usage() { printf("usage: sis [-uart1 uart_device1] [-uart2 uart_device2]\n"); printf("[-nfp] [-freq frequency] [-c batch_file] [files]\n"); } gen_help() { printf("\n batch execute a batch file of SIS commands\n"); printf(" +bp add a breakpoint at \n"); printf(" -bp delete breakpoint \n"); printf(" bp print all breakpoints\n"); printf(" cont [icnt] continue execution for [icnt] instructions\n"); printf(" dis [addr] [count] disassemble [count] instructions at address [addr]\n"); printf(" echo print to the simulator window\n"); printf(" float print the FPU registers\n"); printf(" go [icnt] start execution at for [icnt] instructions\n"); printf(" hist [trace_length] enable/show trace history\n"); printf(" load load a file into simulator memory\n"); printf(" mem [addr] [count] display memory at [addr] for [count] bytes\n"); printf(" quit exit the simulator\n"); printf(" perf [reset] show/reset performance statistics\n"); printf(" reg [w<0-7>] show integer registers (or windows, eg 're w2')\n"); printf(" run [inst_count] reset and start execution for [icnt] instruction\n"); printf(" step single step\n"); printf(" tra [inst_count] trace [inst_count] instructions\n"); printf("\n type Ctrl-C to interrupt execution\n\n"); }