path: root/manual/summary.pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'manual/summary.pl')
1 files changed, 403 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manual/summary.pl b/manual/summary.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5da8f18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manual/summary.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+# Generate the Summary of Library Facilities (summary.texi).
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+# Contributed by Rical Jasan <ricaljasan@pacific.net>, 2017.
+# The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Anything declared in a header or defined in a standard should have
+# its origins annotated using the @standards macro (see macro.texi).
+# This script checks all such elements in the manual (generally,
+# @def|item*-commands), ensuring annotations are present and correct.
+# If any errors are detected, they are all reported at the end and
+# failure is indicated.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use locale;
+use File::Basename;
+$| = 1;
+my $script = basename $0;
+&help if $ARGV[0] eq "--help"; # Will exit(0).
+my @texis = @ARGV;
+# Various regexes.
+my $nde = qr/^\@node /;
+my $def = qr/^\@def/;
+my $itm = qr/^\@item /;
+my $itms = qr/^\@itemx? /; # Don't match @itemize.
+my $ann = qr/^\@(def\w+|item)x? /; # Annotatable.
+my $std = qr/^\@standards\{/;
+my $stx = qr/^\@standardsx\{/;
+my $stds = qr/^\@standardsx?\{/;
+my $strict_std = qr/^\@standards\{([^,]+, )[^,\}]+\}$/;
+my $strict_stx = qr/^\@standardsx\{([^,]+, ){2}[^,\}]+\}$/;
+my $lcon = qr/([vf]?table|itemize|enumerate)/;
+my $list = qr/^\@${lcon}/;
+my $endl = qr/^\@end ${lcon}/;
+my $ign = qr/^\@ignore/;
+my $eig = qr/^\@end ignore/;
+# Global scope.
+my $node;
+our $texi;
+my $input;
+my %entries;
+my %errors;
+for $texi (@texis) {
+ open $input, '<', $texi or die "open $texi: $!";
+ while (my $line = <$input>) {
+ if ($line =~ $nde) {
+ $node = &get_node($line);
+ } elsif ($line =~ $def) {
+ &process_annotation($line);
+ } elsif ($line =~ $list) {
+ &process_list($1); # @items occur in list or table context.
+ } elsif ($line =~ $stds) {
+ &record_error("Misplaced annotation", ["[$.] ".$line]);
+ } elsif ($line =~ $ign) {
+ while (<$input> !~ $eig) {}
+ }
+ }
+ close $input or die "close $texi: $!";
+# Disabled until annotations are complete.
+&print_errors() if %errors && 0; # Will exit(1).
+print("\@c DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!\n".
+ "\@c This file is generated by $script from the Texinfo sources.\n".
+ "\@c The \@items are \@include'd from a \@table in header.texi.\n\n");
+&print_entry($_) for sort keys %entries;
+# Processes an annotatable element, including any subsequent elements
+# in an @*x chain, ensuring @standards are present, with valid syntax,
+# either recording any errors detected or creating Summary entries.
+# This function is the heart of the script.
+# Prototypes and standards are gathered into separate lists and used
+# to evaluate the completeness and correctness of annotations before
+# generating the Summary entries. "Prototype" is used to refer to an
+# element's entire definition while avoiding conflation with
+# @def*-commands. "Element" is strictly used here to refer to the
+# name extracted from the prototype, as used in @standardsx, for
+# sorting the Summary.
+sub process_annotation
+ my $line = shift;
+ my (@prototypes, @standards, $i, @tmp);
+ # Gather prototypes and standards.
+ push @prototypes, $line;
+ while ($line = <$input>) {
+ last if $line !~ $ann;
+ push @prototypes, $line;
+ }
+ if ($line !~ $stds) { # The fundamental error.
+ return &record_error('Missing annotation', \@prototypes);
+ }
+ push @standards, $line;
+ push @standards, $line while ($line = <$input>) =~ $stds;
+ # If next line is an @item, seek back to catch it on the next
+ # iteration. This avoids imposing a non-Texinfo syntax
+ # requirement of blank lines between consecutive annotated @items.
+ if ($line =~ $itm) {
+ seek $input, -length($line), 1 or die "seek: $!";
+ }
+ # Strict check for syntax errors. Other matches are loose, which
+ # aids error detection and reporting by ensuring things that look
+ # like standards aren't simply passed over, but caught here.
+ for ($i=0; $i<@standards; ++$i) {
+ my $standard = $standards[$i];
+ if ($standard !~ $strict_std && $standard !~ $strict_stx) {
+ push @tmp, $standard;
+ }
+ }
+ return &record_error('Invalid syntax', \@tmp) if @tmp;
+ # @standardsx should not be in non-@*x chains.
+ if (@prototypes == 1) {
+ for ($i=0; $i<@standards; ++$i) {
+ return &record_error('Misplaced @standardsx', \@prototypes)
+ if $standards[$i] =~ $stx;
+ }
+ }
+ # @standards may only occur once in @*x chains, at the beginning.
+ if (@prototypes > 1) {
+ for ($i=1; $i<@standards; ++$i) {
+ return &record_error('Misplaced @standards', \@prototypes)
+ if $standards[$i] =~ $std;
+ }
+ }
+ # The @standards are aligned.
+ &add_entries(\@prototypes, \@standards);
+# Goes through the prototypes, cleaning them up and extracting the
+# elements, pairing them with the appropriate annotations to create
+# Summary entries.
+sub add_entries
+ my ($prototypes, $standards) = @_;
+ my $isx = @{$prototypes} > 1 ? 1 : 0;
+ my $allx = $standards->[0] =~ $stx ? 1 : 0;
+ my ($defstd, $defhdr, %standardsx, $i, $j);
+ # Grab the default annotation and index any @standardsx. Take
+ # care in case there is no default.
+ if ($isx) {
+ if (!$allx) {
+ ($defstd, $defhdr)
+ = $standards->[0] =~ /${std}([^,]+), (.*)\}$/;
+ }
+ for ($i = $allx ? 0 : 1; $i<@{$standards}; ++$i) {
+ my ($e, $s, $h)
+ = $standards->[$i] =~ /${stx}([^,]+), ([^,]+), (.*)\}$/;
+ push @{$standardsx{$e}{hs}}, [$h, $s];
+ }
+ }
+ for ($i=0; $i<@{$prototypes}; ++$i) {
+ my $e = &get_element($prototypes->[$i]);
+ my $p = &get_prototype($prototypes->[$i]);
+ my ($s, $h);
+ if ($isx && exists $standardsx{$e}) {
+ for ($j=0; $j<@{$standardsx{$e}{hs}}; ++$j) {
+ $h = $standardsx{$e}{hs}[$j]->[0];
+ $s = $standardsx{$e}{hs}[$j]->[1];
+ &record_entry($e, $p, $h, $s, $node);
+ ++$standardsx{$e}{seen};
+ }
+ } elsif ($isx && $allx) {
+ &record_error('Missing annotation', [$prototypes->[$i]]);
+ } elsif ($isx) {
+ &record_entry($e, $p, $defhdr, $defstd, $node);
+ } else {
+ for ($j=0; $j<@{$standards}; ++$j) {
+ ($s, $h) = $standards->[$j] =~ /${std}([^,]+), ([^,\}]+)\}$/;
+ &record_entry($e, $p, $h, $s, $node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Check if there were any unmatched @standardsx.
+ for my $e (keys %standardsx) {
+ if (!exists $standardsx{$e}{seen}) {
+ &record_error('Spurious @standardsx', [$e."\n"])
+ }
+ }
+# Stores a Summary entry in %entries. May be called multiple times
+# per element if multiple header and standard annotations exist. Also
+# keys on prototypes, as some elements have multiple prototypes. See
+# isnan in arith.texi for one example.
+sub record_entry
+ my ($ele, $proto, $hdr, $std, $node) = @_;
+ push @{$entries{$ele}{$proto}}, [$hdr, $std, $node];
+# Processes list or table contexts, with nesting.
+sub process_list
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $in_vtbl = $type eq "vtable" ? 1 : 0;
+ while (my $line = <$input>) {
+ if ($line =~ $itms) {
+ next if ! $in_vtbl; # Not an annotatable context.
+ &process_annotation($line);
+ } elsif ($line =~ $def) {
+ &process_annotation($line);
+ } elsif ($line =~ $stds) {
+ &record_error('Misplaced annotation', ["[$.] ".$line]);
+ } elsif ($line =~ $endl) {
+ return; # All done.
+ } elsif ($line =~ $list) {
+ &process_list($1); # Nested list.
+ }
+ }
+# Returns the current node from an @node line. Used for referencing
+# from the Summary.
+sub get_node
+ my $line = shift;
+ chomp $line;
+ $line =~ s/$nde//;
+ my ($n) = split ',', $line;
+ return $n
+# Returns the cleaned up prototype from @def|item* lines.
+sub get_prototype
+ my $dfn = shift;
+ chomp $dfn;
+ $dfn =~ s/\s+/ /g; # Collapse whitespace.
+ $dfn =~ s/ \{([^\}]*)\} / $1 /g; # Remove grouping braces.
+ $dfn =~ s/^\@\S+ //; # Remove @-command.
+ $dfn =~ s/^Macro //i; # Scrape off cruft...
+ $dfn =~ s/^Data Type //i;
+ $dfn =~ s/^Variable //i;
+ $dfn =~ s/^Deprecated Function //i;
+ $dfn =~ s/^SVID Macro //i;
+ $dfn =~ s/^Obsolete function //i;
+ $dfn =~ s/^Constant //i;
+ $dfn =~ s/^Type //i;
+ $dfn =~ s/^Function //i;
+ $dfn =~ s/^\{(.*)\}$/$1/; # Debrace yourself.
+ $dfn =~ s/^\{([^\}]*)\} /$1 /; # These ones too.
+ return $dfn;
+# Returns an annotated element's name.
+# Takes a line defining an annotatable element (e.g., @def|item*),
+# splitting it on whitespace. The element is generally detected as
+# the member immediately preceding the first parenthesized expression
+# (e.g., a function), or the last token in the list. Some additional
+# cleanup is applied to the element before returning it.
+sub get_element
+ my $i = 0;
+ my @toks = split /\s+/, shift;
+ # tzname array uses '['; don't match function pointers.
+ ++$i while $toks[$i] && $toks[$i] !~ /^[\(\[](?!\*)/;
+ $toks[$i-1] =~ s/^\*//; # Strip pointer type syntax.
+ $toks[$i-1] =~ s/^\{?([^\}]+)\}?$/$1/; # Strip braces.
+ $toks[$i-1] =~ s/^\(\*([^\)]+)\)$/$1/; # Function pointers.
+ return $toks[$i-1];
+# Records syntax errors detected in the manual related to @standards.
+# The @def|item*s are grouped by file, then errors, to make it easier
+# to track down exactly where and what the problems are.
+sub record_error
+ my ($err, $list) = @_;
+ push @{$errors{$texi}{$err}}, $_ for (@{$list});
+ return 0;
+# Reports all detected errors and exits with failure. Indentation is
+# used for readability, and "ERROR" is used for visibility.
+sub print_errors
+ for $texi (sort keys %errors) {
+ print STDERR "ERRORS in $texi:\n";
+ for my $err (sort keys %{$errors{$texi}}) {
+ print STDERR " $err:\n";
+ print STDERR " $_" for (@{$errors{$texi}{$err}});
+ }
+ }
+ print(STDERR "\nFor a description of expected syntax, see ".
+ "\`$script --help'\n\n");
+ exit 1;
+# Prints an entry in the Summary.
+# All the blank lines in summary.texi may seem strange at first, but
+# they have significant impact on how Texinfo renders the output.
+# Essentially, each line is its own paragraph. There is a @comment
+# with the element name, arguably unnecessary, but useful for seeing
+# the sorting order and extracted element names, and maintains the
+# format established by summary.awk. Each @item in the @table is the
+# prototype, which may be anything from just a variable name to a
+# function declaration. The body of each @item contains lines
+# annotating the headers and standards each element is declared
+# in/comes from, with a reference to the @node documenting the element
+# wrt. each header and standard combination.
+sub print_entry
+ my $element = shift;
+ for my $prototype (sort keys %{$entries{$element}}) {
+ print "\@comment $element\n\@item $prototype\n\n";
+ for (@{$entries{$element}{$prototype}}) {
+ my ($header, $standard, $node)
+ = ($_->[0], $_->[1], $_->[2]);
+ if ($header =~ /^\(none\)$/i) {
+ $header = "\@emph{no header}";
+ } elsif ($header =~ /\(optional\)$/) {
+ $header =~ s/^(\S+) \((.*)\)$/\@file{$1} \@emph{$2}/;
+ } elsif ($header ne '???') {
+ $header = "\@file{$header}";
+ }
+ print "$header ($standard): \@ref{$node}.\n\n";
+ }
+ }
+# Document the syntax of @standards.
+sub help
+ print "$script ";
+ print <<'EOH';
+generates the Summary of Library Facilities (summary.texi)
+from @standards and @standardsx macros in the Texinfo sources (see
+macros.texi). While generating the Summary, it also checks that
+@standards are used, correctly.
+In general, any @def*-command or @item in a @vtable is considered
+annotatable. "Misplaced annotation" refers to @standards macros
+detected outside an annotatable context. "Missing annotation" refers
+to annotatable elements without @standards. @standards are expected
+to immediately follow the elements being annotated. In @*x lists,
+@standards sets the default annotation and may only occur as the first
+annotation ("Misplaced @standards"). @standardsx may not be used
+outside @*x lists ("Misplaced @standardsx"). "Spurious @standardsx"
+refers to otherwise valid @standardsx macros that were not matched to
+an element in an @*x list. "Invalid syntax" means just that.
+The syntax of @standards annotations is designed to accomodate
+multiple header and standards annotations, as necessary.
+ @deftp FOO
+ @standards{STD, HDR}
+ @defvar BAR
+ @standards{STD, HDR1}
+ @standards{STD, HDR2}
+ @deftypefun foo
+ @deftypefunx fool
+ @standards{STD, HDR}
+ @item bar
+ @itemx baz
+ @standardsx{bar, STD1, HDR1}
+ @standardsx{baz, STD1, HDR1}
+ @standardsx{baz, STD2, HDR2}
+Note that @standardsx deviates from the usual Texinfo syntax in that
+it is optional and may be used without @standards.
+ ; exit 0;