/* This file is part of the program psim. Copyright (C) 1994-1995, Andrew Cagney This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* BUGS: Instead of using/abusing macro's the semantic code should be parsed and each `cachable' expression replaced with the corresponding value. If not expanding fields, invalid_insn has call to its self this is a little fatal when semantic_invalid() is being called because an instruction is invalid */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #undef WITH_ASSERT #define WITH_ASSERT 1 #include "debug.h" /****************************************************************/ void error (char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, msg); vprintf(msg, ap); va_end(ap); exit (1); } void * zmalloc(long size) { void *memory = malloc(size); if (memory == NULL) error("zmalloc failed\n"); bzero(memory, size); return memory; } void dumpf (int indent, char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; for (; indent > 0; indent--) printf(" "); va_start(ap, msg); vprintf(msg, ap); va_end(ap); } /****************************************************************/ int idecode_expand_semantics = WITH_IDECODE_EXPAND_SEMANTICS; int idecode_cache = WITH_IDECODE_CACHE; int spreg_lookup_table = WITH_SPREG_LOOKUP_TABLE; /****************************************************************/ typedef struct { int valid; char *old_name; char *new_name; char *type; char *expression; } extraction_rules; extraction_rules cachable_values[] = WITH_IDECODE_CACHE_RULES; /****************************************************************/ typedef struct _opcode_rules { int valid; int first; int last; int force_first; int force_last; int force_slash; char *force_expansion; int use_switch; unsigned special_mask; unsigned special_value; unsigned special_rule; } opcode_rules; /* FIXME - this should be loaded from a file */ opcode_rules opcode_table[] = WITH_IDECODE_OPCODE_RULES; dump_opcode_rule(opcode_rules *rule, int indent) { printf("(opcode_rules*)0x%x\n", rule); dumpf(indent, "(valid %d)\n", rule->valid); ASSERT(rule != NULL); if (rule->valid) { dumpf(indent, "(first %d)\n", rule->first); dumpf(indent, "(last %d)\n", rule->last); dumpf(indent, "(force_first %d)\n", rule->force_first); dumpf(indent, "(force_last %d)\n", rule->force_last); dumpf(indent, "(force_slash %d)\n", rule->force_slash); dumpf(indent, "(force_expansion %s)\n", rule->force_expansion); } } /****************************************************************/ enum gen_constants { insn_size = 32, nr_of_sprs = 1024 }; char cache_idecode_formal[] = "cpu *processor,\n instruction_word instruction,\n unsigned_word cia,\n idecode_cache *cache_entry"; char cache_idecode_actual[] = "processor, instruction, cia, cache_entry"; char cache_insn_formal[] = "cpu *processor,\n idecode_cache *cache_entry,\n unsigned_word cia"; char cache_insn_actual[] = "processor, entry, cia"; char insn_formal[] = "cpu *processor,\n instruction_word instruction,\n unsigned_word cia"; char insn_actual[] = "processor, instruction, cia"; char insn_local[] = "unsigned_word nia = cia + 4;"; /****************************************************************/ int bin2i(char *bin, int width) { int i = 0; while (*bin != '\0' && width != 0) { i = (i << 1) + (*bin - '0'); width--; bin++; } return i; } int it_is(char *flag, char *flags) { int flag_len = strlen(flag); while (*flags != '\0') { if (!strncmp(flags, flag, flag_len) && (flags[flag_len] == ',' || flags[flag_len] == '\0')) return 1; while (*flags != ',') { if (*flags == '\0') return 0; flags++; } flags++; } return 0; } /****************************************************************/ typedef struct _lf lf; struct _lf { FILE *stream; int line_nr; /* nr complete lines written, curr line is line_nr+1 */ int indent; int line_blank; char *file_name; }; lf * lf_open(char *name) { /* create a file object */ lf *new_lf = zmalloc(sizeof(lf)); ASSERT(new_lf != NULL); new_lf->file_name = name; /* attach to stdout if pipe */ if (!strcmp(name, "-")) { new_lf->stream = stdout; } else { /* create a new file */ new_lf->stream = fopen(name, "w"); ASSERT(new_lf->stream != NULL); } return new_lf; } void lf_close(lf *file) { if (file->stream != stdout) { if (fclose(file->stream)) { perror("lf_close.fclose"); exit(1); } free(file); } } void lf_putchr(lf *file, const char chr) { if (chr == '\n') { file->line_nr += 1; file->line_blank = 1; } else if (file->line_blank) { int pad; for (pad = file->indent; pad > 0; pad--) putc(' ', file->stream); file->line_blank = 0; } putc(chr, file->stream); } void lf_indent_suppress(lf *file) { file->line_blank = 0; } void lf_putstr(lf *file, const char *string) { const char *chp; if (string != NULL) { for (chp = string; *chp != '\0'; chp++) { lf_putchr(file, *chp); } } } void do_lf_putunsigned(lf *file, unsigned u) { if (u > 0) { do_lf_putunsigned(file, u / 10); lf_putchr(file, (u % 10) + '0'); } } void lf_putint(lf *file, int decimal) { if (decimal == 0) lf_putchr(file, '0'); else if (decimal < 0) { lf_putchr(file, '-'); do_lf_putunsigned(file, -decimal); } else if (decimal > 0) { do_lf_putunsigned(file, decimal); } else ASSERT(0); } void lf_printf(lf *file, const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[1024]; va_list ap; int nr_chars; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap); /* FIXME - this is really stuffed but so is vsprintf() on a sun! */ ASSERT(strlen(buf) > 0 && strlen(buf) < sizeof(buf)); lf_putstr(file, buf); va_end(ap); } void lf_print_file_line_nr(lf *file) { #if WITH_LINE_NUMBERS lf_indent_suppress(file); lf_putstr(file, "#line "); lf_putint(file, file->line_nr+2); /*line_nr == last_line, want next */ lf_putstr(file, " \""); lf_putstr(file, file->file_name); lf_putstr(file, "\"\n"); #endif } lf_indent(lf *file, int delta) { file->indent += delta; } /****************************************************************/ /* read entries from ppc.instructions */ enum { file_table_max_fields = 6, }; typedef struct _file_table file_table; struct _file_table { size_t size; char *buffer; char *pos; int line_nr; char *file_name; }; typedef struct _file_table_entry file_table_entry; struct _file_table_entry { char *fields[file_table_max_fields]; int line_nr; char *file_name; char *annex; }; file_table * file_table_open(char *file_name) { int fd; struct stat stat_buf; file_table *file; /* create a file descriptor */ file = (file_table*)zmalloc(sizeof(file_table)); ASSERT(file != NULL); /* save the file name */ file->file_name = (char*)zmalloc(strlen(file_name) + 1); ASSERT(file->file_name != NULL); strcpy(file->file_name, file_name); /* open the file */ fd = open(file->file_name, O_RDONLY, 0); ASSERT(fd >= 0); /* determine the size */ if (fstat(fd, &stat_buf) < 0) { perror("file_table_open.fstat"); exit(1); } file->size = stat_buf.st_size; /* allocate this much memory */ file->buffer = (char*)zmalloc(file->size+1); if(file->buffer == NULL) { perror("file_table_open.calloc.file->size+1"); exit(1); } file->pos = file->buffer; /* read it in */ if (read(fd, file->buffer, file->size) < file->size) { perror("file_table_open.read"); exit(1); } file->buffer[file->size] = '\0'; /* done */ close(fd); return file; } file_table_entry * file_table_read(file_table *file) { int field; file_table_entry *entry; /* skip comments/blanks */ while(1) { /* leading white space */ while (*file->pos != '\0' && *file->pos != '\n' && isspace(*file->pos)) file->pos++; /* comment */ if (*file->pos == '#') { do { file->pos++; } while (*file->pos != '\0' && *file->pos != '\n'); } /* end of line? */ if (*file->pos == '\n') { file->pos++; file->line_nr++; } else break; } if (*file->pos == '\0') return NULL; /* create this new entry */ entry = (file_table_entry*)zmalloc(sizeof(file_table_entry)); ASSERT(entry != NULL); entry->file_name = file->file_name; /* break the line into its colon delimitered fields */ for (field = 0; field < file_table_max_fields-1; field++) { entry->fields[field] = file->pos; while(*file->pos && *file->pos != ':' && *file->pos != '\n') file->pos++; if (*file->pos == ':') { *file->pos = '\0'; file->pos++; } } /* any trailing stuff not the last field */ ASSERT(field == file_table_max_fields-1); entry->fields[field] = file->pos; while (*file->pos && *file->pos != '\n') { file->pos++; } if (*file->pos == '\n') { *file->pos = '\0'; file->pos++; } file->line_nr++; entry->line_nr = file->line_nr; /* if following lines tab indented, put in the annex */ if (*file->pos == '\t') { entry->annex = file->pos; do { do { file->pos++; } while (*file->pos != '\0' && *file->pos != '\n'); if (*file->pos == '\n') { file->pos++; file->line_nr++; } } while (*file->pos != '\0' && *file->pos == '\t'); if (file->pos[-1] == '\n') file->pos[-1] = '\0'; } else entry->annex = NULL; /* return it */ return entry; } void dump_file_table_entry(file_table_entry *entry, int indent) { printf("(file_table_entry*)0x%x\n", entry); if (entry != NULL) { int field; char sep; sep = ' '; dumpf(indent, "(fields"); for (field = 0; field < file_table_max_fields; field++) { printf("%c%s", sep, entry->fields[field]); sep = ':'; } printf(")\n"); dumpf(indent, "(line_nr %d)\n", entry->line_nr); dumpf(indent, "(file_name %s)\n", entry->file_name); dumpf(indent, "(annex\n%s\n", entry->annex); dumpf(indent, " )\n"); } } /****************************************************************/ typedef struct _insn_field insn_field; struct _insn_field { int first; int last; int width; int is_int; int is_slash; int is_string; int val_int; char *pos_string; char *val_string; insn_field *next; insn_field *prev; }; typedef struct _insn_fields insn_fields; struct _insn_fields { insn_field *bits[insn_size]; insn_field *first; insn_field *last; unsigned value; }; insn_field * insn_field_new() { insn_field *new_field = (insn_field*)zmalloc(sizeof(insn_field)); ASSERT(new_field != NULL); return new_field; } insn_fields * insn_fields_new() { insn_fields *new_fields = (insn_fields*)zmalloc(sizeof(insn_fields)); ASSERT(new_fields != NULL); return new_fields; } insn_fields * parse_insn_format(file_table_entry *entry, char *format) { char *chp; insn_fields *fields = insn_fields_new(); /* create a leading sentinal */ fields->first = insn_field_new(); fields->first->first = -1; fields->first->last = -1; fields->first->width = 0; /* and a trailing sentinal */ fields->last = insn_field_new(); fields->last->first = insn_size; fields->last->last = insn_size; fields->last->width = 0; /* link them together */ fields->first->next = fields->last; fields->last->prev = fields->first; /* now work through the formats */ chp = format; while (*chp != '\0') { char *start_pos; char *start_val; int strlen_val; int strlen_pos; insn_field *new_field; /* sanity check */ if (!isdigit(*chp)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: missing position field at %s\n", entry->file_name, entry->line_nr, chp); break; } /* break out the bit position */ start_pos = chp; while (isdigit(*chp)) chp++; strlen_pos = chp - start_pos; if (*chp == '.' && strlen_pos > 0) chp++; else { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: missing field value at %s\n", entry->file_name, entry->line_nr, chp); break; } /* break out the value */ start_val = chp; while (*start_val == '/' && *chp == '/' || isdigit(*start_val) && isdigit(*chp) || isalpha(*start_val) && (isalnum(*chp) || *chp == '_')) chp++; strlen_val = chp - start_val; if (*chp == ',') chp++; else if (*chp != '\0' || strlen_val == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: missing field terminator at %s\n", entry->file_name, entry->line_nr, chp); break; } /* create a new field and insert it */ new_field = insn_field_new(); new_field->next = fields->last; new_field->prev = fields->last->prev; new_field->next->prev = new_field; new_field->prev->next = new_field; /* the value */ new_field->val_string = (char*)zmalloc(strlen_val+1); strncpy(new_field->val_string, start_val, strlen_val); if (isdigit(*new_field->val_string)) { new_field->val_int = atoi(new_field->val_string); new_field->is_int = 1; } else if (new_field->val_string[0] == '/') { new_field->is_slash = 1; } else { new_field->is_string = 1; } /* the pos */ new_field->pos_string = (char*)zmalloc(strlen_pos+1); strncpy(new_field->pos_string, start_pos, strlen_pos); new_field->first = atoi(new_field->pos_string); new_field->last = new_field->next->first - 1; /* guess */ new_field->width = new_field->last - new_field->first + 1; /* guess */ new_field->prev->last = new_field->first-1; /*fix*/ new_field->prev->width = new_field->first - new_field->prev->first; /*fix*/ } /* fiddle first/last so that the sentinals `disapear' */ ASSERT(fields->first->last < 0); ASSERT(fields->last->first >= insn_size); fields->first = fields->first->next; fields->last = fields->last->prev; /* now go over this again, pointing each bit position at a field record */ { int i; insn_field *field; field = fields->first; for (i = 0; i < insn_size; i++) { while (field->last < i) field = field->next; fields->bits[i] = field; } } /* go over each of the fields, and compute a `value' for the insn */ { insn_field *field; fields->value = 0; for (field = fields->first; field->last < insn_size; field = field->next) { fields->value <<= field->width; if (field->is_int) fields->value |= field->val_int; } } return fields; } typedef enum { field_constant_int = 1, field_constant_slash = 2, field_constant_string = 3 } constant_field_types; int insn_field_is_constant(insn_field *field, opcode_rules *rule) { /* field is an integer */ if (field->is_int) return field_constant_int; /* field is `/' and treating that as a constant */ if (field->is_slash && rule->force_slash) return field_constant_slash; /* field, though variable is on the list */ if (field->is_string && rule->force_expansion != NULL) { char *forced_fields = rule->force_expansion; while (*forced_fields != '\0') { int field_len; char *end = strchr(forced_fields, ','); if (end == NULL) field_len = strlen(forced_fields); else field_len = end-forced_fields; if (strncmp(forced_fields, field->val_string, field_len) == 0 && field->val_string[field_len] == '\0') return field_constant_string; forced_fields += field_len; if (*forced_fields == ',') forced_fields++; } } return 0; } void dump_insn_field(insn_field *field, int indent) { printf("(insn_field*)0x%x\n", field); dumpf(indent, "(first %d)\n", field->first); dumpf(indent, "(last %d)\n", field->last); dumpf(indent, "(width %d)\n", field->width); if (field->is_int) dumpf(indent, "(is_int %d)\n", field->val_int); if (field->is_slash) dumpf(indent, "(is_slash)\n"); if (field->is_string) dumpf(indent, "(is_string `%s')\n", field->val_string); dumpf(indent, "(next 0x%x)\n", field->next); dumpf(indent, "(prev 0x%x)\n", field->prev); } void dump_insn_fields(insn_fields *fields, int indent) { insn_field *field; int i; printf("(insn_fields*)0x%x\n", fields); dumpf(indent, "(first 0x%x)\n", fields->first); dumpf(indent, "(last 0x%x)\n", fields->last); dumpf(indent, "(value 0x%x)\n", fields->value); for (i = 0; i < insn_size; i++) { dumpf(indent, "(bits[%d] ", i, fields->bits[i]); dump_insn_field(fields->bits[i], indent+1); dumpf(indent, " )\n"); } } /****************************************************************/ typedef struct _opcode_field opcode_field; struct _opcode_field { int first; int last; int is_boolean; opcode_field *parent; }; opcode_field * opcode_field_new() { opcode_field *new_field = (opcode_field*)zmalloc(sizeof(opcode_field)); ASSERT(new_field != NULL); new_field->first = insn_size; new_field->last = -1; return new_field; } void dump_opcode_field(opcode_field *field, int indent, int levels) { printf("(opcode_field*)0x%x\n", field); if (levels && field != NULL) { dumpf(indent, "(first %d)\n", field->first); dumpf(indent, "(last %d)\n", field->last); dumpf(indent, "(is_boolean %d)\n", field->is_boolean); dumpf(indent, "(parent "); dump_opcode_field(field->parent, indent, levels-1); } } /****************************************************************/ typedef struct _insn_bits insn_bits; struct _insn_bits { int is_expanded; int value; insn_field *field; opcode_field *opcode; insn_bits *last; }; insn_bits * insn_bits_new() { insn_bits *new_bits = (insn_bits*)zmalloc(sizeof(insn_bits)); ASSERT(new_bits); return new_bits; } void dump_insn_bits(insn_bits *bits, int indent, int levels) { printf("(insn_bits*)0x%x\n", bits); if (levels && bits != NULL) { dumpf(indent, "(value %d)\n", bits->value); dumpf(indent, "(opcode "); dump_opcode_field(bits->opcode, indent+1, 0); dumpf(indent, " )\n"); dumpf(indent, "(field "); dump_insn_field(bits->field, indent+1); dumpf(indent, " )\n"); dumpf(indent, "(last "); dump_insn_bits(bits->last, indent+1, levels-1); } } /****************************************************************/ typedef enum { insn_format, insn_form, insn_flags, insn_nmemonic, insn_name, insn_comment, nr_insn_table_fields = file_table_max_fields } insn_table_fields; char *insn_field_name[] = { "format", "form", "flags", "nmemonic", "name", "comments" }; typedef struct _insn insn; struct _insn { file_table_entry *file_entry; insn_fields *fields; insn *next; }; typedef struct _insn_table insn_table; struct _insn_table { int opcode_nr; insn_bits *expanded_bits; int nr_insn; insn *insns; opcode_rules *opcode_rule; opcode_field *opcode; int nr_entries; insn_table *entries; insn_table *sibling; insn_table *parent; }; insn * insn_new() { insn *new_entry = ((insn*) zmalloc(sizeof(insn))); ASSERT(new_entry != NULL); return new_entry; } insn_table * insn_table_new() { insn_table *new_table = (insn_table*)zmalloc(sizeof(insn_table)); ASSERT(new_table != NULL); return new_table; } void insn_table_insert_insn(insn_table *table, file_table_entry *file_entry, insn_fields *fields) { insn **ptr_to_cur_insn = &table->insns; insn *cur_insn = *ptr_to_cur_insn; /* create a new instruction */ insn *new_insn = insn_new(); new_insn->file_entry = file_entry; new_insn->fields = fields; /* insert it according to the order of the fields */ while (cur_insn != NULL && new_insn->fields->value >= cur_insn->fields->value) { ptr_to_cur_insn = &cur_insn->next; cur_insn = *ptr_to_cur_insn; } new_insn->next = cur_insn; *ptr_to_cur_insn = new_insn; table->nr_insn++; } opcode_field * insn_table_find_opcode_field(insn *insns, opcode_rules *rule, int string_only) { opcode_field *curr_opcode = opcode_field_new(); insn *entry; ASSERT(rule->valid); for (entry = insns; entry != NULL; entry = entry->next) { insn_fields *fields = entry->fields; opcode_field new_opcode; /* find a start point for the opcode field */ new_opcode.first = rule->first; while (new_opcode.first <= rule->last && (!string_only || insn_field_is_constant(fields->bits[new_opcode.first], rule) != field_constant_string) && (string_only || !insn_field_is_constant(fields->bits[new_opcode.first], rule))) new_opcode.first = fields->bits[new_opcode.first]->last + 1; ASSERT(new_opcode.first > rule->last || (string_only && insn_field_is_constant(fields->bits[new_opcode.first], rule) == field_constant_string) || (!string_only && insn_field_is_constant(fields->bits[new_opcode.first], rule))); /* find the end point for the opcode field */ new_opcode.last = rule->last; while (new_opcode.last >= rule->first && (!string_only || insn_field_is_constant(fields->bits[new_opcode.last], rule) != field_constant_string) && (string_only || !insn_field_is_constant(fields->bits[new_opcode.last], rule))) new_opcode.last = fields->bits[new_opcode.last]->first - 1; ASSERT(new_opcode.last < rule->first || (string_only && insn_field_is_constant(fields->bits[new_opcode.last], rule) == field_constant_string) || (!string_only && insn_field_is_constant(fields->bits[new_opcode.last], rule))); /* now see if our current opcode needs expanding */ if (new_opcode.first <= rule->last && curr_opcode->first > new_opcode.first) curr_opcode->first = new_opcode.first; if (new_opcode.last >= rule->first && curr_opcode->last < new_opcode.last) curr_opcode->last = new_opcode.last; } /* was any thing interesting found? */ if (curr_opcode->first > rule->last) { ASSERT(curr_opcode->last < rule->first); free(curr_opcode); return NULL; } ASSERT(curr_opcode->last >= rule->first); ASSERT(curr_opcode->first <= rule->last); /* if something was found, check it includes the forced field range */ if (!string_only && curr_opcode->first > rule->force_first) { curr_opcode->first = rule->force_first; } if (!string_only && curr_opcode->last < rule->force_last) { curr_opcode->last = rule->force_last; } /* handle special case elminating any need to do shift after mask */ if (string_only && rule->force_last == insn_size-1) { curr_opcode->last = insn_size-1; } /* handle any special cases */ switch (rule->special_rule) { case 0: /* let the above apply */ break; case 1: /* expand a limited nr of bits, ignoring the rest */ curr_opcode->first = rule->force_first; curr_opcode->last = rule->force_last; break; case 2: /* boolean field */ curr_opcode->is_boolean = 1; break; } return curr_opcode; } void insn_table_insert_expanded(insn_table *table, insn *old_insn, int new_opcode_nr, insn_bits *new_bits) { insn_table **ptr_to_cur_entry = &table->entries; insn_table *cur_entry = *ptr_to_cur_entry; /* find the new table for this entry */ while (cur_entry != NULL && cur_entry->opcode_nr < new_opcode_nr) { ptr_to_cur_entry = &cur_entry->sibling; cur_entry = *ptr_to_cur_entry; } if (cur_entry == NULL || cur_entry->opcode_nr != new_opcode_nr) { insn_table *new_entry = insn_table_new(); new_entry->opcode_nr = new_opcode_nr; new_entry->expanded_bits = new_bits; new_entry->opcode_rule = table->opcode_rule+1; new_entry->sibling = cur_entry; new_entry->parent = table; *ptr_to_cur_entry = new_entry; cur_entry = new_entry; table->nr_entries++; } /* ASSERT new_bits == cur_entry bits */ ASSERT(cur_entry != NULL && cur_entry->opcode_nr == new_opcode_nr); insn_table_insert_insn(cur_entry, old_insn->file_entry, old_insn->fields); } void insn_table_expand_opcode(insn_table *table, insn *instruction, int field_nr, int opcode_nr, insn_bits *bits) { if (field_nr > table->opcode->last) { insn_table_insert_expanded(table, instruction, opcode_nr, bits); } else { insn_field *field = instruction->fields->bits[field_nr]; if (field->is_int || field->is_slash) { ASSERT(field->first >= table->opcode->first && field->last <= table->opcode->last); insn_table_expand_opcode(table, instruction, field->last+1, ((opcode_nr << field->width) + field->val_int), bits); } else { int val; int last_pos = ((field->last < table->opcode->last) ? field->last : table->opcode->last); int first_pos = ((field->first > table->opcode->first) ? field->first : table->opcode->first); int width = last_pos - first_pos + 1; int last_val = (table->opcode->is_boolean ? 2 : (1 << width)); for (val = 0; val < last_val; val++) { insn_bits *new_bits = insn_bits_new(); new_bits->field = field; new_bits->value = val; new_bits->last = bits; new_bits->opcode = table->opcode; insn_table_expand_opcode(table, instruction, last_pos+1, ((opcode_nr << width) | val), new_bits); } } } } insn_table_insert_expanding(insn_table *table, insn *entry) { insn_table_expand_opcode(table, entry, table->opcode->first, 0, table->expanded_bits); } void insn_table_expand_insns(insn_table *table) { ASSERT(table->nr_insn >= 1); /* determine a valid opcode */ while (table->opcode_rule->valid) { /* specials only for single instructions */ if ((table->nr_insn > 1 && table->opcode_rule->special_mask == 0 && table->opcode_rule->special_rule == 0) || (table->nr_insn == 1 && table->opcode_rule->special_mask != 0 && ((table->insns->fields->value & table->opcode_rule->special_mask) == table->opcode_rule->special_value)) || (idecode_expand_semantics && table->opcode_rule->special_mask == 0 && table->opcode_rule->special_rule == 0)) table->opcode = insn_table_find_opcode_field(table->insns, table->opcode_rule, table->nr_insn == 1/*string*/ ); if (table->opcode != NULL) break; table->opcode_rule++; } /* did we find anything */ if (table->opcode == NULL) { return; } ASSERT(table->opcode != NULL); /* back link what we found to its parent */ if (table->parent != NULL) { ASSERT(table->parent->opcode != NULL); table->opcode->parent = table->parent->opcode; } /* expand the raw instructions according to the opcode */ { insn *entry; for (entry = table->insns; entry != NULL; entry = entry->next) { insn_table_insert_expanding(table, entry); } } /* and do the same for the sub entries */ { insn_table *entry; for (entry = table->entries; entry != NULL; entry = entry->sibling) { insn_table_expand_insns(entry); } } } insn_table * insn_table_load_insns(char *file_name) { file_table *file = file_table_open(file_name); insn_table *table = insn_table_new(); file_table_entry *file_entry; table->opcode_rule = opcode_table; while (file_entry = file_table_read(file)) { insn_fields *fields; /* skip instructions that aren't relevant to the mode */ if (it_is("64", file_entry->fields[insn_flags]) && !WITH_64BIT_TARGET || it_is("32", file_entry->fields[insn_flags]) && WITH_64BIT_TARGET) continue; /* create/insert the new instruction */ fields = parse_insn_format(file_entry, file_entry->fields[insn_format]); insn_table_insert_insn(table, file_entry, fields); } return table; } void dump_insn(insn *entry, int indent, int levels) { printf("(insn*)0x%x\n", entry); if (levels && entry != NULL) { dumpf(indent, "(file_entry "); dump_file_table_entry(entry->file_entry, indent+1); dumpf(indent, " )\n"); dumpf(indent, "(fields "); dump_insn_fields(entry->fields, indent+1); dumpf(indent, " )\n"); dumpf(indent, "(next "); dump_insn(entry->next, indent+1, levels-1); dumpf(indent, " )\n"); } } void dump_insn_table(insn_table *table, int indent, int levels) { printf("(insn_table*)0x%x\n", table); if (levels && table != NULL) { insn *entry; dumpf(indent, "(opcode_nr %d)\n", table->opcode_nr); dumpf(indent, "(expanded_bits "); dump_insn_bits(table->expanded_bits, indent+1, -1); dumpf(indent, " )\n"); dumpf(indent, "(int nr_insn %d)\n", table->nr_insn); dumpf(indent, "(insns "); dump_insn(table->insns, indent+1, table->nr_insn); dumpf(indent, " )\n"); dumpf(indent, "(opcode_rule "); dump_opcode_rule(table->opcode_rule, indent+1); dumpf(indent, " )\n"); dumpf(indent, "(opcode "); dump_opcode_field(table->opcode, indent+1, 1); dumpf(indent, " )\n"); dumpf(indent, "(nr_entries %d)\n", table->entries); dumpf(indent, "(entries "); dump_insn_table(table->entries, indent+1, table->nr_entries); dumpf(indent, " )\n"); dumpf(indent, "(sibling ", table->sibling); dump_insn_table(table->sibling, indent+1, levels-1); dumpf(indent, " )\n"); dumpf(indent, "(parent ", table->parent); dump_insn_table(table->parent, indent+1, 0); dumpf(indent, " )\n"); } } /****************************************************************/ void lf_print_copyleft(lf *file) { lf_putstr(file, "\ /* This file is part of psim (model of the PowerPC(tm) architecture) Copyright (C) 1994-1995, Andrew Cagney This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- PowerPC is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. -- This file was generated by the program gen */ "); } void lf_print_c_line_nr(lf *file, file_table_entry *entry) { #if WITH_LINE_NUMBERS lf_indent_suppress(file); lf_putstr(file, "#line "); lf_putint(file, entry->line_nr); lf_putstr(file, " \""); lf_putstr(file, entry->file_name); lf_putstr(file, "\"\n"); #endif } void lf_print_c_code(lf *file, char *code) { char *chp = code; int in_bit_field = 0; while (*chp != '\0') { if (*chp == '\t') chp++; if (*chp == '#') lf_indent_suppress(file); while (*chp != '\0' && *chp != '\n') { if (chp[0] == '{' && !isspace(chp[1])) { in_bit_field = 1; lf_putchr(file, '_'); } else if (in_bit_field && chp[0] == ':') { lf_putchr(file, '_'); } else if (in_bit_field && *chp == '}') { lf_putchr(file, '_'); in_bit_field = 0; } else { lf_putchr(file, *chp); } chp++; } if (in_bit_field) error("bit field paren miss match some where\n"); if (*chp == '\n') { lf_putchr(file, '\n'); chp++; } } lf_putchr(file, '\n'); } void lf_print_binary(lf *file, int decimal, int width) { int bit; ASSERT(width > 0); for (bit = 1 << (width-1); bit != 0; bit >>= 1) { if (decimal & bit) lf_putchr(file, '1'); else lf_putchr(file, '0'); } } void lf_print_insn_bits(lf *file, insn_bits *bits) { if (bits == NULL) return; lf_print_insn_bits(file, bits->last); lf_putchr(file, '_'); lf_putstr(file, bits->field->val_string); if (!bits->opcode->is_boolean || bits->value == 0) { if (bits->opcode->last < bits->field->last) lf_putint(file, bits->value << (bits->field->last - bits->opcode->last)); else lf_putint(file, bits->value); } } void lf_print_opcodes(lf *file, insn_table *table) { if (table != NULL) { while (1) { lf_printf(file, "_%d_%d", table->opcode->first, table->opcode->last); if (table->parent == NULL) break; lf_printf(file, "__%d", table->opcode_nr); table = table->parent; } } } void lf_print_table_name(lf *file, insn_table *table) { lf_printf(file, "idecode_table"); lf_print_opcodes(file, table); } typedef enum { function_name_prefix_semantics, function_name_prefix_idecode, function_name_prefix_none } lf_function_name_prefixes; void lf_print_function_name(lf *file, insn *instruction, insn_bits *expanded_bits, lf_function_name_prefixes prefix) { /* the prefix */ switch (prefix) { case function_name_prefix_semantics: lf_putstr(file, "semantic_"); break; case function_name_prefix_idecode: lf_printf(file, "idecode_"); break; default: break; } /* the function name */ { char *pos; for (pos = instruction->file_entry->fields[insn_name]; *pos != '\0'; pos++) { switch (*pos) { case '/': case '-': break; case ' ': lf_putchr(file, '_'); break; default: lf_putchr(file, *pos); break; } } } /* the suffix */ if (idecode_expand_semantics) lf_print_insn_bits(file, expanded_bits); } void lf_print_idecode_table(lf *file, insn_table *entry) { int can_assume_leaf; int rule; /* have a look at the rule table, if all table rules follow all switch rules, I can assume that all end points are leaves */ rule = 0; while (opcode_table[rule].valid && opcode_table[rule].use_switch) rule++; while (opcode_table[rule].valid && !opcode_table[rule].use_switch && !opcode_table[rule].special_rule) rule++; can_assume_leaf = !opcode_table[rule].valid; lf_printf(file, "{\n"); lf_indent(file, +2); { lf_printf(file, "idecode_table_entry *table = "); lf_print_table_name(file, entry); lf_printf(file, ";\n"); lf_printf(file, "int opcode = EXTRACTED32(instruction, %d, %d);\n", entry->opcode->first, entry->opcode->last); lf_printf(file, "idecode_table_entry *table_entry = table + opcode;\n"); lf_printf(file, "while (1) {\n"); lf_indent(file, +2); { lf_printf(file, "while (table_entry->mask != 0) {\n"); lf_indent(file, +2); { lf_printf(file, "table = ((idecode_table_entry*)\n"); lf_printf(file, " table_entry->function_or_table);\n"); lf_printf(file, "opcode = ((instruction & table_entry->mask)\n"); lf_printf(file, " >> table_entry->shift);\n"); lf_printf(file, "table_entry = table + opcode;\n"); } lf_indent(file, -2); lf_printf(file, "}\n"); if (!idecode_cache && can_assume_leaf) { lf_printf(file, "return (((idecode_semantic*)\n"); lf_printf(file, " table_entry->function_or_table)\n"); lf_printf(file, " (%s));\n", insn_actual); } else if (!idecode_cache && !can_assume_leaf) { lf_printf(file, "if (table_entry->shift == 0)"); lf_printf(file, " return (((idecode_semantic*)\n"); lf_printf(file, " table_entry->function_or_table)\n"); lf_printf(file, " (%s));\n", insn_actual); } else if (idecode_cache == 1 && can_assume_leaf) { lf_printf(file, "ASSERT(!entry->shift);\n"); lf_printf(file, "return ((idecode_semantic*)\n"); lf_printf(file, " table_entry->function_or_table);\n"); } else if (idecode_cache == 1 && !can_assume_leaf) { lf_printf(file, "if (table_entry->shift == 0)\n"); lf_printf(file, " return ((idecode_semantic*)\n"); lf_printf(file, " table_entry->function_or_table);\n"); lf_printf(file, "else if (table_entry->shift == -1)\n"); lf_printf(file, " return (((idecode_crack*)\n"); lf_printf(file, " table_entry->function_or_table)\n"); lf_printf(file, " (%s));\n", insn_actual); } else { lf_printf(file, "if (table_entry->shift == 0)\n"); lf_printf(file, " return (((idecode_crack*)\n"); lf_printf(file, " table_entry->function_or_table)\n"); lf_printf(file, " (%s));\n", cache_idecode_actual); } if (!can_assume_leaf) { lf_printf(file, "opcode = (instruction & table_entry->shift) != 0;\n"); lf_printf(file, "table = ((idecode_table_entry*)\n"); lf_printf(file, " table_entry->function_or_table);\n"); lf_printf(file, "table_entry = table + opcode;\n"); } } lf_indent(file, -2); lf_printf(file, "}\n"); } lf_indent(file, -2); lf_printf(file, "}\n"); } void lf_print_my_prefix(lf *file, file_table_entry *file_entry) { lf_printf(file, "const char *const my_prefix = \n"); lf_printf(file, " \"%s:%s:%d:cache\";\n", file_entry->file_name, file_entry->fields[insn_name], file_entry->line_nr); } void lf_print_ptrace(lf *file) { lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_putstr(file, "ITRACE(trace_semantics, (\"cia=0x%x\\n\", cia));\n"); } /****************************************************************/ typedef void leaf_handler (insn_table *entry, void *data, int depth); typedef void padding_handler (insn_table *table, void *data, int depth, int opcode_nr); void insn_table_traverse_tree(insn_table *table, void *data, int depth, leaf_handler *start, leaf_handler *leaf, leaf_handler *end, padding_handler *padding) { insn_table *entry; int entry_nr; ASSERT(table != NULL && table->opcode != NULL && table->nr_entries > 0 && table->entries != 0); if (start != NULL && depth >= 0) start(table, data, depth); for (entry_nr = 0, entry = table->entries; entry_nr < (table->opcode->is_boolean ? 2 : (1 << (table->opcode->last - table->opcode->first + 1))); entry_nr ++) { if (entry == NULL || (!table->opcode->is_boolean && entry_nr < entry->opcode_nr)) { if (padding != NULL && depth >= 0) padding(table, data, depth, entry_nr); } else { ASSERT(entry != NULL && (entry->opcode_nr == entry_nr || table->opcode->is_boolean)); if (entry->opcode != NULL && depth != 0) { insn_table_traverse_tree(entry, data, depth+1, start, leaf, end, padding); } else if (depth >= 0) { if (leaf != NULL) leaf(entry, data, depth); } entry = entry->sibling; } } if (end != NULL && depth >= 0) end(table, data, depth); } typedef void insn_handler (insn_table *table, void *data, insn *instruction); void insn_table_traverse_insn(insn_table *table, void *data, insn_handler *leaf) { insn *instruction; for (instruction = table->insns; instruction != NULL; instruction = instruction->next) { leaf(table, data, instruction); } } void update_depth(insn_table *entry, void *data, int depth) { int *max_depth = (int*)data; if (*max_depth < depth) *max_depth = depth; } int insn_table_depth(insn_table *table) { int depth = 0; insn_table_traverse_tree(table, &depth, 1, NULL, /*start*/ update_depth, NULL, /*end*/ NULL); /*padding*/ return depth; } /****************************************************************/ void dump_traverse_start(insn_table *table, void *data, int depth) { dumpf(depth*2, "(%d\n", table->opcode_nr); } void dump_traverse_leaf(insn_table *entry, void *data, int depth) { ASSERT(entry->nr_entries == 0 && entry->nr_insn == 1 && entry->opcode == NULL); dumpf(depth*2, ".%d %s\n", entry->opcode_nr, entry->insns->file_entry->fields[insn_format]); } void dump_traverse_end(insn_table *table, void *data, int depth) { dumpf(depth*2, ")\n"); } void dump_traverse_padding(insn_table *table, void *data, int depth, int opcode_nr) { dumpf(depth*2, ".<%d>\n", opcode_nr); } void dump_traverse(insn_table *table) { insn_table_traverse_tree(table, NULL, 1, dump_traverse_start, dump_traverse_leaf, dump_traverse_end, dump_traverse_padding); } /****************************************************************/ void semantics_h_print_function(lf *file, insn *instruction, insn_bits *expanded_bits) { lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "INLINE_SEMANTICS unsigned_word "); lf_print_function_name(file, instruction, expanded_bits, function_name_prefix_semantics); lf_printf(file, "\n(%s);\n", idecode_cache > 1 ? cache_insn_formal : insn_formal); } void semantics_h_leaf(insn_table *entry, void *data, int depth) { lf *file = (lf*)data; ASSERT(entry->nr_insn == 1); semantics_h_print_function(file, entry->insns, entry->expanded_bits); } void semantics_h_insn(insn_table *entry, void *data, insn *instruction) { lf *file = (lf*)data; semantics_h_print_function(file, instruction, NULL); } void gen_semantics_h(insn_table *table, lf *file) { lf_print_copyleft(file); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifndef _SEMANTICS_H_\n"); lf_printf(file, "#define _SEMANTICS_H_\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifndef INLINE_SEMANTICS\n"); lf_printf(file, "#define INLINE_SEMANTICS\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); if (idecode_expand_semantics) insn_table_traverse_tree(table, file, 1, NULL, /* start */ semantics_h_leaf, /* leaf */ NULL, /* end */ NULL); /* padding */ else insn_table_traverse_insn(table, file, semantics_h_insn); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif /* _SEMANTICS_H_ */\n"); } /****************************************************************/ typedef struct _icache_tree icache_tree; struct _icache_tree { char *name; icache_tree *next; icache_tree *children; }; icache_tree * icache_tree_new() { icache_tree *new_tree = (icache_tree*)zmalloc(sizeof(icache_tree)); ASSERT(new_tree != NULL); return new_tree; } icache_tree * icache_tree_insert(icache_tree *tree, char *name) { icache_tree *new_tree; /* find it */ icache_tree **ptr_to_cur_tree = &tree->children; icache_tree *cur_tree = *ptr_to_cur_tree; while (cur_tree != NULL && strcmp(cur_tree->name, name) < 0) { ptr_to_cur_tree = &cur_tree->next; cur_tree = *ptr_to_cur_tree; } ASSERT(cur_tree == NULL || strcmp(cur_tree->name, name) >= 0); /* already in the tree */ if (cur_tree != NULL && strcmp(cur_tree->name, name) == 0) return cur_tree; /* missing, insert it */ ASSERT(cur_tree == NULL || strcmp(cur_tree->name, name) > 0); new_tree = icache_tree_new(); new_tree->name = name; new_tree->next = cur_tree; *ptr_to_cur_tree = new_tree; return new_tree; } icache_tree * insn_table_cache_fields(insn_table *table) { icache_tree *tree = icache_tree_new(); insn *instruction; for (instruction = table->insns; instruction != NULL; instruction = instruction->next) { insn_field *field; icache_tree *form = icache_tree_insert(tree, instruction->file_entry->fields[insn_form]); for (field = instruction->fields->first; field != NULL; field = field->next) { if (field->is_string) icache_tree_insert(form, field->val_string); } } return tree; } void gen_icache_h(icache_tree *tree, lf *file) { lf_print_copyleft(file); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifndef _ICACHE_H_\n"); lf_printf(file, "#define _ICACHE_H_\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifndef INLINE_ICACHE\n"); lf_printf(file, "#define INLINE_ICACHE\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); /* create an instruction cache if being used */ if (idecode_cache) { lf_printf(file, "typedef struct _idecode_cache {\n"); lf_printf(file, " unsigned_word address;\n"); lf_printf(file, " void *semantic;\n"); if (idecode_cache == 1) { lf_printf(file, " instruction_word instruction;\n"); } else { icache_tree *form; lf_printf(file, " union {\n"); for (form = tree->children; form != NULL; form = form->next) { icache_tree *field; lf_printf(file, " struct {\n"); for (field = form->children; field != NULL; field = field->next) { extraction_rules *rule; int found_rule = 0; for (rule = cachable_values; rule->valid; rule++) { if (strcmp(field->name, rule->old_name) == 0) { found_rule = 1; if (rule->new_name != NULL) lf_printf(file, " %s %s; /* %s */\n", rule->type == NULL ? "unsigned" : rule->type, rule->new_name, rule->old_name); } } if (!found_rule) lf_printf(file, " unsigned %s;\n", field->name); } lf_printf(file, " } %s;\n", form->name); } lf_printf(file, " } crack;\n"); } lf_printf(file, "} idecode_cache;\n"); } /* define various fields according to the cache */ if (idecode_cache <= 1) { extraction_rules *rule; lf_printf(file, "\n"); for (rule = cachable_values; rule->valid; rule++) { if (rule->expression != NULL) lf_printf(file, "#define %s %s\n", rule->new_name, rule->expression); } } lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif /* _ICACHE_H_ */\n"); } /****************************************************************/ void lf_print_c_extraction(lf *file, insn *instruction, char *field_name, char *field_type, char *field_expression, insn_field *cur_field, insn_bits *bits, int get_value_from_cache, int put_value_in_cache) { ASSERT(field_name != NULL); if (bits != NULL && (!bits->opcode->is_boolean || bits->value == 0) && strcmp(field_name, cur_field->val_string) == 0) { ASSERT(bits->field == cur_field); ASSERT(field_type == NULL); lf_print_c_line_nr(file, instruction->file_entry); lf_printf(file, "const unsigned %s = ", field_name); if (bits->opcode->last < bits->field->last) lf_printf(file, "%d;\n", bits->value << (bits->field->last - bits->opcode->last)); else lf_printf(file, "%d;\n", bits->value); } else { /* put the field in the local variable */ lf_print_c_line_nr(file, instruction->file_entry); lf_printf(file, "%s const %s = ", field_type == NULL ? "unsigned" : field_type, field_name); /* getting it from the cache */ if (get_value_from_cache || put_value_in_cache) { lf_printf(file, "cache_entry->crack.%s.%s", instruction->file_entry->fields[insn_form], field_name); if (put_value_in_cache) /* also put it in the cache? */ lf_printf(file, " = "); } if (!get_value_from_cache) { if (strcmp(field_name, cur_field->val_string) == 0) lf_printf(file, "EXTRACTED32(instruction, %d, %d)", cur_field->first, cur_field->last); else if (field_expression != NULL) lf_printf(file, "%s", field_expression); else lf_printf(file, "eval_%s", field_name); } lf_printf(file, ";\n"); } } void lf_print_c_extractions(lf *file, insn *instruction, insn_bits *expanded_bits, int get_value_from_cache, int put_value_in_cache) { insn_field *cur_field; /* extract instruction fields */ lf_printf(file, "/* extraction: %s */\n", instruction->file_entry->fields[insn_format]); for (cur_field = instruction->fields->first; cur_field->first < insn_size; cur_field = cur_field->next) { if (cur_field->is_string) { insn_bits *bits; int found_rule = 0; /* find any corresponding value */ for (bits = expanded_bits; bits != NULL; bits = bits->last) { if (bits->field == cur_field) break; } /* try the cache rule table for what to do */ if (get_value_from_cache || put_value_in_cache) { extraction_rules *field_rule; for (field_rule = cachable_values; field_rule->valid; field_rule++) { if (strcmp(cur_field->val_string, field_rule->old_name) == 0) { found_rule = 1; if (field_rule->valid > 1 && put_value_in_cache) lf_print_c_extraction(file, instruction, field_rule->new_name, field_rule->type, field_rule->expression, cur_field, bits, 0, 0); else if (field_rule->valid == 1) lf_print_c_extraction(file, instruction, field_rule->new_name, field_rule->type, field_rule->expression, cur_field, bits, get_value_from_cache, put_value_in_cache); } } } if (found_rule == 0) lf_print_c_extraction(file, instruction, cur_field->val_string, 0, 0, cur_field, bits, get_value_from_cache, put_value_in_cache); /* if any (XXX == 0), output a corresponding test */ if (instruction->file_entry->annex != NULL) { char *field_name = cur_field->val_string; char *is_0_ptr = instruction->file_entry->annex; int field_len = strlen(field_name); if (strlen(is_0_ptr) >= (strlen("_is_0") + field_len)) { is_0_ptr += field_len; while ((is_0_ptr = strstr(is_0_ptr, "_is_0")) != NULL) { if (strncmp(is_0_ptr - field_len, field_name, field_len) == 0 && !isalpha(is_0_ptr[ - field_len - 1])) { lf_print_c_line_nr(file, instruction->file_entry); lf_printf(file, "const unsigned %s_is_0 = (", field_name); if (bits != NULL) lf_printf(file, "%d", bits->value); else lf_printf(file, "%s", field_name); lf_printf(file, " == 0);\n"); break; } is_0_ptr += strlen("_is_0"); } } } /* any thing else ... */ } } lf_print_file_line_nr(file); } void lf_print_c_validate(lf *file, insn *instruction, opcode_field *opcodes) { unsigned check_mask = 0; unsigned check_val = 0; insn_field *field; opcode_field *opcode; for (field = instruction->fields->first; field->first < insn_size; field = field->next) { check_mask <<= field->width; check_val <<= field->width; /* is it a constant that could need validating? */ if (!field->is_int && !field->is_slash) continue; /* has it been checked by a table? */ for (opcode = opcodes; opcode != NULL; opcode = opcode->parent) { if (field->first >= opcode->first && field->last <= opcode->last) break; } if (opcode != NULL) continue; check_mask |= (1 << field->width)-1; check_val |= field->val_int; } /* if any bits not checked by opcode tables, output code to check them */ if (!it_is("illegal", instruction->file_entry->fields[insn_flags]) && check_mask) { lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "/* validate: %s */\n", instruction->file_entry->fields[insn_format]); lf_printf(file, "if ((instruction & 0x%x) != 0x%x) {\n", check_mask, check_val); switch (idecode_cache) { case 0: lf_printf(file, " return semantic_illegal(%s);\n", insn_actual); break; case 1: lf_printf(file, " return semantic_illegal;\n"); break; default: lf_printf(file, " return idecode_illegal(%s);\n", cache_idecode_actual); } lf_printf(file, "}\n"); } } void lf_print_c_cracker(lf *file, insn *instruction, insn_bits *expanded_bits, opcode_field *opcodes) { /* function header */ lf_printf(file, "{\n"); lf_indent(file, +2); lf_print_my_prefix(file, instruction->file_entry); lf_print_ptrace(file); lf_print_c_validate(file, instruction, opcodes); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "{\n"); lf_indent(file, +2); lf_print_c_extractions(file, instruction, expanded_bits, 0/*get_value_from_cache*/, 1/*put_value_in_cache*/); lf_indent(file, -2); lf_printf(file, "}\n"); /* return the function propper (main sorts this one out) */ lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "/* semantic routine */\n"); lf_print_c_line_nr(file, instruction->file_entry); lf_printf(file, "return "); lf_print_function_name(file, instruction, expanded_bits, function_name_prefix_semantics); lf_printf(file, ";\n"); lf_print_file_line_nr(file); lf_indent(file, -2); lf_printf(file, "}\n"); } void lf_print_c_semantic(lf *file, insn *instruction, insn_bits *expanded_bits, opcode_field *opcodes) { lf_printf(file, "{\n"); lf_indent(file, +2); lf_print_my_prefix(file, instruction->file_entry); lf_putstr(file, insn_local); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_print_c_extractions(file, instruction, expanded_bits, idecode_cache > 1/*get_value_from_cache*/, 0/*put_value_in_cache*/); lf_print_ptrace(file); /* generate code to check previously unchecked fields */ if (idecode_cache < 2) lf_print_c_validate(file, instruction, opcodes); /* if OEA and a floating point generate a check that fp is enabled */ if (it_is("f", instruction->file_entry->fields[insn_flags])) { lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "/* verify FP is enabled */\n"); lf_printf(file, "if (!IS_FP_AVAILABLE(processor))\n"); lf_printf(file, " floating_point_unavailable_interrupt(processor, cia);\n"); } /* generate the code (or at least something */ if (instruction->file_entry->annex != NULL) { /* true code */ lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_print_c_line_nr(file, instruction->file_entry); lf_printf(file, "{\n"); lf_indent(file, +2); lf_print_c_code(file, instruction->file_entry->annex); lf_indent(file, -2); lf_printf(file, "}\n"); lf_print_file_line_nr(file); } else if (it_is("nop", instruction->file_entry->fields[insn_flags])) { lf_print_file_line_nr(file); } else if (it_is("f", instruction->file_entry->fields[insn_flags])) { /* unimplemented floating point - call for assistance */ lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_print_c_line_nr(file, instruction->file_entry); lf_putstr(file, "floating_point_assist_interrupt(processor, cia);\n"); lf_print_file_line_nr(file); } else { /* abort so it is implemented now */ lf_print_c_line_nr(file, instruction->file_entry); lf_putstr(file, "error(\"%s: unimplemented, cia=0x%x\\n\", my_prefix, cia);\n"); lf_print_file_line_nr(file); lf_printf(file, "\n"); } /* the function footer */ lf_printf(file, "return nia;\n"); lf_indent(file, -2); lf_printf(file, "}\n"); } void lf_print_c_semantic_function(lf *file, insn *instruction, insn_bits *expanded_bits, opcode_field *opcodes) { /* build the semantic routine to execute the instruction */ /* function header */ lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "INLINE_SEMANTICS unsigned_word\n"); lf_print_function_name(file, instruction, expanded_bits, function_name_prefix_semantics); lf_printf(file, "\n(%s)\n", idecode_cache > 1 ? cache_insn_formal : insn_formal); lf_print_c_semantic(file, instruction, expanded_bits, opcodes); } void semantics_c_leaf(insn_table *entry, void *data, int depth) { lf *file = (lf*)data; ASSERT(entry->nr_insn == 1 && entry->opcode == NULL && entry->parent != NULL && entry->parent->opcode != NULL); lf_print_c_semantic_function(file, entry->insns, entry->expanded_bits, entry->parent->opcode); } void semantics_c_insn(insn_table *table, void *data, insn *instruction) { lf *file = (lf*)data; lf_print_c_semantic_function(file, instruction, NULL, NULL); } void gen_semantics_c(insn_table *table, lf *file) { lf_print_copyleft(file); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifndef _SEMANTICS_C_\n"); lf_printf(file, "#define _SEMANTICS_C_\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifndef STATIC_INLINE_SEMANTICS\n"); lf_printf(file, "#define STATIC_INLINE_SEMANTICS STATIC_INLINE\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"cpu.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"idecode.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"semantics.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); if (idecode_expand_semantics) insn_table_traverse_tree(table, file, 1, NULL, /* start */ semantics_c_leaf, NULL, /* end */ NULL); /* padding */ else insn_table_traverse_insn(table, file, semantics_c_insn); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif /* _SEMANTICS_C_ */\n"); } /****************************************************************/ void gen_idecode_h(insn_table *table, lf *file) { lf_print_copyleft(file); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifndef _IDECODE_H_\n"); lf_printf(file, "#define _IDECODE_H_\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifndef INLINE_IDECODE\n"); lf_printf(file, "#define INLINE_IDECODE\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"idecode_insn.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"idecode_expression.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"idecode_fields.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"idecode_branch.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"icache.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "typedef unsigned_word idecode_semantic\n(%s);\n", idecode_cache < 2 ? insn_formal : cache_insn_formal); lf_printf(file, "\n"); if (!idecode_cache) lf_printf(file, "INLINE_IDECODE unsigned_word idecode_issue\n(%s);\n", insn_formal); else if (idecode_cache) lf_printf(file, "INLINE_IDECODE idecode_semantic *idecode\n(%s);\n", idecode_cache == 1 ? insn_formal : cache_idecode_formal); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif /* _IDECODE_H_ */\n"); } /****************************************************************/ void idecode_table_start(insn_table *table, void *data, int depth) { lf *file = (lf*)data; ASSERT(depth == 0); /* start of the table */ if (!table->opcode_rule->use_switch) { lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "static idecode_table_entry "); lf_print_table_name(file, table); lf_printf(file, "[] = {\n"); } } void idecode_table_leaf(insn_table *entry, void *data, int depth) { lf *file = (lf*)data; ASSERT(entry->parent != NULL); ASSERT(depth == 0); /* add an entry to the table */ if (!entry->parent->opcode_rule->use_switch) { if (entry->opcode == NULL) { /* table leaf entry */ lf_printf(file, " /*%d*/ { 0, 0, ", entry->opcode_nr); lf_print_function_name(file, entry->insns, entry->expanded_bits, (idecode_cache < 2 ? function_name_prefix_semantics : function_name_prefix_idecode)); lf_printf(file, " },\n"); } else if (entry->opcode_rule->use_switch) { /* table calling switch statement */ lf_printf(file, " /*%d*/ { -1, 0, ", entry->opcode_nr); lf_print_table_name(file, entry); lf_printf(file, " },\n"); } else { /* table `calling' another table */ lf_printf(file, " /*%d*/ { ", entry->opcode_nr); if (entry->opcode->is_boolean) lf_printf(file, "MASK32(%d,%d), 0, ", entry->opcode->first, entry->opcode->last); else lf_printf(file, "%d, MASK32(%d,%d), ", insn_size - entry->opcode->last - 1, entry->opcode->first, entry->opcode->last); lf_print_table_name(file, entry); lf_printf(file, " },\n"); } } } void idecode_table_end(insn_table *table, void *data, int depth) { lf *file = (lf*)data; ASSERT(depth == 0); if (!table->opcode_rule->use_switch) { lf_printf(file, "};\n"); } } void idecode_table_padding(insn_table *table, void *data, int depth, int opcode_nr) { lf *file = (lf*)data; ASSERT(depth == 0); if (!table->opcode_rule->use_switch) { lf_printf(file, " /*%d*/ { 0, 0, %s_illegal },\n", opcode_nr, idecode_cache > 1 ? "idecode" : "semantic"); } } /****************************************************************/ void lf_print_idecode_switch (lf *file, insn_table *table); void idecode_switch_start(insn_table *table, void *data, int depth) { lf *file = (lf*)data; ASSERT(depth == 0); ASSERT(table->opcode_rule->use_switch); lf_printf(file, "switch (EXTRACTED32(instruction, %d, %d)) {\n", table->opcode->first, table->opcode->last); } void idecode_switch_leaf(insn_table *entry, void *data, int depth) { lf *file = (lf*)data; ASSERT(entry->parent != NULL); ASSERT(depth == 0); ASSERT(entry->parent->opcode_rule->use_switch); lf_printf(file, "case %d:\n", entry->opcode_nr); lf_indent(file, +2); { if (entry->opcode == NULL) { /* switch calling leaf */ lf_printf(file, "return "); lf_print_function_name(file, entry->insns, entry->expanded_bits, (idecode_cache < 2 ? function_name_prefix_semantics : function_name_prefix_idecode)); if (!idecode_cache) lf_printf(file, "(%s);\n", insn_actual); else if (idecode_cache == 1) lf_printf(file, ";\n"); else lf_printf(file, "(%s);\n", cache_idecode_actual); } else if (entry->opcode_rule->use_switch) { /* switch calling switch */ lf_print_idecode_switch(file, entry); } else { /* switch calling table */ lf_printf(file, "return "); lf_print_idecode_table(file, entry); } lf_printf(file, "break;\n"); } lf_indent(file, -2); } lf_print_idecode_switch_illegal(lf *file) { switch (idecode_cache) { case 0: lf_printf(file, " return semantic_illegal(%s);\n", insn_actual); break; case 1: lf_printf(file, " return semantic_illegal;\n"); break; default: lf_printf(file, " return idecode_illegal(%s);\n", cache_idecode_actual); } lf_printf(file, " break;\n"); } void idecode_switch_end(insn_table *table, void *data, int depth) { lf *file = (lf*)data; ASSERT(depth == 0); ASSERT(table->opcode_rule->use_switch); if (table->opcode_rule->use_switch == 1) { lf_printf(file, "default:\n"); lf_print_idecode_switch_illegal(file); } lf_printf(file, "}\n"); } void idecode_switch_padding(insn_table *table, void *data, int depth, int opcode_nr) { lf *file = (lf*)data; ASSERT(depth == 0); ASSERT(table->opcode_rule->use_switch); if (table->opcode_rule->use_switch > 1) { lf_printf(file, "case %d:\n", opcode_nr); lf_print_idecode_switch_illegal(file); } } void lf_print_idecode_switch(lf *file, insn_table *table) { insn_table_traverse_tree(table, file, 0, idecode_switch_start, idecode_switch_leaf, idecode_switch_end, idecode_switch_padding); } void idecode_expand_if_switch(insn_table *table, void *data, int depth) { lf *file = (lf*)data; if (table->opcode_rule->use_switch && table->parent != NULL /* don't expand the top one yet */ && !table->parent->opcode_rule->use_switch) { lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "STATIC_INLINE_IDECODE void\n"); lf_print_table_name(file, table); lf_printf(file, "\n(%s)\n", idecode_cache ? cache_idecode_formal : insn_formal); lf_printf(file, "{\n"); { lf_indent(file, +2); lf_print_idecode_switch(file, table); lf_indent(file, -2); } lf_printf(file, "}\n"); } } lf_print_c_cracker_function(lf *file, insn *instruction, insn_bits *expanded_bits, opcode_field *opcodes) { /* if needed, generate code to enter this routine into a cache */ lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "STATIC_INLINE_IDECODE idecode_semantic *\n"); lf_print_function_name(file, instruction, expanded_bits, function_name_prefix_idecode); lf_printf(file, "\n(%s)\n", cache_idecode_formal); lf_print_c_cracker(file, instruction, expanded_bits, opcodes); } void idecode_crack_leaf(insn_table *entry, void *data, int depth) { lf *file = (lf*)data; ASSERT(entry->nr_insn == 1 && entry->opcode == NULL && entry->parent != NULL && entry->parent->opcode != NULL); lf_print_c_cracker_function(file, entry->insns, entry->expanded_bits, entry->opcode); } void idecode_crack_insn(insn_table *entry, void *data, insn *instruction) { lf *file = (lf*)data; lf_print_c_cracker_function(file, instruction, NULL, NULL); } /****************************************************************/ gen_idecode_c(insn_table *table, lf *file) { int depth; /* the intro */ lf_print_copyleft(file); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifndef _IDECODE_C_\n"); lf_printf(file, "#define _IDECODE_C_\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifndef STATIC_INLINE_IDECODE\n"); lf_printf(file, "#define STATIC_INLINE_IDECODE STATIC_INLINE\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"cpu.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"idecode.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"semantics.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "typedef idecode_semantic *idecode_crack\n(%s);\n", idecode_cache > 1 ? cache_idecode_formal : insn_formal); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "typedef struct _idecode_table_entry {\n"); lf_printf(file, " unsigned shift;\n"); lf_printf(file, " unsigned mask;\n"); lf_printf(file, " void *function_or_table;\n"); lf_printf(file, "} idecode_table_entry;\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); /* output cracking functions where needed */ if (idecode_cache > 1) { if (idecode_expand_semantics) insn_table_traverse_tree(table, file, 1, NULL, idecode_crack_leaf, NULL, NULL); else insn_table_traverse_insn(table, file, idecode_crack_insn); } /* output tables where needed */ for (depth = insn_table_depth(table); depth > 0; depth--) { insn_table_traverse_tree(table, file, 1-depth, idecode_table_start, idecode_table_leaf, idecode_table_end, idecode_table_padding); } /* output switch functions where needed */ insn_table_traverse_tree(table, file, 1, idecode_expand_if_switch, /* START */ NULL, NULL, NULL); /* output the main idecode routine */ lf_printf(file, "\n"); if (!idecode_cache) lf_printf(file, "INLINE_IDECODE unsigned_word\nidecode_issue\n(%s)\n", insn_formal); else if (idecode_cache) lf_printf(file, "INLINE_IDECODE idecode_semantic *\nidecode\n(%s)\n", idecode_cache == 1 ? insn_formal : cache_idecode_formal); lf_printf(file, "{\n"); lf_indent(file, +2); if (table->opcode_rule->use_switch) lf_print_idecode_switch(file, table); else lf_print_idecode_table(file, table); lf_indent(file, -2); lf_printf(file, "}\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif\n"); } /****************************************************************/ typedef enum { spreg_name, spreg_reg_nr, spreg_readonly, spreg_length, nr_spreg_registers = file_table_max_fields } spreg_fields; typedef struct _spreg_table_entry spreg_table_entry; struct _spreg_table_entry { char *name; int spreg_nr; int is_readonly; int length; file_table_entry *entry; spreg_table_entry *next; }; typedef struct _spreg_table spreg_table; struct _spreg_table { spreg_table_entry *sprs; }; spreg_table_entry * spreg_table_entry_new() { spreg_table_entry *new_entry = (spreg_table_entry*)zmalloc(sizeof(spreg_table_entry)); ASSERT(new_entry != NULL); return new_entry; } spreg_table * spreg_table_new() { spreg_table *new_table = (spreg_table*)zmalloc(sizeof(spreg_table)); ASSERT(new_table != NULL); return new_table; } void spreg_table_insert(spreg_table *table, file_table_entry *entry) { /* create a new spr entry */ spreg_table_entry *new_spr = spreg_table_entry_new(); new_spr->next = NULL; new_spr->entry = entry; new_spr->spreg_nr = atoi(entry->fields[spreg_reg_nr]); new_spr->is_readonly = (entry->fields[spreg_readonly] ? atoi(entry->fields[spreg_readonly]) : 0); new_spr->length = atoi(entry->fields[spreg_length]); new_spr->name = (char*)zmalloc(strlen(entry->fields[spreg_name]) + 1); ASSERT(new_spr->name != NULL); { int i; for (i = 0; entry->fields[spreg_name][i] != '\0'; i++) { if (isupper(entry->fields[spreg_name][i])) new_spr->name[i] = tolower(entry->fields[spreg_name][i]); else new_spr->name[i] = entry->fields[spreg_name][i]; } } /* insert, by spreg_nr order */ { spreg_table_entry **ptr_to_spreg_entry = &table->sprs; spreg_table_entry *spreg_entry = *ptr_to_spreg_entry; while (spreg_entry != NULL && spreg_entry->spreg_nr < new_spr->spreg_nr) { ptr_to_spreg_entry = &spreg_entry->next; spreg_entry = *ptr_to_spreg_entry; } ASSERT(spreg_entry == NULL || spreg_entry->spreg_nr != new_spr->spreg_nr); *ptr_to_spreg_entry = new_spr; new_spr->next = spreg_entry; } } spreg_table * spreg_table_load(char *file_name) { file_table *file = file_table_open(file_name); spreg_table *table = spreg_table_new(); { file_table_entry *entry; while (entry = file_table_read(file)) { spreg_table_insert(table, entry); } } return table; } /****************************************************************/ char *spreg_attributes[] = { "is_valid", "is_readonly", "name", "index", "length", 0 }; void gen_spreg_h(spreg_table *table, lf *file) { spreg_table_entry *entry; char **attribute; lf_print_copyleft(file); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifndef _SPREG_H_\n"); lf_printf(file, "#define _SPREG_H_\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifndef INLINE_SPREG\n"); lf_printf(file, "#define INLINE_SPREG\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "typedef unsigned_word spreg;\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "typedef enum {\n"); for (entry = table->sprs; entry != NULL ; entry = entry->next) { lf_printf(file, " spr_%s = %d,\n", entry->name, entry->spreg_nr); } lf_printf(file, " nr_of_sprs = %d\n", nr_of_sprs); lf_printf(file, "} sprs;\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); for (attribute = spreg_attributes; *attribute != NULL; attribute++) { if (strcmp(*attribute, "name") == 0) lf_printf(file, "INLINE_SPREG char *spr_%s(sprs spr);\n", *attribute); else lf_printf(file, "INLINE_SPREG int spr_%s(sprs spr);\n", *attribute); } lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif /* _SPREG_H_ */\n"); } void gen_spreg_c(spreg_table *table, lf *file) { spreg_table_entry *entry; char **attribute; int spreg_nr; lf_print_copyleft(file); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#ifndef _SPREG_C_\n"); lf_printf(file, "#define _SPREG_C_\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"words.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "#include \"spreg.h\"\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "typedef struct _spreg_info {\n"); lf_printf(file, " char *name;\n"); lf_printf(file, " int is_valid;\n"); lf_printf(file, " int length;\n"); lf_printf(file, " int is_readonly;\n"); lf_printf(file, " int index;\n"); lf_printf(file, "} spreg_info;\n"); lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "static spreg_info spr_info[nr_of_sprs+1] = {\n"); entry = table->sprs; for (spreg_nr = 0; spreg_nr < nr_of_sprs+1; spreg_nr++) { if (entry == NULL || spreg_nr < entry->spreg_nr) lf_printf(file, " { 0, 0, 0, 0, %d},\n", spreg_nr); else { lf_printf(file, " { \"%s\", %d, %d, %d, spr_%s /*%d*/ },\n", entry->name, 1, entry->length, entry->is_readonly, entry->name, entry->spreg_nr); entry = entry->next; } } lf_printf(file, "};\n"); for (attribute = spreg_attributes; *attribute != NULL; attribute++) { lf_printf(file, "\n"); if (strcmp(*attribute, "name") == 0) lf_printf(file, "INLINE_SPREG char *\n"); else lf_printf(file, "INLINE_SPREG int\n"); lf_printf(file, "spr_%s(sprs spr)\n", *attribute); lf_printf(file, "{\n"); if (spreg_lookup_table || strcmp(*attribute, "name") == 0 || strcmp(*attribute, "index") == 0) lf_printf(file, " return spr_info[spr].%s;\n", *attribute); else { spreg_table_entry *entry; lf_printf(file, " switch (spr) {\n"); for (entry = table->sprs; entry != NULL; entry = entry->next) { lf_printf(file, " case %d:\n", entry->spreg_nr); if (strcmp(*attribute, "is_valid") == 0) lf_printf(file, " return 1;\n"); else if (strcmp(*attribute, "is_readonly") == 0) lf_printf(file, " return %d;\n", entry->is_readonly); else if (strcmp(*attribute, "length") == 0) lf_printf(file, " return %d;\n", entry->length); else ASSERT(0); } lf_printf(file, " default:\n"); lf_printf(file, " return 0;\n"); lf_printf(file, " }\n"); } lf_printf(file, "}\n"); } lf_printf(file, "\n"); lf_printf(file, "#endif /* _SPREG_C_ */\n"); } /****************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { insn_table *instructions = NULL; spreg_table *sprs = NULL; icache_tree *cache_fields = NULL; int ch; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "i:I:r:S:s:D:d:P:p:C:")) != -1) { fprintf(stderr, "\t-%c %s\n", ch, optarg); switch(ch) { case 'I': case 'i': instructions = insn_table_load_insns(optarg); fprintf(stderr, "\texpanding ...\n"); insn_table_expand_insns(instructions); fprintf(stderr, "\tcache fields ...\n"); cache_fields = insn_table_cache_fields(instructions); if (ch == 'I') { dump_traverse(instructions); dump_insn_table(instructions, 0, 1); } break; case 'r': sprs = spreg_table_load(optarg); break; default: { lf *file = lf_open(optarg); switch (ch) { case 'S': gen_semantics_h(instructions, file); break; case 's': gen_semantics_c(instructions, file); break; case 'P': gen_spreg_h(sprs, file); break; case 'p': gen_spreg_c(sprs, file); break; case 'D': gen_idecode_h(instructions, file); break; case 'd': gen_idecode_c(instructions, file); break; case 'C': gen_icache_h(cache_fields, file); break; } lf_close(file); } } } return 0; }