#!/usr/bin/python3 # Generate the locale/C-translit.h file. # Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is part of the GNU C Library. # # The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import re import sys class StringLiteral: "Source of a string literal and its decomposition into code points." def __init__(self, s): # States: # 0 regular character sequence # 1 backslash seen # 2 in hexadecimal escape sequence state = 0 result = [] for ch in s: if state == 0: if ch == '\\': state = 1 else: result.append(ord(ch)) elif state == 1: if ch in "\\\"": result.append(ord(ch)) state = 0 elif ch == 'x': state = 2 result.append(0) else: raise ValueError("invalid character {!r} in {!r}".format( ch, s)) elif state == 2: if ch in "0123456789abcdefABCDEF": result[-1] = result[-1] * 16 + int(ch, 16) else: if ch == '\\': state = 1 else: state = 0 if state == 1: raise ValueError("trailing backslash in {!r}".format(s)) self.source = s self.decoded = tuple(result) class Translit: "Pair of transliteration and source." __RE_TRANSLIT = re.compile( r'^"((?:[^"\\]|\\x[0-9a-fA-F])+)"\s+' r'"((?:[^"\\]|\\["\\])*)"\s*(?:#.*)?$') def __init__(self, line): match = self.__RE_TRANSLIT.match(line) if not match: raise IOError("invalid line {}: {!r}".format( lineno + 1, line)) codepoints, replacement = match.groups() self.codepoints = StringLiteral(codepoints) self.replacement = StringLiteral(replacement) # List of Translit objects. translits = [] # Read transliterations from standard input. for lineno, line in enumerate(sys.stdin): line = line.strip() # Skip empty lines and comments. if (not line) or line[0] == '#': continue translit = Translit(line) # Check ordering of codepoints. if translits \ and translit.codepoints.decoded <= translits[-1].codepoints.decoded: raise IOError("unexpected codepoint {!r} on line {}: {!r}".format( translit.codeponts.decoded, lineno + 1, line)) translits.append(translit) # Generate the C sources. write = sys.stdout.write write("#include <stdint.h>\n") write("#define NTRANSLIT {}\n".format(len(translits))) write("static const uint32_t translit_from_idx[] =\n{\n ") col = 2 total = 0 for translit in translits: if total > 0: if col + 7 >= 79: write(",\n ") col = 2 else: write(", ") col += 2 write("{:4}".format(total)) total += len(translit.codepoints.decoded) + 1 col += 4 write("\n};\n") write("static const wchar_t translit_from_tbl[] =\n ") col = 1 first = True for translit in translits: if first: first = False else: if col + 6 >= 79: write("\n ") col = 1 write(" L\"\\0\"") col += 6 if col > 2 and col + len(translit.codepoints.source) + 4 >= 79: write("\n ") col = 2 else: write(" ") col += 1 write("L\"{}\"".format(translit.codepoints.source)) col += len(translit.codepoints.source) + 3 write(";\n") write("static const uint32_t translit_to_idx[] =\n{\n ") col = 2 total = 0 for translit in translits: if total > 0: if col + 7 >= 79: write(",\n ") col = 2 else: write(", ") col += 2 write("{:4}".format(total)) total += len(translit.replacement.decoded) + 2 col += 4 write("\n};\n") write("static const wchar_t translit_to_tbl[] =\n ") col = 1 first = True for translit in translits: if first: first = False else: if col + 6 >= 79: write("\n ") col = 1 write(" L\"\\0\"") col += 6 if col > 2 and col + len(translit.replacement.source) + 6 >= 79: write("\n ") col = 2 else: write(" ") col += 1 write("L\"{}\\0\"".format(translit.replacement.source)) col += len(translit.replacement.source) + 5 write(";\n")