/* signals.c -- signal handling support for readline. */

/* Copyright (C) 1987-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This file is part of the GNU Readline Library (Readline), a library
   for reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.      

   Readline is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   Readline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with Readline.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>		/* Just for NULL.  Yuck. */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>

#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
#  include <unistd.h>
#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */

/* System-specific feature definitions and include files. */
#include "rldefs.h"

#if defined (GWINSZ_IN_SYS_IOCTL)
#  include <sys/ioctl.h>
#endif /* GWINSZ_IN_SYS_IOCTL */

/* Some standard library routines. */
#include "readline.h"
#include "history.h"

#include "rlprivate.h"

#if defined (HANDLE_SIGNALS)

#if !defined (RETSIGTYPE)
#  if defined (VOID_SIGHANDLER)
#    define RETSIGTYPE void
#  else
#    define RETSIGTYPE int
#  endif /* !VOID_SIGHANDLER */
#endif /* !RETSIGTYPE */

#if defined (VOID_SIGHANDLER)
#  define SIGHANDLER_RETURN return
#  define SIGHANDLER_RETURN return (0)

/* This typedef is equivalent to the one for Function; it allows us
   to say SigHandler *foo = signal (SIGKILL, SIG_IGN); */
typedef RETSIGTYPE SigHandler ();

#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
typedef struct sigaction sighandler_cxt;
#  define rl_sigaction(s, nh, oh)	sigaction(s, nh, oh)
typedef struct { SigHandler *sa_handler; int sa_mask, sa_flags; } sighandler_cxt;
#  define sigemptyset(m)
#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */

#ifndef SA_RESTART
#  define SA_RESTART 0

static SigHandler *rl_set_sighandler PARAMS((int, SigHandler *, sighandler_cxt *));
static void rl_maybe_set_sighandler PARAMS((int, SigHandler *, sighandler_cxt *));

static RETSIGTYPE rl_signal_handler PARAMS((int));
static RETSIGTYPE _rl_handle_signal PARAMS((int));
/* Exported variables for use by applications. */

/* If non-zero, readline will install its own signal handlers for
int rl_catch_signals = 1;

/* If non-zero, readline will install a signal handler for SIGWINCH. */
int rl_catch_sigwinch = 1;
int rl_catch_sigwinch = 0;	/* for the readline state struct in readline.c */

/* Private variables. */
int _rl_interrupt_immediately = 0;
int volatile _rl_caught_signal = 0;	/* should be sig_atomic_t, but that requires including <signal.h> everywhere */

/* If non-zero, print characters corresponding to received signals as long as
   the user has indicated his desire to do so (_rl_echo_control_chars). */
int _rl_echoctl = 0;

int _rl_intr_char = 0;
int _rl_quit_char = 0;
int _rl_susp_char = 0;

static int signals_set_flag;
static int sigwinch_set_flag;

/* **************************************************************** */
/*					        		    */
/*			   Signal Handling                          */
/*								    */
/* **************************************************************** */

static sighandler_cxt old_int, old_term, old_alrm, old_quit;
#if defined (SIGTSTP)
static sighandler_cxt old_tstp, old_ttou, old_ttin;
#if defined (SIGWINCH)
static sighandler_cxt old_winch;

/* Readline signal handler functions. */

/* Called from RL_CHECK_SIGNALS() macro */
_rl_signal_handler (sig)
     int sig;
  _rl_caught_signal = 0;	/* XXX */

  _rl_handle_signal (sig);

rl_signal_handler (sig)
     int sig;
  if (_rl_interrupt_immediately || RL_ISSTATE(RL_STATE_CALLBACK))
      _rl_interrupt_immediately = 0;
      _rl_handle_signal (sig);
    _rl_caught_signal = sig;


_rl_handle_signal (sig)
     int sig;
#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
  sigset_t set;
#  if defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS)
  long omask;
#  else /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
  sighandler_cxt dummy_cxt;	/* needed for rl_set_sighandler call */
#  endif /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */


#if !defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS) && !defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
  /* Since the signal will not be blocked while we are in the signal
     handler, ignore it until rl_clear_signals resets the catcher. */
#  if defined (SIGALRM)
  if (sig == SIGINT || sig == SIGALRM)
#  else
  if (sig == SIGINT)
#  endif
    rl_set_sighandler (sig, SIG_IGN, &dummy_cxt);

  switch (sig)
    case SIGINT:
      _rl_reset_completion_state ();
      rl_free_line_state ();
      /* FALLTHROUGH */

    case SIGTERM:
#if defined (SIGTSTP)
    case SIGTSTP:
    case SIGTTOU:
    case SIGTTIN:
#endif /* SIGTSTP */
#if defined (SIGALRM)
    case SIGALRM:
#if defined (SIGQUIT)
    case SIGQUIT:
      rl_echo_signal_char (sig);
      rl_cleanup_after_signal ();

#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
      sigemptyset (&set);
      sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, (sigset_t *)NULL, &set);
      sigdelset (&set, sig);
#  if defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS)
      omask = sigblock (0);
#  endif /* HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */

#if defined (__EMX__)
      signal (sig, SIG_ACK);

#if defined (HAVE_KILL)
      kill (getpid (), sig);
      raise (sig);		/* assume we have raise */

      /* Let the signal that we just sent through.  */
#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
      sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &set, (sigset_t *)NULL);
#  if defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS)
      sigsetmask (omask & ~(sigmask (sig)));
#  endif /* HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */

      rl_reset_after_signal ();


#if defined (SIGWINCH)
rl_sigwinch_handler (sig)
     int sig;
  SigHandler *oh;

  sighandler_cxt dummy_winch;

  /* We don't want to change old_winch -- it holds the state of SIGWINCH
     disposition set by the calling application.  We need this state
     because we call the application's SIGWINCH handler after updating
     our own idea of the screen size. */
  rl_set_sighandler (SIGWINCH, rl_sigwinch_handler, &dummy_winch);

  rl_resize_terminal ();

  /* If another sigwinch handler has been installed, call it. */
  oh = (SigHandler *)old_winch.sa_handler;
  if (oh &&  oh != (SigHandler *)SIG_IGN && oh != (SigHandler *)SIG_DFL)
    (*oh) (sig);

#endif  /* SIGWINCH */

/* Functions to manage signal handling. */

#if !defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
static int
rl_sigaction (sig, nh, oh)
     int sig;
     sighandler_cxt *nh, *oh;
  oh->sa_handler = signal (sig, nh->sa_handler);
  return 0;
#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */

/* Set up a readline-specific signal handler, saving the old signal
   information in OHANDLER.  Return the old signal handler, like
   signal(). */
static SigHandler *
rl_set_sighandler (sig, handler, ohandler)
     int sig;
     SigHandler *handler;
     sighandler_cxt *ohandler;
  sighandler_cxt old_handler;
#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
  struct sigaction act;

  act.sa_handler = handler;
#  if defined (SIGWINCH)
  act.sa_flags = (sig == SIGWINCH) ? SA_RESTART : 0;
#  else
  act.sa_flags = 0;
#  endif /* SIGWINCH */
  sigemptyset (&act.sa_mask);
  sigemptyset (&ohandler->sa_mask);
  sigaction (sig, &act, &old_handler);
  old_handler.sa_handler = (SigHandler *)signal (sig, handler);
#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */

  /* XXX -- assume we have memcpy */
  /* If rl_set_signals is called twice in a row, don't set the old handler to
     rl_signal_handler, because that would cause infinite recursion. */
  if (handler != rl_signal_handler || old_handler.sa_handler != rl_signal_handler)
    memcpy (ohandler, &old_handler, sizeof (sighandler_cxt));

  return (ohandler->sa_handler);

static void
rl_maybe_set_sighandler (sig, handler, ohandler)
     int sig;
     SigHandler *handler;
     sighandler_cxt *ohandler;
  sighandler_cxt dummy;
  SigHandler *oh;

  sigemptyset (&dummy.sa_mask);
  oh = rl_set_sighandler (sig, handler, ohandler);
  if (oh == (SigHandler *)SIG_IGN)
    rl_sigaction (sig, ohandler, &dummy);

rl_set_signals ()
  sighandler_cxt dummy;
  SigHandler *oh;
#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
  static int sigmask_set = 0;
  static sigset_t bset, oset;

#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
  if (rl_catch_signals && sigmask_set == 0)
      sigemptyset (&bset);

      sigaddset (&bset, SIGINT);
      sigaddset (&bset, SIGTERM);
#if defined (SIGQUIT)
      sigaddset (&bset, SIGQUIT);
#if defined (SIGALRM)
      sigaddset (&bset, SIGALRM);
#if defined (SIGTSTP)
      sigaddset (&bset, SIGTSTP);
#if defined (SIGTTIN)
      sigaddset (&bset, SIGTTIN);
#if defined (SIGTTOU)
      sigaddset (&bset, SIGTTOU);
      sigmask_set = 1;

  if (rl_catch_signals && signals_set_flag == 0)
#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
      sigemptyset (&oset);
      sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &bset, &oset);

      rl_maybe_set_sighandler (SIGINT, rl_signal_handler, &old_int);
      rl_maybe_set_sighandler (SIGTERM, rl_signal_handler, &old_term);
#if defined (SIGQUIT)
      rl_maybe_set_sighandler (SIGQUIT, rl_signal_handler, &old_quit);

#if defined (SIGALRM)
      oh = rl_set_sighandler (SIGALRM, rl_signal_handler, &old_alrm);
      if (oh == (SigHandler *)SIG_IGN)
	rl_sigaction (SIGALRM, &old_alrm, &dummy);
#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS) && defined (SA_RESTART)
      /* If the application using readline has already installed a signal
	 handler with SA_RESTART, SIGALRM will cause reads to be restarted
	 automatically, so readline should just get out of the way.  Since
	 we tested for SIG_IGN above, we can just test for SIG_DFL here. */
      if (oh != (SigHandler *)SIG_DFL && (old_alrm.sa_flags & SA_RESTART))
	rl_sigaction (SIGALRM, &old_alrm, &dummy);
#endif /* SIGALRM */

#if defined (SIGTSTP)
      rl_maybe_set_sighandler (SIGTSTP, rl_signal_handler, &old_tstp);
#endif /* SIGTSTP */

#if defined (SIGTTOU)
      rl_maybe_set_sighandler (SIGTTOU, rl_signal_handler, &old_ttou);
#endif /* SIGTTOU */

#if defined (SIGTTIN)
      rl_maybe_set_sighandler (SIGTTIN, rl_signal_handler, &old_ttin);
#endif /* SIGTTIN */

      signals_set_flag = 1;

#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
      sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &oset, (sigset_t *)NULL);

#if defined (SIGWINCH)
  if (rl_catch_sigwinch && sigwinch_set_flag == 0)
      rl_maybe_set_sighandler (SIGWINCH, rl_sigwinch_handler, &old_winch);
      sigwinch_set_flag = 1;
#endif /* SIGWINCH */

  return 0;

rl_clear_signals ()
  sighandler_cxt dummy;

  if (rl_catch_signals && signals_set_flag == 1)
      sigemptyset (&dummy.sa_mask);

      rl_sigaction (SIGINT, &old_int, &dummy);
      rl_sigaction (SIGTERM, &old_term, &dummy);
#if defined (SIGQUIT)
      rl_sigaction (SIGQUIT, &old_quit, &dummy);
#if defined (SIGALRM)
      rl_sigaction (SIGALRM, &old_alrm, &dummy);

#if defined (SIGTSTP)
      rl_sigaction (SIGTSTP, &old_tstp, &dummy);
#endif /* SIGTSTP */

#if defined (SIGTTOU)
      rl_sigaction (SIGTTOU, &old_ttou, &dummy);
#endif /* SIGTTOU */

#if defined (SIGTTIN)
      rl_sigaction (SIGTTIN, &old_ttin, &dummy);
#endif /* SIGTTIN */

      signals_set_flag = 0;

#if defined (SIGWINCH)
  if (rl_catch_sigwinch && sigwinch_set_flag == 1)
      sigemptyset (&dummy.sa_mask);
      rl_sigaction (SIGWINCH, &old_winch, &dummy);
      sigwinch_set_flag = 0;

  return 0;

/* Clean up the terminal and readline state after catching a signal, before
   resending it to the calling application. */
rl_cleanup_after_signal ()
  _rl_clean_up_for_exit ();
  if (rl_deprep_term_function)
    (*rl_deprep_term_function) ();
  rl_clear_pending_input ();
  rl_clear_signals ();

/* Reset the terminal and readline state after a signal handler returns. */
rl_reset_after_signal ()
  if (rl_prep_term_function)
    (*rl_prep_term_function) (_rl_meta_flag);
  rl_set_signals ();

/* Free up the readline variable line state for the current line (undo list,
   any partial history entry, any keyboard macros in progress, and any
   numeric arguments in process) after catching a signal, before calling
   rl_cleanup_after_signal(). */ 
rl_free_line_state ()
  register HIST_ENTRY *entry;

  rl_free_undo_list ();

  entry = current_history ();
  if (entry)
    entry->data = (char *)NULL;

  _rl_kill_kbd_macro ();
  rl_clear_message ();
  _rl_reset_argument ();

#endif  /* HANDLE_SIGNALS */

/* **************************************************************** */
/*								    */
/*			   SIGINT Management			    */
/*								    */
/* **************************************************************** */

#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
static sigset_t sigint_set, sigint_oset;
static sigset_t sigwinch_set, sigwinch_oset;
#  if defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS)
static int sigint_oldmask;
static int sigwinch_oldmask;
#  endif /* HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */

static int sigint_blocked;
static int sigwinch_blocked;

/* Cause SIGINT to not be delivered until the corresponding call to
   release_sigint(). */
_rl_block_sigint ()
  if (sigint_blocked)

#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
  sigemptyset (&sigint_set);
  sigemptyset (&sigint_oset);
  sigaddset (&sigint_set, SIGINT);
  sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &sigint_set, &sigint_oset);
#  if defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS)
  sigint_oldmask = sigblock (sigmask (SIGINT));
#  else /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
#    if defined (HAVE_USG_SIGHOLD)
  sighold (SIGINT);
#    endif /* HAVE_USG_SIGHOLD */
#  endif /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */

  sigint_blocked = 1;

/* Allow SIGINT to be delivered. */
_rl_release_sigint ()
  if (sigint_blocked == 0)

#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
  sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &sigint_oset, (sigset_t *)NULL);
#  if defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS)
  sigsetmask (sigint_oldmask);
#  else /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
#    if defined (HAVE_USG_SIGHOLD)
  sigrelse (SIGINT);
#    endif /* HAVE_USG_SIGHOLD */
#  endif /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */

  sigint_blocked = 0;

/* Cause SIGWINCH to not be delivered until the corresponding call to
   release_sigwinch(). */
_rl_block_sigwinch ()
  if (sigwinch_blocked)

#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
  sigemptyset (&sigwinch_set);
  sigemptyset (&sigwinch_oset);
  sigaddset (&sigwinch_set, SIGWINCH);
  sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &sigwinch_set, &sigwinch_oset);
#  if defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS)
  sigwinch_oldmask = sigblock (sigmask (SIGWINCH));
#  else /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
#    if defined (HAVE_USG_SIGHOLD)
  sighold (SIGWINCH);
#    endif /* HAVE_USG_SIGHOLD */
#  endif /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */

  sigwinch_blocked = 1;

/* Allow SIGWINCH to be delivered. */
_rl_release_sigwinch ()
  if (sigwinch_blocked == 0)

#if defined (HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS)
  sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &sigwinch_oset, (sigset_t *)NULL);
#  if defined (HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS)
  sigsetmask (sigwinch_oldmask);
#  else /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
#    if defined (HAVE_USG_SIGHOLD)
  sigrelse (SIGWINCH);
#    endif /* HAVE_USG_SIGHOLD */
#  endif /* !HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */
#endif /* !HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS */

  sigwinch_blocked = 0;
#endif /* SIGWINCH */

/* **************************************************************** */
/*								    */
/*		Echoing special control characters		    */
/*								    */
/* **************************************************************** */
rl_echo_signal_char (sig)
     int sig;
  char cstr[3];
  int cslen, c;

  if (_rl_echoctl == 0 || _rl_echo_control_chars == 0)

  switch (sig)
    case SIGINT:  c = _rl_intr_char; break;
#if defined (SIGQUIT)
    case SIGQUIT: c = _rl_quit_char; break;
#if defined (SIGTSTP)
    case SIGTSTP: c = _rl_susp_char; break;
    default: return;

  if (CTRL_CHAR (c) || c == RUBOUT)
      cstr[0] = '^';
      cstr[1] = CTRL_CHAR (c) ? UNCTRL (c) : '?';
      cstr[cslen = 2] = '\0';
      cstr[0] = c;
      cstr[cslen = 1] = '\0';

  _rl_output_some_chars (cstr, cslen);