/* System-dependent stuff, for ``normal'' systems */ /* If you think you need to change this file, then you are wrong. In order to avoid a huge ugly mass of nested #ifdefs, you should create a new file just for your system, which contains exactly those #includes and definitions that your system needs, AND NOTHING MORE! Then, add that file to the appropriate place in configure.in, and viola, you are done. sysdep-sunos4.h is a good example of how to do this. */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #define alloca __builtin_alloca #else #if defined (sparc) && defined (sun) #include #endif #ifndef alloca /* May be a macro, with args. */ extern char *alloca (); #endif #endif #include /* Needed by dirent.h */ #if defined (USG) && defined (TIOCGWINSZ) #include #if defined (USGr4) || defined (USGr3) #include #endif /* USGr4 */ #endif /* USG && TIOCGWINSZ */ #ifndef _WIN32 #include typedef struct dirent dirent; #endif /* SVR4 systems should use rather than . */ #if defined (USGr4) #define _POSIX_VERSION #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif