path: root/sysdeps
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Diffstat (limited to 'sysdeps')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/sysdeps/x86_64/fpu/multiarch/svml_s_log2f8_core_avx2.S b/sysdeps/x86_64/fpu/multiarch/svml_s_log2f8_core_avx2.S
index 968f380..eaa5112 100644
--- a/sysdeps/x86_64/fpu/multiarch/svml_s_log2f8_core_avx2.S
+++ b/sysdeps/x86_64/fpu/multiarch/svml_s_log2f8_core_avx2.S
@@ -29,198 +29,197 @@
/* Offsets for data table __svml_slog2_data_internal
-#define MinNorm 0
-#define MaxNorm 32
-#define iBrkValue 64
-#define iOffExpoMask 96
-#define One 128
-#define sPoly 160
+#define MinNorm 0
+#define MaxNorm 32
+#define iBrkValue 64
+#define iOffExpoMask 96
+#define One 128
+#define sPoly 160
#include <sysdep.h>
- .text
- .section .text.avx2,"ax",@progbits
+ .section .text.avx2, "ax", @progbits
- pushq %rbp
- cfi_def_cfa_offset(16)
- movq %rsp, %rbp
- cfi_def_cfa(6, 16)
- cfi_offset(6, -16)
- andq $-32, %rsp
- subq $96, %rsp
-/* reduction: compute r,n */
- vmovups iBrkValue+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm4
- vmovups sPoly+64+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm9
- vmovups sPoly+128+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm10
- vmovups sPoly+192+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm12
- vpsubd %ymm4, %ymm0, %ymm1
- vcmplt_oqps MinNorm+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm0, %ymm5
- vcmpnle_uqps MaxNorm+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm0, %ymm6
- vpand iOffExpoMask+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm1, %ymm3
- vpsrad $23, %ymm1, %ymm2
- vmovups sPoly+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm1
- vpaddd %ymm4, %ymm3, %ymm8
- vcvtdq2ps %ymm2, %ymm14
- vsubps One+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm8, %ymm13
- vfmadd213ps sPoly+32+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm13, %ymm1
- vfmadd213ps sPoly+96+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm13, %ymm9
- vmulps %ymm13, %ymm13, %ymm11
- vfmadd213ps sPoly+160+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm13, %ymm10
- vfmadd213ps sPoly+224+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm13, %ymm12
- vfmadd213ps %ymm9, %ymm11, %ymm1
- vfmadd213ps %ymm10, %ymm11, %ymm1
- vfmadd213ps %ymm12, %ymm11, %ymm1
- vfmadd213ps sPoly+256+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm13, %ymm1
- vorps %ymm6, %ymm5, %ymm7
-/* combine and get argument value range mask */
- vmovmskps %ymm7, %edx
- vfmadd213ps %ymm14, %ymm13, %ymm1
- testl %edx, %edx
-/* Go to special inputs processing branch */
- # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 edx ymm0 ymm1
-/* Restore registers
- * and exit the function
- */
+ pushq %rbp
+ cfi_def_cfa_offset(16)
+ movq %rsp, %rbp
+ cfi_def_cfa(6, 16)
+ cfi_offset(6, -16)
+ andq $-32, %rsp
+ subq $96, %rsp
+ /* reduction: compute r, n */
+ vmovups iBrkValue+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm4
+ vmovups sPoly+64+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm9
+ vmovups sPoly+128+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm10
+ vmovups sPoly+192+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm12
+ vpsubd %ymm4, %ymm0, %ymm1
+ vcmplt_oqps MinNorm+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm0, %ymm5
+ vcmpnle_uqps MaxNorm+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm0, %ymm6
+ vpand iOffExpoMask+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm1, %ymm3
+ vpsrad $23, %ymm1, %ymm2
+ vmovups sPoly+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm1
+ vpaddd %ymm4, %ymm3, %ymm8
+ vcvtdq2ps %ymm2, %ymm14
+ vsubps One+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm8, %ymm13
+ vfmadd213ps sPoly+32+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm13, %ymm1
+ vfmadd213ps sPoly+96+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm13, %ymm9
+ vmulps %ymm13, %ymm13, %ymm11
+ vfmadd213ps sPoly+160+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm13, %ymm10
+ vfmadd213ps sPoly+224+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm13, %ymm12
+ vfmadd213ps %ymm9, %ymm11, %ymm1
+ vfmadd213ps %ymm10, %ymm11, %ymm1
+ vfmadd213ps %ymm12, %ymm11, %ymm1
+ vfmadd213ps sPoly+256+__svml_slog2_data_internal(%rip), %ymm13, %ymm1
+ vorps %ymm6, %ymm5, %ymm7
+ /* combine and get argument value range mask */
+ vmovmskps %ymm7, %edx
+ vfmadd213ps %ymm14, %ymm13, %ymm1
+ testl %edx, %edx
+ /* Go to special inputs processing branch */
+ # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 edx ymm0 ymm1
+ /* Restore registers
+ * and exit the function
+ */
- vmovaps %ymm1, %ymm0
- movq %rbp, %rsp
- popq %rbp
- cfi_def_cfa(7, 8)
- cfi_restore(6)
- ret
- cfi_def_cfa(6, 16)
- cfi_offset(6, -16)
-/* Branch to process
- * special inputs
- */
+ vmovaps %ymm1, %ymm0
+ movq %rbp, %rsp
+ popq %rbp
+ cfi_def_cfa(7, 8)
+ cfi_restore(6)
+ ret
+ cfi_def_cfa(6, 16)
+ cfi_offset(6, -16)
+ /* Branch to process
+ * special inputs
+ */
- vmovups %ymm0, 32(%rsp)
- vmovups %ymm1, 64(%rsp)
- # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 edx ymm1
- xorl %eax, %eax
- # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 eax edx
- vzeroupper
- movq %r12, 16(%rsp)
- /* DW_CFA_expression: r12 (r12) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -80; DW_OP_plus) */
- .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xb0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
- movl %eax, %r12d
- movq %r13, 8(%rsp)
- /* DW_CFA_expression: r13 (r13) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -88; DW_OP_plus) */
- .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa8, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
- movl %edx, %r13d
- movq %r14, (%rsp)
- /* DW_CFA_expression: r14 (r14) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -96; DW_OP_plus) */
- .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
- # LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
-/* Range mask
- * bits check
- */
+ vmovups %ymm0, 32(%rsp)
+ vmovups %ymm1, 64(%rsp)
+ # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 edx ymm1
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 eax edx
+ vzeroupper
+ movq %r12, 16(%rsp)
+ /* DW_CFA_expression: r12 (r12) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -80; DW_OP_plus) */
+ .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xb0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
+ movl %eax, %r12d
+ movq %r13, 8(%rsp)
+ /* DW_CFA_expression: r13 (r13) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -88; DW_OP_plus) */
+ .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa8, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
+ movl %edx, %r13d
+ movq %r14, (%rsp)
+ /* DW_CFA_expression: r14 (r14) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -96; DW_OP_plus) */
+ .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
+ # LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
+ /* Range mask
+ * bits check
+ */
- btl %r12d, %r13d
+ btl %r12d, %r13d
-/* Call scalar math function */
- # LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
+ /* Call scalar math function */
+ # LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
-/* Special inputs
- * processing loop
- */
+ /* Special inputs
+ * processing loop
+ */
- incl %r12d
- cmpl $8, %r12d
-/* Check bits in range mask */
- # LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
- movq 16(%rsp), %r12
- cfi_restore(12)
- movq 8(%rsp), %r13
- cfi_restore(13)
- movq (%rsp), %r14
- cfi_restore(14)
- vmovups 64(%rsp), %ymm1
-/* Go to exit */
- jmp L(EXIT)
- /* DW_CFA_expression: r12 (r12) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -80; DW_OP_plus) */
- .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xb0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
- /* DW_CFA_expression: r13 (r13) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -88; DW_OP_plus) */
- .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa8, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
- /* DW_CFA_expression: r14 (r14) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -96; DW_OP_plus) */
- .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
- # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 ymm1
-/* Scalar math fucntion call
- * to process special input
- */
+ incl %r12d
+ cmpl $8, %r12d
+ /* Check bits in range mask */
+ # LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
+ movq 16(%rsp), %r12
+ cfi_restore(12)
+ movq 8(%rsp), %r13
+ cfi_restore(13)
+ movq (%rsp), %r14
+ cfi_restore(14)
+ vmovups 64(%rsp), %ymm1
+ /* Go to exit */
+ jmp L(EXIT)
+ /* DW_CFA_expression: r12 (r12) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -80; DW_OP_plus) */
+ .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xb0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
+ /* DW_CFA_expression: r13 (r13) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -88; DW_OP_plus) */
+ .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa8, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
+ /* DW_CFA_expression: r14 (r14) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -32; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -96; DW_OP_plus) */
+ .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0xa0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22
+ # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 ymm1
+ /* Scalar math fucntion call
+ * to process special input
+ */
- movl %r12d, %r14d
- movss 32(%rsp,%r14,4), %xmm0
- call log2f@PLT
- # LOE rbx r14 r15 r12d r13d xmm0
+ movl %r12d, %r14d
+ movss 32(%rsp, %r14, 4), %xmm0
+ call log2f@PLT
+ # LOE rbx r14 r15 r12d r13d xmm0
- movss %xmm0, 64(%rsp,%r14,4)
+ movss %xmm0, 64(%rsp, %r14, 4)
-/* Process special inputs in loop */
- # LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
+ /* Process special inputs in loop */
+ # LOE rbx r15 r12d r13d
- .section .rodata, "a"
- .align 32
+ .section .rodata, "a"
+ .align 32
#ifdef __svml_slog2_data_internal_typedef
typedef unsigned int VUINT32;
typedef struct {
- __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 MinNorm[8][1];
- __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 MaxNorm[8][1];
- __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 iBrkValue[8][1];
- __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 iOffExpoMask[8][1];
- __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 One[8][1];
- __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 sPoly[9][8][1];
+ __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 MinNorm[8][1];
+ __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 MaxNorm[8][1];
+ __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 iBrkValue[8][1];
+ __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 iOffExpoMask[8][1];
+ __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 One[8][1];
+ __declspec(align(32)) VUINT32 sPoly[9][8][1];
} __svml_slog2_data_internal;
- /*== MinNorm ==*/
- .long 0x00800000, 0x00800000, 0x00800000, 0x00800000, 0x00800000, 0x00800000, 0x00800000, 0x00800000
- /*== MaxNorm ==*/
- .align 32
- .long 0x7f7fffff, 0x7f7fffff, 0x7f7fffff, 0x7f7fffff, 0x7f7fffff, 0x7f7fffff, 0x7f7fffff, 0x7f7fffff
- /*== iBrkValue = SP 2/3 ==*/
- .align 32
- .long 0x3f2aaaab, 0x3f2aaaab, 0x3f2aaaab, 0x3f2aaaab, 0x3f2aaaab, 0x3f2aaaab, 0x3f2aaaab, 0x3f2aaaab
- /*== iOffExpoMask = SP significand mask ==*/
- .align 32
- .long 0x007fffff, 0x007fffff, 0x007fffff, 0x007fffff, 0x007fffff, 0x007fffff, 0x007fffff, 0x007fffff
- /*== sOne = SP 1.0 ==*/
- .align 32
- .long 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000
- /*== spoly[9] ==*/
- .align 32
- .long 0x3e554012, 0x3e554012, 0x3e554012, 0x3e554012, 0x3e554012, 0x3e554012, 0x3e554012, 0x3e554012 /* coeff9 */
- .long 0xbe638E14, 0xbe638E14, 0xbe638E14, 0xbe638E14, 0xbe638E14, 0xbe638E14, 0xbe638E14, 0xbe638E14 /* coeff8 */
- .long 0x3e4D660B, 0x3e4D660B, 0x3e4D660B, 0x3e4D660B, 0x3e4D660B, 0x3e4D660B, 0x3e4D660B, 0x3e4D660B /* coeff7 */
- .long 0xbe727824, 0xbe727824, 0xbe727824, 0xbe727824, 0xbe727824, 0xbe727824, 0xbe727824, 0xbe727824 /* coeff6 */
- .long 0x3e93DD07, 0x3e93DD07, 0x3e93DD07, 0x3e93DD07, 0x3e93DD07, 0x3e93DD07, 0x3e93DD07, 0x3e93DD07 /* coeff5 */
- .long 0xbeB8B969, 0xbeB8B969, 0xbeB8B969, 0xbeB8B969, 0xbeB8B969, 0xbeB8B969, 0xbeB8B969, 0xbeB8B969 /* coeff4 */
- .long 0x3eF637C0, 0x3eF637C0, 0x3eF637C0, 0x3eF637C0, 0x3eF637C0, 0x3eF637C0, 0x3eF637C0, 0x3eF637C0 /* coeff3 */
- .long 0xbf38AA2B, 0xbf38AA2B, 0xbf38AA2B, 0xbf38AA2B, 0xbf38AA2B, 0xbf38AA2B, 0xbf38AA2B, 0xbf38AA2B /* coeff2 */
- .long 0x3fB8AA3B, 0x3fB8AA3B, 0x3fB8AA3B, 0x3fB8AA3B, 0x3fB8AA3B, 0x3fB8AA3B, 0x3fB8AA3B, 0x3fB8AA3B /* coeff1 */
- .align 32
- .type __svml_slog2_data_internal,@object
- .size __svml_slog2_data_internal,.-__svml_slog2_data_internal
+ /* MinNorm */
+ .long 0x00800000, 0x00800000, 0x00800000, 0x00800000, 0x00800000, 0x00800000, 0x00800000, 0x00800000
+ /* MaxNorm */
+ .align 32
+ .long 0x7f7fffff, 0x7f7fffff, 0x7f7fffff, 0x7f7fffff, 0x7f7fffff, 0x7f7fffff, 0x7f7fffff, 0x7f7fffff
+ /* iBrkValue = SP 2/3 */
+ .align 32
+ .long 0x3f2aaaab, 0x3f2aaaab, 0x3f2aaaab, 0x3f2aaaab, 0x3f2aaaab, 0x3f2aaaab, 0x3f2aaaab, 0x3f2aaaab
+ /* iOffExpoMask = SP significand mask */
+ .align 32
+ .long 0x007fffff, 0x007fffff, 0x007fffff, 0x007fffff, 0x007fffff, 0x007fffff, 0x007fffff, 0x007fffff
+ /* sOne = SP 1.0 */
+ .align 32
+ .long 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000
+ /* spoly[9] */
+ .align 32
+ .long 0x3e554012, 0x3e554012, 0x3e554012, 0x3e554012, 0x3e554012, 0x3e554012, 0x3e554012, 0x3e554012 /* coeff9 */
+ .long 0xbe638E14, 0xbe638E14, 0xbe638E14, 0xbe638E14, 0xbe638E14, 0xbe638E14, 0xbe638E14, 0xbe638E14 /* coeff8 */
+ .long 0x3e4D660B, 0x3e4D660B, 0x3e4D660B, 0x3e4D660B, 0x3e4D660B, 0x3e4D660B, 0x3e4D660B, 0x3e4D660B /* coeff7 */
+ .long 0xbe727824, 0xbe727824, 0xbe727824, 0xbe727824, 0xbe727824, 0xbe727824, 0xbe727824, 0xbe727824 /* coeff6 */
+ .long 0x3e93DD07, 0x3e93DD07, 0x3e93DD07, 0x3e93DD07, 0x3e93DD07, 0x3e93DD07, 0x3e93DD07, 0x3e93DD07 /* coeff5 */
+ .long 0xbeB8B969, 0xbeB8B969, 0xbeB8B969, 0xbeB8B969, 0xbeB8B969, 0xbeB8B969, 0xbeB8B969, 0xbeB8B969 /* coeff4 */
+ .long 0x3eF637C0, 0x3eF637C0, 0x3eF637C0, 0x3eF637C0, 0x3eF637C0, 0x3eF637C0, 0x3eF637C0, 0x3eF637C0 /* coeff3 */
+ .long 0xbf38AA2B, 0xbf38AA2B, 0xbf38AA2B, 0xbf38AA2B, 0xbf38AA2B, 0xbf38AA2B, 0xbf38AA2B, 0xbf38AA2B /* coeff2 */
+ .long 0x3fB8AA3B, 0x3fB8AA3B, 0x3fB8AA3B, 0x3fB8AA3B, 0x3fB8AA3B, 0x3fB8AA3B, 0x3fB8AA3B, 0x3fB8AA3B /* coeff1 */
+ .align 32
+ .type __svml_slog2_data_internal, @object
+ .size __svml_slog2_data_internal, .-__svml_slog2_data_internal