/* Tests for pthread_attr_setsigmask_np, pthread_attr_getsigmask_np. Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU C Library. The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* This thread uses different masked status for SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2, SIGHUP to determine if signal masks are applied to new threads as expected. */ #include <signal.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <support/check.h> #include <support/xsignal.h> #include <support/xthread.h> #include <threads.h> typedef bool signals[_NSIG]; static const char * masked_or_unmasked (bool masked) { if (masked) return "masked"; else return "unmasked"; } /* Report an error if ACTUAL_MASK does not match EXPECTED_MASK. CONTEXT is used in error messages. */ static void check_sigmask (const char *context, signals expected_mask, const sigset_t *actual_mask) { for (int sig = 1; sig < _NSIG; ++sig) if (sigismember (actual_mask, sig) != expected_mask[sig]) { support_record_failure (); printf ("error: %s: signal %d should be %s, but is %s\n", context, sig, masked_or_unmasked (sigismember (actual_mask, sig)), masked_or_unmasked (expected_mask[sig])); } } /* Report an error if the current thread signal mask does not match EXPECTED_MASK. CONTEXT is used in error messages. */ static void check_current_sigmask (const char *context, signals expected_mask) { sigset_t actual_mask; xpthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, NULL, &actual_mask); check_sigmask (context, expected_mask, &actual_mask); } /* Thread start routine which checks the current thread signal mask against CLOSURE. */ static void * check_sigmask_thread_function (void *closure) { check_current_sigmask ("on thread", closure); return NULL; } /* Same for C11 threads. */ static int check_sigmask_thread_function_c11 (void *closure) { check_current_sigmask ("on C11 thread", closure); return 0; } /* Launch a POSIX thread with ATTR (which can be NULL) and check that it has the expected signal mask. */ static void check_posix_thread (pthread_attr_t *attr, signals expected_mask) { xpthread_join (xpthread_create (attr, check_sigmask_thread_function, expected_mask)); } /* Launch a C11 thread and check that it has the expected signal mask. */ static void check_c11_thread (signals expected_mask) { thrd_t thr; TEST_VERIFY_EXIT (thrd_create (&thr, check_sigmask_thread_function_c11, expected_mask) == thrd_success); TEST_VERIFY_EXIT (thrd_join (thr, NULL) == thrd_success); } static int do_test (void) { check_current_sigmask ("initial mask", (signals) { false, }); check_posix_thread (NULL, (signals) { false, }); check_c11_thread ((signals) { false, }); sigset_t set; sigemptyset (&set); sigaddset (&set, SIGUSR1); xpthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, &set, NULL); check_current_sigmask ("SIGUSR1 masked", (signals) { [SIGUSR1] = true, }); /* The signal mask is inherited by the new thread. */ check_posix_thread (NULL, (signals) { [SIGUSR1] = true, }); check_c11_thread ((signals) { [SIGUSR1] = true, }); pthread_attr_t attr; xpthread_attr_init (&attr); TEST_COMPARE (pthread_attr_getsigmask_np (&attr, &set), PTHREAD_ATTR_NO_SIGMASK_NP); /* By default, the signal mask is inherited (even with an explicit thread attribute). */ check_posix_thread (&attr, (signals) { [SIGUSR1] = true, }); /* Check that pthread_attr_getsigmask_np can obtain the signal mask. */ sigemptyset (&set); sigaddset (&set, SIGUSR2); TEST_COMPARE (pthread_attr_setsigmask_np (&attr, &set), 0); sigemptyset (&set); TEST_COMPARE (pthread_attr_getsigmask_np (&attr, &set), 0); check_sigmask ("pthread_attr_getsigmask_np", (signals) { [SIGUSR2] = true, }, &set); /* Check that a thread is launched with the configured signal mask. */ check_current_sigmask ("SIGUSR1 masked", (signals) { [SIGUSR1] = true, }); check_posix_thread (&attr, (signals) { [SIGUSR2] = true, }); check_current_sigmask ("SIGUSR1 masked", (signals) { [SIGUSR1] = true, }); /* But C11 threads remain at inheritance. */ check_c11_thread ((signals) { [SIGUSR1] = true, }); /* Check that filling the original signal set does not affect thread creation. */ sigfillset (&set); check_posix_thread (&attr, (signals) { [SIGUSR2] = true, }); /* Check that clearing the signal in the attribute restores inheritance. */ TEST_COMPARE (pthread_attr_setsigmask_np (&attr, NULL), 0); TEST_COMPARE (pthread_attr_getsigmask_np (&attr, &set), PTHREAD_ATTR_NO_SIGMASK_NP); check_posix_thread (&attr, (signals) { [SIGUSR1] = true, }); /* Mask SIGHUP via the default thread attribute. */ sigemptyset (&set); sigaddset (&set, SIGHUP); TEST_COMPARE (pthread_attr_setsigmask_np (&attr, &set), 0); TEST_COMPARE (pthread_setattr_default_np (&attr), 0); /* Check that the mask was applied to the default attribute. */ xpthread_attr_destroy (&attr); TEST_COMPARE (pthread_getattr_default_np (&attr), 0); sigaddset (&set, SIGHUP); TEST_COMPARE (pthread_attr_getsigmask_np (&attr, &set), 0); check_sigmask ("default attribute", (signals) { [SIGHUP] = true, }, &set); xpthread_attr_destroy (&attr); /* Check that the default attribute is applied. */ check_posix_thread (NULL, (signals) { [SIGHUP] = true, }); check_c11_thread ((signals) { [SIGHUP] = true, }); /* An explicit attribute with no signal mask triggers inheritance even if the default has been changed. */ xpthread_attr_init (&attr); check_posix_thread (&attr, (signals) { [SIGUSR1] = true, }); /* Explicitly setting the signal mask affects the new thread even with a default attribute. */ sigemptyset (&set); sigaddset (&set, SIGUSR2); TEST_COMPARE (pthread_attr_setsigmask_np (&attr, &set), 0); check_posix_thread (&attr, (signals) { [SIGUSR2] = true, }); /* Resetting the default attribute brings back the old inheritance behavior. */ xpthread_attr_destroy (&attr); xpthread_attr_init (&attr); TEST_COMPARE (pthread_setattr_default_np (&attr), 0); xpthread_attr_destroy (&attr); check_posix_thread (NULL, (signals) { [SIGUSR1] = true, }); check_c11_thread ((signals) { [SIGUSR1] = true, }); return 0; } #include <support/test-driver.c>