys/ioctl.h", "termios.h" ], "sgtty.h": [ "sys/ioctl.h" ], "shadow.h": [ "paths.h" ], "stdio_ext.h": [ "stdio.h" ], "thread_db.h": [ "pthread.h", "stdint.h", "sys/procfs.h" ], "ucontext.h": [ "sys/ucontext.h" ], "utmp.h": [ "paths.h" ], "values.h": [ "float.h", "limits.h" ], # Nonstandardized sys/ headers "sys/auxv.h": [ "elf.h" ], "sys/elf.h": [ "sys/procfs.h" ], "sys/file.h": [ "fcntl.h" ], "sys/ioctl.h": [ "sys/ttydefaults.h" ], "sys/mount.h": [ "sys/ioctl.h" ], "sys/mtio.h": [ "sys/ioctl.h" ], "sys/param.h": [ "endian.h", "limits.h", "sys/types.h" ], "sys/procfs.h": [ "sys/ucontext.h", "sys/user.h" ], "sys/ptrace.h": [ "sys/ucontext.h" ], "sys/raw.h": [ "sys/ioctl.h" ], "sys/timerfd.h": [ "time.h" ], "sys/ttychars.h": [ "sys/ttydefaults.h" ], "sys/ucontext.h": [ "sys/procfs.h" ], "sys/vfs.h": [ "sys/statfs.h" ], # Nonstandardized headers that do nothing but include some other # header(s). These exist for compatibility with old systems where # the included header did not exist or didn't provide all the # necessary definitions. "memory.h": [ "string.h" ], "re_comp.h": [ "regex.h" ], "sys/bitypes.h": [ "sys/types.h" ], "sys/dir.h": [ "dirent.h" ], "sys/errno.h": [ "errno.h" ], "sys/fcntl.h": [ "fcntl.h" ], "sys/poll.h": [ "poll.h" ], "sys/signal.h": [ "signal.h" ], "sys/socketvar.h": [ "sys/socket.h" ], "sys/syslog.h": [ "syslog.h" ], "sys/termios.h": [ "termios.h" ], "sys/unistd.h": [ "unistd.h" ], "syscall.h": [ "sys/syscall.h" ], "termio.h": [ "sys/ioctl.h", "termios.h" ], "wait.h": [ "sys/wait.h" ], # Nonstandardized networking headers "resolv.h": [ "arpa/nameser.h" ], "arpa/nameser.h": [ "arpa/nameser_compat.h" ], "net/ethernet.h": [ "net/if_ether.h" ], "net/if_ppp.h": [ "net/if.h", "net/ppp_defs.h", "sys/ioctl.h" ], "net/if_shaper.h": [ "net/if.h", "sys/ioctl.h" ], "netatalk/at.h": [ "sys/ioctl.h" ], "netinet/ether.h": [ "netinet/if_ether.h" ], "netinet/if_ether.h": [ "net/ethernet.h", "net/if_arp.h" ], "netinet/ip_icmp.h": [ "netinet/ip.h" ], "netrom/netrom.h": [ "netax25/ax25.h" ], "netrose/rose.h": [ "netax25/ax25.h" ], "protocols/rwhod.h": [ "paths.h" ], # Internal headers "features.h": [ "gnu/stubs.h", "stdc-predef.h", "sys/cdefs.h" ], "bits/procfs.h": [ "signal.h", "sys/ucontext.h" ], "bits/types/__va_list.h": [ "stdarg.h" ], "bits/types/ptrdiff_t.h": [ "stddef.h" ], "bits/types/size_t.h": [ "stddef.h" ], "bits/types/wchar_t.h": [ "stddef.h" ], } # As above, but each group of whitelist entries is only used for # headers whose pathname includes a sysdeps directory with that name. # This allows us, for instance, to restrict the use of Linux kernel # headers to the Linux-specific variants of glibc headers. SYSDEP_ALLOWED_INCLUDES = { 'linux': { # Nonstandardized sys/ headers "sys/cachectl.h": [ "asm/cachectl.h" ], "sys/fanotify.h": [ "linux/fanotify.h" ], "sys/kd.h": [ "linux/kd.h" ], "sys/pci.h": [ "linux/pci.h" ], "sys/prctl.h": [ "linux/prctl.h" ], "sys/quota.h": [ "linux/quota.h" ], "sys/syscall.h": [ "asm/unistd.h" ], "sys/sysctl.h": [ "linux/sysctl.h" ], "sys/sysinfo.h": [ "linux/kernel.h" ], "sys/user.h": [ "asm/ptrace.h", "asm/reg.h" ], "sys/vm86.h": [ "asm/vm86.h" ], # Nonstandardized networking headers "net/ethernet.h": [ "linux/if_ether.h" ], "net/if_slip.h": [ "linux/if_slip.h" ], "net/ppp_defs.h": [ "asm/types.h", "linux/ppp_defs.h" ], "netinet/if_ether.h": [ "linux/if_ether.h" ], "netinet/if_fddi.h": [ "linux/if_fddi.h" ], # Alternative names for kernel headers "net/ppp-comp.h": [ "linux/ppp-comp.h" ], "nfs/nfs.h": [ "linux/nfs.h" ], "sys/soundcard.h": [ "linux/soundcard.h" ], "sys/vt.h": [ "linux/vt.h" ], # Internal headers "bits/errno.h": [ "linux/errno.h" ], "bits/fcntl-linux.h": [ "linux/falloc.h" ], "bits/ioctl-types.h": [ "asm/ioctls.h" ], "bits/ioctls.h": [ "asm/ioctls.h", "linux/sockios.h" ], "bits/local_lim.h": [ "linux/limits.h" ], "bits/param.h": [ "linux/limits.h", "linux/param.h" ], "bits/procfs.h": [ "asm/elf.h", "asm/ptrace.h" ], "bits/procfs-prregset.h": [ "sys/ucontext.h" ], "bits/sigcontext.h": [ "asm/sigcontext.h" ], "bits/socket.h": [ "asm/socket.h" ], }, 'mach': { "bits/spin-lock-inline.h": [ "errno.h", "lock-intern.h" ], "bits/sigcontext.h": [ "mach/machine/fp_reg.h" ], }, 'mips': { "fpregdef.h": [ "sys/fpregdef.h" ], "regdef.h": [ "sys/fpregdef.h", "sys/regdef.h" ], "sys/asm.h": [ "sgidefs.h" ], "sys/fpregdef.h": [ "sgidefs.h" ], "sys/regdef.h": [ "sgidefs.h" ], "sys/tas.h": [ "sgidefs.h" ], "sys/ucontext.h": [ "sgidefs.h" ], "sys/user.h": [ "sgidefs.h" ], "bits/fcntl.h": [ "sgidefs.h" ], "bits/link.h": [ "sgidefs.h" ], "bits/long-double.h": [ "sgidefs.h" ], "bits/procfs.h": [ "sgidefs.h" ], "bits/setjmp.h": [ "sgidefs.h" ], "bits/sigcontext.h": [ "sgidefs.h" ], "bits/stat.h": [ "sgidefs.h" ], "bits/wordsize.h": [ "sgidefs.h" ], }, } # Headers that are exempt from the nested includes check. This is a # giant regex because fnmatch.fnmatch doesn't treat / specially and # glob.glob can't be applied to anything but the file system. # # Hurd-specific headers are exempt for now, because for them, nested # include minimization is not a pure cleanup project, the way it is # for the standard headers. The Hurd maintainers first need to make # some design decisions about which headers _should_ include which # other headers. # # Sun RPC headers are exempt because most of them are obsolete within # glibc; cleanups should be done within the TIRPC project instead. # (Same rationale as for exempting them from the obsolete-types checks.) NESTED_INCLUDES_EXEMPT_RE = re.compile(r""" (?: \A | / ) (?: # Hurd-specific headers faultexc_server\.h | hurd\.h | lock-intern\.h | mach\.h | mach_error\.h | mach_init\.h | mach-shortcuts\.h | spin-lock\.h | device/[^/]+?\.h | mach/[^/]+?\.h | mach/i386/[^/]+?\.h | hurd/[^/]+?\.h # Sun RPC headers | rpc/[^/]+?\.[hx] | rpcsvc/[^/]+?\.[hx] ) \Z """, re.VERBOSE) def get_allowed_nested(fname): """Retrieve the set of allowed nested includes for a header whose filename is FNAME.""" HEADER_ALLOWED = HEADER_ALLOWED_INCLUDES SYSDEP_ALLOWED = SYSDEP_ALLOWED_INCLUDES allowed = UNIVERSAL_ALLOWED_INCLUDES.copy() sysdirs = {} # HEADER_ALLOWED is keyed by the name to be used in an #include, # which is some suffix of the filename; we don't know how many # directory components to chop off, so we go one at a time until # we find a match. os.path does not include a utility function to # chop off the _first_ component of a pathname. fname = os.path.normpath(fname) inc = fname while True: try: allowed.update(HEADER_ALLOWED[inc]) break except KeyError: pos = inc.find('/') if pos == -1: break dirname = inc[:pos] inc = inc[(pos+1):] if not inc: break if dirname in SYSDEP_ALLOWED and dirname not in sysdirs: sysdirs[dirname] = SYSDEP_ALLOWED[dirname] for hgroup in sysdirs.values(): inc = fname while True: try: allowed.update(hgroup[inc]) break except KeyError: pos = inc.find('/') if pos == -1: break dirname = inc[:pos] inc = inc[(pos+1):] if not inc: break return frozenset(allowed) class NestedIncludeWhitelistOnly(ConstructChecker): def __init__(self, reporter, fname): super().__init__(reporter) self.allowed_nested = get_allowed_nested(fname) def examine(self, tok): if tok.kind == "HEADER_NAME": included = tok.text[1:-1] # chop off "" or <> if included in self.allowed_nested: pass # We allow any public header to include any bits header. # More specific rules about which bits headers should be # used by which public headers are enforced by the bits # headers themselves. elif included.startswith("bits/"): pass else: self.reporter.error(tok, "inappropriate inclusion of {!r}") def NestedIncludeChecker(reporter, fname): if NESTED_INCLUDES_EXEMPT_RE.search(fname): sys.stderr.write("# Arbitrary nested includes allowed for {}\n" .format(fname)) return NoCheck(reporter) else: return NestedIncludeWhitelistOnly(reporter, fname) # # Master control # class HeaderChecker: """Perform all of the checks on each header. This is also the "reporter" object expected by tokenize_c and ConstructChecker. """ def __init__(self): self.fname = None self.status = 0 def error(self, tok, message): self.status = 1 if '{!r}' in message: message = message.format(tok.text) sys.stderr.write("{}:{}:{}: error: {}\n".format( self.fname, tok.line, tok.column, message)) def check(self, fname): self.fname = fname try: with open(fname, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fp: contents = fp.read() except OSError as e: sys.stderr.write("{}: {}\n".format(fname, e.strerror)) self.status = 1 return typedef_checker = ObsoleteTypedefChecker(self, self.fname) nested_checker = NestedIncludeChecker(self, self.fname) for tok in tokenize_c(contents, self): typedef_checker.examine(tok) nested_checker.examine(tok) def main(): ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) ap.add_argument("headers", metavar="header", nargs="+", help="one or more headers to scan for obsolete constructs") args = ap.parse_args() checker = HeaderChecker() for fname in args.headers: # Headers whose installed name begins with "finclude/" contain # Fortran, not C, and this program should completely ignore them. if not (fname.startswith("finclude/") or "/finclude/" in fname): checker.check(fname) sys.exit(checker.status) main()