# .Sanitize for devo/sim/testsuite. # Each directory to survive its way into a release will need a file # like this one called "./.Sanitize". All keyword lines must exist, # and must exist in the order specified by this file. Each directory # in the tree will be processed, top down, in the following order. # Hash started lines like this one are comments and will be deleted # before anything else is done. Blank lines will also be squashed # out. # The lines between the "Do-first:" line and the "Things-to-keep:" # line are executed as a /bin/sh shell script before anything else is # done in this directory. Do-first: # All files listed between the "Things-to-keep:" line and the # "Do-last:" line will be kept. All other files will be removed. # Directories listed in this section will have their own Sanitize # called. Directories not listed will be removed in their entirety # with rm -rf. Things-to-keep: ChangeLog Makefile.in configure configure.in exit47.s f-abs.s f-add.s f-adda.s f-cond.s f-cvt.s f-div.s f-madd.s f-madda.s f-max.s f-min.s f-msub.s f-msuba.s f-mul.s f-mula.s f-neg.s f-rsqrt.s f-sqrt.s f-sub.s f-suba.s hello.s loop.s t-dadd.s t-ddiv.s t-div.s t-div1.s t-divu.s t-divu1.s t-ldl.s t-ldr.s t-lwl.s t-lwr.s t-macros.i t-mtsa.s t-mult1.s t-pabsh.s t-pabsw.s t-paddb.s t-paddsb.s t-paddsh.s t-paddsw.s t-paddub.s t-padduh.s t-padduw.s t-padsbh.s t-pcpyh.s t-pdivbw.s t-pdivuw.s t-pdivw.s t-pexcw.s t-pexoh.s t-pext5.s t-pextlb.s t-pextlh.s t-pextlw.s t-pextub.s t-pextuh.s t-pextuw.s t-phmaddh.s t-phmsubh.s t-pinth.s t-pintoh.s t-pmaddh.s t-pmadduw.s t-pmaddw.s t-pmfhl-lh.s t-pmfhl-lw.s t-pmfhl-sh.s t-pmfhl-slw.s t-pmfhl-uw.s t-pmsubh.s t-pmthl-lw.s t-pmulth.s t-pmultuw.s t-pmultw.s t-ppac5.s t-ppacb.s t-ppach.s t-ppacw.s t-prot3w.s t-psllvw.s t-psravw.s t-psrlvw.s t-psubsb.s t-psubsh.s t-psubsw.s t-psubub.s t-psubuh.s t-psubuw.s t-psubw.s t-qfsrv.s t-sdl.s t-sdr.s t-sub.s t-swl.s t-swr.s tick.s trap.s Things-to-lose: # The lines between the "Do-last:" line and the end of the file # are executed as a /bin/sh shell script after everything else is # done. Do-last: # eof